Limitless grace 5

If we are going to participate in the ROAT we will need to be moved by the oracles of the Father’s heart. Have the desire to see creation set free. Have the abilities and power to create a new reality through the limitless grace of God.

Grace is divine enabling power Grace is the strings of energy, the smallest known particles that exist within the fabric of all creation and are building blocks of all existence Grace is the vibrational frequency of Jesus’ voice that holds all things together. Grace is the electromagnetic frequency, the light that is omnipresent within all of creation.

God is light and we are being transfigured as sons to reveal and express that light of limitless power or energy. Grace is the divine enabling power that facilitates the existence and expansion of creation. Limitless grace expresses the reality of God as unconditional love. As sons limitless grace is to be experienced and is at our disposal creatively.

Son, today We intend to draw you deeper into Our desire so you can dwell permanently within the creative place of Our heart. The Cradle of Life is the birthing place of Our thoughts. This is a place of joy, not hard work. Come through the garden of Eden, through the golden gates, into the garden of Our heart. We will enable you to see in the light that is just the Cradle of Life, the creative birthplace of all things.

I could see but I could not really see: it was still too much for my mind. My consciousness obviously still needs to be expanded beyond my current capacity. The light enveloped me and it felt like I was being wrapped in the beautiful light and love of creative thought. In this chrysalis of transformation my consciousness was changing, so it felt like I was aware of mysteries that I was never aware of or even knew existed before. The mysteries were no longer hidden and as this process continued they became knowledge to my spirit, even if not yet to my soul.

That amazing light was being woven into the fabric of my being; it was light that has been everywhere and seen everything and it was as if all of history was now contained within my consciousness. It was like a movie of the ages was playing within my mind, reminding me not just of the facts and events but how the Father was working within them. I could see how the Father was rewriting the narrative of every event in every person to enable the love story to continue. There were constant revisions and new beginnings throughout history that are actually the fingerprints of God on all people and all history.

Limitless grace and mercy, expressed over and over, throughout all time and space, bringing inclusion and reconciliation to ensure relationship.

Son, brood over restoration within the Cradle of Life: really go deep, to identify with creation’s groaning. Feel the pain creation feels over the lost identity of Our children and the discord and disconnection that was once union and harmony.

The longing and waiting in anticipation of the rising of sonship is over now as the new dawn has now broken. The frequencies of hope and the light of love have rippled throughout creation and the Elementals are awakening to your sonship as a sign.

Hope springs eternal: this is now the beginning of the end of bondage and new days will dawn in an age of fulfilment and freedom, where the light of truth will shine brightly. Division between man and creation is ending as the sons of God become one with Us, each other and creation once again. The songs of the joy of union will be sung, sounding throughout creation in a jubilant celebration once again. The united orchestra playing the great symphony, the music of the spheres, signifying the dawn of the new age.

Son, brood, long for the fullness of restoration, so the sound of many waters will be amplified in the Chamber of Creation. The living light of grace and truth will resonate with the sound that Our sons produce, ready to form new creation realities. The glory of the children of God will bring freedom to all of creation when all their multiple colors, shapes and sizes merge into one unified, bright white light of family.

The whole of creation was created to be a family full of diversity, each part resplendent in its beauty: a union of variety with no competition or conflict.

Son, you are creative, made in Our image to be an expression of love to creation. Start in your Jerusalem with balance between body, soul and spirit, and express the rest you have in unconditional love to others. Use the limitless grace that you have been blessed with to be a blessing to all others in your spheres.

I am the God of the living and the dead so My limitless grace is available to you for all creation; do not limit it but be an expression of it to all.

Focus your attention on the living. Make them your priority, to give them the same value and worth as We do.

Son, you can value some things higher than others because you are not infinite but We do not, as all things carry the same worth to Us and are precious. Treasure those things that you value: do not take them for granted but appreciate their worth as We do.

Son, the shift that is occurring is a time to recalibrate values and worth at all levels: from the cosmic and global to the personal. Reset your life and reorder your priorities to expand outwards until all is balanced and harmonious as a son within and without. The groan of creation starts within all living things and all things can feel it but it is only the sons of God who are designed and have the abilities to be the Oracles of Our heart. Mankind is an oracle but has expressed the sound of the wrong source, that of knowledge without relationship.

