Base camp 1A

 We are on a journey and that journey is the discovery of the spiritual realms, because we are a spirit. We are going to discover the realm of the spirit that is within us. and in that journey we’re looking to discover that that realm of the Spirit is in us within us the kingdom is within us it’s around us and it is also in the heavenly realms and we learn on this journey to engage all those and what I discovered in my personal journey with God is that there are two main pathways that we can follow to engage that spiritual realm and to engage heaven and to engage what’s going on inside of us in reality when you learn how to do that.

Now the first pathway is a pathway relationship that leads to a deeper intimacy with God. it’s a pathway that flows from the inside out. So the presence of God in us wants to flow through us and around us to touch the world around us. Just like when Jesus was here physically he touched people all around him every day with healing and wholeness with salvation with deliverance, he touch people’s lives, now he has gone back into heaven and he has released the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit and the father and Jesus have come to live in us when we open up our spirit to him. We call that being born again of the spirit, being born again of the kingdom. So within us then we have the experience of God, we have the presence of God.

God does not want His life to stay locked up in us, He wants His life to flow out of us and it flows out through the gateways of our spirit soul and body to the world around us. We need to learn how to do that.

But there is also another pathway for me to follow and that’s a pathway of responsibility and that leads to greater kingdom rulership authority and power because Jesus said the kingdom has come the kingdom is where he rules and rents and therefore very beginning God gave a mandate to Adam and Eve the first people and he basically told him I will bless you so I better equip you and I want you to be fruitful and to multiply and fill the earth and subdue it will overcome that which is an obstacle to that process and have dominion which rule rule under my authority so we need to learn what the city is so we can rule and that basically slows the other way .we start here and then we go in to the road to heaven and we do that by presenting ourselves as a living sacrifice and giving our lives to god also got uses on a daily basis as Jesus said your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven so we need to know what is in heaven we get a part to play in heaven to see heaven manifested on a night over the last few weeks we’ve been looking at what we need to do to prepare for that journey we looked at faith and knowing me to walk by faith and not by sight some basic truths that we are spirit soul body and other things and last time you looked at the language of the spirit and how to go communicates with us how we communicate with him how to actually engage with those realms of the spirit the unseen rounds around us and today we succumbing to a local place This is where we get our practice and learn and grow and today we look at part of the journey Matt way would go in a sense is that if Lauren journey it’s great to have a map that map will help us keep on track where we go so based

Over the next few weeks we’re going to learn how to build our spirit, engage with our spirit, and understand who we are spiritually. Engage with the thoughts of God; engage with this with the gift of tongues so we can build our spirit and the language of the spirit to use to communicate with God.

We need to learn how to activate the eyes of our heart, our imagination.  God has given us our imagination to communicate with him and uses our imagination to project things that we can see on it, God uses our emotions so that we can feel him. He uses our mind so that we can perceive the things he speaks in our spirit.

We need to learn how to open the eyes of our spirit. But today we can look at is the journey Map and this picture of spirit soul and body is one which is going to be a real key to get hold of and

In our spirit there is the presence of God and in that process we are going to learn to see the presence of God flow from the inside of us and flow out of us to touch the world around us . so we have a spirit , soul and body and if you look down on top of that. heaven is connected to our spirit and our spirit is connected to our soul and then the body and then around us to the world around us and there is so much unseen things around us that we need to learn how to see .God is going to teach us how to do that so everything needs to flow from the inside out. So we are connected to heaven and then heaven can be flowed through us around us but we have to see those gateways in our spirit, soul and body open, because if nothing is open then nothing flows.

