Staying Full of God

Do you ever feel like you and God have drifted apart and that the love and joy you once experienced with Him has faded? If you do, you’re not alone. Most Christians feel like the experiences they have with God diminish over time and that they need another touch. But that is not what the Bible teaches.… Continue reading Staying Full of God

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Holy Spirit baptism

In this message we are going to learn about the baptism in the Holy Spirit. We need to understand how we can move in power, so we first need to understand how Jesus moved in power as the Son of Man. We can now learn how, like Jesus, to move in the power of God.… Continue reading Holy Spirit baptism

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Fullness now

SIN CONSCIOUSNESS The problem with the church of Jesus Christ is that they are sin conscious because their minds have never been renewed, because they have never really heard the gospel. The word gospel means good news. News that is so good, that the carnal mind cannot believe it is true. God is not sin… Continue reading Fullness now

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Being Filled with Holy Spirit

This message is looking at being filled with Holy Spirit, and how to maintain it. We will find that the infilling with Holy Spirit is not the same as baptism in the Holy Spirit. I believe that the Holy Spirit baptism is for today, with demonstrations of power through healings, miracles, signs and wonders. In… Continue reading Being Filled with Holy Spirit

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Give God His voice

I present this Word with fear and trembling. While the Scriptures to be presented are familiar, and the truths that will be brought forth have previously been touched upon, this teaching remains one of the most revolutionary truths ever to come forth in the Living Word. It is revolutionary inasmuch as it can lead us… Continue reading Give God His voice

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Half empty or half full?

We desire not only the scriptural teaching, but a very practical application of it to our lives. The result is that changes really take place. It is one thing for a baby to be born into this world; it is another thing for him to start breathing. Sometimes the baby is a little slow to… Continue reading Half empty or half full?

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In motion

Do you want to learn the way to end periods of discouragement? It is also the way to move into the fullness of the Lord. For some time I have known that there is a connection between encouragement and activity; the people who are the most depressed are probably those who are the most idle.… Continue reading In motion

If we thirst

In this hour, God does not need people to just quote Him; He needs a mouthpiece to speak His word. Amos prophesied concerning the time in which we are now living: “Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord God, “when I will send a famine on the land, not a famine for bread or a… Continue reading If we thirst

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Lord, make me oveflow

To a Communist it is not enough to read Karl Marx; he is not satisfied until he knows how to make a Molotov cocktail. In this walk it is not enough that you have a few vague illusions about the restoration, the Church, and the Kingdom, and the basic changes; you must be prepared to… Continue reading Lord, make me oveflow

The Mirage

The wilderness and the desert will be glad, and the Arabah (desert) will rejoice and blossom; like the crocus it will blossom profusely and rejoice with rejoicing and shout of joy. The glory of Lebanon will be given to it, the majesty of Carmel and Sharon. They will see the glory of the Lord, the… Continue reading The Mirage

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Stewards of His Fullness

Luke 19:11–27 records the parable of stewardship. And while they were listening to these things, He went on to tell a parable, because He was near Jerusalem, and they supposed that the kingdom of God was going to appear immediately. He said therefore, “A certain nobleman went to a distant country to receive a kingdom… Continue reading Stewards of His Fullness

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What is Pentecost?

The Feast of Pentecost came at the end of the wheat harvest, the sixth day of Sivan, the third month, Israel observed it in commemoration of the giving of the law. There are hidden meanings in the Feast of Pentecost, and the Lord is revealing what it really means. On the day of Pentecost the… Continue reading What is Pentecost?

The redemption of pain

All that we have inherited from Adam through our DNA, that has brought destruction into our life, shall be displaced, as the DNA of God expands within us. The enemy has lied to us for a long time about our value and worth. He has caused us to believe that our identity is the broken… Continue reading The redemption of pain

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Our identity

We have been seated with Christ in heavenly places; Jesus is no longer just an individual but a many member body. In the eternal realm we are already perfect in our spirit. But we have to see who we are in the eternal realm, so that we can bring that reality down into our lives… Continue reading Our identity


The eighth chapter of Romans teaches us that creation has been subjected to futility, but in hope, that when the sons of God come forth in their manifestation, they in turn will release creation from futility. The problem is not with creation; the problem is with the sons of God being loosed from futility. They… Continue reading Complete

What do you emanate?

The life of God flows out of heaven into our spirit, through our soul and out our body into the natural world around us. But how do we get that life flowing? The kingdom of God is in a different dimension, it is in the unseen realm of God’s Spirit. The kingdom is the realm… Continue reading What do you emanate?

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Him who fills all in all

Ephesians 1:20b–23.He raised Him from the dead, and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in the one to come. And He put all things in subjection under His… Continue reading Him who fills all in all

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Filled and delivered

Being filled with the Spirit requires an understanding of our own spirits and how to open them up to the Lord. To be born of the Spirit, we must become willing to surrender the whole of our life, for the Spirit of God to govern. It is an unconditional yes, to the lordship of Jesus… Continue reading Filled and delivered

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Filled with the Spirit

We can speak in tongues and still not be filled with the Spirit. It is through the intensity of our spirit, and our desire to be wholly indwelt by the Spirit of God and our laser focus on him in love and worship which releases His fullness within us. When we are really filled with… Continue reading Filled with the Spirit

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