Spirit building 7

we got to the last part today of and base camp and we are  discovering how we can engage the realms of God around us and in us and in the realms of heaven following two pathways pathway of relationships with intimacy with God flowing from inside us and also pathway of responsibility which leads to kingdom rulership in heaven which is later on in the journey so we looked at developing our spirit building our spirit so that we can engage with God in intimacy and we’ve seen that using tongues different ways to do two things at once by speaking in tongues and reading the word speaking in tongues meditating it is all part of that development how to discern the flow of God’s thoughts through meditating how to engage in the word of God with that also opening the eyes of our hearts that we can see with the eyes of our heart, our imagination which is the screen that God has given us so that we can engage with him in that way and he speaks to us on that screen and today we want to talk about activating the eyes of our spirit so our eyes of our heart, our soul has eyes our natural body has eyes but our spirit also has eyes and that’s what we are going to look at today and we are going to look at spiritual perception how we receive spiritual information that the veil is torn and that there are three or four different levels of spiritual engagement and there is lots of further information on the blogs and different things we’ve done in the past, you can go on to the website and look to engage with that . now when we were looking at preparation and how  we prepare for the journey this was something that we shared in that there different levels of engagement in seeing and there are people who are seers who been gifted by God called by God in who they actually are to see into the realm of the spiritual thing now they are a few people and that’s why the the bottom of the triangle and but they are supposed to equip others to see and to engage and to encourage people to engage in the gifts of the spirit because one of the gifts of the spirit is distinguishing of spirit another words how to distinguish what’s going on in the spiritual realm and that’s a spiritual gift that we can receive now that as the spirit wills but if we’re hungry it says we can earnestly desire spiritual gifts especially that we can prophesy or that we can see into that realm is one of the realms of prophecy is seeing so we will have access to the Holy Spirit so we have access to seek that gift so that we can develop being able to see but the third category there which is available for every single person we can train our senses to see because that’s our responsibility that we can train our actual spiritual physical emotional all our senses to be able to engage in all the realms around us so God is given us the capacity to see physically spiritually and heavenly but we are responsible to develop that capacity and were responsible to use the abilities that we got you don’t use anything it atrophies and part of the problem is as a race if you like we’ve not been taught to use those things so not actually been active and we need to reactivate them so that we can begin to engage in seeing these things two Corinthians 418 so we fix our eyes not on what is seen now that is what we are taught to do in the world in which we live to fix our eyes on what we see that’s why I can see you now I can know where you are and I can know all the spatial awareness because I have learned how to interpret light coming into my eyes and going as signals to my brain but we’re supposed to fix our eyes in a real sense on what is unseen because it’s really really important to understand the unseen because this realm is surrounded by the unseen realm it exists because of the unseen realm it come out of the unseen realm it is held together by that realm so if we don’t engage that realm we are going to struggle to be able to work in this realm effectively as sons of God because this realm is temporary but that eternal realm the unseen realm is eternal it was created by God first and this realm has come out of that one. So we need to use those gifts to discern in that realm and look into that realm to see or perceive if we don’t look  we are never going to see and that’s our responsibility to look Mark 818 says having eyes do you not see now that is the question we all need to ask we have natural eyes but they do not see into the unseen realm we all have spiritual eyes and ears but are they open and are they functioning, that is the question we have to ask ourselves because having eyes do you not see Jesus is saying that to all of us right now you have eyes but are you seeing so we have physical senses our heart soul has senses our spirit  has senses but we have to learn to use them. now we gone through this before so I am just going to skip through it but we know the our natural eyes receives light and interprets that in the brain on the screen and we have learned to discern that also are natural ears receive pressure waves in the air that passes information through our ear to our brain and we interpret those vibrations in the air as sounds and we have learned to do that our consciousness our thoughts are just a series of electrical impulses in the brain but we learned to interpret that so we can actually think cognitively we can think and imagine and we can engage so we have learned some of those things now our eyes and our ears have abilities to see different wavelengths of light from Hertz at one end of the scale up to nanometers at the other so there’s a different wavelengths of light and sound and that