So god wants to help us understand what it is to relate with him intimately to know him to know his voice to know how he speaks to us individually and then allow that knowledge just like Jesus did he only did what he saw the father doing so he had a relationship with the father with God that showed him what the father wanted to do through him and then he cooperated and he did amazing things miracles signs and wonders amazing things and god has got amazing things for us to do as well. So today looking at base camp from base camp the first thing we can engages our spirit and our spirit flows from the river of life. Now the river of life was in the garden originally and it said it went into the garden that God created for man and then flowed out. Now our life is like that garden now. so the river of life is in us and it’s supposed to flow out of us to water the world around us and is a source of our life and that river also comes out of heaven and we can follow it back, so we can follow it into the heavenly realms we can also follow it into the unseen realm around us as well, but we are the point where heaven and earth interacts and intersects and that’s what we are going to learn to follow.

 so in our spirit there is a place where god is and it says in Revelation that behold I stand at the door and knock whoever hears me knocking effectively and opens that door I’m going to come in and fellowship and relationship with you. so it is absolutely imperative on this journey that we learn to open that door every day so the presence of God his rule his kingdom in us doesn’t stay locked up in that place but flows out and there is a passage in the Old Testament in Ezekiel 47 talks about the river of the spirit flowing from the temple because we are now a temple of the Holy Spirit and it flowed out it started ankle-deep then deeper to the knees and then to the loins and then it was so deep and that river brought life wherever it went. And ultimately that’s God’s desire for us that we would bring life wherever we go. That people would be able to engage with God through us wherever we go. but it has to flow so the first thing we learn is to open that first love gate and to engage with the presence of God and in john 4 and John seven it talks about that river and first of all it talks about about drinking living water that that living water when we drink and is talking of the Spirit is talking of life when we drink it becomes in us a source of life, a fountain, a flow and if we continually engage in that source then that source according to John seven becomes a river flowing. So it is great to have a drinking fountain that we can drink and get the source of life to help us every day to experience the difficulties and to face the things of life and know we got some who is with us, who is alongside us to help us to guide us to direct us to teach us to lead us into that which God has for us. but we need to learn that it isn’t just a fountain, it needs to become a river so we will learn how to open that and see that river flowing out through and so our spirit also has around it certain gateways and we need to learn to open those gateways and see that river begin to flow through it.

Also in our spirit there is the seat of government of our life . Who’s in charge and because God has given us free will we have the choice of who is in charge. Now most of us have been in charge of our own life and not made too good of job of it. so ideally the best thing to do is to surrender control of our life, the throne of our life to God as we do that he will then engage those gateways and begin to flow out. so we can open them and make Jesus lord of those gates. So the gateways of hope and faith and revelation an intuition and prayer in fear of God reference it is all summed up in one major thing worship. We tend to think of worship as singing to God and Part of it is singing but actually worship is about being obedient to God and surrendering to God. Worship is what they did when they came before King and they knelt down and so when we learn to kneel down before God in our own spirit and say god I surrender to you and surrender all these gateways then the flow of life can come through us to engage the world around us and so that throne is ours. but if we give it to God then those gateways become active and we can invite God to open those gateways and also we get to be trained to actually rule our life correctly and so if we make Jesus Lord of our life he gets us to sit as a friend and  he begins to tell us things about our life he begins to as friends he begins to reveal things about our lives and about who we are and our destiny, and what he has called us to do, as friends because friends hang out together and friends share things with one another and so if we say Jesus your Lord of my life he doesn’t come to lord it over us he comes to be friends with us and so that process grows and as we learn to be friends of God and faithful to do the things he showed us then what he does then he  makes us lords and so he gives us greater authority in our lives and literally his throne is like a king. Now ultimately in the process he wants us to be his children and sons and sons are joint heirs with Jesus who have authority in heaven and earth and so when he is our father he then begins to father us as sons. And he begins to teach us what it is to be a son and then to administer the kingdom from a place of sonship, it is a process and a journey and so we start off by surrender and he raises and elevates us. it says that in in the New Testament talks about that if we humble ourselves before God he will exalt us so this is a process where we humble ourselves and say Jesus your Lord so that he can exalt us into Lordship kingship and sonship but is a journey and we will learn on this journey how to do that. also in that is another thing, a picture of a yoke. in Matthew 1128 talks about coming to Jesus and finding rest,  finding that place of rest and yoking ourselves to him that means we join ourselves to him so that he can be with us on our journey and he can set the path. a yoke is what they put on oxen who pulled the plow in those times. and so they usually have a lead oxen who knew the ropes and when they wanted to train a new oxen they would put a young oxen with a more mature ox, so they  together would plow the field, but the younger one would learn from the older one. So what we are doing is we’re learning to yoke ourselves to Jesus so he can lead us and that brings us into a place of peace and rest. so we don’t have to be concerned about where were going or what we are doing because we are in a place of rest and peace with him and it says seek first the kingdom of God in Matthew 633 and his righteousness his way of being and doing and everything else gets sorted out. and in the previous verses leading up to that it says don’t worry about six times don’t worry don’t be anxious so when we enter into this place of rest we do not need to worry or be anxious because he is in control because we’ve surrender the walk of our life with him so we learn to be one. 1corinthinans 6:17 it says he who is joined to the Lord and this process is where we join ourselves to the Lord becomes one spirit with him so it’s like his life and our life become so joined they flow out together to the world around us. so we will learn how we do that.

