Seat of rest and government 3

Is that you use more will see you not been on this journey with this is our toll-free way to save we can this journey it is about us discovering how to engage the spiritual realms to discover going to us as well of the rest of us the us and also in the realms that and this journey is: two pathways relationship alleviate is within you realm and responsible will we begin to establish the this module first love but we are house of God comes to live in us our life and that engage is the first love when we experience what it is love set you are my also we engage in that is the river of life and as we Jesus that he guides and directs us so now on the seat of government is to last week we saw the that’s the rest what is on the throne of our lives so we trust rest in your provider our protector will guide and direct our lives and works you look at what that means the government a house of God kingdom is established in around through us they are will try and hold on this’s lives is a of and also know you the use of the whole do this. Which is more about the government of God in our spirit next people that were going how to how we appropriate thrones on it have in

Now everything takes place in our own spirit our spirit is a dimensional place where the kingdom is and we know that first love gate where we open where Jesus knocks on the door to let him in , then as we open that door his presence  fills us, we engage him there. engaging that is supposed to stay there is on our emotions the important to John seven is supposed to flow rivers of that means where is on the inside of us to flow out through us to engage the world around us to change it we Holy Spirit living water and life engage Jesus is young us so we become joint he guides and sets the direction for our lives we engage the father seat of rest government Matthew 1128 is how to me all will weary and heavy laden and that is where everyone is his name not know Jesus and through of because will be doing things trying life there is and if we your rest know what were trying to do that stuff anymore trust our spirit is a mountain and strange the same as you and understand the symbolism the place governmental so our spirit is a place of spiritual there are thrones to a places where on that a throne represent you to rule place of government in our lives so on who’s on the things that so I if going on throne we can be at rest and place of authority or if we seem to meet our needs is that’s where to into a mess will try to me our own needs in her is and work that close us so the seat of rest we looked at last week enables us to live in a place of peace and trust and related in us by the storm may well be going on around our soul will WHEN I’m you to the storms of life questions in the storm we can in you mother’s place of peace rest and I will around us Jesus is our example for this one of the storm arose when he was about the disciples and will he was asleep as he or a statement we going to the outside the disciples is they were in a place of rest Jesus said peace be still a is us you are just a savings the things around our lives peace and joy on our circumstances is how he is also he’s and joy relationship because righteousness peace and joy is our in our spirit is in us so we as you to around you. As a choice the rest or in mountain running complaints the heavenly else always basically are will surrender we as a with you sacrifice place which is our choice rest we only all the trials and tribulations of life and and use them is an opportunity for growth translation our choice on place of rest so God is calling us to a place of rest so as the Jesus is Lord he’s on the throne of our lives but we also our throne and his family while that worrying us in that place of authority is to six is raised us up with and seated us with him and places in Christ and also setting the world through all the blessings always spiritual blessing us blessing which is the empowerment to succeed and revive is in and wraps so we access that him work is so his rule ways Lord is a place of rest in peace his government brings us are our that we begin to rule and have a different set off the 21 says to the whole the kingdom of God kingdom is a place where rules so God’s kingdom is where he has authority is God is within you is only within us when we invite him into that place you in our lives in ways in us he is in that place them just it until we let him take so that is a place for God rules Jesus is more is called more or less and seven times the on what verse you release the is principal about came his position in our Jesus is his name and that represent his identity as salvation Christ in the authority and carries and wars the position that name the house in go so were talking about all his government 617 says what joins himself to the more so is the one who joins himself to that governmental position all the while spirit with our writing unity and oneness so we engage living water your Jesus and seated at rest in us all about the coming joint and become one spirit and that will already with so Lord is his position is our position in oh I see him seated in the that if you think about physics us also strains expression of you way it is but you so first thing about being born again other than that is to make much sense that we see of the spirit set so the seat of government is like being he and where midst of a parliamentary election for general election and he has a parliamentary seat and a constituency over which he is in authority represent and as members of God party are we have a place we constituency will so where he all my see I have been trying to roll over biomedical spirit is this process and a training doesn’t just want to is on the throne of your the question we need to us it Jesus is on the throne of our life and then God is on the seat of government and the are intractable even if you don’t know your is the situations and circumstances and the file will why are training ground will come to most of us fail to overcome going as we been realizable situations are and we try and reject the situations God is giving us as opportunities to grow so literally our throne is in his throne or way of looking at it be but we always and that’s where he is asked to 30 all the also the Bible says my right hand so I made your enemies he so he wants us to be on his right hand over is always based will are the world 20 where people to live in Christ when you raise the