The world is a reflection of the internal state of Our children, fragmented and broken, but on a corporate level it is also a reflection of the denominated state of the church.

Only as Our children are restored to face to face intimacy can they resonate with Our heart and be the oracles of love that creation is longing for. Only as the divisions, competition and conflict that are so evident within the institutional church are exposed by those who are truly representing who We are in union and oneness can creation respond.

Son, it is the season for the hope of freedom to be communicated to creation with limitless grace and a deep compassion. The oracles of Our heart are not limited to what you see as living beings but for all creation in all its reflections of I am.

Son, legislate for the sons of God to arise and respond to creation’s groaning and connect with the Elementals. This union and reconnection will raise the frequency of the earth and cause the cosmos to react.

Son, when Our children truly function in relationship and government in the heavenly realms in the union of perfect love they will be able to begin to reflect heaven in and through their lives and so manifest sonship.

I went to the Cradle of Life, within the heart of the Father, and began to brood over union until I was pulsating with creative energy and producing the frequency of oneness. I stretched out the moment of incubation to be ready to birth union and I saw Division fighting, resisting, but eventually falling. I saw the repeating cycle of the vicious circle of Division to Tribalism broken and the infinite pathway of covenant replace it. Energized by what I saw, I engaged the waterfall of the Sound of Many Waters to amplify the sound of Union and it began to resonate and increase in intensity in the Chamber of Destiny. This continued until the Chamber of Creation was activated; the sound was magnified to a creational level and the Quantum Lumens began to dance to the creative rhythm of the frequency. The creative light was alive with the energy necessary to pop the qwiff and begin the cycle of wave function collapse.

Son, the season of limitless greater grace is beginning as the age of the waters of light and love are dripping into creation, ready to be poured out. Love and light are the essential essence of creation that has been perverted and corrupted by the fall from grace of Our children. Restoring love and light is the primary purpose of the message of the ROAT: that must be clear and obvious. The irony of the lack of relationship within restoration must be addressed so that the ROAT movement puts the highest value on love. Love and restored relationship must be the core value and motivation for restoration at every level.

Trying to restore creation is ridiculous if relationship is sacrificed on its altar; but so often the mission becomes more important than its values. The whole of creation is waiting and longing for this recalibration back to love and relationship so it can be set free. Restoration of relationship between people, families, nations, dimensions, the spiritual and physical realms and beings. This must bring an end to all division whatever it is based on be it color, origin, ethnicity, wealth, intelligence, position, power, nationality or any other thing that contradicts love. The union and harmony of all things relationally is the true goal of the ROAT agenda and must remain its core principle.

Son, reassessment of all values in the light of love is one of the key elements of the shift that is taking place. When unconditional love is the foundation of life then relationship will be life’s greatest and most valuable commodity. When establishing restoration government groups, love and relationship recalibration will need to be the first priority.

Son, do not let disappointment hold you back: remember that there is no longer any guilt, shame or condemnation for Our children, so receive limitless grace to empower you. As We continue to deconstruct and renew your mind and expand your consciousness, so many things will fall away as you become transfigured in light.

Many things that seem important but are distractions today will vanish like a vapor as you mature and become who you are. The union of honor that is forming between you will be a model for others and an example of how to walk the journey of discovery together.

Do not let the issue of the fallen angelic realm’s restoration divide you from others: as long as there is no opposition, there can be union.

Son, always be filled with love and empowered by limitless grace so you can extend the hand of friendship to all. Be at peace with all so you can reach all with love, honor and respect; so ensure you make forgiveness a priority.

Son, be perseverant and persistent and never give up, as love wins over all. Convergence is only possible through intimacy where resonance takes place through cardiognosis. Brooding within Our heart and speaking with the voice of the sound of many waters will activate creative light energy to form reality aligned with Our intentions. The living light grace strings you call Quantum Lumens will respond to the sound of the many waters of the voice of the observer to collapse wave functions to form reality.

Son, learn to brood within the intimacy of Our heart and become a voice, an oracle, who can legislate reality.

