Limitless grace 3

If we are going to participate in the ROAT we will need to be moved by the oracles of the Father’s heart. Have the desire to see creation set free. Have the abilities and power to create a new reality through the limitless grace of God.

We need the limitless grace of God to restore darkness to light. To overcome the guilt, shame and condemnation of sin. To free people from the consuming fire of purification. There is nothing that is impossible with the limitless grace of God.

Grace is divine enabling power. Grace is the strings of energy, the smallest known particles, that exist within the fabric of all creation and are building blocks of all existence. Grace is the vibrational frequency of Jesus’ voice that holds all things together. Grace is the zero point energy of the unified quantum field that connects all existence by entanglement through quantum foam. Grace is the living light beings, the Quantum Lumens, that are the building blocks of all creation. Grace is the electromagnetic frequency, the light, that is omnipresent within all of creation. God is light and we are being transfigured as sons to reveal and express that light of limitless grace power or energy.

Son, the Restoration of all things message needs demonstrations of limitless grace that will testify to the reality of the oracles of Our heart. The testimonies can come from both sides of the veil and beyond, so gather those testimonies from all dimensions. I will open up the connections needed to collate those beautiful stories of love’s light, restoring the lost and broken fragmented children.

The mystic realm is where to begin as there is much recorded but you will need to engage to meet those dear sons. Julian of Norwich, Jane Lead, Origen, Gregory, Athanasius, Irenaeus, to name just a few. John Newton has been at work and has many storytellers for you to meet.

Limitless grace will be scandalous and outrageous to the religious mindsets but it will be joyful to the sons of God who are resonating with the Oracles of Our heart. There are sons who resonate with some of Our heart but not all resonate with limitless grace yet. There are many who have not yet responded to Our love because of deep shame, you are tasked to seek them out within the fire and reveal just how limitless Our grace and mercy really is. The serial killers, child murderers, paedophiles; tyrants, and despots etc. who are responsible for genocide and ethnic cleansings, the satanic ritual abusers are your missions.

Son, only limitless grace through deep compassion and overwhelming love will remove the deep shame they feel. Son, do you feel it for them? If you do not feel it, you cannot demonstrate it. Son, come deeper into Our heart to feel it and know it for yourself.

I saw all the worst things I had ever imagined, thought or done in an instant; then, without any time to react, overwhelming waves of acceptance hit me, washing away every thought and memory I had just experienced. Lavish grace and the pleasure of a loving, doting Father rolled over me, almost too much to bear; and that was just the beginning: as every emotion linked to love bombarded me into total submission, any vestige of doubt was washed away in torrents of the abundance of the pentatonic love frequencies of the Oracles.

Son, now you know, you can give what you have freely received; as all sin is but a result of lost identity to us, one is all and all is one. The comparative scale of sins is a DIY tree invention fueled by guilt, to lessen the shame: “There is someone worse than me.” We just see Our children adrift in their lostness; one act is all acts. Son, mercy triumphs over man’s views of justice when the stories are told but what you will feel from those in shame is the self-inflicted reaping of all that they have sown. They are still suffering the self-inflicted consequences in the fire. I have felt the self-inflicted torment of those facing their shameful acts and unable to receive mercy, even though it is available. Only one who has experienced their pain and received limitless grace will be able to reach them.

Son, you have this mandate and you have experienced this reality from both sides. Freely you have received, now freely give by releasing limitless grace and mercy through deep compassion and overwhelming love.

The Father revealed that the testimonies of limitless grace were ready, so I went to engage. I went to the court of the upright and met John Newton, who brought many souls before me, all beaming, shining with joyful exuberance, waiting to tell me their grace story. I felt privileged to listen to their amazing and profoundly moving stories of how the unconditional love of the Father had rescued them from the fire, both before and after death. There were many who, in spite of debauched lifestyles, were visited by the light of love, Jesus, on their death beds and willingly and gratefully accepted the grace and mercy offered them. As they relived their stories, I felt what they felt when faced with the oracles’ emotions: passion, burning desire, intense joy, deep compassion and overwhelming love. They were literally swept into the Kingdom on a wave of the depths of the emotions of the Father’s heart. There were other stories of those who were in the depths of despair by facing the reality of their treatment of others when grace and mercy were demonstrated by the victim or a victim’s loved ones. Forgiveness was what had unveiled the limitlessness of mercy and grace.