 Now in this diagram and this is part of the journey. Our spirit has these gateways and doorways in them. And what we need to do is invite Jesus to stand in those gateways and teach us about them. So fear of God reference prayer faith worship hope revelation intuition they are all the names of our spiritual senses or abilities and as Jesus stands in those gateways with us he will teach us how to function. now some of us may function really well in revelation we have visions and dreams and we have the words of God that come to us some actually function better in intuition we have feelings and impressions of God but what we need to do is open those gateways and we need to learn to let our worship flow. but the problem is that we have a battle to face everything in our life has come from the outside in and it has shaped how we feel how we think how we act how our knowledge of the world around us is come is outside in through what we see what we heard what we tasted what we touched those physical senses have left things on the inside of us that shaped our lives so alongside that there are things called familiar spirits which know us and are assigned to our lives and they look to hinder and block that flow and so outside of those gates when we look to open our spiritual gates some people begin to see pictures of those gates and sometimes they appear that they are blocked they got chains on them, or they are full of brambles and you can’t get at any of them. You start to see. Now the reality is that it is our spirit and they are our spirit gates and that we are the right over them to open them.  But the familiar spirits within our soul project images to try and stop us they try and fool us to think that we can have revelation we can operate intuition that our spirit is really not very active and so they try and block it so we have to deal with those familiar spirits  so that there is a flow going and then we can engage in our soul and our soul is also made up of different attributes different senses if you like abilities conscience which is there to guide and direct us imagination which is there for God to speak and use so that we can see and be creative reason so the thoughts of God and our thoughts come in agreement mind where our subconscious and our active conscious mind begins to work together emotions and will. now part of our problem is that because of what we’ve received on the outside there are lots of things that have affected those areas of our soul and have damaged them or blocked them or hurt them in various ways and so we are often affected by familiar spirits which bring guilt and shame they make us feel bad about ourselves anyone having any of that. That is the enemy’s biggest thing, you are no good, you are rubbish call yourself a Christian you have done that always always there’s guilt and shame but God has forgiveness us . and we can daily start with