dead the resurrection and use and seated at his right hand is so God has raised up Jesus and seated on his right hand heavenly places now he wants us to and said let us verse 21 are all rule authority power to me and every his name but it is a also the wealth come and for all things in subjectiongave his head overall this journey to the only always will so it is he’s the head with a body then he the underarm the that will wants us to a position government will he will and to establish is and he wants to fill us with his own us to the were Lord is one thousand power of will are all a person so we talk about commitment I need to God committed to the church is committed to your vision where it might be the real question is I surrender is where he was going when you surrender your give up allow him to rule as you have the authority in your life you a lot so he wants us to establish government of his position of government in us by surrendering whole submission know we are everything about us in our human set against mission because it was that is principal because of what happened without any of choosing a wrong path we can do it without God which is human is we do it without God we get knowledge that God we ourselves will I suggest the around world see what us to us not that’s that’s what God wants us to surrender the him so he is change things and so Masters says Jesus is a part-time will him will was us the ownership question is are we surrender to Jesus Christ is that’s a tough question is everything case against that is great examples in the Bible the is that soul ribbons he became Paul “destiny for try and to his own way and in fact the work most of our problems in our lives us try and will run life in you God you get will 646 says this way call me Lord more and do not you I say Jesus all will come will more the same will be soul and he said yes that is a yes said yes S is a God are our destiny is or is blessed us to enable us to be to be on him to hand his government and his authority if you are be found the access to all the we need in our lives he wants to be a us our past do is terms relationship and intimacy you are we afraid to surrender is that’s in the you fear let him go all your these throne trust issues and most of us to interact human circumstances and situations that God will all those that is actually a trust what but we have to you into that and trust that you means obedience anything and Jesus said is what it is about discipleship following the way it discipleship uses the way the truth and the life means we have to follow his where he said he my disciples with you with you and those on anything becoming a Christian is not for a party of the will of surrender our amazing we have a just see take of the iceberg in this time is calling us to actually in terms around the what we do that is so much more we can so we need to be surrender are is our work our relationships and friendships of his recreation is always the most people use it almost the same amount us to diversions of his heart you will surrender is that God blesses us and puts us we have more than enough for all we need an abundance we could be as his braces divine ability provide for us we are Christians and that will represent is that he will seven you can just also place is in every day all day we are in your and then our representatives his kingdom is a 48 Voice We Way we do this will his kingdom his governmental you will we lose for the expression of his rule on your with Jesus the Lord of your life means that is rule the boss masquerading challenging that but we want to were all and we really are in him surrender so the Lord the part that we surrender is on the throne of my life everything the subject that will so Jesus is will porches phrase you we surrender to peaceful rest surrender to the righteousness and justice of his we surrender so he can exalt us to a place-based will in our lives is process always Lord in control rule over the circumstances of our lives only when we surrender by anticaking because he’s given us free will and the choice to rule the things are when four to surrender and it is our choice not to forsake the but when you are a result of our own way it says in the Bible the ends of all where death always destruction and that the dollar doing things his way is always abundant life blessing so we trust him by seeking first is the policies if we seek first his kingdom and he will us are willing to trust to do everything is all the key you are you handle everything he will his was in his presence to train us to bring we make sure to reign in him we become one him were a joint heir everything he is okay as he is like a parliamentary seat your constituency your position it was in God other places of government in our governmental system I’m sure in a systems we are ventures who represent constituency apart and there she responsibility is to make sure things are done that represent the spirit. There is you have positions who are responsible for declare as you but also how to is resourceful or department and will stay there are places for god called us to be were called those things in the realms of heaven and to outwork our point is on the seat of government Jesus access to our heavenly positions Lordship kinship son ship will be focusing on that actually but we don’t just engage in Matthew 11 responsibility that trying is not the of a new machine that you to train you to use that level of where God for throne and in our spirit that we this process pray today to start buying the family business as a result of God called to do is start and that holding the whole you go around creating work we first become servants that’s the key you if we a with the goal all will him just to promote myself in rework to dwell so we come into the heart is seven you choose to be also of also says you will do anything other than so and violated all through some of the is hearing in the area to pray but also as you those people were free chose you just want to love and desire so the last will and once we make that choice to surrender to serve God he starts to trust us authority and position with the jewelers he trusts us. The seat of government in our lives will realm manifestation of all of government around us as we God’s kingdom worked in us and through us around our lives see this change so the kingdom become a and hands Jesus said when he was around the kingdom is here you you can experience it is around us so all of us when Jesus