The stories continued one after the other; they expressed such deep gratitude as they shared. They all had one thing common: that was how love, expressed through one or other of the oracles, had brought the realization of love’s inclusion, reconciliation, and restoration.

There were also stories of how God’s deep compassion and overwhelming love had touched them when they were in a state of grief over the loss of a loved one, child, parent, spouse or sibling killed in some horrendously traumatic and tragic way. Many came forward: victims of abuse of all kinds, rape, satanic ritual abuse (SRA), racism, trafficking, slavery etc., who had experienced limitless grace that transformed them from deep darkness and despair into a place where the light of love shone brightly.

Then there were those who had committed suicide as a result of some traumatic experience but had received the limitless grace and mercy directly from Jesus at the moment of death, all with stories of being embraced with overwhelming acceptance Inspired by the testimonies, I went into the fiery place from Wisdom’s heights to engage with those who were trapped in their deep shame. I turned my desire and my testimony of deep compassion and overwhelming love as a frequency to draw them out of self-imposed darkness into the light of my glory.

I saw Hitler, Stalin and other tyrants from history come forth, heads bowed, covered in darkness. I saw Ted Bundy, Christie, Brodie, Manson and many other serial killers come into the light. One by one they came, the worst of the worst. I felt their anguish, pain and torment.

Based on my experience, I released all the love and acceptance I had received and I covered them in the frequency of my sonship. I began to give an impassioned call to their alters to come into the light and my passion drew the Prince of Peace. Jesus stood with me and I offered them peace.

As I shared the true gospel of forgiveness, I forgave them on behalf of all their victims and released another wave of the oracles. There was a reintegration of their souls. Heads began to be raised and I continued to bombard them with love’s light until I gave them the choice they never imagined they could have: The choice to come to Jesus and receive His amazing grace and mercy.

I watched as one by one they came into love’s embrace to receive the rest of love, joy and peace. This was such a beautiful, precious moment as I observed with Jesus, the Prince of Peace. When all had come, I turned and led them out of their place of fiery torment, through the fiery sword, where each knelt down in surrender to confess Jesus as Lord.

Captivity was now led captive into limitless grace and mercy, which had triumphed over their own self-inflicted justice. What a celebration there was in the realms of heaven as those who were lost, hidden within their own self-imposed darkness, began to shine as light. There was so much joy expressed as those who were lost had come home. It then struck me: what about the victims, still in bondage to the torture of unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment and trauma? I asked the witnesses to come with me. They were happy to.

We went back into the fiery place, and I set the desire of my heart towards them. They came forth, hostile, angry, entitled, blaming God. I could feel the sense of injustice that covered them in darkness like a cloud. It was an intimidating atmosphere but we were not afraid, just inspired by the unconditional love and limitless grace we had received. I released the frequency of the oracles of the Father’s heart and one by one I reminded them of their lostness and their own sin and called for restorative justice where victims would meet the perpetrators. I asked him who is without sin to throw their accusations like stones but there was silence. Then one by one the perpetrators asked for forgiveness, and I saw the most amazing reconciliation take place. I had no need to say anything as I turned to lead more captives free from their self-inflicted torture and torment. Once again walking together, victims and victimizers knelt to confess love for God and each other as they rose to walk through the fiery sword into Zion.

Son, now you see why there is a celebration when the lost are found and Our children return to us. I went through the gateway into Zion and what I saw was the Loving Father running to embrace each one to impart sonship with robes of righteousness and rings of sonship.

Son, do not be intimidated and do not back off from your mandate, which is now primarily the restoration of all things. Those stuck in the deception of futurist eschatology will inevitably frame restoration wrongly, so legislate for an opening of their eyes.

Son, we have shown you some aspects of limitless grace and mercy but there are many more dimensions of grace to be experienced. Continue to trust the oracles deposited in your heart and express your passion and burning desire for Our heart through love.

It is vital that Our sons know how to create love’s frequency and generate love’s energy to keep the world in balance and in harmony.

Son, rivers of living water, the energy of pure unconditional love, can flow out of the heavenly realms through Our sons to create the energy fields of love, joy and peace, expressed as rest. This energy is living and active and is Our grace, Our enabling power, and is limitlessly available to those who know Us face to face, heart to heart, mind to mind.

