Encounter truth

For instance, if you’re looking for a change in health, and the doctors say you have a particular condition, but you choose to believe in a reality where you don’t have it, you often feel doubt or unbelief. You might wonder how to get rid of this diagnosis or how to renew your mind. To be honest, you can’t really renew your own mind. Your mind gets renewed by encountering truth, which changes the lies you’ve believed. The more you encounter truth, the less hold the lies have on you because you realize they aren’t true.

In my relationship with God, the things I believed about myself, the world, and God were programmed into me by religion, culture, and upbringing. It wasn’t enough for me to just read the Bible or to try and think differently. The more I tried to think differently against something I previously believed, the more I focused on trying not to believe it.

When considering how to change your thinking to believe something different and operate out of that belief system, it requires encounters to change. It isn’t enough to have facts or information. I found that when I’ve encountered God, these encounters radically challenged what I previously believed, and the encounters changed my beliefs. If God had just told me something, it might not have been enough because I wouldn’t have experienced it. He has said many things to me that took a long time for me to realize because it’s only through experience that I could come into that reality.

An infinite number of choices

When it comes to choosing a reality, quantum physics indicates that if you choose something, the universe responds to you, or creation responds to you, and begins to manifest that. The problem is, you have an infinite number of choices every second of every day. Which ones do you make? Usually, you make the ones aligned with what you already expect to happen. So, most people keep getting what they’ve always got because they align their choices with what they’ve always expected to happen. If you want something different, you have to learn to focus on that one thing and exclude all other possibilities, so they no longer exist in your expectation.

Manifesting the desired reality

This is what hope is about—manifesting something. You’re essentially saying, “Here are all these possibilities, and I’m going to narrow them down and choose one to the exclusion of all the others.” In a quantum physics sense, what happens is that choice, out of all the others, collapses the wave function into that reality. All other possibilities cease to exist at that moment until the next moment. If you continually choose each moment to focus your intention on that, eventually, you won’t believe anything else, and that’s when it begins to manifest.

There is usually a period between choosing that reality and it becoming what you truly believe rather than just what you want. There’s a huge difference between wanting something to happen and totally believing it is going to happen. That’s where intention needs to be focused, and you need to be able to focus that intention consistently.

By continually focusing your intention, eventually nothing else will hold your belief, and you will find that the desired reality begins to manifest.

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