Fist love 1

Is that is as you are a during the alpha group the gauging of manual so you can get a preview of module three in a module takes out have you be blessed that we are looking to develop this manual of how to engage gods that were on journey where basically practicing that here looking to how we can engage the pathways of relationship and responsibility so we can engage in the realms of heaven and out work that in bringing the kingdom of God through our life as a gateway. over the last two modules we looked at parents for the journey that were going on and we look best work at base camp how to train our spirit so we can engage in the realms of the spirit and studio to see the river of life flowing through us so we can engage in the unseen realms around us and also in us because we can’t actually see our spirit or soul can we? We cannot see them physically but we know they exist because we have experience of them. But we need to learn to engage them and also we need to learn how to engage through the river of life back into the realms of heaven and all the things that there for us on that pathway. so on this part of the journey and work in the following this diagram right so we can look at the house of God today then first love river of life your Jesus and seated and all that will be about first love in the whole module is first love was intended to do one session on first love is love is we can be that 12 said

simply because I starting to focus on first love gate in my own life, thinking about it and engaging that, because normally it’s a transition place for me were i open up my first love gate god’s presence comes, and then we go somewhere, but he wouldn’t let me go anywhere for six weeks we just stayed, and he embraced me and so a lot of this teaching is coming out the embrace that he gave me and what he revealed, while he wouldn’t let me go. Which was a lot deeper and a lot more experiential than I first thought so we are going to follow this process through. so in the house of God section this can be three sessions today we look at I am a dwelling and then next time I am a mountain and there are a gateway, so that we experience what those really mean in practice in our lives. So dwelling places of God, heaven is a dwelling place of God, a house of God. the tabernacle which was on earth is a house of God church is the house of God we are house of God all these things are spiritual dimensions we need to engage them and on the journey will discover how to experience these things in practical dimensions. Literally the word tabernacle actually means dwelling or residence the earthly tabernacle that we see in Exodus and Leviticus and right through, and the earthly temple which was built after that same pattern is patterned after a heavenly one. So there is an actual physical heavenly tabernacle. I say physical because the spiritual realm is just as physical as this one to our spirit. we just need to learn how to engage it the heavenly tabernacle is actually patterned after the whole of the heavenly realm so on this side we see the kingdom of God kingdom of heaven and heaven and that is represented by the out-of-court the inner court and the holy of holies and there are veils or gateways between them. God made us after his image and we’re patterned after that same tabernacle. Because everything with God is a fractal so what is in heaven is out worked in different realms just in a smaller dimension and ultimately the smallest dimension is us.

so we are body soul and spirit, our body being the outer court, our soul being the inner court and our spirit being the holy of holies. so our body is literally a dwelling place and our spirit is a dwelling place our spirit is a gateway to God’s heavenly kingdom our spirit has gateways that go to our soul and our soul has gateways to our body and our body has gateways to the world now most people would be fairly familiar with this picture this is probably the last time uses picture of the new one in our is that I made it friend of mine said from the state bless you with it so so again is is is a diagram that will get very familiar with this type us couple modules that

We focus on this which is our spirit and in our spirit god’s presence and the access to God’s presence in our spirit is through a gateway or a veil. And we call that the first love gateway. and that’s what this whole model was is called first love.

