First love-gateway 3

Looking to engage God both in heaven on earth and we looking at two pathways to do the pathway of relationship which is all about inside out that’s why we can heal from the inside out because God is on the inside of us so that we are a gateway of from our spirit soul and body to around us and we are going to be focusing on that part today but also there is a pathway of responsibility in which we are to engage in heaven and to establish the kingdom there so it can be established on earth so that brings our rulership as sons of God onto the earth and we’ve been in base camp and prepared a whole lot of things in our spirit and now we’re looking at our spirit and how our spirit can engage the unseen realms within our spirit soul and body and also the angelic realms around us and also that we can engage in the realms of heaven and go back through that pathway to engage God where he is and we are going to participate in this in 4 or 5 sessions or segments of this module and were still on the house of God and this is the last session of that today so we looked at I am a dwelling that God dwells in me I’m a mountain of God kingdom symbol of authority is in me and today we are going to look at I am a gateway so were made in the image of God and patterned after that heavenly blueprint which is a illustration of the tabernacle a Dwelling Place. Exodus 2540 says see that you make them after the pattern for them which was shown you on the mountain. So on the mountain of God Zion a pattern for who we were and who we are designed and created to be a blueprint for our lives exists. There is a book a scroll we can engage with we have in our own lives inner court outer court and holy of holies body soul and spirit our body is a dwelling place for our soul and spirit and the kingdom of God is in us which is a illustration of a mountain a symbol of authority where a throne sits. Genesis 2812 and 17 says he dreamed, this is talking about Jacob that there was a ladder set up on the earth so the latter to engage heaven starts from here not the other way around interestingly top of it reached to heaven that is what they were trying to do with the tower of Babel for an illegitimate purpose that God has opened up heaven to us to engage were a legitimate purpose which is to so we can manifest heaven on earth the angels of God were ascending and descending on it he was afraid and said how to how to be feared and referenced is this place this is none other than the house of God and this is the gateway of heaven now in the new covenant if you like where we are now through Jesus what is done we become a house of God and God dwells in us and we also become a gateway of heaven and that is what we are really going to look at today there for you are a gateway to heaven and for heaven so literally within our spirit on the mountain within our spirit there is a pillar, mine looks like an incandescent cloud of a transporter beam, because that is how God speaks to me through this stuff and in there, there is a door and that door Jesus father Holy Spirit are behind knocking every day saying let me in, or let me out depending on which way you want to look at it so the kingdom heaven is actually in our spirit and that means we can connect through that door and that door is opened into our spirit and we have a whole series of gateways within our spirit soul and body that are designed to be open for what is in heaven to flow through us and around us  and we are going to be focusing on that mostly today so literally God’s presence his glory the kingdom is in us and there is a gate which we call the first love gate that opens up our spirit to his presence to come and fill and then our spirit has gateways which then lead out to the rest of our soul and body 3-D representation of that is there and over the next two or three parts of this module we are going to look at being yoked to Jesus the throne of God in our lives and river of life John 10:7 says Jesus truly truly I say to you I am the door of the sheep so Jesus describes himself as a door verse nine I am the door if anyone enters through me he will be saved and go in and out and find pasture so that’s an illustration of us becoming children of God or adopted into the family of God by receiving salvation being forgiven being reconciled to God being restored in our relationship to God but actually also describes being able to go in and out of somewhere and that is the realm of heaven and so its designed through what Jesus is done we can go in and out of heaven and we find pasture there which feeds us so that we can bring that here. so Jesus is a door and a gateway Romans 829 says for those whom he foreknew which means in eternity, he already new us he also predestined so he has a destiny for us to become conformed to the image of his son it was always God’s intention that there is a mold shaped in eternity that looks like us and we are to be conformed to that image which reflects son ship which was what Jesus was what he is a son of God and is what we are sons of God therefore we are also to be a door gateway as he is now the question is a gateway to or for what? and to know what is the significance of that gateway , what does it do well in the Bible there are lots of illustrations of gateways and what they were significant for cities have gates and some of them were for business transactions one Kings 2210 legal transactions Ruth 4:1 to 11 criminal cases Deuteronomy 25: 7 to 9 disputes and judgments same Scripture proclamations Jeremiah 1719 to 20 festivities Psalm 24 seven protection to Samuel 18 24-33 and a whole that’s if I will go into those it just there just some things to show you the significance of gateways and you’ll see that Jerusalem had many different gates fountain gate Watergate