Evan Roberts

Lived from 1878 to 195. At the age of 20, Roberts had a prophetic vision that changed his life. In it, he saw the moon, full and bright, with an arm stretching from it into Wales. Immediately, he knew that God was able to touch his country, bringing 100,000 people to the faith. It wasn’t… Continue reading Evan Roberts

Martin Luther

Lived: 1483 to 1546. The man who changed church history forever spent hours meditating on a particular piece of scripture. It is clear from his own words that God spoke to him through it: As I meditated day and night on the words as it is written, the righteous person shall live by faith, I… Continue reading Martin Luther

Saint Cuthbert

Lived 635to 687. Cuthbert was 15 years old when his life changed forever. While out tending sheep on a hill in Northumbria, he had a vision. As he described it: me thought I saw a dazzling radiance shine suddenly out of the darkness, and in the midst of this streaming light a choir of angels… Continue reading Saint Cuthbert

Saint Augustine of hippo

Lived: 354 to 4:30 Few have done more to shape Christian theology and thought than Saint Augustine. Born to be a Pagan father and devoutly Christian mother, Augustine struggled throughout his earthly life to find the one true path. The Wilder he lived, the less contentment he found. His mother, Monica, prayed diligently for her… Continue reading Saint Augustine of hippo

King Oswald

Lived: 605to 643 Oswald, born in Northumbria, the northeastern corner of England, spent 17 years on the Isle of Iona, learning to be a monk. When his uncle, king Edwin, died the murderous Cadwallan seized the throne and tormented Oswalds people. So, the good Prince returned, with his older brother Eanfrid, to rid Northumbria of… Continue reading King Oswald

Saint Brigid

lived: 450 to 523. Renowned for her generosity and hospitality, this Irish Saint was also wonderfully prophetic. And a prophecy eerily similar to one given by her contemporary, Saint Patrick, she foretold the ministry of Saint Columba, even giving the saints Irish name and mother’s identity: the man-child of longsided Ethne, as a sage he… Continue reading Saint Brigid

Saint Patrick

lived: 387 to 461 Ireland’s patron Saint was actually English; as a young boy, he was taken as a slave to Ireland. Years later, he escaped back to his homeland, but God had other plans for him. One night, Patrick saw a vision of a man, whose name was Victoricus, coming as it was from… Continue reading Saint Patrick

Saint Aidan

lived: 600 to 651 When king Oslo sent for help to evangelize his Kingdom in 635 AD, Aidan answered the call. He traveled across Britain and set up a community on the holy island of Lindisfarne. Aidan loved the Northumbrian people, walking all over northern England, preaching the gospel, and healing the sick. As the… Continue reading Saint Aidan

Saint Columba

Lived: 521 to 597 Banished from Ireland for his role in starting a war, Columba sailed to the Scottish island of Iona and set up a mission there. The Scots loved him and quickly adopted him as their own. He was a gifted teacher, healer, and prophet. The Holy Spirit would make the Saint sound… Continue reading Saint Columba

Smith Wigglesworth

Lived: 1859 to 1947 Few evangelists have pushed the kind of religious buttons Smith Wigglesworth pushed. His methods seem bizarre, but the fruits of his life and ministry are profound. Wigglesworth’s wife, Polly, was a powerful preacher, but Smith was painfully shy. He hated to speak in public, until the day the Holy Spirit got… Continue reading Smith Wigglesworth

Maria Woodworth Etter

Lived: 1844 to 1924 Maria Woodworth Etter was barely a teenager when God spoke to her: I heard the voice of Jesus calling me to go out in the highways and hedges and gather in the lost sheep. Still, Maria married a man who did not believe in women in ministry. Five of their six… Continue reading Maria Woodworth Etter

Kathryn Kuhlman

Lived: 1907 to 1976 Separated from her husband, and having just lost her ministry, Kathryn Kulman was desperate for God in the mid-1940s. After praying for several days, she was touched by the Holy Spirit: 4:00 o’ clock that Saturday afternoon, having come to the place in my life where I surrendered everything, I knew… Continue reading Kathryn Kuhlman

John G Lake

Lived: 1870 to 1935 Surrounded by death and illness all his life (eight of his fifteen siblings died young), lake was desperate for God to heal. In the 1890s, Lake heard about John Dowie’s healing rooms, and took his brother to one: the man was healed. Later, he took his sister, who suffered from cancer… Continue reading John G Lake

Aimee semple McPherson

Lived: 1891 to 1944. Born in rural Canada, Amy accepted Christ at age 17 in a revival meeting led by Robert Semple. Months later, she married Semple and traveled with him to China to spread the gospel there. Upon their arrival in Hong Kong, however, both contracted Malaria. Aimee was a few months pregnant when… Continue reading Aimee semple McPherson

Saint Joan of Arc

lived: 1412 to 1431. With her country under siege, God visited Joan, a young farm girl in rural France, with a series of prophetic messages. Shortly after her 13th birthday, Joan spent a day fasting and praying. During that fast, God spoke to her: when I was about 13, I received revelation from our Lord… Continue reading Saint Joan of Arc

Saint Martin of tours

lived: 316 to 397. Martin was a young soldier when he came across a beggar at the gate of the city of Amiens, France. Gripped by compassion for the poor, freezing man, Martin tore his own cloak in two and handed a part of it to the man. That night, Martin had a vision of… Continue reading Saint Martin of tours

Saint Francis of Assisi

lived: 1182 TO 1226 Born the son of a wealthy merchant, Francis turned his back on his former life when he heard God tell him to go, Francis, and repair my house, which as you see is falling into ruin. Francis followed this revelation and worked to fix a rundown local church. Despite being mocked… Continue reading Saint Francis of Assisi