 now there is a three-dimensional version of that, where we can see that within our spirit there is an area where God is, and then there are gateways that come through our spirit Revelation 320 behold i stand at the door and knock , this is where God is knocking to come in, because he is already in, he just wants to come out into our spirit , so we have the river of life that flows from that gateway, there is the yoke of Jesus there that we embrace and different thrones that are there, or a seat of rest or government in our life. now the problem is, according to Jeremiah 2:13 my people committed two evils, this goes right back to Adam and eve. They have forsaken me the fountain of living water that was the first problem Adam and eve turned away from God as the source of everything. and then the second thing is that they hue for themselves broken cisterns that can hold no water. So rather than going to the fountain, the source of living water where the river of life flows. they decided to try to make their own water hence if you like which are full of holes and never holds enough water to sustain .now the problem is because as a result of that, Adam and eves spirit was separated from God and dead to God and separated from their soul, the only place that they could get anything was from the outside. so everything came from the outside in from the world and so God built into us the need for certain things which he wanted to meet in relationship with himself love acceptance security significance and purpose, now we have those needs irrespective of our relationship God. and those needs are so strong in us that we will do absolutely everything and anything to get those needs met. the problem is because we are separated from God, the only source was the things around us so we tended to get those things from things like work, relationships, money, power and material things. nothing wrong with any of those things by the way, it is just what they are used for that is the problem, and if we use those things to give us love security significance acceptance and purpose then we’re going to be doing it following the wrong pathway in our life and trying to build those cisterns, tanks to hold the water  which will never actually give us anything . the problem is , and we have all done that , it causes damage  in our soul so our hearts become damaged our soul is damaged because of those natural needs and literally it has caused hurt and pain rejection insecurity fear disappointment guilt shame a whole host of emotional things that are in our lives as a result of trying to get the world to meet our needs from the outside. now when were born again we come into a relationship with God actually our spirit was resurrected and our spirit now has a relationship with God and has a relationship with our soul and body. Now as that takes place we now have a new source, so inside us now we have a source of purpose security significance love acceptance and a whole host of other things that come in our relationship with God, now we got access to them the problem is we been used to looking from the outside now we have to turn which exactly what repentance is turning from what you have been looking at to turn to what we should be looking at which is on the inside of us in a relationship with God. so as we go through a process of turning our dependence from the outside to become dependent on what’s on the inside, then we begin to be transformed restored and renewed to the original condition that God created us in which was spirit soul and body connected and flowing from relationship with him so as we go through this process we need to stop looking to the outside, if you keep looking to the outside for all your needs, then you are still going to get damaged disappointed and hurt, Nothing wrong with the things that are on the outside in themselves. It is just there priority and purpose in our lives which is the issue. so as we allow God to engage us and when we look to the right source then we find those hurts and pains and all those things will be healed and restored and made whole and then we can begin to manifest God’s presence through us because the purpose does not stop the transformation, the word transformation means metamorphosis the same word that Jesus used in the thing being transfigured another words shining and radiating something from the inside out, is where we need to go and so really we need then to see God presence in us flowing through us to the world around us, that we manifest his supernatural life. we can do that through the works of Jesus, he said that we can work deliverance, miracles healing all the things that he did but also greater works so there are many signs and wonders he did which were amazing, there are also greater works and those works mean those things that around us are no longer things that we seek to use we actually begin to rule through them, so some of those things like work, relationships, power and different things actually maybe the spheres of government that were called to administer so through those things we begin to express gods glory his presence his power and his purpose and the kingdom of God through our lives but there is a process to go through. and we need all the gateways that flow from the inside open so they flow through us, so we can create an atmosphere of the kingdom of God around us in which we begin to rule, as God rules. We are his children first there has to be a reconciliation between our spirit and God because it is separated, then a reconciliation between our spirit soul and body and ultimately between us and the whole of creation because we were created to bring God’s rule and government to the whole of creation and that needs to be restored. One Corinthians 617 the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with him.  