Limitless ‘zero-point energy’, as science has termed it, can be activated with the energy centers of your being to generate the love frequencies needed to deal with fear.

Son, limitless grace is available to those who know perfect love; where sin abounds, the divine enabling power of love even more abounds. This is the time for Our children to arise and shine love’s light into the darkness of fear to dispel it. Creation can be set free from its bondage to fear and corruption by the glory of sonship shining love’s light brightly from the heavens into the earth. Let the sons of God arise and shine.

Son, union commands a blessing and both Union and Blessing are being released into the creation as orders of beings that Metatron as key keeper and timekeeper is coordinating in this season. This is the season where the dimensions are converging, where time and the eternal now are converging, where heaven and earth are converging in sonship.

The frequency of sonship, expressed through the Oracles of Our heart, is causing this convergence to begin the season of greater grace through Union and Blessing.

Son, issue the resulting cry for the sons of God to arise and shine love’s light in agreement and accord with Union and Blessing. The heavenly Mount Zion and the earthly mountain of the house of the Lord are converging in unity to release the greater grace of blessing.

Son, this is to unveil the reality of the restoration of all things message to free creation from its groaning and bondage. We desire to give you immeasurably beyond what you are capable of giving, so become a receiver of I AM’s infinite abundance. Manifold grace, lavishly, limitlessly flowing through the River of Life’s unceasing, continual supply.

Son, the shift into the season of grace that We have been asking you to prepare for is nearly here. The world is on reset and We will bring good out of this fear-induced darkness as Our children arise and shine love’s light.

When the frequency of love generated by Our sons reaches critical mass, the revealing of the sons of God has truly begun. The whole of creation is waiting for this moment and it will send ripples through the fabric of all space dimensions. The last to feel it will be those closest to it because they are caught in the DIY tree deception of fear of death.

The shining of love’s light, that perfect love, will overcome the darkness of fear and the deception of humanism. Son, take advantage of this shift as more and more of Our children come to the realization of their own vulnerability and mortality during this shaking. This is the beginning of the end of the trap of normalcy that has deceived so many of Our children. Now the possibilities that have been hidden behind normalcy can come into the light, as people’s trust in their own DIY systems is being shaken.

The revelation of Our true nature as love will be the key to unveiling the truth to a generation that has come face to face with their own mortality. Now is the time to bring life and immortality to light with the real good news of mankind’s reconciliation and inclusion in the new creation resurrection.

2 Tim 1:9 who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus before time began, 10 but now has been revealed by the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel,

Son, listen intently to Our conversation and feel it penetrating within your being so that it begins to define you. I felt the thoughts, I heard the thoughts, I am the thoughts, resonating with the frequency. Like the resonant sound of a crystal bowl, the frequency of love cocoons me, vibrates every fiber of my being with love and more love. The grace, greater grace, grace upon grace, manifold grace and limitless grace is the blessing and empowerment of love. The judgment and justice that are expressed as mercy is the blessing and empowerment of love. Everything is love’s essence, and I was standing in the midst of this amazing circle of love. The emotion is love, the motivation is love, the thoughts and intents are love, the desire is love, the passion is love, the burning desire is love, the intense joy is love, the deep compassion is love, Love is overwhelming, love is united, love is blessing and this is the heart of it: love is totally unconditional and directed towards all of creation equally, in total equality, with no distinction. Limitless grace is love’s expression. I am is love and love is I am in unison: united, complete, whole, consistent, continual. All is love and love is all – that is what I felt, sensed and knew to be totally 100% the true reality of creation from the perspective of I am that I am. Love is the eternal now, love is – that is all that can be said – love is, love is, love is. Son, this is why the restoration of all things is inevitable; now let this true reality be who you are. Moved and motivated as an oracle and ambassador of love, passionate and burning with desire for restoration. The restoration of sonship through the restoration of fatherhood that woos, draws, calls, beckons Our children home into the Perichoresis of love’s unconditional embrace. The restoration of identity: no longer lost and perishing but found, welcomed home to the position of coheir and co-creator as sons and heirs of creation. The restoration of position: welcomed into the councils and assemblies of heaven to facilitate creation’s freedom from bondage to fear and corruption into the glorious freedom of sonship.