is limited but our spirit can discern wavelengths that are detectable above the level that our eyes naturally and our ears can discern but we have to  tune in and our spirit can interpret and describe what it’s receiving in those realms those are eternal realms those are the realms of the spirit in us and around us because that realm is around us right now there are angelic beings in this room right now that are un- seeable to our natural eyes unless they choose to make themselves known which they can do occasionally so everything seen and unseen is energy vibrating at specific frequencies everything including you and me and actually we are vibrating at such a frequency at the smallest time frame which is called Planck’s constant which is 1/20000 of 1 billion of a second  or a nanosecond which means that we are engaging with the realm and our atoms of our being and our particles of our atoms are going in and out of that realm at that point we just have never remembered it because it’s such a short period of time and we never remembered how to tune into it but now we can begin to experience these things and understand the spiritual realms the known universe and that known universe is contained within the realm of the spirit because God made the heavens first and then made the earth to live within that realm our bodies each organ of our bodies is vibrating at a frequency and if were sensitive to that we can see whether our bodies are in tune or out of tune with God and with itself because when an organ is vibrating at a lower frequency than it should be then there is sickness or disease and we can retune those frequencies into that alignment with that our DNA itself vibrates and has its own song which was unfortunately produced in chaos because it came from the record of mother and father and their generations but actually God wants to bring us and bring us back into a new DNA which is his DNA which has a new song it comes from our eternal record which came out of eternity in our spirit and our spirit needs to transform our soul into alignment with that destiny. our thoughts our emotions everything about us has a frequency that we can tune into but we have to tune our receivers to pick up those frequencies there are all sorts of types of wavelengths of light not all of them are tunable by everything you need a satellite dish to pick up satellite signals you need a TV aerial to pickup TV signals you need a tuner within a radio to pick up radio frequencies there different detectors that you can detect UV ultraviolet light microwaves radio waves all sorts of different forms of radiation while there is spiritual radiation if you like that we can also tune into but we have to practice Hebrews 514 solid food is for the mature who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil so we have to train our senses and that’s unfortunately doesn’t happen in an instant just as you didn’t get here in one day you taken some of the 70 year 60 years maybe 40 years going down a little bit 30 a few 20’s maybe but there are and there is one  and  one two and so we had to practice knowing everything we know right now we have to re-practice to know a different realm of seeing and engaging and that is key is knowing how to receive those vibrations those frequencies and interpret them. now our body is designed to be a receiver of vibration to capture information from the spiritual and physical realms and to interpret it so our body is an amplifier of frequency and vibration of wavelengths of electromagnetic energy and its designed through the nervous system to engage that and to understand it and to interpret it and to live in it and see it so our whole body vibrates our body is made up of basicly 86% water our brain is even more percentage of water, it is true , but in a sense it is designed that way it was originally designed that way by the way it wasn’t designed that way originally because it was designed in our spirit it was on the outside of our body our soul connected our body to our spirit and we were one being able to move in the realms of this natural earth that’s why we have a physical body but that spirit could take that and walk into the realms of heaven and walk into the spiritual realms and that’s what Adam was able to do. Adam didn’t have blood he didn’t have skin he didn’t have the same physical format as we did until the fall then God skinned him and light, that he was a light being congealed and operated as blood the heart then pumped that blood around the body that’s not how we were created and it won’t be how we re-created and God is wanting to transform us back into that reconditioned way so that we can engage the spiritual realms and walk in this realm and that realm the same so at the moment where learning to engage our spirit in the spiritual realms and some of us are engaging our soul there so when you engage in a trance and different things you go into that realm of the format of your soul but not many people have engaged their body there yet, elijiah and encoh  learned how to get their body there because they were taken and they walked there others did as well Moses engaged there, Abraham engaged there, there are people who engage there. there was a whole group of people who were taken there, but we have to engage and learn how to do that so at the moment water is able to translate frequency four times faster than the air so essentially when those frequencies hit your body they get instantly transmitted to your brain and you can interpret them if you learn so we receive those frequencies both from within so that it comes from the inside of us and we can engage that realm on the inside and also from without so that we can engage the realm of heaven around us so our body is a detector an amplifier of frequency but our spirit needs to become sensitive to that so that it can show us what God is doing what God is saying what’s going on around us in the dimensions of the spirit everything everything is interpreted in in our brain through the nervous system that was the point of it that’s not a problem I know people say it is a problem or your making up it is all in your head everything is in our heads so lets get over that and don’t let religious spirits rob us of the truth because of mindsets that are designed to keep us from these realms. 14:13