This is an amazing verse that we need to experience so everything we are going to be doing is learning how to join ourselves to the lord and become one spirit so that his spirit and our spirit in unity flow out and accomplish god’s purpose for our lives. So we sort of looked at this before. We will briefly recap. So what is our spirit? Where does our spirit come from? What is it made of? Where is it? What does it do? And how do we engage our spirit? Are all things that we need to know, if we’re going to be able to connect with what’s on the inside of us. 1 john 5:5 says God is light. John 4:24 says god is Spirit. God is spirit God is light we also know God is love. everything he does is motivated by who he is which is love. and he wants us to be like him so our spirit is light. It is of creative light , not created light, as the sun and moon and stars and all the light that we see maybe coming out of the ceiling right now is created light, it was created by God. creative light is who God really is and creative light has power to create and we are made of creative light. Our spirit is made with the power to create like God. psalm 139: 13 says before you formed my inward parts, you wove me in my mother’s womb, your eyes have seen my unformed substance god saw us before he made us and before we were formed in our mother’s womb, he saw us in eternity and in all your book were written all the days that were ordained for me when as yet none of them, was not yet one of them, how precious Are your thoughts to me you have oh God. How vast is the sum of them. And I would encourage you to meditate around that Scripture just begin to really see what that Scripture is saying. Because what it is really saying is that we pre-existed in eternity, as thoughts within the very heart and mind of God. now because we are now in him we can step back into that and see what were in his thoughts. and some of you have done that, you have gone back into the heart of God and  seen the amazing thoughts God has for you  and about you, who you were intended to be so that you can see the pattern that he created so that pattern can be manifested in our lives today. so it is really important to understand that. our spirit is eternal and it’s the essence really of who God is, and it is the essence of who your are, it came from eternity, it will return to eternity. the word spirit pneúma
in the New Testament will Roulac in  the old one means spirit wind or breath our spirit entered our body at conception when the cells formed and he came in as a flash of light that has a chemical Thing but actually your spirit came into our body at that point but it came into a place where it was separated from God, the memory of who we were was disconnected and needs to be restored. our spirit really is the center of our being our innermost being, the bible describes it as, it’s really the purest representation of our true self our spirit is not limited by time and space and it’s like the tarts as you know Dr. who bigger on the inside, that it is on the outside and literally our spirit can go to places in time and space when our physical body remains here. now sometimes people have been transported spirit soul and body but generally  there are testimonies here  where peoples spirit even when they been here Sunday morning have been taken to other parts of the world and have ministered to people in those other places. I know people who have been taken in time and ministered to people back in the past. now there is no time paradox in that because it is always what was, because in heaven  it is the before realm .so there is no paradox in it, but if were available God  he can use us to do things and answer peoples prayers in the past. So we are a spirit, we have a soul that lives in a body. Our spirit is our spirit being; now there is sort of three beings that we are. Spirit being that is God and spirit realm conscious. We have a soul that is self-conscious; God did not intend it to be self-conscious, separated from him. But because of what Adam and eve did they became a human being. God had never intended us to be human beings. our spirit and soul together makes us a living being, now that’s what God created, we became a living being when he breathed into us and as he breathed into us, our responsibility for the rest of our assistance is to breathe out what he breathed in. that’s why we need a connection to the source from the inside that enables us to continually breathe out and speak out and create that which he has put into us to create. But we are in a process of restoration so these things are not fully functioning, and we need to see an ongoing process where these things begin to function in our lives and we learn to flow from the inside out, not the outside in. and then we learn to come from the realms of heaven that flows through us and connects outside of us. Adam’s spirit was on the outside of his body as a being of light he could travel in spiritual realms God intends us to be able to do that again Psalm 8 verse 4 this again is an amazing description of how God created us. what is man that you take thought of him or we know God already has amazing thoughts about us. the Son of Man that you care for him, yet you have made him a little lower than God and you crowned him with glory and majesty and you make him to rule over the works of your hands, and you have put all things under his feet. God has intended that everything should be actually under our governmental authority that we would have the dominion that God said to Adam and eve to subdue the earth and to have dominion over it to bring God’s light and love into full expression, not just of this planet but to the whole of creation and beyond, so literally I am a dwelling you’re a dwelling. What