If you do before you get it, what you would do if you had it, you will be sure to get it!

Abraham believed in his inheritance and went out to find it, not knowing where he was going-Hebrews 11: 8. Sarah believed that God was faithful and received the ability to conceive, beyond her physical ability to reproduce. Joshua believed the prophecy about Jericho ‘s walls falling down and by faith marched around it in obedience… Continue reading If you do before you get it, what you would do if you had it, you will be sure to get it!

The end of false guilt

We don’t know what to do with this awful feeling of guilt, when a demonic assault is hitting… We try and find out what we did wrong. It is so haunting and depressing we recognize it as oppression. You do nothing to open the door to it. Sometimes you are into it before you realize… Continue reading The end of false guilt

The drawn sword-you get the point

After many years of walking with the Lord together and hearing His truths, we are being confronted with the realization that now we will either obtain what we came into this for, or we will not! If we are going to obtain it, it will require drastic measures on all of our part, because the… Continue reading The drawn sword-you get the point

Mind control? Heart control!

Second Corinthians chapter 10 shows us the purpose of the ministry of deliverance and the purpose of authority that comes to the ministers whom God raises up. We need to understand the purpose and function of His ministers and what He is trying to do through them. One of the most audacious statements of authority… Continue reading Mind control? Heart control!