so we need to learn to overcome those things .our imagination has received all sorts of images that sometimes make it hard to actually see what God is trying to show us because our imagination is all confused , the same with our reason,  we have mindsets that have been established because of what we learned through the world and then Jesus comes along and start to show us different things, and we struggle between these two sorts of mindsets. God is saying one thing and our own mindset is telling us something different and we have an episode, confusion. but we can deal with those things , they are lies. Things we have believed for all our life, because someone said, you are no good. You’ll never make it your rubbish those lies have been fed into our lives at times and we believe them and we act out of them. now you guys who are working on recovery right now you have to deal with some of these things, belief systems that you got about your self what people said about you. because as you learn to realize what God says about you, you have a power that flows from the inside out that enables you to overcome anything. and is true for all of us, we all got things to overcome but the overcoming doesn’t start from the outside, it starts from the inside. and we get changed as we surrender and allow God to touch us. everything flows from the inside out. our emotions have been damaged often by hurt and rejection, people have let us down, betrayed us, have done things that hurt us and therefore we feel those emotions still. until we learn to forgive people, how to be healed and whole and all of that is part of this process of the river of life flowing through us. the river of life is the source of healing.the river of life is a source of knowledge. the river of life is a source of truth river of life is a source of everything that can transform our lives and change the world that we live in. but there is a major place to find along the way, it is the garden of our heart . when God started things off he had a garden in heaven and then he planted a garden on earth and those gardens were connected and then he wanted that garden on earth to go and take over the whole earth and fill the earth with the revelation of that garden, the truth of that garden because that’s where he walked with Adam and eve. that is where relationship took place . now in a spiritual sense within us we have a garden in our heart. Now when i first engaged this on my journey. All I had in my garden, at first he didn’t even realize there was a garden but I had these experiences where I sat down on a swing there was a tree and a swing and a little bench and god would either  sit on the bench and we would sit there and we would talk, or he would be on this swing and he would be pushing me and we just be talking , and he would be sharing things and all there was , was this little patch of grass because I never cultivated the Garden of my heart. The parable of the sower says that the heart has different sorts of soil, hard soil it’s been crushed, and pressed down which means it is very difficult to receive the truth, there is as weedy soil that is full of the cares and troubles of the world and there is stony soil full of memories that remind us of our past but God wants to come and remind us of our future our destiny that he’s already prepared for us. so we have to learn to cultivate that now in my garden I got trees I have the green pasture that it talks about in Psalm 23 he makes us lie down in green pastures as the quiet waters of the river of life that flow through my garden, I have learned how cultivate it and plant seeds that produce trees and therefore they become the testimonies that I can go back to within the garden of my heart there are all sorts of things there. and we need to learn to engage that garden grow it tend it cultivate it because it says in Proverbs that from our heart flow the issues of life life flows out of there. and so if that garden is not tended and cultivated the life that flows out of it can become confused, but if it’s cultivated in good soil we plant good things thee and we look after our heart, then out flows the source of life. so there is a garden there but there are four chambers of the heart, not just one and so there are four places that were going to go on in this journey that is going to take us into a deeper intimacy with God and change and transform our lives as we engage in them . they are the dance floor, the soaking room and the bridal chamber and I’ve experienced all of those and we’re going to experience them on this journey the dance floor is where the presence of God comes around us and the light of God’s DNA because God is light and he has nine strands of DNA they begin to engage with us and actually begins to encode our DNA and release what his eternal destiny is in us and then there’s the soaking room where the fragrances and the oils and the frequencies and the sounds of God and the colors of God begin to come around us and they begin to transform our lives and we will go into how we engage the frequency of healing and wholeness and there are certain frequencies even in music that can bring healing there are certain fragrances and fragrant oils called essential oils that actually can bring healing and wholeness because they will transform us but we have to learn how to do that and then ultimately there is a place called the bridal chamber where there’s intimacy where there is unity and oneness with God takes place and in these places we will engage and learn how that will help us be transformed changed from the inside out so that we can be who God created us to be everything flows around so that we can engage that pathway of relationship. as we deal with our soul and we deal with those gateways in our soul, our soul and spirit become one. often they compete with one another to start with. the flesh and the spirit are in a battle but as our soul learns about the presence of God and experiences God it won’t be looking from the outside in to meet its needs. it will find all the needs of the soul for love affirmation affection encouragement those things that are built into us, to need