is Lord begin to exercise your came to command everything to be subject to the realm of and he says amazing base a nasal amazing commands it is an amazing miracles that show that he had authority over this realm is the lives of a higher realm Jesus manifested the works of Jesus demonstrated the authority all the the kingdom is that house all in heaven is rule is higher than earth will that’s why miracles and change the laws of nature because they are higher rules the 1020 says it I cast out demons by the finger of God then kingdom of God, the kingdom changes things for us real people’s lives so Jesus is his authority in a ways through May things I was sickness disease and that healed the sick and ready that is pretty to power our Lord over nature it so he still storms he calls things to change be transformed he you might realm so he cast out demons to authority over the spiritual realm he also a vibrational frequency of matter also authority as he knows how things were as he created so authority you get to operate important handle is on compelling they face and she is there is anything going to one realm of the realm because we have authority and understand the realms of how things work so Jesus will water is managing he control the vibrational frequency the water is a solid respect as he had power over all the energy that Jesus had power of the matter to transform eternal one to change matter into energy is pattern because he was a is just hear for people he walk through people literally as he went into the realm on the inside out so he was in the realm of heaven and all the same time that’s called will be two places at same time and effect but Jesus will become your will be done on earth as it is in heaven so you know what is in heaven and you problems bring authority on your so this is why Jesus that in both realms John 330 there is one who was come down heaven people ourselves Son of Man who will has his home in was talking to Bemus just and how is amazing thing God so loved the world that he gave and got some and he presses it by saying that here is God. Me heaven by saying time on the and then you they are from his position in and that’s how we John one John three a serve God. For this purpose to destroy the works of the world works says he comes to ball kill and destroy wants to mess everything up in Jesus came as God’s son to destroy those works Mark 1615 so Jesus come from the day in resurrection and gone into the realm of heaven so you received authority was now saying to his disciples go into all world and preach the gospel to all creation all creation all is these the signs which will copy those who believe in my cast the so speak because they are servants is a pretty poison it will said there will there was signs that we all in God’s kingdom and we you send his is a throne the government of our life and to 90 our life you are federal state servants always I will talk about is a wonderful will Usually restoration house of power of the enemy think about it us authority over all you need to make sure thereunder are the only if he is the head if we want to your head you and that all things that hurt us but when he said and where is all the things arthropathy nothing will into the that they were physically spiritually emotionally mentally take it as we know what you are always to be on thrones Matthew 2880 and Jesus came up and spoke the same all authority and all our all are all the you may in heaven and on a statement is true go there or disciple the nations that’s our mission is always been a mission able to bring his authority and the nations to see the world rest we been breast and how it prospers it’s a so that we can blasphemer and really to the blessing of relationship God is all our is your way down 713 this is what happened Jesus was resurrected he is very and very series of that you are not yet go back to my father and he immediately after he meant went back into heaven into his father said he this is what the whole house of heaven one of the Son of Man is coming he came up on the ancient of days and was present before and this is described in Matthew 24 and him was given dominion over what is rulership authority glory and he all Eagles nations and men is my so that his dominion is an everlasting dominion from our pathway anything that is from so so that Jesus, all the authority heaven on earth that is and 27 is sovereignty the dominion the greatness of all the kingdoms say to Jesus to show him all the kingdoms of the world is this earth of all the dimension the greatest of all the kingdom is under the whole of heaven will be people of the highest kingdom will be our last thinking of all of it is also an amazing so into us is you all authority to us and you is on water and I poverty-stricken slaves as we don’t do our son ship we don’t realize who we are children of God you authority to speaking to us because religious they kept is the most bring us. Multiply it from us the five we don’t see another reality of our identity and we are as his children is in us that authority dominion that will take you by also us stone was strongest actually was talking about all the kingdom the ranges of man and the stone was get represents Jesus as a place of authority is says this spell became a breakout in and fill the whole or see the kingdom of God will fill your just where where we’re involved in our by becoming sons of God and administrating that kingdom in the days of those things this was talking to Jesus first can the God of heaven will say kingdom which will never be destroyed that kingdom will people it will crush and put within all those it will itself is also that crushing punishment or any of those native people think about talking about really God people and people into a relationship with him observation of school place for hinge rest in our lives Isaiah you to now will come about the last days most people believe that were in those days of mountain a house will that simple represents for people will be established the chief that so governmental structures and all the other kingdoms are already in this world will be nothing in comparison to the authority three singles people in and when Jesus is all about we raised about all the all the authorities there exist we are in this all happened when will start to crumble and fail and all the shaking the systems the world take place just you national ones health want to know the will begin to shape will happen all the nations will stream to the