dung gate all sorts of different gates for various purposes we also have various gates for various functions so it is important to know the right ones you don’t want to be taking water out of the dung gate but also the new Jerusalem also has 12 gates which are described as made out  of pearls built upon 12 foundations and there is a whole significance about 12 and government ship and rulership in the kingdom so our gates literally are our senses to senses or our abilities given to us by God as sons our spirit has eight gateways our soul has seven and our body has five one Thessalonians 523 says may your whole spirit soul and body be kept blameless or mature or perfected at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ so before Jesus comes there is a process that goes on that our spirit soul and body comes back into wholeness unity harmony , whichever way you want to put it back to its original condition and purpose so God desires that we become a unified whole reconciled to him and each other and to the world and restored back to the condition that he originally intended for us which is that destiny that scroll that mold that he has shaped us to fit so our spirit has these senses the fear of God prayer reverence hope faith revelation intuition and worship and worship being the key because worship is not singing it’s obedience which means acknowledging who the King is and surrendering and submitting to that kingship our soul conscience imagination reason our mind which is our heart and that has subconscious conscious and conscious parts emotions will and choice and the key is choice because we been given free will to choose whether we allow God to be ruling our lives and allow him to engage us in son ship and our body has eyes ears nose mouth hands site hearing and smell taste and touch different senses. They all come together in a unified whole but because of what happened to us in our lives there very much fractured and not whole and most of us don’t even know  we have gateways in the past and to open  and let alone have them open and flowing so sometimes we had a trickle flowing through our lives when we should have a river so a gateway is a place of authority where dominion is exercised whoever controls your life different gateways exercises authority and dominion and control of you now that is the interesting point who is in control of our life and if we’re in control of our life look out, if the enemy is in control of our life look out. but when God is in control of our life actually we can fully fulfill what he has called us to do. so our gateways are designed to be open flowing from the inside out so that each of us becomes a gateway of heaven that was God always his intention he gave adam on earth dominion of the earth so they can bring heavens pattern and subdue the earth and bring into alignment and that is still our commission today our eyes and ears are gateways or windows, now that’s really significant because that’s our problem everything has flowed from the outside in  and we  are conformed to that pattern the world’s mold and in Romans 12 one and two it talks there about do not be conformed to that mold but be transformed by the renewing of  your mind so we have to begin to think differently and see things from a different perspective so that we can be who God created us to be and fit into that mold in eternity and change from the mold that we are shaped in now. so for all of us to be conformed to that heavenly pattern we must flow from the inside out which is where heaven is. if we try and do it from the outside in what are we going to see taste touch which is gonna shaped us on the inside so those gateways must be open. Now whoever sits in that gate controls it so we may have inadvertently or deliberately some of us given demonic forces legal access and legal rights to sit in those gates to control them to resist and to block the flow our ancestors may also given some legal rights to those demonic forces and so that’s where lie busting comes in another ministry areas to free us from those things that have taken control of our gateways these legal rights may still be there now in a lot of us we dealt with a lot of stuff Some people call it inner healing or ministry or the kingdom of God breaking in our lives and some of those things of been removed now the more they been removed the more opportunity there is for God to fill those areas and to use us and flow through those gates but we need to remove the legal rights and cleanse and purify and rule those gates and we will look at that in a future modual. familiar spirits who are assigned to us by the enemy can counterfeit those gate functions for illegitimate purposes so some of the genuine functions of revelation and other things that flow through those gateways have an illegitimate counterfeit often in New Age or occult practices and if we been involved in those those can severely block the flow of the kingdom through our gateways so we need to get those sorted and removed so we must engage our gates and know our gates so it’s really about knowing who we are and how God patterned us to be so those gates can be open then we can cleanse and purify them and then we can use those gates for the purpose that God purposed and designed so they function so that we then can become a gateway for God so that God can through us touch the world and reconcile it back to himself now the actual tabernacle in heaven and the tabernacle which was patterned on earth had veils or gates our spirit soul and body has veils and gates so we each of us is designed to be a gateway for heaven to rule the earth so therefore you are a gateway of the kingdom the kingdom is to be at hand around your life just when Jesus came he suddenly started declaring the kingdom is at