09 Circle of the Deep 2

A major aspect of the heavenly realms is the governmental perspective. There are different levels of governmental authority relating to the different realms. Our mountains and our thrones are positions of governmental authority that are in different realms.

Zech 3:7 “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘If you will walk in My ways and if you will perform My service, then you will also govern My house and also have charge of My courts, and I will grant you free access among these who are standing here.’”

Circle of the Deep is how the 12 Chancellors’ Houses are arranged Wheels with wheels within wheels on which the throne or government of God is founded 4 seasons each with 3 houses Precepts Statutes Laws Ordinances Mantles Weapons Scroll Discovery Commissioning Culture Affairs of nations Treasury Precepts Statutes Laws Ordinances Ordinances Mantles Weapons Scrolls Scrolls Discoveries Commissioning Culture Culture Affairs of nations Treasury Precepts. The dimensional perspectives and governmental perspectives of the heavenly realms are connected. There are levels of revelation that are deeper and everything functions as a fractal of something more fundamental.

Heaven’s Court System Court of Judges (Kingdom Government) (3) (High Judicial Decrees) Court of the Lord (Ya Sod) (1) Court of 70 (Galactic Council) (2) (Legislative for 70 1st Nations) Court of Kings (Sons who have their Mountain) (Legislative Decrees) Court of Councils of the Fathers Court of the Upright (Men in White Linen) Court of Chancellors Administration of Protocols From all Judicial Systems Court of the Scribes (Records of You and Your Maturity) Court of War (Strategy/Council For War) Court of Angels Authorizations/Mandates Actioned Earth Mobile Court Accusations & papers

Son, the mercy seat is the center of the 4 governmental thrones of heaven. The throne of God, the throne of grace, the Ancient of Days’ throne, the temple throne. These 4 thrones or positions of government and relationship create the window of heaven into the earth. They sit on the sapphire pavement, held in balance by the creation stone or mercy seat from which creation itself was established. Each throne represents a cycle and season. Throne of God – judgement Throne of the ancient of days – justice Throne of grace – grace Throne of the temple – mercy. The 3 dimensions of the circle of the deep expressed as wheel within wheel within wheel which are the convergence of the eternal now, what is (creative light time) and what will be (created light time). The outer wheel is the physical expression of the inner wheel which is the expression of the innermost wheel. There are many governmental planes of existence as seen in the 12 High Chancellor’s houses that cycle the seasons. There are many 12 based planes within the circles and wheels: 12 ages to come, 12 ambassadors, 12 ages of man, 12 foundation stones, 12 x 12 dimensions… Each house is a place of personal revelation for sonship: to know the identity, position and authority of a son of God. Houses are aligned in order for our lives, mandates and blueprints to facilitate the times and seasons. Encounters with the precepts of God by face to face engaging with love – the very essence of God’s nature – become the springboard for transformation and maturity in sonship. Encounters change our experiential perspective and renew our mind to God’s statutes. The renewing of our identity produces changes to the order of our lives – aligning to the laws (principles) Alignment produces change according the ordinances – new seasons, shifts in relationship, location, opportunities begin to occur. New opportunities release new mantles of authority for the new season’s new tools, weapons, revelation, wisdom, understanding in abilities and capacities begin to manifest. Maturity is taking place. New scrolls get released with new mandates, positions, roles for the new seasons. Further revelation and discoveries needed for the new season are revealed. New engagements in the heavenly realm, angels, courts etc. A commissioning takes place in heaven and new levels of authority are given, greater access etc. The culture of your life changes, the affairs of your life shift and the resources for the new seasons begin to get released. We can administrate as well as cooperate with these cycles. Engaging the precepts may come through many different ways, not always cognitive Face to face encounter.

A revelatory encounter. Engaging eternity Fire stone encounters. A refiner’s fire experience. I had some beyond dimensional encounters that challenged me.

Son, remember that the dimensions function on a totally different time continuum relative to your dimension and therefore those dimensions that I have mandated to you are very much slower relative to your time. Very little time has passed in other dimensions since you started to engage. There are other dimensions that seem very advanced relative to this dimension but only relative to time being faster, like a day to a thousand years and a thousand years being a day. I am preparing you for the seasons to come within this age but remember there are ages to come and ages that have been.

Within this age there are 12 ages of mankind’s ascension to become mature fathers. There are many cycles and seasons within the life of individual men and also many seasons within the cycles of an age.

As the sons of God mature, they will realize that they can govern the seasons within the cycles within the age. Remember that everything is but a fractal and you might be looking at what seems to be the biggest picture but you are in fact looking at the picture within the picture within the picture. Only we are able to be I am and all that lives and exists has its being is within I am.

