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Glory to God! Ministries

Becoming love.

Our primary destiny is to become love, to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ in character, words and deeds. To become a full grown male or female son of God.

Our secondary destiny is to fulfill our ministry in the body of Christ on the earth. It does not mean the five-fold ministry, unless of course you are called into it, but your function to participate in the functions of the local church and in the services to help increase the atmosphere of the Presence of God in the service, and to draw the anointing from the Speaker, to hear what God is saying to you through Him or Her.

It also involves your redemptive gifts, and your influence in society. And finally to rule and reign with Jesus Christ over the heavens and the earth, as He counts you faithful to your secondary calling.

This ministry is dedicated to helping you fulfill your destiny.

My website is set up in CATEGORIES to help you find the word from God that you need. If you have any questions, please contact me.

This ministry is also set up to help those in leadership to minister a living word to the members of their church, or those they minister to, so feel free to use the material to make outlines for your sermons, messages, podcasts, or video’s. Just make sure you check the first post of a category, because a few of these categories are messages from other ministries and they are copy righted, although I edit them, and expand on them. When you are dealing with copy righted material, you can only use one sentence in a paragraph, as far as civil laws are concerned, otherwise you are supposed to contact the publisher. But I do not believe in copy righting a living word from God.

My messages are subject to change, because my revelation of the truth is constantly expanding, through personal encounters with God.

This is my bible school website, so some of the messages will be contradictory, because the ones I wrote years ago, I have left up on the Website.

Lee Jensen– (

I am a faith ministry, I teach the word of God free of charge, and trust God to meet my needs, I do this day and night. So any donation I receive is a blessing to me, even a dollar. Thank you, and the LORD WILL multiply your gift back to you, when you give out of a cheerful heart, more will be given back to you, to help others- it is a spiritual law just as real as the natural law of gravity. If anyone would like to help , I appreciate it. Thank you and God bless you!

My name is Lee Jensen. My phone number is 210-238-5431. My address is 231 Noblewood Dr. Apt 1101 San Antonio, Texas 78220

Feel free to call or message me anytime.


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