hand it’s here right here and now for each of our lives the kingdom is supposed to be at hand around us John 1412 is a description if you like of what it was like for Jesus’s kingdom to be at hand. he said he who believes in me the works that I do you also do and greater works than these he will do so there are things that Jesus did that demonstrated the kingdom was here but we have the right to do and there are greater things than what Jesus did while he was physically hear the things he did when he was in the realms of heaven that we also get to do. Which is pretty cool stuff so John 10 nine we can go in and out of the gate that he’s opened to engage those greater works and to manifest those greater works there so they can be worked out here so Jesus as the door literally is a torn veil between heaven and earth and we live under that open gate to heaven John 1:51 Jesus said truly truly I say to you,now whenever you hear him say truly truly or verily verily in the old version actually means listen because this is important, I am repeating myself to emphasize the fact that this is a really important fact you will see the heavens opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man that still applies to us today we can see heaven open and actually we can experience the angels of God ascending and descending on us and around us because we are also sons of God Hebrews 11 10 sorry 19 says therefore brethren since we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus where is the holy place in heaven by a new and living way which he inaugurated through us through the veil that is his flesh so what he did on the cross opened up an avenue for us to come back into and engage in those realms and to have confidence to go into the holy place because there was only one person that could go into the holy of holies the high priest no one else could go and he could only go in once a year so it was a pretty closed place but Jesus opened those veils so that we can actually go back into that place of intimacy and encounter an experience the presence of God to be transformed by that presence and to be out worked in that which we receive there and since we have a great high priest Jesus of the order of Melchizedek a new order of priesthood a heavenly kingly priest not the old order of arronic priests who were just earthly this new order as a result of that it says let us draw near, so there’s the invitation and the encouragement draw near to that place where you can actually come into the presence of God in the realms of heaven there are many many open heaven examples in the word of God Abraham Jacob Moses the 70 elders who went up and ate on the sapphire pavement in heaven Joshua Isaiah went up into the temple Ezekiel who had many encounters there, zaccharia Jesus Stephen saw into that realm Paul who went into that realm and John who saw and went into that realm and if you look in church history you’ll find many who are called mystics who have also encountered that right through the history of the church that has been open only a few people have sought it out but now God is opening the revelation of that so that we can all engage what belongs to us as our inheritance as children of God to experience and engage in heaven and to be a gateway for that experience in that encounter with God to transform us and  transform the world around us revelation 4:1 behold the door stands open in heaven it is not closed it stands open for us to engage so each of us lives under an open heaven so that we can have an invitation to interact with the spiritual realms both the eternal heavenly realms and the unseen angelic realms that operate in this and around this dimension so the gateway of first love is the key place that’s where our access to the source of living water comes from river of life so that we can be filled and to overflow with that life John4: 10,13 and 14 Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well which very interesting was Jacob’s well and Jesus answered and said to her if you knew the gift of God he would have given you living water so see the gift of God is Jesus and Jesus wants to give living water Jesus answered and said to her everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again talking about the water that came out of Jacob’s well but of course remember Jacob had access to heaven not just earth so there was a heavenly well as well as an earthly one whoever drinks of that water I will give him shall never thirst but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up to eternal life so we have access to that heavenly source and supply that in us becomes a fountain that springs up now that indicates movement energy life and God doesn’t want it to stay as a fountain he wants it to become something else John 7:37- 39 Jesus stood and cried out saying if anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink he who believes in me as the Scripture said from his innermost being now that literally word innermost talks about actually means a hollow or a cavity within and that’s where our spirit dwells within our body from his innermost being will flow rivers of living water so that fountain that source of life is intended to become rivers that flow out of the gateways of our life this he spoke of the spirit whom those who believed in him were to receive and that is our engagement when we look at the river of life we will look at how the Holy Spirit engages and activates that. Now in Ezekiel, I am not going to read the whole passage because it is quite a long one. this is described and illustrated of this flow of life