or who dwells in me? Our spirit and our soul actually dwell within our physical body. Our spirit is also a dwelling place. What is it that dwells in our spirit? John 14:16 I will ask the father and he will give you another helper that is the Spirit of truth he abides with you and will be in you. this was a prophetic declaration, was what was going to take place to the disciples after the resurrection and it applies to us so we have a versus here that says God spirit will be in us. John 14:20 in that day, that was the day he came back after resurrection you will know that I’m in the father and you’re in me and I am in you and we will come and make our home with you basically. So now we know the father son and spirit dwell in us .so our spirit is a dimensional place that God dwells in and can also dwell in God and in the heavenly dimensions it has the capacity for that. john 3:3 says Jesus answered and said to him truly truly I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God so everything I am talking about has a prerequisite condition we must be born again we must surrender our life to God so that he can bring a dead spirit into a live spirit and come to live in with us. how we do that ?we repent, we believe, and we confess. so we need to accept Jesus as Lord of our lives. but when we do that we can see and engage the kingdom of God. our spirit becomes alive to God and we are reconciled and reconnected to his presence in relationship. then God comes and dwells in us. where does God dwell in our spirit? and again this is really important to understand, because this is why there is a door and that’s why he knocks on it. luke 17:21 the amplified version says nor will people say look here it is, talking about the kingdom of God. or see it is there, for behold, the kingdom of God is within you, in your hearts and among you and surrounding you. So there are dimensions of gods rule, and this is what the kingdom is talking about, that is in us and wants to be among us and around us. and if it is going to be around us it needs to come through us. the kingdom is the area where God dwells in us. he does not want to be imprisoned and limited there. because he is within the realm of the kingdom, he doesn’t want to stay there, part of the problem is that we have never learned how to embrace opening that up. the primary meaning of both the Hebrew word Valkyries in the Old Testament and the great work Xavier the New Testament is the realm authority and sovereignty exercised by King. Literally it is the realm over which the sovereign exercises his authority, but the kingdom is in us, there is a realm in us that God rules, it is a small realm with a door, that really means that the spirit realm is connected to each of us because heaven or God’s kingdom is in us. We have a little piece of heaven on the inside. But we need to learn to engage with it. therefore each of us has access to God, to the heavenly spiritual realms and those realms also  have access to us and through us only if we allow. Because we have been given us free will to choose whether God’s kingdom is not just a small area in us , but actually comes through us and creates a large area around us .you literally are a gate too and of the heavenly spiritual realms and or a God channel. now New Age people have stolden the word channel to make it something negative but the reality is we should be a channel of God so God can manifest through us and reality is that is exactly what Jesus said happened to him. God the father in him did his work through him that Jesus was a channel for God’s work to be done and manifested around him is which is why he came so the kingdom was at hand. why was the kingdom at hand? because it was manifesting through his life and God was manifesting through him now this is another Scripture that I am not going to dwell on but  I would encourage you to meditate on, draw from, because it’s a key to understanding how these things work together because were house of God and God lives in us that makes us a gateway of heaven. Genesis 28:12 and 17 when Jacob met with God in a dream says he dreamed that there was a ladder set up on earth this is really important to get hold of the latter didn’t come from heaven. The latter went from earth to heaven , and the top of it reached to heaven and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it this is what they tried to do to create the tower of Babel to create something that God had already created for people but was closed off to them. now God began to open that realm again and for Jacob here and you see the same thing applied to Jesus who lived under an open heaven and the same thing applies to us as we see with Paul and John and others who engaged that realm and basically the angels of God were ascending and descending, he was afraid and said how to be feared and referenced is this place this is none other than the house of God this is the gateway of heaven and that was called Bethel which has the meaning of the house of God. now literally we are that house. so we need to really see and reverance that house. we need to reverence what is going on in our spirit really be aware of it. Because this is really talking about us and Jesus expanded on this and how this would take place in John 14:2 it says this is my paraphrase of this, that I believe is the true translation not the translation that is commonly taught, in my father’s house are many dwelling places for if I go to prepare a place for you, to be a dwelling place. if I go and prepare you to be a dwelling place I will come again receive you to myself, that where I am you may also. so literally Jesus went to the cross and into resurrection so that he could prepare us to be dwelling places for god. and then we would be part of the dwelling place which is