The cares of this life

Jesus came to give us abundant life, in order to enter into this kind of life; we have to get rid of all the cares of the human life.

We are a new creation, a new race of beings that started with Jesus Christ, when he was raised from the dead. We are no longer human, we are born of God. We are literally sons of God, born of the incorruptible seed of God.

Our soul was born human; our blood stream is directly related to our soul. When our spirit was born again our soul starts going through a transformation, a blood transfusion where the human part of us dies, as it is displaced by the blood and D.N.A of Jesus Christ.

John 10:9 I am (occurring now- to have existence, to be) the door (the entrance into): by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture (the act of feeding). 10The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly (more than enough, superabundant, over and above, exceeding a certain measure, fullness).

Jesus is the door into the kingdom of God, when our spirit is born again, the kingdom comes inside of us. It is the lordship of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.  Our spirit become conscious of God inside us and as our spirit is aware of the presence of the Lord his life flows through it.

Our spirit is conscious of God, but our soul is conscious of our self and the cares of this life. The cares of this life come in the form of thought, which are seeds that can become rooted in our heart. Once these roots get in our heart they produce fruit, so that our soul now blocks the abundant life of God from flowing into our soul, to give it rest.

To break forth into a walk with God, we have to keep our soul free from cares. Through the inflow of the spirit we bring our soul into submission to our spirit, so that it does not react to trouble, but responds to the abundant life of God in our spirit.

Luke 10:41And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha (the name Martha means-she was rebellious), Martha (overwhelmed by the distractions of daily life), thou art careful(troubled, to take thought, to be divided, distracted) and troubled( occurring now-passive-receiving the action upon the heart- to disturb, stir up, to make a noise uproar, anxious and agitated, the troubled state of mind, about many things: 42But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

The name Martha means she was rebellious, we do not want to rebel against the abundant life of God, by being overwhelmed by the distractions of daily life.

The thoughts that come to our mind that are troublesome, can cause disruption to our personality (soul) so that we don’t walk in our identity (spirit) and fulfill our destiny (the living works prepared before time), that we are to walk in.

When trouble comes we respond in self, instead the fruit of the spirit and we do not grow spiritually by pressing into the kingdom, so that we manifest Christ in the earth.

We are to walk in a spiritual state of repentance, or humility of spirit, knowing that God will exalt us at the fixed time, when His humility has been worked deeply within us, so that we no longer react in self, but respond in the spirit so that we are more than a conqueror in every life situation.

In order to do this we need to cast the whole of our care upon him once and for all because we know that He is managing our lives, he is Lord over our spirit, soul and body.

1peter 5:6 Humble yourselves(command to begin at once, to bring low, to descend, to bow in mind, submissive spirit, poor spirit, exhibit humility and contrition, every mountain shall be brought low) therefore under (of place, where something comes forth) the mighty(dominion, strength which is established and manifested) hand(the instrument of action, metaphorically-for the power of God) of God, that he may exalt(elevate, a spiritual uplifting, revival, place of rule) you in due time(a fixed definite time);7 casting(definiteness of action , as opposed to continuous action, with permanent results, once and for all, to throw or cast upon, give up to) all(totality, the whole) your(of self) Care (anxiety, care that brings disruption to the personality and mind) upon him; for he careth ( occurring now, to care about, to concern oneself with, to be of interest to, the care of forethought) for you(concerning you).

 A walk with God is objective not subjective, we have to let go of all our personal feelings. We objectively tune into God and let His feelings flow through us.

As our spirit is awake, we discern the work of the enemy and resist it objectively.

1 peter 5:8 Be sober(command to begin at once, the mind of Christ, watchful, vigilant, exercising self control, awake spiritually), be vigilant( command to begin at once, keep awake, watch, never be off your guard); because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour;9 whom resist(totally reject) steadfast(firm, strong, immovable) in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions( that which is suffered, hardship, emotional influence, pain-death to self, the flesh, the world, persecution) are accomplished(continuous action without any implication as to when the action takes place, bring to destined goal, to accomplish perfectly) in your brethren that are in the world.10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto (motion into) his eternal glory (realm of divine perfection) by (intimate union with) Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered (definiteness of action with permanent results, to be affected by something from without, to be acted upon, to undergo an experience) a while (briefly), make you perfect (optative mood-is rare in the Greek new testament, expressing a wish, the act of completing), establish (expressing a wish, to set fast, fix firmly, establish in the faith), strengthen(expressing a wish, to impart strength, to bind together and strengthen so there will be no danger of splitting, or falling apart, to confirm in spiritual knowledge and power), settle (expressing a wish, to lay the foundation of, to lay a good foundation, to lay the basis for, render firm and unwavering,  consolidate, the joining of spirit and soul into one)you. 10To him be glory (worship) and dominion (the presence of power) forever and ever. Amen.

It is as we learn how to walk in the spirit that we grow up into Christ in all things and become a reflection of Him in the earth.

A walk in the spirit is a flow of the spirit, where we are moved and led by the spirit, so that we are transformed from the inside out. Nothing coming from the outside can penetrate into our hearts because of the overflow of the Spirit in our lives. we have to learn how to rejoice always, so that the strength of the lord, the joy of the lord cannot be stolen through the cares of this life.

Philippians 4:4Rejoice (command for continuous action, that which gives great pleasure, ecstatic, feeling of delight, joyfully beholding, be full of joy, to experience gladness in a high degree; to have pleasurable satisfaction; A high degree of gratification of mind and emotion; state of pleasurable feeling; extreme satisfaction; to please highly) in (in intimate union with) the Lord always (at all times): and again I say, Rejoice. 5Let your moderation (from two words 1 in, upon 2-yeilding, proper. Gentle, Mild, patient, a kindly patient disposition of spirit, unbiased, or impartial) be known (command now, decisive act with permanent results- to come to know, receive a knowledge of) unto all (the totality) men. The Lord is at hand. 6Be careful (command for continuous action in prohibition, “stop being troubled, anxious care, troubled, to take thought, to be concerned about something, unproductive concern about events and circumstances, Do not tolerate anxiety or worry, for it will injure your own souls. A focus on physical and temporal matters instead of spiritual) for nothing (not even one); but in everything (the totality) by prayer and supplication (to make known ones particular need, request) with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.  7And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep (keep from harm, keep with a military guard preserve spiritually) your hearts and minds through (intimate union with) Christ Jesus.

We have to yield to the gentleness of the Spirit of the Lord inside of us, when we are confronted with the cares of this life so that the Jesus in us can become know to the world around us.

Mathew 13:22He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care (Anxiety, care that brings disruption to the personality and the mind) of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke (occurring now-To choke or throttle and thus to suffocate, To shut off, or reduce the flow of,  to choke the growth or increase of seed or plants, pressing against,) the word, and he becometh unfruitful(does not produce, useless, unprofitable, producing bad fruit).

Mark 4:19And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things (pleasures of this life, entering in (continuous action-To go into, to intervene, moving about freely., choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful

Luke 8:14And that which fell among thorns are they, which, when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection( occurring now-ou –full negation telesphoréō-To bear to perfection or ripeness, as the seed does the fruit)

We will begin to grow quickly in the lord, as we learn how to abide in the lord, and no longer respond in self to the cares of this world, but move in the opposite spirit, so that the fruit of the Spirit can grow to perfection in us.

When pressure comes we pause, draw from the Spirit and move in the gentleness of the Spirit of God.

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