 verse one it says and then he brought me back to the door of the house. now he was looking at the temple and we know that now we are the house so we can look at how this applies to us we know that the church is the house in one sense so it can also apply to us corporately but looking at it individually the whole water was flowing from under the threshold of the he’s house towards the east and is really interesting when you look at what comes out of the East in the Bible and so we will look at that a little bit so water was flowing that’s the key from the house then in verse 7 to 9 and 12 it says now when I returned behold on the bank of the river that was flowing out of the house there were many trees on one side and on the other now you find again illustrations of this in Psalm one that we to be a tree planted by rivers of living water and enter of that stuff you also find in revelation talks about the river of life and the tree of life on the sides of the river and in its midst and we’ve been there and will go there again to engage that in actual spiritual sense so when I returned behold on the bank of the river there were many trees on one side and on the other then he said to me these waters go out and toward the eastern region then they go down toward the sea. now in the Bible to sea is often illustrated all the nations of the world where the land is illustrative of Gods people and where they go they flow into the sea and the waters become fresh so this river is supposed to change the things around us and illustrative of saltwater becoming fresh. Now we know that’s impossible naturally but not in the realm of the spirit then it says and it will come about the every living creature with swarms in every place where the river of life goes will live now we know from Isaiah 2 that the mountain of the house of the Lord is going to be lifted up above all the other mountains symbol of authority and power and the nations will stream to it and this is what it is saying here where there is a true demonstration of the life of God manifested on earth as it is in heaven people will stream to it and there will be many fish for these waters go there and the others become fresh so everything will live where the river goes now that’s what our life is supposed to be a place that brings life to the world and its a fantastic illustration and the river on its bank on one side and on the other will grow all kinds of trees for food and their leaves will not whither and their fruit will not fail again talking about our life when were flowing with heaven from inside out and they will bear every month another words there won’t just be seasons but every month illustrative again all revelation 22 were talks about the river of life the tree of life bearing fruit and these where the water flows from the sanctuary and their fruit will be food and their leaves for healing. that is what our lives is designed to be to the world a source of life for healing and reconciliation so I’m a gateway for the river of life to flow from heaven through my spirit through my heart to the world just as in Genesis the river flowed from Eden the heavenly garden of God to Adam’s garden that was in East of Eden interestingly enough in the East to become four rivers that flowed out to water the earth that was God pattern and it’s to become a pattern in us that flowing from our lives those rivers flow out and the key is we have to open the first love gate so that the river of life can flow for most of us is like is trickling under the door .it is just trickling and all that we’ve experienced in the realm of the spirit has been a trickle imagine what it will be when that is fully flowing as a river and rivers in us and through us it will be nothing like it is now I guarantee so that river of life is supposed to flow out through our gates to engage our soul to bring life to our soul and through our body to bring life to the world now switching to another illustration also God is light Jesus was the light of the world and we’re supposed to be the light of the world so the source of life and light is in us but it must radiate from us and that life and light needs to come from inside out to come around us. now Jesus illustrated that at his transfiguration he literally radiated light so there was a manifestation of what was in him on the outside of him and I believe that we can see that again and again it is actually happening, I have seen pictures of people who were actually shining and physically shining were caught on camera doing it. so the kingdom is in us which is the place where God rules but must be manifested through us so as Isaiah 9 says there is no end to the increase of his government or his kingdom and of peace , which means shalom and wholeness so that means God kingdom that place where he rules needs to come out from behind that door and in heaven and actually be manifested in my spirit soul and body so it must increase and expand and grow in me and through me and around me so the gifts that he gives to us and the fruit which develops in us, needs to grow and then be released so  that we bring life where ever we go and that’s God’s desire for us to be a source of his life so John 412 the works of Jesus were manifested through miracles healing’s and control over the world in which he lived nature so he was able to stop storms he was able to multiply food he was able to produce money out of a fish’s mouth he was able to walk through people supernaturally he was able to disappear in the temple so you couldn’t see him he had  physical control through his spirit over his physical body and the vibrational frequency of it, so that he could change it to enable him to do those miracles. when I went into heaven that was one of the things I asked because Jesus said to me on numerous occasions what do you want to know I wanted to know how he did the miracles just came straight into my mind as a though, how did you do this, how did you do that, and he