Meditation Development Exercises  

In my life tongues has been the number one spirit building exercise  .Meditation is the key engagement where tongues facilitates our flow  .Meditating to tune into the thoughts of God  .Meditating to visualize the word of God  .Meditating to step into the doorway of the word.  

Journal your meditative engagements  .So you can review and revisit them as they are often more revelatory the second or third time around as the awe factor is often diminished and you can focus of the symbolism or details  .Develop a testimony so your reengage the experience.  

Meditation in the word .2 minutes praying in tongues out loud. Tune out cast all your burdens and thoughts onto Jesus.  Look at the picture to help focus on Jesus.  Start thinking about Jesus.  Always a good place to start.    

While praying in tongues speak or think each word slowly don’t study analyze it but let the thoughts of God dance across your mind with living revelation as the Holy Spirit discloses and unveils the truth or reality in a personal encounter and experience of the living active word of God.  

We are learning to hear the voice of God as a flow of spontaneous thoughts in our mind .Listen to Be still Psalm 46:10 and listen to the Lord is my shepherd Psalm 23 as examples of meditating in the word of God by muttering and listening .Focus as you listen and engage for God’s thoughts of each word flow into your thoughts.  

Psa23:1 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. 3 He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake.4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows. 6 Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.  

For some people background soaking type instrumental music helps back creating an atmosphere that blocks out background noise and distractions.  Here is a link to 10 tracks produced by a friend Fiona Eton that you can use but there are many others that might be your favorites’ .Drench . 

Close your eyes and begin picturing (use the image if you need a reference) Psalm 23 lying down in a green pasture with a gently flowing river.  Enter into the word by talking to Him in your mind ask Him a question listen to His reply.  

Enter this 2 way conversation as His words as living spontaneous thoughts flow into your mindThe revelation through repetition will be encoded in your spirit and stored in your heart .You can draw on this revelation and personally experience it in your daily lives.  

Choose your own verses and practice meditating developing hearing God’s inner voice in your mind as a flow of thoughts and impressions  .Here is a list of potential verses  .Ps 23, Ps 46:10, Ps 24, Prov 8, John 4:13, John 7:37-38, Matt 11v 28-29, Rev 3:20, Rev 4:1-2, Heb 4:16, Heb 4:12, Rev 22:1-2 Zech 3:1-7, Ps 139.  

Journaling is a biblical concept .Don’t let doubt hinder you .God is present and is speaking to His children.  Heb 4:10 For the one who has entered His rest has himself also rested from his works, as God did from His.  Relax. when we cease striving and enter His rest, God is free to flow.  

Sit back comfortably, take out your pen paper, smile, and turn your attention toward the Lord in praise and worship, seeking His face.  After you write your question to Him, become still, fixing your gaze on Jesus You will suddenly have a very good thought.  Don’t doubt it; simply write it down. Later, as you read your journaling, you will be blessed to discover that you are indeed dialoguing with God. 

Knowing God through the Bible is a vital foundation to hearing His voice in your heart, Solid commitment to knowing and obeying the Scriptures.  It is also very important for your growth and safety that you be related to solid, spiritual counselors  .All major directional moves that come through journaling should be confirmed by your counselors before you act upon them.  

Activate our imagination open the eyes of our heart and begin look and visualize  .Think about an object, place, person etc. and begin to picture it  .You can use the natural to open the door for the spiritual – use the word of God, a natural image or previous experience as a doorway  .Use images that have a spiritual significance. 

Meditation by visualising .2 minutes Praying in tongues out loud tune out Cast all your burdens and thoughts onto Jesus.  Remember the significance of our spiritual language .Use tongues in all the exercises either out loud, in your mind or from your spirit.  

Think about a door .Door picture it in your mind .Think about a River .River picture it in your mind .Think about Jesus .Picture Him in your mind.  

Relax and listen and begin to picture and enter into the scene .Picture a Beach .Use the image as a reference.   

Beach exercise  

You sit upright in your chair, you close your eyes, place your hands on your knees and start to relax each muscle, in your neck and shoulders and back and arms and legs you feel the tension easing away, you become aware of your breathing, you slowly take deep relaxing breaths.  You hear God gently speaking His word to you.  Be still and know that I am God – Be still and know that I am God – Be still and know that I am God You picture yourself walking towards a beach, it’s a warm sunny day, and the deep blue sea is shimmering in the distance there is a gentle breeze blowing through your hair. You kick off your shoes walk slowly across the sand; you feel the sand between your toes. You head for the water’s edge dip your feet into the cool refreshing water as you look along the shore you see a man walking slowly towards you as he gets closer you know that this is Jesus. 