As I became still, a God thought focused my mind and my heart began to brood over the frequencies generated by the heart coherence of an expanded consciousness. Technology will become redundant when the heart and mind are converged with the mind of Christ.

Sons who are pure of heart will see the possibilities that exist within Our heart and choose to only create what they know are Our desires. Focus on being joined heart to heart in the deepest intimacy of the Cradle of Life so that all you create will be pure and have no mixture.

Son, beware of the mixture of mysticism and focus on the simplicity of being a face to face, heart to heart and mind to mind son. Love is the hallmark of true sonship, not knowledge or power. Son, continue to administrate the shift for global change and transformation to reveal Our true nature to those who are lost.

All of Our children who are living within lost identity need a global awakening of consciousness to know that We are love. The power of unconditional love is limitless but needs to be unveiled from the darkness that has covered it.

Son, limitless grace is about to be unleashed in the coming season: that will transform the earth, as the poverty-stricken old DIY systems are exposed and replaced by lavish abundant grace.

The scandal of religious poverty will be contrasted by limitless grace inspired by the unconditional love of who We are. The veils of deception that have kept Us hidden from Our children need to be removed by the rising and shining of the sons of God. The frequency of the true love of enlightenment will resonate to create this awakening to love through Our sons who know their true identity and purpose.

Son, live loved, love living and live loving, as this is the true rest that creativity flows from.

Son, come walk with Me. We walked into the court of kings, and I saw many sons sitting, producing legislation for the next age. They were very active, excited by their newly found identity as kings, and were writing scrolls with laws and legislative decrees.

Son, you are mandated to produce a law that will authorize the Joshua Generation to operate in limitless grace. I sat at the bench and began to write with my mind- The Law of Limitless Grace.

The Law of Limitless Grace Context: The seasons of greater grace, grace upon grace and manifold grace are to increase to limitless grace.

Permissions: You are authorized to scandalize the limitations of religion by revealing the excesses of lavish, limitless grace. You are authorized to expose the poverty-stricken DIY systems of man with demonstrations of limitless grace. You are authorized to demonstrate unconditional love, expressed through limitless grace and mercy, to those who control the global cabals.

You are authorized to challenge religious and political spirit deception that has kept the children of God in spiritual poverty. You are authorized to use the shifting and shaking of the global control systems to expose the lies of the DIY delusion. You are authorized to reveal the limitless truth of the message of the ROAT agenda of the next age outpouring of unconditional love. You are authorised to demonstrate forgiveness on an unprecedented scale for reconciliation between the most divided to take place. You are authorised to challenge and break the cycles of Division, Competition, Conflict and Tribalism through the limitless grace of lovingkindness, which is true new covenant love in action.

You are authorized to take the ROAT message and agenda into the mainstream religious institutions to reveal limitless grace and unconditional love. You are authorized to seek out the fallen beings in all dimensions of space and time proactively and passionately to turn them from darkness to light with limitless grace.

You are authorized to express the light of sonship to all of creation and answer its groaning for freedom with limitless grace demonstrations.

Jurisdiction: The whole of creation Results and Consequences: Extreme opposition and even more extreme overcoming grace. Fallen angelic and dimensional beings returning in ever-increasing numbers. The collapse of global control systems in the face of limitless grace bombardments. The preparation for the next age of never-ending mercy.