Now this room is filled with all sorts of frequencies and spiritual things we can’t see them always with our natural eyes but we can tune into  them with our spirit so that we can encode those things and understand them. now we done this probably involuntarily. we feel an sense atmospheres, now how do you do that? How do you see , you could cut the atmosphere with a knife, how? You didn’t try, you walked into a room and felt something. sometimes you go into a place and feel cold, you get a shiver, now how do  you  receive that information? what were you picking up in the atmosphere that made you shiver? that made you feel cold? certain places are very peaceful places, you go into a place and is just like wow this seems like a place of rest- why? and how? Now the problem is we  just involuntarily pick some of those up. some people are more sensitive than others to those things , but  we can train our senses to pick up those things. we can train our senses to see atmospheres, to see spiritual dynamics, to actually engage in the things around us that our natural bodies limit. so we need to train ourselves. now when I was practicing this myself, it was not quite by accident, because I was practicing, but in a in a funny way and we will do the exercise later. I was following an exercise, trying to see with my eyes closed. sounds a bit strange, but I was trying to continue to see. so I was looking at the hand and closing my eyes and I wanted to see my hand with my eyes closed. i was messing around doing this, while the band actually were were doing their sound check. I was  messing around at the back, closing my eyes , trying to see my hand, and once actually I shut my eyes and I could still see the band playing.

 Now I could  see them in slightly different form but they would there and I was able to see, but wow, maybe I can do this more. so I started to do it more and I began to see angelic realms and different things that are going on with my eyes closed and with my eyes open. but I started to practice, and I would  just have fun, looking, shutting  my eyes, opening my eyes, engaging. now God described it to me, so I wanted a way of how do I describe how I am  doing this so that other people can do it. as the sonar or radar does-sonar when you’re in water like in a submarine, the submarine sends out a ping of sound which travels through as a wave through the water when it hits something solid, like another submarine or a whale or rocks, it sends back an acho, a reflection of that sound. and on a little radar screen or on a sonar screen that picks  it up. and I remember in those submarine films you get that will bing. voyage to the bottom of the sea. If you remember that, back in the 60s . when our spirit wants to engage in the realm around us it can send out a wave or a ping and that can send back information that we can interpret. and our bodies are designed to pick up that information and our brains are designed to interpret it.17:51

 we just have to begin to activate it. if you don’t send out a ping you don’t get anything back. so if  our spirit is so locked up within our soul and within our body, so that it is not operating around us on the outside, like the rivers of living water that are supposed to flow through us to engage realm around us, then we won’t see anything . but when we deliberately choose to engage our spirit and send out a ping or a wave then we can receive back what’s here. Now I have learned  to turn that on and off, because it can be very distracting if you don’t turn it on and off. you can see things because they’re receiving through that system. Now someone in the past, like  William Branham was one of the healing revivalists , he could touch people and receive the vibrations in their body of the diseased organs. so he could tell if frequencies were lower by touching them. now people say you cannot do that.18:52

why? God gave him the ability to do it and told him you have an angel with him to help him do it. so we can learn how to do these things. but in order to see, we have  to look. Daniel 7:2 I was looking in my vision I kept looking and I kept looking in the night visions and behold. if we keep looking, we will see. You won’t unnecessarily see the very first time, you may do, if you do great. but keep persisting to see . a child a little baby can only see 10 inches in focus then it gets a bit further and then a bit further until they are able to focus. we have to practice being able to see. Habakkuk 2:1 I will stand on my guard post station myself on the rampart and I will keep watch to see. if you don’t keep watch you are not going to see. so let’s be proactive about it because we need to become a active listener not just a passive one. sometimes God shows us things gives us things which is great, but we can be very passive in that. when I’m in a  wonderful spiritual atmosphere sometimes I receive prophetic words, we’ll that is great but actually what happens when I’m not in a spiritual atmosphere, can I received then? we need to practice to learn to be an active receiver just like Daniel, Habakkuk and others ,to intentionally see. to see that spirit world which is around us and engage with it. so two Corinthians 418 again let’s fix our eyes on what is not seen. how do we do it ?how do we fix our eyes, how do we become someone who sees and perceives that realm ?  