showed me it was all about controlling the frequency and vibration of the energy that was in him and around him in the world because it says in Ephesians 46 that God is in  and through and above everything so there is still a vibrating frequency which is the grace of God the divine ability of God vibrating as the smallest particles of strings. Which is where string theory comes from its his voice still vibration today to change it , which is why we can change it which is why we can change and move matter everything created has a vibrating frequency, a sound an image so when we resonate with God frequency of love grace mercy we have that vibrating energy energy in us and through us and around us so we bring life where ever we go. so literally I am a gate for my mountain authority and you are so we’re a channel for God’s kingdom within us to become the kingdom around us as his spirit is joined with our spirit in unity and oneness so we can then engage and bring dominion from the spiritual to the physical realms within the spheres of influence we got and we know that our mountains are symbols of the spheres of influence that we got ,and we have seven of them associated with our lives which are what God has called us to bring government into and some of those can be international national local around my life and circumstances so literally the kingdom is it hand or should be a hand wherever I stand, wherever I live or go to work, wherever I am the kingdom should be at hand therefore a manifestation of God’s love power should be available to us literally as an energy field of vibrational frequency and an atmosphere around my life and therefore I can live in an atmosphere of heaven on earth because it can manifest around me as a shield if you like or a force field, whatever you want to view it as. therefore we are living under the authority and power of God’s love from heaven even though we are living on the earth were not subject to the laws of the earth should we know how to manifest this through our lives so literally what we are is establishing the rule of heaven as embassies we are embassies of heaven on earth therefore we are ambassadors of reconciliation to bring the whole world into that restoration of God’s intended purpose for it. that is the ministry that we’ve been given so we can become a free-flowing gateway so the atmosphere of heaven and the glory and the expression of God as love radiates as light through us as transfigured spirit beings now we have got some work to do to get our gateways open to see our DNA and our physical body actually transfigured and changed into the original image but we have been given the tools to be able to do that. communion is one of the most powerful tools to take on and eat the blood and body of Jesus so that we take on his dimensional DNA and the vibrational frequency of it to transform our DNA to align the sequences of DNA into the image of God and that’s what God is wanting us to do so that the fruit of the spirit love joy and peace patience goodness kindness etc. will bring life and peace and rest around us to change that water from salt to fresh. to change the world in which we live in fact the whole creation is waiting for us Romans 819 the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God the whole of creation is waiting for us to take our place that creation itself will also be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God so we must be set free from the corruption that is affecting our lives our soul and our body which is subject to corruption because of sin but Jesus has dealt with sin therefore brings us to be able to come into freedom and to bring that freedom to the whole of the created order not just this planet everything that was created both in heaven and on earth.

 for we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth to together until now and we’re living in that now in which we can actually bring a change to the whole of creation so literally we become a resident harmonic frequency for those of you don’t understand that, Google it and find out. As we become a part of heaven Symphony answering creations groan. and I was asking God what does it look like, how I describe it, and that is what He said, we become a resident harmonic frequency as we become part of heaven Symphony answering creations groan. And I have heard that sound, it is an amazing sound light fragrance frequency concoction, it just all comes together in heaven, it is an amazing thing to experience it and to hear it and to feel it and to sense it and to see it and it’s supposed to flow through us so that frequency or sound is recognized and responded to by creation itself see creation was designed to release its blessing to us as we released our blessing to it and most of that is withheld because it’s held in bondage when we free it we can actually see creation respond to us and released to us everything God has intended we will raise creations frequency back to its original condition of harmony between heaven and earth if we carry a high enough frequency ourselves so as we embrace our destiny as sons as we as we take God’s desire to reveal us and manifests us as sons who will live at that higher frequency things will change we will start restoring the frequency of the planet and the universe back into alignment so it resonates with heaven once again reconciling and restoring it someone sent me a picture this week that said this is what it will look like everything starts coming into alignment with the frequency, so literally the planets and everything will start to be realigned. now Romans five describes reconciliation verse 10 for if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of his son much more having been reconciled we shall be saved by his life that’s the