08 Circle of the Deep

A major aspect of the heavenly realms is the governmental perspective. There are different levels of governmental authority relating to the different realms. Our mountains and our thrones are positions of governmental authority that are in different realms. 

Zech 3:7 “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘If you will walk in My ways and if you will perform My service, then you will also govern My house and also have charge of My courts, and I will grant you free access among these who are standing here.’”

Whilst engaging with Wisdom and Prudence I was given a seal and navigation tools. I was given a mandate to engage the 12 Houses of heaven. This took me 18 months of engagement to fathom out what they were and how they functioned.

Engage Prudence and her gifts to open the revelation of the 12 houses. The 7 gifts will enable you to navigate the dimensions that are to be opened. Sextant, Compass, Log books, Maps, Instruments for wind (Sound) and Waves (light) and the trumpet to herald the call.

Son, I am calling you to new level of governmental authority. It is time to come near to Me and the heights of Wisdom will be opened. l have given you the strategic instruments to plot the course ahead. Circle of the Deep is how the 12 High Chancellors’ House are arranged. Wheels with wheels within wheels on which the throne or government of God is founded.

Prov 8:27 When He established the heavens, I was there, When He inscribed a circle on the face of the deep, 

Ezek 1:16 … appearance and workmanship being as if one wheel were within another… 26 Now above the expanse that was over their heads there was something resembling a throne, like lapis lazuli in appearance; Wheels within wheels within wheels on which the throne or government of God is founded. Heaven’s Court System, Court of Judges (Kingdom Government), (3) (High Judicial Decrees), Court of the Lord (Ya Sod), (1) Court of 70 (Galactic Council), (2) (Legislative for 70 1st Nations), Court of Kings (Sons who have their Mountain) (Legislative Decrees), Court of Councils of the Fathers Court of the Upright (Men in White Linen), Court of Chancellors, Administration of Protocols From all Judicial Systems, Court of the Scribes (Records of You and Your Maturity), Court of War (Strategy/Council For War), Court of Angels, Authorizations/Mandates Actioned Earth Mobile Court Accusations & papers. I was given a Chancellor’s seal and a staff by Wisdom who instructs and helps us with judicial protocols. That gave me access to higher councils and authorized me to legislate. 

Prov 8:15 “By me kings reign, And rulers decree justice. 16 By me princes rule, and nobles, All who judge rightly. 17 I love those who love me; And those who diligently seek me will find me.”

Wisdom took me to meet the 12 High Chancellors and engage their houses. I have been seeking to understand by revelation their purpose and function I was given revelation about how to align the houses with Metatron’s cube What I discovered was that the 12 Houses are connected to the cycles and season in our lives Our heavenly angel attached to our position in heaven has been aligning the 12 Houses to open new seasons in our lives As we mature to have charge of the courts we will be actively involved in administrating the 12 Houses and the seasons of maturing that they bring. These seasons will not only be personal but for wider mandates that we have 12 High Chancellors’ Houses: Precepts, Statutes, Laws, Ordinances, Mantles, Weapons, Houses, Scrolls, Discoveries, Commissioning, Culture, Affairs of Nations, Treasury, Tadadetek, Precepts, Tauralie, Statutes, Kamarziel Laws, Mazeramadek, Ordinances, Hazuriel Mantles, Mazariel Weapons, Zadursarel Scrolls, Razamadek, Discoveries, Tamaredek, Commissioning, Harazadek Culture, Hamariel, Affairs of Nations, Melchizedek Treasury. The governmental foundation for all the houses are the first 3 that act like a Bench of 3. Precepts, Statutes, Laws, These are the foundational basis of all that we do governmentally as sons. My precepts are the foundation of the beginning, I AM, My eternal nature and character the fullest expression of who I AM. The foundation of righteousness the fullest demonstration of love revealed in pure light. My heart revealed. The why of creation. My statutes are the fullest expression of how I see and perceive everything My world view. The lens through which all things from the largest galaxy to the smallest particle are observed. My observation that enables the existence of all things. My mind revealed. The what of creation, My laws, the principles that enable all things to exist; that which holds everything together. The divine cogs of all existence from the relative to the quantum. My voice revealed. The how of creation. The 12 Houses are arranged around the circle of the deep and operate dimensionally like a wheel within a wheel within a wheel. The outer wheel operates in time and space but is connected to an inner wheel in the heavenlies which is connected to the innermost wheel of eternity. The houses are represented by the stars, the 12 constellations or Mazzaroth.

