07 Councils of Heaven

A major aspect of the heavenly realms is the governmental perspective. There are different levels of governmental authority relating to the different realms. Our mountains and our thrones are positions of governmental authority that are in different realms.

Zech 3:7 “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘If you will walk in My ways and if you will perform My service, then you will also govern My house and also have charge of My courts, and I will grant you free access among these who are standing here.

Sons of Issachar knowing the times and seasons. Administrate the seasons and align the Houses until we live in the fullness of the Order of Melchizedek continually. Looking to align ourselves in agreement with what was, is and will be. Ordinances of heaven reveal my identity and position and authority in sonship. I can access the mantles of identity and position for my destiny. I can access the weapons or tools that enable me to fulfil my destiny. New season with access to the scrolls with new mandates and heavenly positions. Access the discoveries of new revelation and then be commissioned.

Living in dual realms will mean having charge of the courts. Engage the courts cognitively. Access and operate in the courts as a Chancellor, Judge, Magistrate etc. Function even when not consciously present. Learn how to receive and make laws and legislation.

Zech 3:7 “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘If you will walk in My ways and if you will perform My service, then you will also govern My house and also have charge of My courts, and I will grant you free access among these who are standing here.’”

Charge of the courts. Know the court room protocols, Judicial court, mobile court of accusation. Some are judicial but are not criminal. Some are more like councils or assemblies, more like a governmental cabinet. Present cases for verdicts. Present cases for justice. Present cases for promises. Present cases for grace and mercy. Make and receive laws and legislation. Receive mandates and authorizations. Agree, decision and strategies. The different courts, councils and assemblies are in different heavenly realms and are accessible with different levels of maturity and positions of authority. The courts have many different functions. I can only share my experiences but there many others.

Kingdom of God – Mobile Court, Strategy Court, Court of Angels – Lordship Kingdom of heaven – Chancellor’s Court, Court of Scribes – Kingship Heaven – Court of Kings, Court of the Upright, Court of Councils of the Fathers – Kingship Heaven of Heavens – Court of Judges, Court of 7 and Court of the Lord – mature sonship. Court Room Protocols – authorization to use or have charge of a court. God is looking at our heart motives not if we dot every I and cross every t and get our words exactly right.

Court of war/strategy – present an authorized mandate. Strategy revealed to outwork the mandate. Heavenly preparation – decrees declarations, assignments etc. Earthly – practical direction and outworking Court of angels. Present agreed authorized mandates and get angels assigned. Call for volunteers. Engage the angelic canopy. Recognize when we speak with God’s voice.

Court of Chancellors. Take mandates, laws, legislation that needs authorization. Get it sealed and agreed with Lion, Ox, Eagle, Man. I have experienced the cloud of witnesses and angels appearing here often with great excitement and a willingness to stand with you in agreement.

Court of scribes. Take sealed mandates and get them written into the statutes. Receive the legislation to use. Engage the recorded scrolls for your spheres of government. Legal rights, previous prophetic revelation etc.

Court of Kings. Receiving agreed or pre-existing laws and legislation. Make new laws on a blank scroll. For new laws follow the process through the courts – Chancellors’ and Scribes’ courts.

Court of the upright. Present scroll with a mandate, blueprint or legislation. 12 thrones with mantles and torches assigned. Confer with specific people. Bring people back to life Court Councils of Fathers. High level tasks and authorization. Directives to producing legislation.

Access to Council of 70. Access to Satan’s trophy room. Access to the 12 High Chancellors’ Houses. Court of 70 Meeting in four 70-day periods for judgment, justice, grace and mercy. Make and present a case. Understanding precepts, statutes, laws, evidence and verdicts; judicial jurisdiction is important. My precepts are the foundation of the beginning, I AM, My eternal nature and character, the fullest expression of who I AM. The foundation of righteousness, the fullest demonstration of love revealed in pure light. My heart revealed. The why of creation. 

My statutes are the fullest expression of how I see and perceive everything, My world view. The lens through which all things from the largest galaxy to the smallest particle are observed. My observation that enables the existence of all things. My mind revealed. The what of creation. My laws, the principles that enable all things to exist; that which holds everything together. The divine cogs of all existence from the relative to the quantum. My voice revealed. The how of creation.