process of bringing  us into wholeness and not only this we also exult in God through our Lord Jesus Christ through whom we have now received the reconciliation spirit soul and body in harmony saved so so delivered protected provided for everything that salvation has is to be out- worked through us in us two Corinthians 1:18 and 20 to 20 now all these things are from God who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation namely that God was reconciling the world to himself not counting their trespasses against them he has committed to us the word of reconciliation. therefore we carry the word the frequency the voice of God for reconciliation that is what we manifest through us the word of God . and it is not just the written word in a piece of paper and a book, but the vibrating frequency of the potential energy of God’s ability. his grace available to us therefore we are ambassadors for Christ as through God were making an appeal to through us we beg you on behalf of Christ be reconciled to God we should be appealing to the world by our expression of that word to be reconciled to God John 1410 do you not believe that I’m in the father and the father is in me. that is the relationship that’s the house of God and now they’re in us the words that I say to you I do not speak of my own initiative but the word, the father abiding in me does his works so as we engage in this relationship of intimacy and we know the father son spirit in intimacy on the inside of us and in heaven literally we are a gateway a God channel, a channel for God to do his work through us for God to work through us as sons because he wants sons, it was always his intention that Jesus would be the firstborn of many brethren another words sons .so as my spirit grows it literally enlarges its territory of the kingdom to encompass and be unified with my soul. so my soul aligns itself with my spirit not the other way around. so my spirit needs to rule so

36.54 my soul needs to submit that the process that we are in so being unified with my Sony Corporation to flow out through my body to engage the world around me so I am whole and bring that wholeness to a broken fractured world for God so loved the world he gave his son Jesus and he gives us as his sons he is given us to the world as his sons as a diagram that explains what we have in our relationship with our spirit how that then affects our heart and then because we have access to heaven then we can manifest to the world around us deliverance the works of Jesus miracles supernatural things character of Jesus created greater works all things that were designed to do as sons of God so that literally that area in us actually is on the outside of us and that is God’s intention that the atmosphere is radiating around us with the essence of love is that’s who God is God is love God is spirit so it makes sense that there will be a spiritual atmosphere of love so the works of Jesus are love in action the essence of the father who through and around us as a literally a electromagnetic field of love everything vibrates as electromagnetic energy and atmosphere of the kingdom the rules of governance by the creating an atmosphere of field of love a vibrational frequency of love that creation the spirit realm angels demons can detect they detect will atmosphere that we have and the good atmosphere pushes away negative things and about the spirit rules negative things to it hence if we are bad attitudes demons smell from a mile off just like a shark and smell blood in the water for 5 miles apparently so is very important that we have the right things flowing through our lives so that we can radiate and emanates that field of love and grace and mercy and power and love around our lives now you know you can see it when you look into the realm of the spirit so I choose to do that I can see was emanating radiating from each of us and then you can learn how do that as well comes often this color fragrance things around people that you can see and engage with so you can see what’s coming at you and I was doing that earlier on in the me in one waiting to start I was looking around I saw some things that renovating of people wants to deal with fear is the biggest thing that draws the enemy so important that love perfect love casts out fear from our lives and practical application of finish with this is we going to exercise their practical application of this asking okay how do we get what’s on the inside and we can floor that which is on the inside of us from by choice for instance when were in an atmosphere where we together and there’s an overflowing is an anointing and is likely just feel it and you sense it is great you can minister he laying you can see just God minister angels of ministries is wonderful the sometimes is not like that sometimes you have to do stuff when there’s no atmosphere when you’re your own how do you then create that spirit needs to flow from the inside out so we can draw from that which is on the inside of us to create something on the outside of us for instance in terms of healing we can draw from our faith gate the potential possibilities of what God says and God says we can lay hands on the sick consumer cover we can cast out demons we can raise the dead we can do those things God says that the signs will follow those that believe so when you engage your faith gate your engaging in belief I believe that I can do this then you mix that with what’s in our hands or in our voice invite that frequency that is vibrating in my hand there is a vibrating frequency which is the grace of God is at the smallest particle if you like will time and it’s going in and out of heaven and is connected to a source of power which is greater than what’s here on the earth so that vibrating frequency when I