we look to this diagram before, but it’s like the screen of our imagination has the ability to have things projected on it. God can project images pictures feelings senses onto it. we can also choose to open that think by thinking about and activating our imagination and actually using those images and seeing those images in our imagination but think about the other side of that, what if it’s a curtain or a veil or a portal that is just black because we’ve not opened it. and our spiritual eyes are supposed to look into that, that screen is black unless it is illuminated. now when you close your eyes generally everything is black. when you go to sleep generally you want it to be black because we been taught to go to sleep and shut everything off. but actually when you read in the Bible it talks about the night watch. so our body can go to sleep but our soul and spirit can be active and awake. and so when we go to sleep I would encourage you don’t try and get a black screen and drift off to sleep. I would encourage you to activate the eyes of your heart your imagination and your spirit and to go to a place that you’ve been before whether it’s the garden of your heart or whether it’s a realm in heaven and go there while you sleep and let your body go to sleep and look to keep your senses awake. now the problem is we’ve all had problems probably at some stage or another not being able to sleep because our mind is going round and round thinking about something. that’s not rest, and I am not encouraging you to do  that22:32

 I’m encouraging you to enter a place of rest where your body can rest but your spirit and soul can be awake. and so that screen is not actually supposed to be black. it was never black for Adam and Eve it shouldn’t be black for us. so what if it wasn’t black by default what if it was a viewing portal into the unseen realms ,what is it was a doorway to enter into those realms. How do  we access that doorway that portal .originally Adam and Eve being made in the image of God had the capacity to see and move spiritually.  How do we know that? We’ll you can go and ask them, I did. and they told me some things. but we also know from the word of God that Adam and Eve could engage with God in Eden, and in the garden which he made in East of Eden. so they walked with God they heard him, they saw him. how did they do that? Because he is a spirit, because they had spiritual capacity to do it. they also engaged with the enemy in the garden. the enemies is also a spirit. now that whole ability was blocked because of the fall and because of their engaging the wrong pathway because they chose to engage a natural pathway where they can only engage in the physical abilities of themselves. and that was closed down. so they were excluded from the pathway that engages with the unseen realms. that’s the pathway of the tree of life or to the eternal realm. that’s now guarded by  cherubim and the firery sword, angelic creatures to stop access illegitimately to that spiritual realm. now Jesus defeated Satan on the cross, defeated him in the garden, defeated him in the wilderness three times and restored that access to us. so hence in the early church you have a whole host of angelic and heavenly engagement that you didn’t get when Jesus was actually here on earth. other than the transfiguration which was a glimpse into what it’s like to have a physical body engage in the spiritual realms. because  Elijah who came in the transfiguration had a physical body still and Moses although he died actually still has a physical body . think of jude, satan contended with Michael the Archangel over his body, why ? because Moses wanted a body to help people cross into that realm. and therefore he still has, and that’s why he was able to be transfigured and operate in this realm. if we’re going to operate in both physical and spiritual realms we have to have a body. if you don’t have a resurrected body then you can only operate in the realms of the spirit once you die. now I don’t really want to die so I need my body to continue going and to operate in a redeemed transfigured state. and we have to learn how to see our body transfigured, so that we can operate in both realms properly as we were intended to. Now  that is a few things I have thrown out there but  we will explore and experience those things on this journey together.26:06