Son, what I have shown you is a season and a cycle of the 12 houses that are cycling the seasons of your life and the current generation. Those houses are arranged within this cycle around the foundation stone, which is also represented by many different things, the cube, the arc, the sacrificial foundation stone, the cross, the tree of life.

Son, remember 12 is 4 x 3 and 3 x 4 and is 9 + 3 and is 7 + 5 and is 12 x 1 and 1 x 12. There are many ways that seasons and cycles relate to each other; so many manifold and multifaceted expressions of wisdom and grace. What I have shown you are some of the patterns that revolve around the cube and the arc but remember you are seeing it only 3 dimensionally when there are multidimensional expressions. I have shown you the circle of the deep revolving as the constellations and the 12 houses relative to one fixed point your life within this season and how this relates to was, is and will be.

Son, even your engaging with what you term the eternal now within My heart is related to but one age. Even your rewired mind and expanded consciousness is limited but there are many ‘beyonds,’ beyond the beyond. What is true for personal alignment will be the same principles for all alignments. The ultimate goal is to position the sons of God within the tree of life so that balance is restored to creation and the harmony song is heard once again.  Precepts – Tadadetek Amazing domed hall. Portals of eternity, 4 windows of heaven. I saw into the eternal mind, the consciousness of God’s heart. I saw the foundations of order, geometry of the spheres. I saw the origins of sacred thought wave and particle of love’s fullest expression: relationship, oneness. I saw the never-ending increase of order in the exponential nature of love expressed in Fibonacci number sequences of mathematical order and beauty. I saw the very nature of God’s desires in beautiful fractal symmetry. I saw the creative desire of God’s heart, His very thoughts forming wondrous patterns of Joy. I saw His desire for sons as eternal Father, the Ancient of Days. I saw the portals into eternity release their ancient knowledge of the creative order of the conscious mind of God. l saw Wisdom, manifold in her expression, statuesque in beauty. Son of my heart, follow the desires placed deep within you to explore Me and know Me. Let your desires lead you into the dark mysteries to unveil the mystic order. Shoot the arrows of desire from the quiver of hunger and seek their pathway. The patterns will form. The door was sealed with a time lock opened only by desire of the deepest longings for the ancient paths of glory. The statute house – Tauralie l saw it is full of eyes. Perspective An eye for detail. An eye for order. An eye for symmetry An eye for sequences An eye for the geometry of the precepts to form the patterns for dimensional government. The precepts form the statutes and the statutes form laws and the laws release ordinances. The statutes are the geometric maps of the dimensions and are connected through the doorways and portals of the ancient paths. The ancient paths connect the dimensions and realms where the intersections of agreements connect to ancient knowledge. The paths meet where statutes produce geometric order and engage the DNA of heaven. Statutes are the patterns of the precepts encoded as hidden mysteries to the minds of men but clarity of revelation to the keen eye of wisdom. The statutes are points of resonance for the precepts of God to order the created realms with the perfection and beauty of eternity’s thoughts. The geometric cogs and wheels of the order of the eternal mind of God. Expressed in mathematical beauty and sequence, the golden mean of God’s heart designed to express the infinite order of love. The kaleidoscope of love’s multi-colored and multifaceted manifold wisdom and grace, the perfection of light, sound, fragrance, resonating to the rhythm of the heartbeat of God. Law House –Kamarziel Blueprints for all government 3, 4, 7, 10, 12, 70. Authority of the spheres. Ancient of Days – Key title All the spiritual laws as sacred geometric formulae. All the laws of the spiritual realms. All the laws of the 32 dimensions of God. All the laws of the quantum realm. All the laws of the physical realm. All the spiritual laws of life. All the DNA sequences of life. The precepts and statutes form the arc that releases the laws that fully express the very nature of God that reveal the government of eternity. The voice of God speaks according to the heart of God and the mind of God. Ordinance House – Mazeramadek l declare the alignment of the foundational Houses: Precepts, Statutes, Laws, to release the rising of the new order of the House of Ordinances. A new governmental alignment as the constellations are realigned, repositioned in the Circle of the Deep. Orders, scrolls, with strategic movements, repositioning of strategic ministries, relationships and alliances. Benches for territories, embassies cities of refuge and hubs. Huge grid system, a matrix of connections aligned to everlasting doors and the heavenly mountain ranges. Multidimensional map of angelic troop movements. Deployment scrolls for mandates and blueprints Lightening bolts of truth Burning bushes encounters Angelic assignments Dreams. House of Mantles – Hazuriel l engaged the House of Mantles. Many horses with riders come out. The riders are all in shiny suits of armor. It was like a procession, a ‘trooping of the color’ I saw the lead horse rear up and unseat the rider and like dominoes all the horses