He joins you in paddling in the water you hang out together you feel strangely peaceful. He places his hand reassuringly on your shoulder and looks deep into your eyes, you feel his love and compassion, and you know he is looking deep into your soul. He asks you how are you? How are you doing? You feel safe and secure and from deep within you unburden yourself you tell him your deepest needs, longings and desires, you know he understands, you unlock the door to the deepest recesses of your heart.  You begin to feel a deep sense of joy and peace flow into the depths of your soul. He kneels and slowly and purposefully draws a picture in the sand and starts to share His heart with you. You start to reflect on what He has drawn and said.  It is time to go, you look into his eyes and slowly turn back to the beach but there is a strong feeling of His presence with you as you walk slowly away.  You hear His words whispered gently to you …… 

Visualizing activates your imagination so it can be used voluntarily  .The next step is to use what you visualize as a doorway to step through and engage your spirit in cooperation and unity of soul and spirit.  

Think about a Door, the color, size, shape, handle etc.  Picture it in your mind .Think about a green pasture behind the door .Picture it in your mind .See yourself opening the door.  

Walk through the door into the green pasture  .See yourself in it and lie down and relax feel the peace  .See Jesus as your shepherd come to you sit down and talk with you  .Converse and don’t forget to journal your experience.  

We can enter into a biblical scene to experience the revelation .The word we visualize then become a doorway to step through .Further on the journey we will use passages that talk about the heavenly realms as doorways to step into heaven.  

Matt 24:3 As He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, Jesus sitting talking to His disciples .Think about that scene.  

Jesus is talking explaining things about the past, present and the future .Think about that scene and begin to picture that scene (use the image) .See yourself entering that scene and sit down .Listen and then ask Jesus something about your past, present or future.  

The word of God becomes living and active to us as we learn to actually experience it by encounter .All our senses can be engaged to experience His presence healing wholeness into our bodies, minds and emotions .It is so important that we learn to come from a place of rest . 

Matt 11:28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  

Think about any burdens that you still carry  .Think about the weights of expectations that weigh heavily on you  .Think about the things you are still yoked, tied or chained to  .Think about Jesus kneeling before you waiting for you to give Him those burdens, remove those yokes, loose those tethers and brake those chains.  

Picture Jesus kneeling before you  .Off load all your burdens to Jesus Share you heart with Him  .Feel him lift off the weight from your shoulders  .Feel His healing touch and power  .Talk to Him Listen to Him.  

Our spirit has eyes that also need to opened and activated  .The veil is torn between the spiritual and natural realm but it is like it is closed like a curtain that needs to be drawn back  .Use the story of Elisha and his servant to activate.  

2 Kings 6: 15-17 And Elisha prayed, and said, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha”.   

I declare the veil blindness removed.  I declare the removal of all religious veils and mind-sets that hide the truth from us .I declare that you can discover the true reality of the real world  .I declare the eyes of your spirit open  .I declare that you can see and engage the unseen realms.  

Use the images below to help in the visualization and activation of your spirit’s eyes .Use the revelation from the previous exercises to enable you to enter into the reality of this encounter .This will require consistent practice and we will pick it up again and go deeper in exploring the different spiritual realms around us later on the journey.  

Activate our imagination to open the eyes of our spirit and begin to look .2 minutes praying in tongues out loud tune out Cast all your burdens and thoughts onto Jesus.   Still your mind and relax .Think about the torn veil.  

Think about a black screen close your eyes and see the black screen  .Open your eyes and hold your hand in front of your eyes and look at it  .Close your eyes can you seen your hand?  Open your eyes and look at your hand close eyes can see your hand, picture it .See the black screen as a torn veil and use your hand to pull back the veil and look.   

As you pull back the veil and look .You may see a light, a portal to start with .Focus your attention on the spiritual environment around you, you may sense, see, perceive or just know .Let your spirit send out a wave of thought light energy .Be open for your body to receive the echo back and interpret what is in the unseen realm around you.  

You may see into the heavenly realm .You may see or perceive the unseen spiritual realm around you .You may see the angelic realm as a vision or a perception .You may interpretation by spiritual information echo that you can describe.  

You can begin to expand the time and focus of these exercises until they become a lifestyle where you are seeing with the eyes of your heart and spirit  .Start with 2 minutes go to five minutes until you can do 10 minutes or more for each exercise  .Begin to live from your activated senses.  

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