Favor with God

Favor starts with becoming a son and daughter of God, and favor grows with wise decisions, walking in humility, seeking God and activating faith. The Difference Between Grace and Favor Grace is a Gift that comes UPON us: LUKE 2:40 AND THE CHILD GREW AND BECAME STRONG IN SPIRIT, FILLED WITH WISDOM; AND THE GRACE… Continue reading Favor with God

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Covenant Atonement

The preaching of covenantal and victorious atonement is central to our success in preaching. So, if we can understand the theology behind this, it will produce great fruitfulness if you allow God’s Word to become alive within you and written on your heart. How does atonement bring in the new covenant? The Hebrew for Atonement… Continue reading Covenant Atonement

God did not forsake Jesus

This message will teach you that God did not forsake Jesus on the cross. Most teachers talk about how God turned His back on Jesus whilst Jesus hung on the cross, quoting, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me” as proof. However, this comes from not realizing the Jewish culture of the time.… Continue reading God did not forsake Jesus

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Rejected or accepted?

Read this message with the expectation that it will change you and open a new level of relationship for you that you have never experienced before. If you have difficulty relating to others because you feel rejected by them, this Word will reveal an important truth based on a familiar chapter of Scripture, Isaiah 53.… Continue reading Rejected or accepted?