acceptance those things will come from the flow of God. Then we won’t need them from the world around us. therefore we can be safe and secure and find that place of peace and rest so everything flows out of there. on this journey we will learn all these things now it doesn’t stop there. Because we have a body which houses our soul and spirit and that body is what we engage the world around us with so we have physical senses as well but most of our physical senses have been primed and trained from the outside in. so I learned to see with light coming into my eye and then being transformed along the optic nerve as electrical signals in my brain. Now over the years I’ve learned to spatially be aware of where I am and what’s going on by interpreting what I see. So I am looking at you with my natural eyes and I can see that your a specific distance away because I have learned about distances, everything was learned. we can relearn to those spiritual senses of sight to flow from the inside so we can see the things that God is showing us and sometimes those things get superimposed over the natural realm so that when we look at this realm we can begin to see things in the spirit sometimes you see pictures over people or  labels over people, things that are going on as the Holy Spirit engages us in it. and we can learn to see in that realm from the inside out and the same with all the other touch senses. Because when we have touched  something we learn to interpret whether it is hot or cold or hard or soft by experience so when we learn to allow the power of God to flow through us like it did with Jesus it can flow out and we can touch people from what’s on the inside with the power of God the power of God can heal transform deliver as we lay hands on people what’s on the inside coming from our spirit can touch what’s on the outside and change it so we have the power to change things here just like Jesus did he multiplied food he had the power to walk on water because what was on the inside took control of what was on the outside and we are going to learn how to do those things on this journey . now the ultimate is that it engages the world around us that we create an atmosphere around us of the spirit that brings blessing to people, it brings love to people that people can feel the presence of God because the presence of God is flowing around us . and the first realm that we begin to look into around us is the realm of the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit wants to communicate to us that which he understands that is around us. so around us the Holy Spirit uses gifts to show us things. but we got to look to engage in that realm and so words of knowledge or words of wisdom is where the Holy Spirit tells us about something or someone that we can see prophetic words the Holy Spirit tells us something about the future about someone’s life or sometimes about the past to help us help them so we learn to look into that realm but there is another unseen realm around us which I’ll call the personal, our personal atmosphere it is what we are giving off. now sometimes people pick up what sort of mood we are in. sometimes by our body language and sometimes just by stuff were giving off. It is like a smell some times that can be very fragrant smell and people want to come close to us. sometimes it stinks you call it stinking attitudes people just pick it up and they don’t like to be around it unless  they have a stinking attitude as well. Then they are drawn together. someone who is carrying  a miserable cloud attract other miserable people. miserable people flock together and wallow in their misery. But god actually wants us to create an atmosphere of love and joy and peace which draws people to that and helps people engage in that and in that realm is the realm of our personal Angels. because we have personal Angels that have been assigned to us to guard and protect and help us. little children often can see them, but we can learn to see them we can learn to see the personal Angels and engage with them and we will on this journey we can learn to know their  names and we can learn to assign them to help in our daily lives because they are ministering spirits sent to us, the heirs of salvation to minister for us and to us. Jesus it said had access to 12 legions of angels which I think was somewhere around 8000. Two is good 8,000 is better. You can do a lot with 8,000 angels. but we never really learned these things because no one told us we never really experienced it, but on this journey we’re going to experience that and then also around us there is another realm of the atmosphere of the spirit, the atmosphere of the unseen. and in that atmosphere they are angels there are demons there are things that we will learn to see and learn how to deal with that realm, overcome it, operate in authority in it because that will again change that and that also affects the atmosphere of the earth around us . and there are things we can learn about that as well. okay so basically our spirit with the presence of God when we yield that we have throne and are throne is takes us one way. That living water and that river of life is coming out of heaven. on this pathway of relationship we can actually step into heaven because in Revelation 4:1 which follows Revelation 3:20 where we were invited to open the door of our life to let God out. he says come up here so we can come and follow that river back through the veil now when Adam and eve originally sinned. remember God placed some cherubim which were Angels big dudes, also a fiery sword, which was another angelic being to guard the way back now Jesus came to open that way up for us to go back to where we can walk God in his garden. so we get access to go back into Eden and that’s part of that journey we are going to go back into Eden which is in the realm of heaven and we are going to follow the river of life and when you get into the river of life , it’s similar to what it’s like inside us but it is different there is a whole different dimension to it and there things in that river to discover and as we get in that source of life it is thicker,by the time it