First love 1-1

Since the work and interact God be able to get so journey to discover how to gates on the spiritual realm of the spirit to discover the spiritual realm within us around us in the heavenly realm engage in the two pathways that we are following in this pathway of relationship needs to deeper intimacy with God at flows inside us from heaven through the gate was our spirit soul and body to the world around us but also the pathway of responsibility where God has called us to operate rulership that means we engage in heaven we bring heavens rules were through our lives we’ve done journey preparation database In which is all about our spirit building our spirit so that we can engage see and hear God’s voice engage in spiritual realms

that means we can engage in our spirit soul and body and in the angelic realm around us and also in the realms of heaven we are spirit we have a soul live in a body and those spirit, soul and body have senses those senses are what enable us to engage with God, the world around us and ourselves and the key we are looking at in this module really is about our spirit and the fact when we become born again God’s Spirit, God himself dwells in us and there is a realm of the kingdom with his glory his presence inside us and the way in which we engage in God’s presence is through the first love gate and we are looking at this whole model on was first love I was going to do one session on this

 God wouldn’t let me go personally, the one I wrote my first okay Be there for several months just engaging with him in deeper intimacy because he wanted me to experience more of what God’s love is and to build a shared pass that on this is really the most important module of everything will be

this is the starting point of our relationship of intimacy with God we looked at the house of God what is to be asked of God and today we look at first love in the future will the river of life of Jesus and seated government in us so has a

as the house of God we saw that we are a dwelling God dwells in us , we are also a mountain a place authority and a gateway where heaven can come through our lives around our lives that

 Today we  are going to start on what is first love? and this is one of the most important things that you will ever get hold of. If you can experience first love and you can give first love it will change everything. our spirit has gods spirit and His presence within us and in Revelation 320 talks about that being a gateway a door that he wants to open and in John four it talks about living water flowing so the river of life flows from that doorway of first love when we open it and the presence of God’s and glory also engages our spirit when we open that first love door. So it is wonderful to have God in us, but we need to relate to him, we need to experience him and not just experience him but have all our spirit flowing so the river of life can flow out of our spirit through our soul  through our body to the world around us. because we are suppose to demonstrate the kingdom, and God’s love to people, not just have God’s love on the inside. So why first love? what is first love? Why is first love so important?  Essentially our eternal destiny and the destination where we are going to end up is at stake on the basis of our experiencing and knowing first love. not just his word but as a actual personal revelatory experience in our lives. first love, revelation 2:4 I have this against you that you have left your first love Jesus was there speaking to the Ephesians church who were doing so many things for him, there was a whole list of all the things that they were doing for God and yet the most important thing was first love and they left it so they had abandoned the love they once had for God .that love was no longer there priority. duty became the focus rather than relationship. They have love but maybe they were not in love.  I have heard many people say that, we’ll I love but I’m not in love as if there was a difference. Of as if there should be a difference. Now I wonder if you can remember how your first love felt. It is probably a long time ago for most of us. can you remember what it felt, those first things of love, the emotions. The passion, the overwhelming desire, to be smitten. Our mind captivated with the next glimpse, or meeting  with the person. can actually remember that surprisingly And the problem is it’s what

Was our salvation experience with an encounter of first love? Did we feel those things when we first met God. Because if we didn’t then we missed out. Probably because of the nature of our personal relationships which mess things up. Here are some descriptions of what it is to have that first love.  Infatuated with, love struck by smitten with, passion about with a passion for consumed with desire for. Captivated by, enthralled by, entranced by.

So, why first love? What does it mean to be first? What does first mean in this context. Coming before all others, in time or order. Paramount, top, utmost, uppermost, prime, chief, main, major, those are all words which describe first. Is that how we feel in our relationship with God? Foremost, principle, highest, greatest, preeminent, overriding, outstanding, supreme, premier, predominant prevailing, most important, of greatest importance, prime importance, vital, key, essential, crucial, central, core, focal, pivotal dominant, ruling, head, first. Is God’s love first in our lives? The love of God first, because if it isn’t then it is not first love. So that means first before everything else. Before me, my family, my relationships, my work and leisure, my needs. God’s love has to come first before all those things. Why, because when it does, those things work, when it doesn’t those things don’t work. Before worry, concern, anxiety, fear, depression and despair, some of the things that we feel without God’s love being first in our lives. If the first love priority in my life is him, God. Everything else must be hate in comparison. That is what the Bible says in Luke 14:26 it is a strong thing to say because it doesn’t mean we hate people as the opposite love, it means that in comparison to my love for God everything else is lesser. Luke 14:26- if anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father, mother, wife children, brother, sisters, yes even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Luke 14:33 So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple. All that we are needs to be surrender first, or we cannot fully experience God’s love. it is that God is and how we experience it. What we mean we use the word love is what we think and feel. When we experience loving God with all our heart, it means he is number one, we put his will first over every other desire, and acknowledge him in everything we think, feel, say and do. We serve God on his terms, not other people’s terms. 1 John 4:16 we have come to know and believe the love God has for us. How did they come to know his love? They entered into a personal relationship with Jesus, as their all in all. John the disciple who had his head on Jesus’ chest, is just the intimacy he experienced with Jesus describing that he had come to know him.

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