heaven and a dwelling place which is the church. They are all dimensions of the house of God. so he went and prepared us to be this dwelling place and the amazing thing in this, and I think this is this is what I really love is that he has the I am is not a place, it is a relationship. so in verse ten it says do you not believe that I am in the father and the father is in me, the words that I say to you, i do not speak on my own initiative but the father abiding in me does his works. this is the relationship that we all need. an understanding of what I am really is. John 14:20 in that day, this is the day when he came back to them or resurrection you will know that I’m in the father you’re in me and I am in you. and this is the relationship of I am. anyone loves me he will keep my word and my father will love him and we will come to make our home with him. now I want to encourage you to meditate in here and experience this. it is not just words this is a truth and makes something that we can actually tangibly experience in our lives. now we know the New Testament it says that we are a temple and God dwells in us one Corinthians 3;16  one Corinthians 6:19 were a temple of the Holy Spirit and that we are not our own anymore, because when we surrender our life to Jesus and he established the kingdom in us, we were giving the government of our life to somebody else. It is just that it hasn’t been practically worked out totally.  And we need to continue with that process. Exodus 4:14 says now they say, they may say to me what is his name is Moses talking to God what is his name because Moses was being sent on a mission and he was going in the name of God and he was a little bit concerned that they were no but it was and God said to Moses I am  who I am , that’s his name I am 90 think about it, is a continual sense of that, he’s always I am. He always was I am,he always is I am and he will always be  I am. and the amazing thing. Jesus came in John 14;6 says this, I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father but through me that is the way we come into this relationship through Jesus, there is no other way but he is that I am, now literally think about it, I am is and Jesus in John’s Gospel and I think John gospel is a really special gosple to me is my favorite gospel because it’s coming from a man who laid his head on jesus’s breast and was intimate with him and heard and felt the download of revelation that came he talks about things that none of the other gospel talks about you have a personal down loaded revelation, and when you read his epistles they talk about things that the other epistles don’t and then when you see in revelation he had experiences that none of the other disciples had and you have an engagement of intimacy with God’s heart which was beyond, but it is for us, so I am is in us and each of the statements that Jesus makes in John are things that we can engage in, and I would encourage you again to meditate on these things and to engage them. John 6:35 and 48 I am the bread of life the bread of life is in us .John 8:12 9:5 I am the light of the world. the light of the world is in us John 10 nine I am the door, the door is in us John 10:11 I am the good shepherd, the good shepherd is in us. John 11:25 I am the resurrection and the life. the resurrection and the life is in us John 14 six I am the way the truth and the life they are in us John 15 one I am the true vine that true vine is in us John 858 before Abraham was I am . good statement, litterally what that saying is, that the eternal I am is in our spirit we are connected to eternity and can engage it. now I just run through those things for a couple minutes , but  you can spend years meditating on this things God wants you to experience that so that you become a source not locked up on the inside of the bread of life but that people can draw from you as it is manifested around the bread of life that you can be the light to the world as the light of the world manifest through us we would be those things connected to him as he manifests through our lives. God is omnipresent, omnipotent. Omniscient, literally meaning all present, all powerful and all knowing, that means that as we are in him, and he is in us we therefore have access to know anything do anything and be anywhere in time and space and beyond now that is the reality of who’s in us and whose dwelling in us, that’s the reality of us being a house of God, it is an amazing thing absolutely amazing Jesus said I’m in the father , therefore Jesus is in us and you’re in him we are in him, the father is in you, your in the father this is talking about intimacy relationship wholeness oneness being joined to him and becoming like him, being one with him. this is the whole purpose and what God wants in our relationship. Children like him, part of the family part of his family being part of the family business, which is bringing dominion were a royal family that is who we are royal family each one of you who knows Jesus personaly is royalty. you are a royal priesthood we need to get hold of our identity as children of God and then we will see how we can begin to connect all these things Jesus had the heavens opened and God speak over him and God said to him you are my beloved son in you I am we’ll pleased and he did that again at his transfiguration and he said listen to him when we represent and we are a channel of God in us around us then God is really pleased in us, he loves it and we will begin to represent him he loves his children he wants to manifest his children on the earth as we are in heaven so that the whole of creation groans for restoration to be accomplished in us and through us. so I want to now look at engaging in this personal today and we are going  to practice engagement over the