It’s time!

Now is the accepted time. Today’s the day. We are learning to be present in the moment in Christ. This results in that we are up to date with regard to his current purpose. Paul statement of focus was this: this one thing I do. Forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies… Continue reading It’s time!

There is always enough light

The point of darkness is to release the light. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it-John 1: 5. The darkness cannot stop something it cannot understand. You cannot penetrate something that is unfathomable. The enemy is destined to misunderstand God’s ultimate purpose. If he had known the purpose of… Continue reading There is always enough light

Impossibility thinking

People always want to talk about the odds against something happening. They will have the opinion that declares something is 90% improbable. The mind of Christ declares then a 10% chance of success is good enough to launch something as an idea, what is impossible with men is possible with God Luke 18: 27. As… Continue reading Impossibility thinking

Death 2

By Mike Parsons We are looking at what happens to people after they die. Looking it at it from a biblical perspective. hell is not a biblical word. Eternal conscious torment is also a doctrine which was created by religion, often to cause people to fear. If you look at the Bible and look at… Continue reading Death 2

Categorized as Hell

Proclamation on the level you are at, is the key to the next level

In the spirit we must talk our way into everything. We must speak out loud the word of God. What we believe must be spoken aloud into the atmosphere of our circumstances. We speak from the inner man of the spirit into the outer world of our life situation. Faith comes by hearing and confession.… Continue reading Proclamation on the level you are at, is the key to the next level

To practice your delight, you must first turn it all on Jesus

There are no disciplines in heaven. No one is standing around the throne, looking at their watch and gritting their teeth to get through the discipline of worship. In Christ we make his passions our own with the help of the incomparable Holy Spirit. In Christ all our disciplines must become delights. Life in the… Continue reading To practice your delight, you must first turn it all on Jesus


The joy of always getting your prayers answered. The time has come for a new way of prayer. Paradoxically, this new method is an ancient way of prayer, one in which God’s faithful servants like David and Paul succeeded. I have tried all kinds of ways of praying, even ascending into the courts of heaven.… Continue reading SKILLED PRAYER

Categorized as Prayer

Lifestyle of faith

 We are to enter into an ever-expanding lifestyle of faith. We thank the Lord for all that He is providing of Himself to us. That He doesn’t just give us things, He always give us Himself. Christ being birthed in us is the hope of glory. Christ in us, glorifying us. The Lord put us… Continue reading Lifestyle of faith

Categorized as Faith