connected with faith know what I believe that when I lay hands on someone they will be healed literally anointing forms in my hand and when we land and people often they feel heat or vibration because literally that’s what’s happening anointing which is the charge equipping power of God is Jesus when we mix faith and grace together and we can all that deliberately and apply the same goes when we speak words that are faith and grace they can speak into someone’s DNA and change it you can speak into a situation remove trauma from people cells there things we can do in the power of healing because we can draw and apply the supernatural power of God to it now you will want only to know that is God told me to tell you I asked him and if you just want to do it by magic find you can try but actually God wants us to know how to specifically engage in deeper forms of healing so that people keep their healing and don’t lose it because many times people music is they don’t know how to keep it so when we can apply these things we can ask you teach them to keep their healing so gates of our spirit so body needs to open that starts with first love gate that’s the gate on the inside of us that is a source of heaven so what is flow from those gates to ask ourselves what is the frequency that we are vibrating at as low frequencies indicate sickness high frequencies indicate health healing oils and other things are manifestations of high-frequency we need to be manifestations of that frequency that the colors that we manifest and fill the atmosphere are colors that come out of the power of heaven on earth so Revelation 320 behold I stand at the door of God Jesus talking to each of us right now saying I’m standing at the door which is in your spirit and knocking not just knocking if anyone hears my voice so he speaking is vibrating is a frequency and opens the door so when we engage with that frequency and open the door I will come in to him and will dine with him and he with me intimacy fellowship relationship we can all do that but we need to invite him in one Corinthians 617 the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with him so literally when were opening that door we are inviting a joining if you like coming together being joined in finding oneness spiritual union resonating with his frequency literally we can begin to align ourselves with his frequency therefore then we can start flowing and radiating so Jesus is knocking is the door within our spirit which engage with heaven has an expectation of what’s behind that door his presence the handle is on our side and you can open it so we’re going to do that so I encourage you as you doing this we want to see the river the living water flowing from that first love gate would encourage you to drink that living water 20 deeper and deeper that it become a river and you just start to feel that vibrational energy resonating within you to stop feeling the flow so encourage you to close your eyes close your eyes just relax in God’s presence just start to focus thinking about that door in your spirit just think about that door expectation is who’s can engage Holy Spirit was energy and life Jesus his love father your identity just think of expectation is to start picture that door in your imagination within your mind your heart that screen just picture that door within your own spirit to see the handle start listening for God knocking start to listen to the frequency just reach out open the door in your spirit door of first love just consciously invite God just let him engage spirit soul and body sent you his presence his embrace acceptance love around you your innermost being sent love if you never invited Jesus is your life know God personally in this way you can for the first time just choose to live and invite him in rest so you give you relationship what the slate clean you in the beginning have done this many many times is a fresh engagement with him every time something new experience deep to engage the yourself being joined to him connected to him vibrating with his frequency resonating feel that heart-to-heart conscious of that river bring fountain of living just bring see again deeper and deeper feeling river energized life as the views engage gates or my just consciously open those gates spirit gate and just to let that river flow deeper and deeper and streams make glad city of God flowing so filled with joy grace peace just let your soul to fill love spirit is large your flowing through freight atmosphere energy around filling this room a piece is some of you can just engage that atmosphere all from within you those healing us that you flow out of the so you can engage your angels the angelic realm this room right now there are many angels gathered engage your spirit with spirit just encompasses for soul and body and creates the spirit energy life God around you rivers of living the realm of the spirit right now you wonders colors smell the fragrance those fields raising life fill in this room fragrance love past and fear fear of the supernatural fear of seeing God faced year of the angelic realm is a great spirit of God heaven you establish those embassy, ambassadors reconciliation is for two creation waiting for you grow the core high-frequency release you spheres of government see that so around you life see swarms finish just want to become a source of life healing wholeness God’s kingdom miracles signs and wonders as we just ourselves to engage this realm encourage you just practice these things daily practice opening the gates your spirit soul and body practice engaging first love. Thing those frequencies lives power presence embassy of heaven engage with creation bring reconciliation restoration God manifest you

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