unseat their riders. The mantles of God have become rigid symbols of position and power to defend Anointings of the Spirit. One by one they will be unseated and will fall from their positions. I looked into the House and saw in the outer area vast rows of stalls with horses of different colors. I walked further and I saw great activity. Many men in white linen standing by rows of colored mantles. Mantles for different roles Lordship, Kingship, Sonship, Chancellorship, Judge, Magistrate Oracle, scribe, ambassador etc. There were many angels hovering, waiting for the ordinances, orders to be released. I saw the 12 chief chancellors standing like an honor guard directing me to another section. Oracles, scribes, legislators, kings, priests. There were simple brown cloth cloaks being made ready with inscriptions being woven into the right sleeves; each had a hood. The House of weapons – Mazariel. The door is fragrant with roses; it is delightful and appealing. l saw love arrows ready with fiery, passionate heads to pierce hearts I saw flasks of fragrant oils, love bombs of many different sizes and fireballs of love. l saw legions of winds of change angels with shields, black with 4 stones – Red, Blue, Green, Yellow 4 winds of heaven, 4 seasons of life. l saw dark clouds with silver redemptive linings Inscribed in the roof of the great hall was love, joy, peace etc. – fruit of the spirit. These are the weapons that have changed people’s paths. They have changed the course of history. They have been responsible for the rise and fall of nations. These weapons are agents of change within the heart of man and the affairs of the nations. They have been dependent on the prayers of the saints and the tears of the witnesses but now that the houses are aligning as the sons of God take their places within the courts of heaven, true legislation as it is in heaven can be manifested on earth. The 12 houses are rising on the Circle of the Deep and heavenly legislation will determine the affairs of the created order. The revelation of Metatron’s cube and the sacred geometry of the dimensions will be unveiled. Soon the times and seasons will be determined by the Sons of God. The army of God will be united in the assemblies of heaven as man and the angelic realm unites. The hearts of man ablaze with the passion of the precepts of God. House of scrolls – Zadursarel Chief scribe: “Now that you understand the government of the ordinances, mantles and weapons the house of scrolls can rise and release its ancient knowledge.” 3 strikes of the staff and the door which is inscribed with ancient symbols opens. I saw the scrolls stored in darkness, high in the vaults. I saw amazing light coming like golden rays illuminating a golden cord or thread attached to each scroll. This thread, if it is pulled by true desire and followed as a path, will unveil the scroll. Ancient knowledge once again revealed in the light of sons who walk in the light of His countenance Only the true desire of sons will reveal the pathways to be followed. I was suddenly aware that l could only see half of a huge vaulted dome. When the light increased as the threads were followed l could see many seats of government in threes, with scrolls and pens. The scribes and legislators must take their places with the oracles to unveil God’s heart for what will be as what was, what is, and what will be, flow as the eternal river. You are to be the oracle who issues the sounds and the light that illuminates the beginnings of the quests for the trails of the ancients. The laws of Zion are to be released as the oracles stand before the Council of the Fathers. The legislators engage what was and the scribes bring forth what will be. Discovery House – Razamadek. l engaged the door: pure crystal with the faces each shaped from one stone – Lion Ox Eagle Man Warrior angel of the order of Ishim in full battle array l sought an audience. “l am he who guards the treasures of darkness not yet revealed in light. I am authorized as Chancellor to engage the river of dark energy and matter.” All is dark, hidden from the eyes of the many. l reveal my heart and it reveals light in proportion to its purity. It is like a spotlight only falling on the mysteries of the deep desires in me at the level of my spirit’s light. Each person can only discover according to their eternal light. There are many doors, portals to discovery: each has a name only decrypted by the modulated frequency of the light released from the fabric of our spirit and reflected in the deep desires of our hearts. There are mysteries and dimensions of energy, propulsion, sound forces, inventions, maps, plans, star maps, galaxy maps for pioneering and exploration. There are many keys to each door. No man can see all and know all but all men can see their discovery. Discover the mysteries of our destines hidden for us to discover now that the houses of the Circle of the Deep are aligning in governmental order. What has been seen will be unveiled in true governmental shape and multi-dimensional form. The alignment of the dimensions of what was, is and will be. The configuration of eternal order and cycle 3 to the power of 12. l see the nations, not just of the world but of the dimensions of what will be when Sons take their places. I see light expanding out like a fan into dark energy, revealing matter Commissioning House – Tamaredek. I engage Wisdom who takes me to the door. It is very small and Tamaredek is ceremonially dressed. Only the humble who know themselves and are gentle and humble in heart