has come from the throne of God come through the realms of heaven and coming to us is somewhat thinned out, but it is still flowing , but it is thicker there and it feels different there but it is a wonderful place there, a waterfall, and so this river comes cascading down on the mountain of God because gods place in heaven is a mountain, mount zion it is called. His throne is on top of that mountain, there are rooms in that mountain there are plateaus on that mountain is a fantastic place. We can explore that mountain and this is how we can explore it by following the river of life. so we can go up the waterfall. Now in heaven all our senses are different we operate by thought the power of our conscious thought so we can think and be there now sometimes you can walk and you can explore and you can have fun and that’s great but sometimes you need to get somewhat quicker so you just think and you go, we will learn how to do that. the first time I went up waterfall, I couldn’t go up it my mind wouldn’t let me go up waterfall because in this realm we don’t go up waterfalls, you go down them. And I was struggling with my mind, it was blocking me going up so an Angel had to take me up , until eventually I realized that those laws of physics don’t apply in heaven as they do here they operate differently and so in heaven everything is alive and everything has so many more senses than just our five. so everything flows everything has fragrance and color and life and emotion even the grass, the things you walk on are living and active, it is a wonderful place to go, so going up that waterfall is awesome. What I found is up that waterfall there is a path you can walk along that path and that path takes you to a bridge and Jesus is often standing on the bridge now on the other side of the bridge crossing the river is Gods garden the father’s garden his intimate place you know Kings didn’t stay on there throne all the time they got off the throne and often spend the time in gardens hence you have things like the hanging Gardens of Babylon Kings have special places which are Gardens God has a special place which is a Garden and he invites us to come but you can’t go into that garden carrying stuff so Jesus wants you to offload all your burdens all the things you are carrying so you can walk across the bridge and go into the garden of God, I have had the most amazing experiences and encounters in that garden wonderful wonderful places where I have felt connected to the whole of creation and the universe and felt like I was just floating all my atoms went out. I felt peace in a level of floating in the presence of the father  there is also a pool in there.I found in this pool that i had a revelation of God’s thoughts about me and there’s a waterfall that comes out of that pool that goes and joins up the river of life  there is also a mountain in there, a gold mountain and so many other things that you’ll probably find when you will relate to heaven and these things uniquely according to who you are and God will have a special way of communicating what this is like as we go on this journey it will be very personal and real to every individual person because he wants us to experience him and he has created us to experience him  and he wants to reveal that. Coming out of the fathers garden there is loads of waterfalls and loads of pools coming down and I have found that there is revelation in those pools when I have gone into those pools in heaven and had a deeper revelation of something that god wanted to reveal and we can go to those waterfalls we can go to those pools and you can experience them yourself. And you might be thinking right now , how on the earth am I going to do that. We are going to start at base camp.  And we are going to learn to engage our spirit so our spirit can take us to these places because our spirit has access to the realms of the spirit around heaven is another place on that river of life the tree of life can read about it in Revelation 22 so wonderful place it always has fruit is always in season it has leaves the scrolls revelation and healing and wholeness in them  each of the fruit taste differently looks differently we can experience that fruits a wonderful wonderful place there is also the throne of grace .in Hebrews 416 it says come boldly to the throne of grace so we can receive help mercy in time of need. So if you got particular needs you need to go to the source because traditionally all that means to people is that i pray and God’s on the throne and he answers my prayers sometimes if I’m lucky but the reality is we can go to the throne of grace we can come boldly with confidence it means to his throne and on that throne it is a wonderful place because you feel the heartbeat of God, often he has picked me up and placed me on his lap, because this is not the throne that you read about in Revelation 4:5  where the thunder and lightning is, this is the throne of God that he’s made available for me to come and find his divine ability his divine power his grace and mercy to help in any situation in my life I can go there I can follow this pathway and I can literally come to that throne and receive everything that God wants to help me every day but if we don’t go there, how are we going to receive that. So god is  establishing these things so we can go personally we can experience these things in reality they are not just theoretical things in the Bible that we pray we hope God hears no we go and we speak to him and we share our deepest needs, the deepest things that we have going on in the inside. we can go to the throne of grace sit on his lap and he’ll listen to us and we can feel his heart for us and it can empower us and strengthen us to engage and flow from that place in our daily lives this is not a theoretical thing, oh we are going on this journey this is about everyday living this is every day the source of life is in me and becomes available to me but I have to learn how to engage it in reality and is one of the places that I’ve encountered here on this pathway I’m sure there are other places that you will encounter and feed them back in this map will grow . I have