Son, this law is the foundational governing document for restoration government groups to empower the ROAT mission. Son, focus your attention on legislating limitless grace. I went to the Cradle of Life and began to brood over limitless grace with the Law of Limitless Grace in my heart. I engaged the Father’s heart in that creative garden and began to resonate a frequency that drew Limitless, who infused me with greater insight and empowerment. My whole being began to vibrate rhythmically to the cadence of limitlessness and my thoughts began to form into a song. The song of limitless grace, that I now was, was released into the Chamber of Destiny behind the waterfall and became amplified; and my voice became like the sound of many waters. This frequency crossed the event horizon of the Chamber of Creation, pulsating with living thought energy; and the Quantum Lumens began to dance creatively. My energised thoughts became declarations that were living light grace that began to stream into the physical realm to form the reality of limitless grace consciousness. I then began to sing the song as legislative decrees. I call for demonstrations of limitless grace to manifest that will expose all the limitations of religion.·  I call for limitless grace to be lavishly expressed on the worst of the worst of the global cabals to· reveal unconditional love.  I call for limitless grace to scandalize religion’s need for payback and to expose the commodification· of Jesus, the cross, work, money and time.  I call for limitless grace to be poured out in excess upon those who are totally undeserving from· man’s judgment perspective.  I call for limitless grace to challenge the religious and political spirit deception that has kept the· children of God in spiritual poverty.  I call for limitless grace in the light of the shifting and shaking of the global control systems to expose· the lies of DIY delusion.  I call for limitless grace to reveal the limitless truth of the message of the ROAT agenda of the next· age outpouring of unconditional love.  I call for limitless grace to release and demonstrate forgiveness on an unprecedented scale so· reconciliation between the most divided will take place.  I call for limitless grace to challenge and break the cycles of Division, Competition, Conflict and· Tribalism through the lovingkindness of true new covenant love in action.  I call for limitless grace to unveil to the ROAT message and agenda into the mainstream religious· institutions to reveal limitless grace and unconditional love.  I call for limitless grace to seek out the fallen beings in all dimensions of space and time to open their· hearts to the possibility that they can be restored from darkness to light.  I call for limitless grace to be expressed through the light of sonship to all of creation to answer its· groaning for freedom with limitless grace demonstrations.

My declarations were alive, and I saw the Quantum Lumens collapsing wave functions into reality throughout creation as that quanta moment stretched out before me. I felt overwhelming joy explode within me, a celebration of the pure bliss of the limitless grace of unconditional love.

Son, let unlimited grace fill your mind and unconditional love fill your heart as an Oracle of the Father’s heart with the desire for the restoration of all things. Son, legislate for peaceful transition to end all old cycles and replace them with new ages of truth and enlightenment characterized by rest, not war.

The orders never want to let go of power so there had always been a catastrophic and cataclysmic end to birth the new beginning. It was so when all the empires lost their power and position in world affairs: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, Israel.

Son, it is time for Our sons to usher in peaceful transition to end the last age and begin the next age. The earth shield is vital as well as a new order Ekklesia rising who can engage with the Elementals to free the earth itself to cooperate. The earth must be at peace to enable the shifts that must come to restore family to its rightful place by replacing nations. The seismic activity to unify the land masses and reorder the tectonic plates to restore the oneness of creation itself must be legislated for.

Son, you have felt creation’s groaning within many orders; now, from a place of rest, legislate for a peaceful transition in each order. The children, the angelic, the dimensional, the physical, the earthly, the cosmic, the elements are some of the orders that will be restored.

Son, Our children need a realization of the truth of who We are through a global awakening of consciousness to be enlightened to unconditional love and limitless grace. I call for a global awakening of spiritual consciousness to love, joy and peace. I call for the sons of God to rise up in union and oneness of heart, mind and purpose. I call for restored union between the sons of God and angelic realms, the Elementals, and the Creation. I call for the Kings and Priests in union as Oracles and Legislators to be the convergence of the Union of heaven and earth. I call for the peaceful transition of the age of Pisces to the age of Aquarius. I call for the end of Division, Competition, Conflict and Tribalism with the sons of God to unveil the truth of unconditional love and limitless grace. Grace is the divine enabling power that facilitates the existence and expansion of creation. Limitless grace expresses the reality of God as unconditional love. As sons, limitless grace is to be experienced and is at our disposal creatively. Rest is the key to restoration and revelation.

Start to focus on your breathing, slowing it down, and start thinking of the name of God, YHVH Breathe in deeply and exhale slowly: Yod Breathe in: Hei, and out: Vav Repeat: in Hei, out Yod, in Hei, and out Vav Be still and know that I am God I am love, I am joy, I am peace Invite love, joy and peace to flow in you and through you to create an atmosphere of rest around you.

Start to think of an open heaven and set your desire upon it I am that I am and I am is love I am love and love is I am Love is who I am and love is the motive of every desire, thought and action I am that I am and I change not. I have always been and always will be love, as love is an eternal constant. Live loved, Love living, Live loving. Rest. Live in the rest of immortality.

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