can enter. I show him my heart and the altar encounters are inscribed where l bowed down in obeisance to God. The hall was enormous; there were galleries of ranks of angels and the cloud of witnesses. I sensed a strong air of anticipation and excitement. There was a sense of pleasure and pride in the children becoming mature. This was like a graduation ceremony where appointments in positions of government were given. There was a simplicity about it as each person stepped forward to the sound of cheering and applause. Each person came and kneeled before God and was presented with a seamless robe of many or multi-colors and a scroll and new name was spoken into the ear that only the person could hear. Sons commissioned into their eternal destinies. l sensed the overwhelming joy and pleasure of God’s heart. As I looked up at what was like a huge vaulted dome l could see an interstellar multi-dimensional map of the age and the ages to come. All the assignments were written and woven into the fabric of time, space and eternity. I saw many rooms with ranks over the doors that were the stages of maturity and faithfulness. Lords, Kings, Scribes, Oracles, Legislators, Chancellors, Council Members, Key keepers, Timekeepers, Advisors, Librarians, record keepers etc. Culture House –Harazadek. l call for an audience for the release of the protocol for culture. I saw the door with the 12 stones arranged as an arch. The door opens; there is a council chamber with 12 seats. I saw 5 anterooms with a map of sorts over each door. l see 2 larger rooms. There are crowns each with 4 sets of 3 stones within the 2 larger rooms. There are orbs each encrusted with 4 sets of 3 stones, the privy council for kings of nations. I saw the 5 smaller rooms are where the 5 orders of Melchizedek – priests and kings, oracles, scribes, legislators – agree the strategy for the restoration of the redemptive purposes of the existing nations. New boundaries are being agreed and set around the cities of refuge and the alignments according to the order of the Circle of the Deep 3’s and 4’s Affairs of the Nations House – Hamariel. The Circle of the Deep provides the 12 foundation stones for the city of God and the alignment will release the 12 laws of Zion. They are accessible through the gate to the city on wisdom’s heights. City is a pyramid with 4 sides, 4 seasons bring the alignment of what was, what is, and what is to come. l present my seal to have audience and entrance. There is a huge door with the alignment of nations as a holographic map. I saw a huge anteroom with many people being introduced and connected. Desires of hearts are being shared and destinies are intersecting. Nations and people groups and governmental spheres. Scrolls are unrolled and the sparks of creativity start fires and passions of relationships and joint responsibilities of new benches are birthed. There is great activity, not quite frantic, but many agreements and alignments are being made. A huge shift is taking place in the affairs of man. This is the key place for the patterns of how the affairs of nations, worlds and galactic spheres are administered. There is a huge library room with books being consulted and legal cases being made by 3’s and 7’s. Each group were working at tables with a surface as a dimensional map. There were many departments or ministries here each with different levels of responsibilities. Treasury House – Melchizedek. The alignment of the houses or the Circle of the Deep was complete. l saw the fiery sword and the cherubim revealed as the pathway to life in the eternal realm. I was given the fiery sword and commissioned to use the sword to release judgment to the church systems. I presented the case for judgment for the verdict to passed in favor of the order of Melchizedek and for favor to be removed from the old order. For the call to be released to cross through the fire of the sword’s judgment to embrace destiny. Infinite expression of the expansion of the kingdom. Resources of creative thought for every dimension, every galaxy, star system. The eternal purpose and dominion purpose: angelic host assigned to each. Room of infinite resources: many corridors with door after door, each with the resources for destiny scroll activity. Finances, weapons, angelic assignments, strategies, ordinances, legislative decrees, prophetic decrees Here is where everything established in the 11 houses is now accessible to sons. Mirror surface in each room: the scroll is unfurled and the ancient path displayed. The greatest treasures are the very eternal precepts of God’s thoughts, the intentions of His heart as gold. The crystals and sapphire, all with encoded revelation for DNA, are assigned to this path 12 corridors, like spokes of the wheel, extend from a central hub that has 12 gates, 12 thrones, 12 maps above each gate, 12 standards, 12 ages of man, 12 formulas or equations and 12 laws Son, align the houses in revelatory expression that will release the call for chancellors to come forth. Son, embrace your destiny and make it clear and plain. Once clear in your understanding, by engaging the fire stones once more the 12 laws will be unveiled in the Court of the Fathers council. I call forth a support network to be in place for each time zone, for each parallel longitude and each latitude, for each region. Oasis in each region for explorers and pioneers to find refreshment of understanding. I call for the network of wells to be dug and lights as beacon fires to be lit. 

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