The Kingdom comes to mambia

Alan and Elaine arrived in mambia India, in march 1963. This city, formally called bombay had a population of about 5 million people. It now has a population around 18,000,000. Alan and Elaine went as missionaries. Alan was to work in a technical capacity with gospel liberature service. His task was to develop a modern,… Continue reading The Kingdom comes to mambia

Goodwill towards men

Luke 2:7–14 And [Mary] brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of… Continue reading Goodwill towards men

Categorized as Peace

The seed of the woman

YOU MUST READ THIS TO UNDERSTAND THE CENTRAL THEME OF THE BIBLE. First prophetic word- Gen 3: 15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. God said-from Eve’s seed or genealogy would come forth… Continue reading The seed of the woman

Categorized as End times


Did you know that God is always speaking? If you didn’t know that, you’re probably not hearing Him speak to you very well. It’s one of the reasons you’re facing some of the challenges in life. But if you could hear God clearly, it would not only get you out of problems, but it would… Continue reading HEARING GODS VOICE

Categorized as Hearing God

Recording prophecy

Recording prophecy is an important discipline to get into. A large percentage of scripture is recorded prophecy, written down as it was delivered. The priesthood had secretaries, the army had recorders who faithfully wrote accounts of orders and battles, and kings and prophets had scribes working with them as normal practice. The New Testament continued… Continue reading Recording prophecy

The power of the imagination

Do you struggle to receive God’s best for your life? Has the Lord called you to do something big, but you just can’t see it for yourself? If you have trouble believing what God says about you, it’s a problem in your imagination. One of the major things that changed my life was that I… Continue reading The power of the imagination

Categorized as Imagination

Deal with frustration

Frustration can be an enemy or an ally of any prophetic ministry. If left unchecked, it colors our thinking, and infects the word we have, and gives us a skeptical perspective on the life of the church. If we are to represent God’s heart and be good servants, we must learn to master our frustration.… Continue reading Deal with frustration

Peace not pressure

Prophecy is 80% preparation, 20% inspiration, 100% perspiration, and 1000% trepidation. Often, the main cause of failure in the prophetic is that we have moved under pressure rather than in peace and relaxation in the knowledge of God. I accept some pressure as part of my ministry, but there is no way I can live… Continue reading Peace not pressure

Discernment and direction

My confidence in the love of God colors the way I prophesy. Thank the Lord it does! Sometimes when we pray for our person, we can be given the gift of discerning spirits, along with our prophetic intuition. Primarily, discernment enables us to detect and witness God at work. however, it can also enable us… Continue reading Discernment and direction

Grace breaks our hearts

The grace of God will keep flowing into our lives most of the time. There isn’t any person in any church, anywhere to whom God doesn’t want you reveal his incredible kindness. Many Christians have given up on the kindness of God; our experiences with others have been so bad that we can’t help but… Continue reading Grace breaks our hearts

Revelation Knowledge

One of the most needed things among the body of Christ today is revelation knowledge of the Word of God. To understand what revelation knowledge is and how to get it functional in your life, you have to know at least some of the basics about your spirit, soul, and body. Your spirit is the… Continue reading Revelation Knowledge

Categorized as Revelation

Diagnosis verses prognosis

In prophecy when we receive a sense of objective, we then begin to focus in on what God wants to say to that individual. Often, the first thing we receive is diagnostic. A significant difference exists between a prophetic diagnosis and a prophetic prognosis. A diagnosis is the process of determining the nature and cause… Continue reading Diagnosis verses prognosis

How prophecy starts

In prophecy, the first thing we need to receive is a sense of burden. When we give ourselves fully to God’s love and grace, our hearts are tuned to the same wavelength as God’s. We inherit a sense of ownership for the church community he has placed us in, and, out of the burden, God… Continue reading How prophecy starts

Grace growers

It’s not easy to love everyone, but it is the call on every prophets life. To test us in this, God deliberately puts people around us who are meant to be loved by us. Oftentimes, we will have to be very creative to love them; some of them, by design, are not easy to love.… Continue reading Grace growers

Speaking to potential

God always speaks to our potential. In Luke 19, we read that Zacchaeus, a much-loathed tax collector, was up in a tree trying to see Christ. He was an obnoxious person who had defrauded most of the community. Some say he may have been up the tree because he couldn’t see over the crowd, but… Continue reading Speaking to potential

Our perception of God

What we think about God is the single most important thing in our lives. Whatever we perceive God’s nature to be will color how we live spiritually, physically, emotionally, and relationally. It is unavoidable. For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19: 10). Our testimony of who Jesus is for us… Continue reading Our perception of God

Jesus is the model of grace

Jesus was full of grace and truth, and the perfect example for Christians to follow. Prophecy and grace must come together in our lives as they did in his. Philippians 4: 8- finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever… Continue reading Jesus is the model of grace

Prophecy and grace

Jesus became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in him. Therefore, the judgment of death came upon him, so that the fullness of his life might come upon us. Romans 8: 31 what then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He… Continue reading Prophecy and grace

Old turns new

In 1 Corinthians 12-14, the apostle Paul teaches us how to use the vocal gifts. Three passages are particularly important to this study. 1 Corinthians 12: 8 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit,… Continue reading Old turns new

The exercise of prophesy

God is in the business of developing prophetic companies around the world. I believe he is more interested in creating these prophetic communities than he is in breeding a new generation of prophetic superstars. His heart is to bring the whole body of Christ under a prophetic canopy. To live in Christ is to live… Continue reading The exercise of prophesy

The heart of prophesy

Joel 2: 28 and it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophecy, your old man shall dream dreams, your young man shall see visions. And also on my menservants and my maid servants I will pour out my Spirit in… Continue reading The heart of prophesy

In Christ

What does it mean to be in Christ? It is speaking of a positional and experiential relationship that goes way beyond the relationships that we have with people in the natural world. When we receive Jesus as our savior where our spirit becomes alive to him, we are co-crucified, we are co-buried and co-resurrected and… Continue reading In Christ

Categorized as Identity

Misrepresenting the Kingdom

The role of the church in the world is to proclaim a radiant awareness of God’s nature and a radiant awareness of the Kingdom of heaven coming to the earth. We represent all that is wonderful about the person of God and his willingness to forgive, redeem and restore. Our very lives are a description… Continue reading Misrepresenting the Kingdom