Gen 1:14 Then God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years; 18 and to govern the day and the night.”

Govern or rule the Signs, Times, Seasons.

Job 38:31 Have you fitted a curb to the Pleiades, or loosened the bonds of Orion? 32 Can you bring forth the Mazzaroth in their season, or guide the Bear with its train? 33 Do you know the ordinances of the heavens; can you put into effect their plan on the earth?

Rev 12:1 A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars; A crown of 12 stars – what does it all mean? 12 months in the year linked to the 12 constellations 12 tribes of Israel, 12 Apostles, 12 gates, 12 foundations of Zion – the house and mountain of God The number 12 is significant in scripture – representing fullness of government 9+3 God and man in rulership of creation. The 12 Houses can be engaged and there are revelatory experiences that we can have unveiling our destiny. The content of the houses for revelation and engagement is different from the alignment of the houses to govern times and seasons. We can align the Houses without needing the full understanding of them. They are arranged around the “Heavenly Realms” in 4 governmental dimensional groups of 3 that form 4, Windows of 4 when correctly aligned. It is our role to align the houses, not to be subject to their current movements and timescales. What seasons do we need to administrate to facilitate our blueprints? Heaven functions on a 4-cycle season. Judgment, Justice, Grace, Mercy. These cycles are linked to the 4 windows of heaven or 4 Houses in alignment. Precepts, statutes, laws, ordinances – Judgment Ordinances, mantles, weapons, scrolls – Justice Scrolls, discoveries, commissioning, culture – Grace Culture, Affairs, Treasury, Precepts – Mercy. The 4 seasons are each governed by 3 houses and the primary house in each 3 becomes a 4th that forms the window so that the next season is in agreement with the previous season. Rotation of the houses on the ancient pathway of the Circle of the deep. Connected to Metatron’s cube. The 12 houses are arranged in constellation order around the circle of the deep. They form the eternal circle where the end and beginning meet. The aligning of the houses release new seasons, signs, times and rulership. Understanding these judicial protocols brought revelation of how to prepare and present high level court cases. The end of one government and the establishing of new government was always expressed in terms of astronomy.

Isa 13:10 For the stars of heaven and their constellations will not flash forth their light; the sun will be dark when it rises and the moon will not shed its light.

End of Babylon’s government.

Acts 2:19 “And I will grant wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth below, Blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke. 20 The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood.”

End of the Old Covenant system.

Egypt and Assyria, same use of heavenly signs 4 seasons each with 3 houses. Precepts, Statutes, Laws. Ordinances, Mantles, Weapons. Scroll Discovery Commissioning. Culture Affairs of nations Treasury. My encounters in these houses were very hard to express and still are but I have received revelation from my experiences there. Each season of Judgment, Justice, Grace, Mercy functions when there are 4 houses in alignment. Precepts Statutes Laws Ordinances. Ordinances Mantles Weapons Scrolls. Scrolls Discoveries Commissioning Culture. Culture Affairs of nations, Treasury Precepts.

