
Do not ignore the negative, learn how to use it! We have a creative spirit within that knows how to take advantage of every situation and circumstance. One of God’s prime development tools is teaching us how to move in the opposite spirit. The teachings of Jesus known as the beatitudes are a prime example… Continue reading Persecution

Babies-blame yourself!

Traditional churches have a way of covering over the immoralities and indiscretions in their midst; however, on the Kingdom level this is not possible. As we break into the Kingdom, we find that there will be a greater exposure of the things in our lives that are wrong and could cause offense. The religious world… Continue reading Babies-blame yourself!

What happened to the truth

The basic and most disturbing problem of the end time is the demonic intent to deceive people and then to lock them into that deception. Much of the warfare we face involves the assault by demons of deception, as false prophets and false Christs arise and persecutions mount up against us. Already, the persecutions have… Continue reading What happened to the truth