 now there’s been a veil of darkness on our eyes. Jesus has removed that veil so that we can see. but what he has done is torn the veil in tow and it  is our responsibility to go through it and open it. that’s why it still appears to be black, but it is open-able because the original curtain in the temple was like 10 inches thick material. it was impossible to tear it and you couldn’t possibly go through it either. hence the high priest had to be translated through it. that’s how he was able to go into that place. we don’t think about those things but that’s what happened. How is he going to get through a  heavy massive curtain which was ten inches thick.  we just think he must have gone through just a curtain. it was impossible to go through it naturally. so he had the ability to go through it because he had the ability to , because he was taught by the priesthood. that is just an old aronic priesthood from lineage of Aaron.  we are of the order of the Melchizedek priesthood where Jesus has gone before us to open these things up. now Paul John Stephen they engaged in that realm, when they saw into that realm, we can see that in their stories.  mostly we read of Paul and we read of John in revelation but there is a Scripture for Stephen. acts 7:55 being full of the Holy Spirit he gazed intently, notice he gazed intently with purpose, into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God and he said behold I see the heavens opened up and the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God. so Stephen because he gazed intently was able to see into that realm. mathew 27:51 says behold the veil of the temple was torn in two from the top to the bottom. this is so important to get hold of. it is really really important. the veil is torn therefore we have access through it. Hebrews 619 this hope we have as an anchor of the soul and a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil. and where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us. what does a forerunner do? He goes ahead so that someone else can follow. so Jesus has gone  into the veil as a forerunner for us. having become a high priest forever, this is not just – it’s only temporary .this is a forever thing according to the order of melchezedec not aaron. aaron was an earthly priesthood. Jesus is after the order of melchezedec which is a heavenly priesthood, which will operate on  earth. 29:09

 he’s gone into the veil for us. Hebrews 1019 therefore brethren since we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus by a new and living way which he inaugurated for us through the veil that is his flesh, since we have a great high priest over the house of God let us draw near. so we can draw near to that realm because of what Jesus has done through the veil two Corinthians 43 even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. if you do not have a relationship with Jesus and with the father through Jesus you are perishing and can’t see because you are still veiled. your eyes are still closed, you can’t see the light. two Corinthians 316 whenever a person turns to the Lord the veil is taken away. so that veil is taken away for every believer. every believer has access, not just special people not just prophets and seers. every believer has that veil taken away. so everybody can see and step in through that veil to engage that realm. we need to look and engage beyond the veil. because that’s where everything holds together. beholding and becoming- the teaching we’ve done. what you look at and what you behold you become like. so if we want to become like who was supposed to be, then we need to look at where that takes place which is beyond the veil. we become like that which we look at. two Corinthians 3:3 being manifested that you are a letter of Christ cared for` by us written not with ink but with the spirit of the living God not on the tablets of stone but on tablets of the human heart. once you begin to engage in that realm God starts to change you. by stepping into that realm God can change and re-encode what’s written on the tablets of your heart. it is why we present ourselves as living sacrifices. and notice what it says in Romans 12 one I present my bodiy as a living sacrifice. So we are  going to need to learn how to get our body transformed as well as our soul to bring in line with our spirit. two Corinthians 3; 13,14 and are not like Moses who used to put a veil over his face for until this very day at the reading of the old covenant the same veil remains unlisted because it’s removed in Christ. the veil is removed, so we can go through .we can engage that realm, it’s our inheritance to engage that realm, we can see him we can access that realm. because if we can’t see it we can’t do it .and if we can’t see it we can’t be it. so it is so important we see into the realm of the spirit so we can be who we are. because that is where our spirit came from. it is designed in that spiritual realm to function there. we need to see it so that we can be like it. Jesus only did what he saw the father doing. so we need to be able to see so we can do. Hebrews 11 three by faith we understand that the world was prepared by the word of God so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. so we need to see the things which are not visible so we can be transformed into that image. Jesus was the express image of God he only did what he saw the father doing and we can see that in John 519 Colossians 1 Hebrews 1 Colossians 115 he is the image of the invisible God. how did he become the image of the invisible God?  was he just made like it or did he spend so much time engaging with God that he became like it? these are questions we have to look at because if were going to be like him we have to engage him.  he is the firstborn of all creation for by him all things were created both in the heavens and on the earth visible and invisible thrones dominion’s rulers authorities all things that been created through him and for him he is before all things and in him all things hold together. so we need to engage the realm where all things hold together. that is the spiritual realm. Hebrews 1:3 he is the radiance of his glory the exact representation of his nature and upholds all things by the word of his power. we need to engage the realm where all things are upheld. God is light, Jesus was the light of the world ,we are children of the light. light is a fascinating subject. It is both a wave, like a wavelength but when it’s observed it becomes a particle. and it’s such an amazing thing that it even knows when you’re going to observe it before you observed it. so it acts back in time and forward in time. It is a really interesting subject, but light can be seen in many different forms .Ephesians 5:8,13 now you were formally darkness,34:41