We have encountered sacred geometry where the mathematical nature of God’s laws and dimensions are revealed – Metatron’s cube. The end and beginning meet. Precepts describe the eternal nature and purpose of God. What was, was (I am the eternal now) becomes What will be and the beginning and the end meet when we bring it into What is and provide kingdom government. 4 groups of 7 with same foundational Bench of 3 Precepts, statutes, laws, ordinances, mantles, weapons, scrolls, Precepts, statutes, laws, scrolls, discoveries, commissioning, culture Precepts, statutes, laws, commissioning, culture, affairs of nations, treasury. I stood with seal, crystal and rod and I called for this alignment of the Circle of the Deep with the 12 Houses beginning the cycles of judgment that brings justice to release grace and mercy. The councils and assemblies of heaven are aligned to the cycles of judgment, justice, grace and mercy seasons. The seasons are aligned to the 4 windows of the 12 Houses. Each house is a place of personal revelation for sonship; to know the identity, position and authority of a son of God. Houses are aligned in order for our lives, mandates and blueprints to facilitate the times and seasons. What is true for personal alignment will be the same principles for all alignments. The ultimate goal is to position the sons of God within the tree of life so that balance is restored to creation and its song is heard once again. The form and the function Alignment governmentally affects seasons to brings order. Decreeing and declaring and calling forth according to the principles. Personal revelation through encounters within the houses both cognitive and beyond present understanding. Metatron’s Cube is a sacred geometrical symbol that forms a map of Creation and it is this ‘map’ that the mystics, sages and ancient civilizations have revered throughout the ages of time. Source energy, through the field of Metatron’s Cube, creates the potential field of creation – a field of high vibrational frequencies that ripple out through creation, eventually creating color, then sound and finally – at their lower levels of vibration – physical matter. Thus, the field of Source energy (represented by Metatron’s Cube) permeates through every level, through every aspect of Creation. As that original spark of LOVE of Source expands in all directions of time and space, God is the energy waves, God is the color, God is the sound and God is the physical matter, and God is the entire field of LOVE – Live One Vibrational Energy. – Simon Matthews. These energy fields of light and love form the spiritual foundation of all matter. We are connected to creation as sons and have positions within the field to converge time and eternity. We are the arc between heaven and earth but also the eternal gateway. Each set of 3 houses is like a Bench of three. Each set of 3 when aligned becomes a window with the first house of the next bench of 3 houses. The key to all benches is the foundational bench Precepts Statutes and Laws Aligning the dimensions to be in agreement. Eternal now, Spiritual and Physical What was – Eternal, What Is – Spiritual, What Will be – Physical Heart of God, 4 faces of God, Physical Universe. What was before there was informs what is in the spiritual heavenlies first before it manifests in the physical universe. Order of Melchizedek – Priest, King, Oracle, Legislator One cycle can be a generation such as 40 years, a jubilee cycle 49 years, 70-year cycle, 25 years constellations Judgment, Justice, Grace, Mercy, is a yearly cycle. We can administrate cycles within cycles. Grace within judgement. Judgment, Justice, Grace, Mercy. The judgment marks the end of the old Moses generation order and the establishing of the new Melchizedek order of the Joshua Generation. Justice outworks judgment for the Moses Generation to cross over to become the Joshua Generation. Sons of Issachar, knowing the times and seasons Administrate the seasons and align the Houses until we live in the fullness of the Order of Melchizedek continually Looking to align ourselves in agreement with what was, is and will be. Ordinances of heaven reveal my identity and position and authority in sonship. I can access the mantles of identity and position for my destiny. I can access the weapons or tools that enable me to fulfil my destiny. New season with access to the scrolls with new mandates and heavenly positions. Access the discoveries of new revelation and then be commissioned. What do we do? Engage the heart of God. Engage the Name of God 4 faces. Be seated and take our places of authority in rest. Desire to Decree and Declare and Call forth the alignment of the Houses. Access the houses for revelation.

Steps like Jacob’s ladder leading up to heaven. There is a door standing open in heaven. Hear the invitation to come up here. Walk up those steps to the door. Now step through the veil into the kingdom realm. Jesus is standing in the doorway. Present yourself to Jesus your High Priest as a living sacrifice. Let Him take you by the hand. Ask Jesus to engage Wisdom. Ask Jesus or Wisdom to introduce you to the different houses Precepts Statutes Laws Ordinances Mantles Weapons Houses Scrolls Discoveries Commissioning Culture Affairs of Nations Treasury.

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