The restoration of all things, in all dimensions of time and space, into love, where we are all to live, move and exist in love, as love and be love. The wondrous symphony of love’s harmonious being where all things are in oneness and oneness is all things. Love consumes my being, consumes my thoughts, consumes my feelings, as love is a consuming fire. I am consumed by love, absorbed into love’s embrace. I am love and love is who I am. The beginning and the end is love, the alpha and omega is love, the aleph and the tav is love. Time is a mighty river of love, consuming all; with the beginning, which is love, so all, in the end, is just the beginning, which is love. Love is all and all is love and that is why the restoration of all things is the inevitable consequence of love as I am that I am. Limitless grace is the fullest expression of love’s power to restore all things.

Son, the shift that you were warned to prepare for is here. The last two and half years have seen great changes, preparation, deconstruction and renewal of your mind.

Son, it is time to strategically mobilize those who will resonate with heaven’s sound to begin to answer creation’s groaning by establishing global networks and embassies of heaven on the earth. Global and cosmic councils will need to be established to nurture the foundations of this new age of limitless grace beyond the shift. The next age shift is upon you but you are ready and prepared for this new adventure – as are others, who will be drawn together for this momentous shift.

Son, release the sound, the call for the sons of God to arise and shine with love’s light at this moment of great darkness and fear for the peoples, so that the true glory of Our essence will radiate throughout the earth. Son, call the children of God who are wandering the wilderness of religion into the promised land of their inheritance to come beyond the veil into true intimacy and immortality.

Call for limitless grace to be unveiled as a global awakening. Proclaim the message of hope that death has been abolished and life and immortality have been brought into the light. The fear of death has been abolished and a new age of freedom for mankind has been announced as the true jubilee of jubilees. Mankind has sought immortality through magic, ritual and technology but now the truth of immortality through relationship is unveiled so all can know the truth of their inheritance and be free from their slavery to the fear of death.

Hebrews 2:14 Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, 15 and might free those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives.

Son, you are an ambassador for the Joshua Generation: it is time to make representation for mercy and grace as the time and season is about to shift focus for the forerunners. Justice according to the judgment of the 70 will continue but grace must begin to be called forth. Grace, manifold grace, grace upon grace and limitless grace are the seasons to come forth, beyond the capacity of your present experience to explain or understand. Beyond normalcy will stretch your imagination, so you must now start to engage beyond, beyond, not just in the reality of your mind’s consciousness and in the nonlinearity of your present but in your physical, nonlinear experience. Son, get ready and be prepared for ‘suddenlies’ to begin to appear as your normality. The physical laws are about to be rewritten from beyond, beyond and you have been chosen, with other forerunners, to be part of this process.

Son, share your heart and love encounters to reveal the limitless grace that is who We are as I am that I am. This revelation of the truth and true reality is the message that you carry as an oracle and a legislator to converge time and the eternal now, heaven and earth. The shift needs to be administrated but also nurtured and protected in its infancy, as people free from normalcy will feel insecure and will default back to the comfort of old religious systems and patterns. Legislate and govern in unity of heart and mind to call Our children into the fullness of their inheritance. Legislate with the Elementals for the planets to be at rest during this tumultuous period of great shifting and shaking. Legislate for the safe release of the pressure building up as a result of the fear Our children are feeling. Son, perfect love will cast out the fear, so keep releasing the love frequency through Our oracles into the spiritual atmosphere around the world and your spheres.

Son, Our ultimate desire and goal is for all Our children to become ascended fathers, capable of loving their creation with limitless grace and mercy. The knowledge of limitless grace and its association with the Quantum Lumens is a key to this.

Son, remind Our children that this shifting period is not Our negative judgment upon them but Our love bringing good out of what is being reaped because they have sown injustice, division, strife and enmity. Our mercy always triumphs over the consequences of following the DIY tree path of independence out of the knowledge of good and evil. Our love will not allow Us to watch passively as Our children suffer the consequences of their corrupt government of creation. Our loving essence is constantly and continually at work to bring good out of every situation and circumstance, although many do not see Our handiwork because of the suffering they are experiencing. Son, We do not remove the rights of Our children to choose but We do work within those choices to restore balance in creation and fulfil Our original desire and intention creatively through Our children’s choices. Son, this is not fate or fatalism but constant micro course corrections to facilitate all the choices that are being made throughout time and space.