 now you are light in the Lord so in him when we step in to him and when we step in to see him we are becoming like now now you are light in the Lord walk as children of light this has a whole different dimension when we actually understand what it means to be like is not just talking to be good or nice which is what the interpretation is being well just do righteous things therefore you’re in the life know where supposed to walk as children of light Bethel was supposed to walk radiating light and glory all things become visible when they’re exposed by the light that were talking here about create TIF like created light we a lot of created light in this room coming from the lights in the ceiling coming in through the window that is created light when we step into the realm of heaven with respect being into a different realm of light creative light which is faster than creative light when we step into that light and we begin to engage that light that life begins to transform us says but all things become visible when they’re exposed by the light for everything that becomes visible is light and what explained that the current you to think about these things is that the we just ignore them or to possibly I will meditate on meditate on that and you will begin to understand more about how we engage in this realm we must see the light to be light and to radiate light so we need to step into the realm where that light is and to look into the realm of that light is two Corinthians 316 whenever a person turns little the veil is taken away the Lord is the spirit and where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty now we all with unveiled face behold as in a mirror the glory of the Lord and are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory just as from the more the spirit so when we step into that realm we look into that realm we are going to be transformed and changed into original condition because the veil is torn but we need to draw it back so that we can engage in those realms where everything is formed and everything holds together and we will be reformed and reshaped and reconditioned if you so we can transform here from being and seeing in the glory realm of the heavens we will not be able to transform here unless we are engaging in the heavens because everything of the kingdom is manifested on earth as it is in heaven so that picture that pattern of heaven should be on earth it walls in the original condition because our earth and this universe was within the realms of heaven as God made it first so we become what we engage as we live move have our being from that true reality we can see that reality reflected through the gateway of our lives as radiate rules of creative light to terraform the rich do after original condition were not supposed to let this earth perhaps was supposed to change and transform so the Green party not got it all wrong is got the wrong end of the stick we are responsible for the planet we been given were supposed to have dominion over it but were supposed to terraform into heaven so the garden that we have our embassy on on earth it starts with our lives be an embassy of heaven on earth it becomes the ecclesia of God’s gathered people it will become a castor pony and ministered is center a beachhead of heaven on earth which is here to terraform and take charge and bring a Joshua generation we been talking would not be knowledgeable about actually a Joshua kingdom a Joshua nation a Joshua world a Joshua generation universe is operating under a different order there’s a lot of stuff for us to do so we need to learn how to do it better for realms of the spirit we can engaging that I still engage with so far lots of different spiritual realms but the ones we looking at today the realm of the Holy Spirit most of, and we Chewning into the spiritual realm we pick up the realm of the Holy Spirit that we get words of knowledge from the guests of the spirit prophecies pictures and things like that but there’s the realm of the personal angelic around us were our personal angels are where our spiritual light and fire can be seen because when we start to engage that realm we can see who’s on fire for God who is in whether someone’s actually got a light in their life or not the realm of the angelic in this room the realm the opened up by God sending angels into the atmosphere and then there is eternal the realms of the heaven is we can see all those things now we can explore these things on the journey this is just a introductory session to whet your appetite and to give you the opportunity to practice because when we get to that point on the journey we can look to engage those realms much more actively today we can have some fun so learn to Chewning and hear God’s voice inside learn to Chewning see from the inside hear from the inside feel from the inside be guided from the inside smell from the inside touch from the inside inside is connected to the realms of heaven flow through us now for those the always like have a Scripture to have something on his the Scripture that we can he use to open up this realm to print to skiing 615 17 Elisha prayed and said Lord I pray open his eyes that he may see then the Lord open