next few weeks of this. What does it feel like to embrace God? we’ll that is impossible, no it isn’t. he is in us. we need to learn how to embrace him and engage our emotions in experiencing what it is. What does it feel like to be embraced by God? God wants you to know what is to be embraced  by him, to be envelop by him and be surrounded by him and experience it. now embracing God’s presence is holistic. What I mean by that is our spirit soul and body need to be involved. It is a physical as well as spiritual thing we can tangibly feel his presence and experience it so engaging in the physical or natural realm can activate the spiritual. So physical actions can be faith steps because faith without works if you want to engage God and heal his embrace and embrace him activate the they were feel the door embracing yourself but if you was the what are the question I do all the time is only because Wilkinson of our people think actually when you embrace God embracing activated feel his embrace around you I do all the time is actually my body be a sign some of you raise our hands we need all I down they just physical expressions something we looking to engage is want to create in our between heaven and earth so I raise my hand and connect when I lie down to show I just wanted to live down the presence of God their physical things I do is no difference in doing so heart is an expression of hey I’m embracing him he’s embracing me so that we engage just looked open to engage your spirit soul and body and the your emotions through God wants you to feel his presence hugging and embracing is a face step he wants us to embrace and and experience in Revelation 320 behold I stand at the were not that that behold Jesus is saying behold there is something to see to experience here I stand at the door knob what’s the door be standing behind the door to the realm of the kingdom is on the inside of us if anyone hears my voice so he is speaking to you on the same probably let them him LOCKED up in here or Islam for intimacy with you so let me experience you experiencing listen to engage business and will the same that the thoughts that come into your mind be the expression of God wants to reveal to you so have to process if anyone opens the door so who has to open the door us the handle is on our side of you not his he is dependable us opening the door and surrendering the Lordship of our life the realm of the spirit of his rule will be locked up in a small area will expand to fill our lives and to flow around us and through us to the world and have this wonderful thing I will come in to him and will dine with him and he with me dining in the New Testament was an expression of intimacy and fellowship relationship say Scafidi us we can actually receive when we experience him this really is the access point to the pathway of relationship both through us and back into the realms out encourage you to give God is daily invitation coming home at that first love gate every day just invite his presence to come to fill us and flow through us to manifest around us so that heaven is manifesting on earth through our lives so 24 seven list of the heads of the gates be lifted up your ancient doors King of glory may coming swimwear opening up this game around the glory to come in our lives is you never actually done this and you don’t know Jesus you can make that decision today to set up you to come into my life of the open up my life as a door you to coming of those of us who do know him we can the school Jesus is knocking Kate is a door now I love doors of God 100 because his expectation was coming so I use these little pictures that in my spirit was this realm of the kingdom look like from the it looks like base in St. Helena all incandescent shimmering light transformed be your Star Trek that’s what it looks like is on the mountain of my spirit and it goes right up your see a story and this is what they were trying to re-create with the power available access to the realms of heaven that door is there question is will we opening so encourage you to do right now is to begin to just plagiarize think about the handle is on the door and then just start thinking about opening up close your eyes and relax to start focusing on Abdul is all is in your spirit so you looking inwards that dimension just think about do with it start picture that door using screen of your imagination you realm God in your spirit start to listen to hear God just listen to what the same just reach out just like him has come through you may sense will you miss may be embracing spirit Jesus and the just engage is activate that embrace activate senses just feel his embrace feel senses presence feel the acceptance love just to around you as you say insecurities arms come connected to just feel your heart as his heart rhythm you are feel faults and you come from his heart just listen to reveal signs feel his peace rest security and safety is your passion you feel his love and mercy grace to around you just feel the smallest grace is you may even start to engage I am spirit is us I am use it may have life I will I will which I resurrected way truth I am true the eternal encourage you just begin to meditate gate ask him to reveal so one of those areas to just pay receive school encounter is in you step in this is daily experience allow him to feel himself to come one flow through you to now I want God power kingdom of God around you parent see is you are my love you you please him will only encourage you to just practice this on a daily basis soul something that you get will go how could we possibly engage the whole of God is one go more we do more will engage with him so use it as a daily way of just stepping into his presence and experience

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