The more the sons of God mature, arise, and take their places alongside Us in heavenly Kingdom government, the more restoration will be the result.

Our sons and heirs are in tutoring and training for becoming the co-creators they are destined to be so all of the dimensional realities can be fully restored and expanded. Son, administrate limitless grace within justice and judgment for mercy to be released at unprecedented levels so the sons of God can enter a season of rest that will bring peace to the elements.

Son, a global government will need to work within the seasons of heavenly government – judgment, justice, grace and mercy – but can administrate seasons within seasons as the circle of the deep is aligned. The 12 High Chancellors’ Houses will need to be engaged and opened to release the resources of limitless grace needed for heavenly government to manifest on earth. All heavenly government must be based on the ‘eternal now’ foundations of Our precepts: Our heart Our statutes: Our mind Our laws: Our voice. Only with this alignment can the ordinances of heaven begin to be released into the earth. The ordinances of heaven will release the new mantles of authority in love, to use the new weapons of love to unveil the scrolls for the commissioning of sons into new roles and positions of mature government. Son, use all the weapons at your disposal in this love quest and align the circle of the deep to release new mantles and weapons for Our limitless grace and mercy to be poured out into creation. Son, You have been given limitless grace to release limitless mercy so that Our mercy can triumph over all of man’s DIY judgment and justice. Son, let mercy flow down like a mighty river of love from your position of collaboration with Our heart. Bless those who have been in opposition into submission with the same unconditional love that We have lavished upon you. Son, restoration government rules and overcomes through love expressed as mercy in forgiveness. Son, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing in the darkness of their lost identity. Son, gather to deal with global issues; and mobilize and release others to deal with local, regional and national issues. Son, I call you to focus on and prioritize the restoration of all things mandate with conferences, webinars and books, to see a great reformation take place in this season of great shifting and shaking. This message of unconditional love and limitless grace must go forth to captivate the hearts of the sons of God, so they become oracles and legislators of Our heart to all of creation.

Only those who carry the Oracles of Our heart and become living oracles will be revealed to creation because they are shining and radiating love’s light as transfigured sons.

Son, embrace the continual process of transfiguration to become who you are, transfigured by love to be love’s light and arise and shine with creative light as a mature son, ascended in the realms of glory, looking upon Our face, reflecting the radiance of Our express image and likeness. As We are unconditional love, the leaven of restoration will infiltrate all of Our creation to become the all in all. Our very grace, as Our divine power, is already within the fabric of everything We have created, ready to be activated by the consciousness of Our sons, so that the ‘all’ that is already within all will become the substance and fully realized. Love is all in all, to be realized as all in all, becomes a reality for all within all. We are within all and all lives and exists within Us.

Acts 17:27 though He is not far from each one of us; 28 for in Him we live and move and exist …‘For we also are His children…’ Separation is but an illusion, for a fleeting moment within the figment of man’s imagination, but that can never change or overcome the true, ‘eternal now’ reality of oneness that exists within the circle of Our conversation. Restoration is settled – but not as an event, as some see it, but as an ever-increasing expression of Our government and peace. Peace as wholeness already exists in the eternal now of Our pure existence, therefore as We are so shall you be: all in all.

1 Cor 15:28 When all things are subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also will be subjected to the One who subjected all things to Him, so that God may be all in all.

Eph 1:23 which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all. Grace is the divine enabling power that facilitates the existence and expansion of creation. Limitless grace expresses the reality of God as unconditional love. As sons, limitless grace is to be experienced and is at our disposal creatively. Resting in unconditional love and limitless grace is the key to restoration and revelation Start to focus on your breathing, slowing it down, and start thinking of the name of God, YHVH Breathe in deeply and exhale slowly: Yod Breathe in: Hei and breathe out: Vav Repeat in Hei, out Yod, in Hei and out Vav; in Hei… Be still and know that I am God I am love, I am joy, I am peace Invite love, joy and peace to flow in you and through you to create an atmosphere of rest around you. Start to think about unconditional love and limitless grace and set your desire upon them. I am that I am and I am is love I am love and love is I am Love is who I am and love is the motive of every desire, thought and action I am that I am and I change not. I have always been and always will be love, as love is an eternal constant Live loved Love living Live loving Rest Live in the rest of immortality.

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