the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Lisha so there was a army a natural army around Lisha and Elisha could see the spiritual realm around and wasn’t frightened his servant was frightened so Elisha prayed and said to God open up his eye so we can see so we have a mandate and a precedent set that we can take and we can use that open that that realm for ourselves which is what we going to do right now so want to declare some things of you can says Elisha prayed so can I only declare these things over use of be open to receive these if you want to look into that realm today I declare the veil of blindness removed I declare the removal of all religious veils mindsets that hide the truth from us I declare that you can discover the true reality of the real world I declare the eyes of your spirit open I declare that you can see and engage the unseen realms now we use some pictures there is a picture of a black veil came can see on the screen very black there’s a and it’s going to open that veil came and is going to open more and more came so want you to do is you just again just activate our spirit for a while so for a minute just pray in tongues pray in tongues out I pray in tongues in your mind pray in tongues in your spirit wherever just begin to pray in tongues and as you pray in tongues just begin to still your mind relax and think about the torn veil just start to think about that that veil that curtain is not thick and fix it is torn and can be opened shall can you Schumann to shall yet on the, showing you shall and beyond the shall you shall you you can’t rush you deal and the when you just begin to think about that black veil screen with your eyes closed just this is the most easy exercise you can do so your eyes close to see the blackness our dues open your eyes and hold your hand up in front of you face and just looking at hand is look engage intently and just remember what the hand looks like an closer eyes and see if you can see a key to have the with your eyes closed can you see can you see it with your imagination can you picture you hand or can you see the eyes of the spirit just begin open your eyes that you have again the lines on it what it looks like God brings on your fingers to see and think plagiarize and look to see your hand activate the eyes of your heart to begin to see your hand in front of the fence behind you hand is that God failed known encourage you to see that: veil and see your hand just pulling back veil and opening that curtain to see your hand doing as you do it to see the veil open and look into what’s behind the bed you may see light you may see into the realm of the spirit around you may see into the realm of heaven depending on what you use to you may just see some light it’s no longer a black veil is light coming through the you begin to Chewning into the light to see the light of those you can see something just begin to focus and fix your gaze on it so you may just begin to feel something will sent something or perceive something that the of doing that just let your spirit on the inside you send out that way pain into the atmosphere just see like the river of living water flowing from the inside of you going out through your soul through your physical eyes into this atmosphere and then just receive the actor look into the realm of the spirit around people you can do that with your eyes closed can do it will so we your eyes to practice just sense what’s coming back sense where the angels of just a Choon your senses to that realm nonassertive you practice you can see into the heavenly realm if you can see into that realm you may choose to step through that portal and engage in the if you’re seeing the realm of the angels around you and there are angels in you interact talk to see what they here for it may come to is just information in your mind that you know what’s around you right now just practice that I sense son looking into that realm myself with the angels that your guardian angels are assigned to you want to engage with their standing behind you and the spiritual realm behind you I’m looking and seeing them nice want you to engage your spirit to interact with those angels that are behind you may just be a sensing that there that feeling that presence may be able to see them in the realm of the spirit they wearing colors you what they look like great that they want you to engage with them as their ministering spirits sent to them there to help you each day on assignment your life if you can engage with them or sense the to speak to them in your mind as thoughts as they recognized the language of thought and asked them the names those three men in white linen saints of old just come into the atmosphere is where the cloud of witnesses and at the front of the will and laying down three mantles one is Paul one is John and when is Stephen sore into the realm of the heaven to engaged into the realm of the heavens and then laying there mantles when we come to worship later you can engage in you can pick up those mountain mantle is a symbol of authority enables you to engage in the activity that they engaged in as they want to invest in our day to see the fulfillment of their purposes in their calls encourage you now just to bring yourself back into this dimension just refocus this dimension but carry with you the record in the test me about you see that you experience that which you heard that you felt that what she perceived and then practice these things on a regular basis so that you can learn see into and to encourage you to engage in those realms

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