latter that will a place governmental authority may SAY, that is the last will when know the answer to say people working for when YOUR place where you to those in the health wholeness lived under the government of heaven were not subject to come in this within the financial that is what God is going to those who are willing to embrace his fortune raised us up once it may us to the kingdom priest to God his father to him you are you’ve made us the real as a kingdom of priests who can engage Revelation 510 and you may then to be the kingdom priest will enable rain on your were called to rule terrain is as his kingdom on the earth and you Revelation 1150 the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and his Christ and he will reign forever this is a place which is where we would be part of it or not is 57 those who receive the balance of grace in the gate of righteousness what happens will we get born again we set always our Savior and Lord will reign in life through the one Jesus for us we will reign in life when you’re supposed to be okay was supposed to it says in the Bible which reign in life were called to rule is always they God Genesis 128 this was going mandates you and God bless you how to prosper in both is a be fruitful and multiply the we are in spirit will that was hombre and his Romans 819 because it all messed up the whole of creation is waiting for some is the anxious worrying of the creation waits eagerly the revealing of the sons God is waiting for you and me to come is all is our search to be expressing the kingdom us on the goal that creation itself also set free from its slavery to corruption interest-free mortgage social as we are a way that because we been veils for these sessions kept us now we God is calling us to be sons you will authority flows from the inside it flows out of us from that place of government in this what was in Jesus John 1410 do you not believe that I father and the father is in the words I say to you I do not speak my own initiative father abiding he does his works to build on the throne he does it start throws just have to be willing to work with it the 2143 says this therefore I say to you, we take away you and your people produce when Jesus came to be away from people who have a gate to God people now and as we use because I believe is the major shooting government associate not just a that will will he will also insecurity people around the world there is a new you raised up will start to take away from the Lord is not just through releases to those who are as his own personal of those will word to embrace that position heaven you are what was going us to do so always position of authority can be joined to him and he asked is necessary in a three as his house on the throne of us own spirit the heavenly government God but when files on spirit in us you as a refreshing has three violent a number all the number world always will we know the hell portals our heavenly always is so God looking for us to come into agreement with him and earth in us so three out one school that means if we give you authority is a is in us then our throne we will see how we the kingdom of God be manifest through us and manifesting on our through us is the gateway and we become like the angel of the house is the church how you position all seeing authority and how a grievance with the manifest so we want to see heavenly and earthly bring you see in our lives and was the around our lives is your life change things that window will open that info in us and through us and around us on the on the the that teaching you and will that I’m not just going to exercise to engage this in our own lives in the exercises we look to engage our imaginations screen God given us to be a picture place of use the doorway we had us and all in our spirit you may open that door or in your life that Jesus come into your life you should do that today you just need to choose to give in your life surrender to his government and sell yours or accept Jesus is to me and forgiven brownie starting come to live in his is a dwelling place for volcano be you choose to do that the already knows Jesus became is in us the first love gate is a low because he’s knocking it says Revelation 320 and he say something is where hears my voice and opens the door I will have a I what we say something like that in that open the door on fill you with my presence in my my power and my love and my joy and peace all the amazing things he has for us as his children so encourage you to picture that will on the handle is on our side so you okay with that us. So we’re a choice will we raise our lives will and fill us also in us there is a throne seat of rest and government’s see you can use those pictures if you are is a of away engagement will only encourage the right now is just to come that place of rest peace and just begin plagiarize you will your spirit they just invite Jesus to become your Savior give you a place you start pass a is open that first love gate and invite him in the activate your imagination he will use that to picture door in your life that will comes on the pray is in your spirit and the moments just picture as a choice will will by faith that is the life is going to you is in you where is presence in the spirit this is the feelings peace and security and safety is on the throne on your is choose to step will throne my life choose Jesus I invite you will as he government rest in my spirit make that choice is as you choose to surrender the actuals us you he will a he’s on that he will place is see something on his lap in the position where he’s been you will reign is rivers of living water you are for the manifestation came healing and wholeness deliverance when you can speak to the mountains is the man in the just think aboutwhat you is situations ranging around from your place rest and government in the eye of the storm start peace for those in you is a government God you will you will is rest of your brain bring you the around you as you listen to as you know him as a chain sickness in the as you the usual part shame transform take his life to create is called change and transform us feel the are a is an striving for us to God begin to minister to bring him will claim the position is what you will so encourage you to is that is the world to say that place of authority to him daily begin to learn how to God and exercises authority arms you as his children

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