I was called to present a case to the Court of 70 (Galactic Council) for judgment to be made against the old Moses order on the basis of: is it a reflection of heaven governmentally?

I had to learn how to make and present a high-level class action case. All cases must be based on the precepts of God. I was then directed to present 3 more cases before the Council of 70. On the basis of the judgment verdict. I was then asked to present a case for justice. On the basis of justice I presented a case for grace to be released to the new order. On the basis of the grace I presented a case for mercy to abound. What I learned about protocols of aligning the 12 houses became the basis for preparing those cases. I first saw the council of 70 in 2013 before engaging a period of intense preparation. Council meets for 4 periods of 70 days starting in February each year Judgment, Justice, Grace, Mercy. I was given very clear instructions. Spend 35 days in preparation. Present the case on day 35. Spend 35 days in administrating the verdict. The case for judgment was first and foundational for the others. Court of Judges, High level judicial decrees, Exercising and releasing Council of 70 judgements. Court of judges administrate justice in righteousness. Court of the Lord. Destiny scroll agreements and assignments. Angelic assignments, guardians and caretakers. God’s precepts from the eternal now of what was, was. 

Son, legislate the area, region and nations for justice and call for freedom. I call you to administrate My heart for My people’s freedom from religious oppression. That was my mandate Cultivate desire for that mandate, meditate around it. Seek for direction; can I use existing legislation? Where would I get it, Chancellor’s Court or the Strategy Court Do I need new legislation? Where I would I make it?

God spoke to me about giving Him time to legislate (to make or enact laws) I had been using existing legislation to administer the kingdom Making new legislation using the authority it releases to see the rule of God’s kingdom bring restoration. I engaged with Wisdom and sought revelation. Wisdom took me to the Court of the Councils of the fathers. I was given a mandate to make a new law. Law of religious freedom. I went to the court of kings, sat at the bench and called for a scroll. Law of Religious Freedom God gave me directly. I hereby authorize the law of religious freedom. This law approves the right of the Joshua generation to set My people free. You are authorized to bring freedom to the oppressed, to release light into the shrouded darkness of the old Moses order. You are authorized to administer Emmaus road-like encounters to those whose minds have been veiled by the coverings of men. You are authorized to call for and administrate justice for God’s people. In love you are empowered to challenge the old wineskins and their associated mind-sets. The old Moses order mountains can be shaken with the winds of change.

You are to call the Joshua Generation to action to cry into the valley of decision and release heaven’s sound and light. You have been assigned the ordinances of the angelic hosts to engage in visitations, dreams and visions. I took the scroll to the Chancellors’ court; it agreed and authorized and sealed it for my use. I took the sealed scroll to the Court of Scribes, and it was written into the statutes for my life. I am empowered to use it to legislate to bring justice in righteousness. Use this legislation wisely and with precision and many will be set free to receive their inheritance. I engaged the heavenly Council of 70 for authorization to legislate alignment for this shift. I declared and pronounced the law of religious freedom. I began to use the legislation of religious freedom to call for change. On the basis of the law of religious freedom:

I call for the veils to be removed from those covered by resistors and rejecters of the new heavenly order. 

l call for justice on the basis of God’s judgement, the exposing of those refusing to take the people into the promised inheritance.

I call for a stirring and quickening of the hearts of those who have been covered and limited. I call for a new generation to arise.

I call for mercy and the light of truth to shine brighter and with more intensity into the darkness of the coverings of men.

I call for justice and freedom from the religious evangelical spirit that is plaguing God’s people.

I call for a holy dissatisfaction to grow in the hearts of God’s people and the cry to go out from deep within “there must be more than this.”

I call for the sound of heaven to resonate in the hearts of those who will become hungry for more as they become dissatisfied with junk food and baby food.

I call for more angelic encounters, visitations dreams, visions and supernatural engagements.

I call for a new desire to rise in the hearts of those who have been misled and covered by religious veils of doctrine and theology that denies the supernatural as normal to their lives.

Son, prepare for 2 exoduses, one from Egypt and the other from the wilderness.