encountered the judgment seat of God and I found that’s where the scroll of my life what I’ve done that contains symbolically the Bible says gold silver precious stones for all those things I’ve done in the will of God and the out-working his will for me and wood hay and stubble all the things I did in my own strength my motives and reasons you can go and you can see that scroll, see your scroll of destiny and see where they fit and get all that wood hay and stubble burned with fire to give us a fresh start and more capacity for God. that was the first time I went there that led me down into the waterfall and I have never been there before I  was somewhat reticent when I looked at his massive waterfall how can I go down that, I stepped off and floated down into the garden of God  after being in to see that my scroll the front and back had that purified and refined by fire and these things are available for all of us we don’t have to wait till we die to get into heaven it is open to us now as it was open to Jesus he learned to live there and life here at the same time and God wants to teach us in relationship with him to live here and in heaven at the same time and see heaven affect how we live here and affect us transforming the world subduing overcoming as sons to manifest God now this is a pathway now if you follow a pathway it becomes well-trodden, sometimes you can walk out on the cliffs and you can walk down the hills and you can see where people have walked because they follow the pathway and they treaded it down the firns and it becomes a pathway other people can follow so this is a pathway that I have learned to develop in my life because I’ve gone over and over and over it it’s now a pathway that belongs to me I can go to any of these places instantly by thought by activating and stepping into my spirit because I have trodened that path . now as you tread that path in your life it will become a pathway for you as well but you have to keep walking on it you have to keep going you don’t just go once you keep doing it because it has become a lifestyle not just an experience and that lifestyle is a is the lifestyle of the kingdom it is a lifestyle of the sons of God the children of God, that we can walk with him have intimacy with him so let’s just activate that simply for a few minutes now will encourage you to do is just close your eyes as usual just activate your imagination by thinking about that place in your life where God is if God isn’t in you, you can just ask him simply to come into your life right now by faith to follow him as a disciple and get on this journey on this pathway in your own life. simple, you just have  to surrender so just begin to think of that doorway that has a handle on your side think of the presence of God, his glory being on the other side of the door and just begin to picture that door in your imagination, you can use a door that you seen before just picture the door and just reach out just open that door and just allow the presence of God to come around you just allow his love to envelop you you may engage with father Jesus of the Holy Spirit you will learn they have distinct personalities just allow the presence of God to touch you deeper and deeper as he reveals his love for you that brings you to that place of peace and a sense that refer River of life is flowing from that open door you can kneel down and you can drink cup your hands you can drink deeply of that living water that source of life , feel it just flowing in you giving you spiritual energy life you can walk deeper into that river you can lie in that river you can experience what it is for that river to be flowing in you and through you just drink that living water to just let Jesus become the source of your life feel it just activate all your senses you may feel it in your emotions make picture in your mind may be just an impression that you are feeling. you may see it clearly. Just drink that living water.  For those of you who have never done this before just picture that throne, the seat of government of your life in your spirit just invite Jesus to sit on the throne surrender give him complete control of your life become a disciple to follow him on this journey to see him sit on the throne, see the smile on his face, feel the pleasure of his heart now just see that there is a throne there for you you sit down in the place of rest, the place of peace, your a friend of God he reveals his plans and purposes to his friends to see what he wants to reveal to you  about your life, your identity, of who you are. Just let him speak gently let him reveal deeper things about you. since the joining of your hearts, the joining of your lives together, your being joined to the lord, becomeing one spirit with him his life flowing into your life, his thoughts flowing into your thoughts, his truth filling you with faith with hope, with expectation those of you familiar with this pathway, you can step and follow the path that you prepared, you may want to flow back into the realms of heaven for those of you wanted to stay where you are just sensing the peace the total rest being one with him experiencing him. looking around the room in the spirit to see the Angels dancing rejoicing rejoice when we come into intimacy with God your angels around you rejoice that we’ve taken this step in the journey .is where our place of peace and followand follow that river the summons while right and exciting experience the life of God flows through us and around us. make this a daily encounter with the living God they drinking living water connected to the source of life power to overcome power to be victorious to come power flowing to transform spirit soul and body emotional spiritual physical healing and wholeness starts in the source flowing out of heaven  flowing into our spirits, soul and body. flowing through us. So okay is it just tasters of what it is that we can experience in fullness encourage you to practice these things on a daily basis and just enjoy getting to know God deeper level to enjoy his presence both within and also in his realm of  heaven.

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