Anointed ears


A new age has begun it is called the kingdom, if is very different than the church age that we been accustomed to.

The standards of the kingdom are much higher than we have known in the church age, because we will be walking in the continual manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit. There are no laws against the fruit of the Spirit. But there is a law that governs the kingdom; it is called the perfect law of liberty which is love.

The kingdom of God must first become established in our own lives and then it will be expanded into the people we come into contact with and our cities and states

This moving of the Spirit is not like we have seen before. All the moves of the Spirit started in a couple of people, and when those people died, the move of God dissipated.

We are now moving into the Promised Land and there is only one in charge, the captain of the Lord of Hosts. We must all be able to hear His voice clearly and obey Him or we will be side tracked by well meaning church leaders.

The Christian world will reject the Kingdom just as much as the Jews rejected the Church. It never seemed to be an issue before; but now, anything that brings forth the Kingdom of God will become an issue.

The divine order of the Holy Spirit will reach a level that has never been seen before. There will be submission to the divine authority, but with it there will be also an eliminating of the division of hierarchy and laity that has existed in the Babylonian systems. The true authority of Christ will not cease to be manifested, and it will cut through everything as we are submissive to the Lord and to one another as bond servants. The greatest thing is the revelation of the Lordship of Christ; He is Lord over His church and we stand in awe of Him.

Seek for that awesome presence of the Lord; and walk with absolute humility, determined not to lift up or put down your brother or sister, but rather to walk humbly as a bond servant before them.

People tend to carry on the traditional class distinctions: “This is pastor So-and-So, and this is one of the members.” But now, the emphasis God is bringing is to the little people, the little flock! Leaders are going to be tested the hardest—they must have no other motivation than the tender care for the little flock. God brings forth a leader to serve and to be a part of the little flock in everything.

Instead of looking for an important place of service, start looking for whatever needs to be done. Look for ways to serve. Learn how to relate to one another; learn how to reach out to see a brother or sister met by God. Without any ambition or self-seeking, set yourself to see the Kingdom of God come forth.

The first disciples argued about who was going to be the greatest in the Kingdom; but after the fire of God fell at Pentecost, there was no more self-seeking. Their motivations changed.

It is not the same among most Christians today. Many people today have received an experience in the Holy Spirit and spoken in tongues, only to emphasize it and make a big movement out of it. They still work out their own programs—there still is not the humility, nor the bonding together of the Body of Christ, nor the bringing forth of the Kingdom which God wants in our hearts.

The way that God is moving today can only be understood by a revelation to our heart through a Word from God.

People who have not received that revelation of a Word from God to their heart are going to stumble at everything Gods brings forth. They will criticize and twist the restored truths. They will bring persecution against believers who are learning how to walk in faith 

The Pentecost experience of today is not only a Pentecost of tongues, but also of a Pentecost of ears. Believe not only for the anointing upon the tongue, but for the anointing also upon the ears to hear. When Peter went down to the house of Cornelius, the people were prepared. They had heard from God. Cornelius knew the voice of God; and when he received the Word, he gathered all his relatives and friends into his house. They waited there, knowing that someone was coming to give them words of God to tell them what they should do (Acts 10). Did Peter intend to preach up to a certain point and then lay hands  on them? Do you think he had planned that? Or do you think he was really surprised when it happened? What created the miracle when those Gentiles received the Holy Spirit? It was the miracle of the anointed ears.

When we have anointed tongues and anointed ears, we will see the greater works come forth. When we break through with our ears open to hear the Word of the Lord, totally and completely, miracles will rise up and bring changes such as have never been seen before. How we need the Lord to anoint our ears to hear the Word of the Lord, and to hear it with all our heart.

In the realm of spirit, you hear, because you will to hear. Luke 8:18 says, Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that which he thinketh he hath. Take heed how you hear. If you are determined to hear, then the miracle of faith will create it in you. Determine to be a voice and an oracle of the Lord in this hour. Be determined to walk humbly before the Lord. Humble yourself before God. Be determined to hear His Word and to speak forth His Word.

The love and the relationship of unity in the Body of Christ does not take place because we all see eye to eye in perfect understanding over every issue. It happens because we see eye to eye in another way—with our hearts open. We have the same spirit, and then comes the understanding of the faith.

This eliminates divisions and keeps people from being lost by the wayside. A lot of people are turned away from walking with God because they do not have an ear to hear what He is speaking. Instead of condemning them, we pray for the the loosing of their ears to hear.

The book of Revelation is based on hearing the words of the Lord. Over and over we read, “He who has an ear, let him hear” (Revelation 13:9). Whenever Christ spoke a Word, its effectiveness was based upon the hearers’ faith. The greatest faith mentioned by Christ during His ministry as He walked upon the earth was that of the centurion who said, “Just speak the word and my servant shall be healed.” Jesus marveled and said, “I have not found so great a faith in Israel” (Matthew 8:8, 10).

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