Son, stir My people to call into the darkness with penetrative light. Send forth the light to pierce the dark veils of blindness and deception. My ordinances will be at the command of My people if they will accept their mission. Prepare the storehouses to receive the harvest. Call forth the mandates to build and establish the blueprints of the new order embassies of heaven on earth. Call forth the blueprints for the new order Ecclesia and storehouses for area and regional embassies. My people must build the storehouses for the coming harvest. The blueprints are ready but where are those who will say ‘here am I send me’?

God is beginning to move in our hearts in new ways as we respond to His heart. I started to receive and make legislation. Legislate about removing restrictions Legislate about removing religious bondage Legislation for our hearts to be prepared to feel God’s heart.

Son, you are authorized and mandated to legislate into the restrictions on the church. I challenge you to remove the restrictions and limitations. It is time to clear away the obstacles, to remove the shadows and step into the light. The mists around the closed and clouded minds must be dissipated. The hindrances and entanglements must be removed so the limitations of minds that are stuck in what has been, can become free to embrace what can be, so it can become what will be. The veils must be removed, and restrictions lifted to embrace the limitless potential of My reality.

The way, truth and life are to be experienced, not conceptualized and contained. The limits of what is possible must be removed for My purpose to be achieved. You must begin to entertain limitless grace and mercy to be able to grasp what is true reality beyond all expectations. Call for the legislation of justice where Lion and Eagle will roar and soar. New dimensions of everything can be yours if you are willing to let go of the old and embrace the challenge of the new.

My legislative response- I call for the removal of the limits to unveil the beyond, the limitless potential possibilities of eternal reality.

I call for freedom from the religious restrictions that are creating limitations.

I call for justice against all the fear-based entanglements that are hindering us being a place of exchange.

I call the heavenly hosts to be witnesses for justice that all mind-sets of limitation will be exposed and removed from benches of 3, 7, 12, and all mountain benches.

I call for the courage and boldness to possess the unknown to be instilled into all of our hearts and minds.

I call for all selfishness to be exposed and surrendered.

I call for hearts, minds and wills to be filled with compassion, zeal and passion.

I call for all confusion to be removed from our hearts and minds. I call the exchange to be commissioned and the departure lounge to be opened.

I call for all obstacles to be removed from those who will be drawn to the light.

I call for the mountains to be made low and the valleys to be lifted up, the rough places made smooth and the crooked paths made straight.

I call for the opening and administration of the everlasting doors and the spiritual atmosphere over us to be cleansed.

I call for the angelic armies of heaven to be released with fire into the atmosphere over our spheres of influence.

I call for the principality of our city of refuge to be installed. You are authorized to call in the harvest of specific people groups. The authorization is released to call into the enemy’s camp to target the strongest, most resistant opposition. You are authorized and empowered to release the intense light that will turn the Sauls into the Pauls of the next generation.

I authorize you to legislate love in its full force and power to transfer people out of the darkness into the kingdom of light.

You are authorised to use the seasons and cycles with wisdom, knowledge and understanding as your council.

You are authorized to administrate Judgment, Justice, Grace and Mercy, the 4 pillars of judicial government.

You are authorised to plunder Satan’s trophy room for those you have been given responsibility for.

I call for a passion and zeal to be imparted to us.

I call for the hindrances and shackles to be removed from our hearts. Lord give us an attitude of “give us souls lest we die.”

I call for the scroll for the harvest to produce desire in our hearts.

I call for the river of life to be released through the everlasting doors over us.

I call for the King of Glory to come through with salvation, healing and miracles.

I call you to change our hearts to feel what You feel for the lost, broken, hurting and separated. We have developed a statute book containing all the legislation and laws we have developed here. The laws have various areas of jurisdiction and those for general use are available to EG subscribers. Use and adapt for your own situations. I am only describing my engagements with the various courts and I am sure that others will have their own experiences. There are many other ways the courts function which can be discovered by engaging them.

Steps like Jacob’s ladder leading up to heaven. There is a door standing open in heaven. Hear the invitation to come up here. Walk up those steps to the door. Now step through the veil into the kingdom realm. Jesus is standing in the doorway. Present yourself to Jesus your High Priest as a living sacrifice. Let Him take you by the hand. Ask Jesus to engage Wisdom. Let Wisdom introduce you to the different courts. Court of Strategy, Court of Angels, Mobile Court, Court of Chancellors, Court of Scribes, Court of Kings, Court of the Upright, Court of Judges, Court of Lord, Court of 70.

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