Restoration of all things 1

At this point in our journey we should be mature and confident enough in our relationship with God who is Father, Son and Spirit that we recognize their voices and know their heart. We are going deeper into restoration to explore more advanced concepts. We should now be able to engage the heavenly realms without always needing to ask the specific question of ‘where is that in the Bible?

There are many things alluded to but not specifically mentioned in the Bible. When our spirits resonate with truth, we will discover that there are many wonders beyond those specifically mentioned in the Bible. We are walking with God on a relational journey to discover more about Him and ourselves; and what our role is in restoration. God will guide us through experiential encounters with Him to discover the truth of these things. We don’t need to fear being deceived as long as we are not blindly following man’s do it yourselves doctrines but are checking everything out with God ourselves. We have the Holy Spirit of Truth in us and with us as our guide. We have Jesus, the way, truth and life, in us and with us to disciple us We have our loving Father in us and with us to Father us into sonship. Agape love should be what we use to measure and test everything against. If you don’t resonate with anything on the journey, park it and continue to pursue the truth with God directly.

There are many things that I don’t yet fully understand cognitively but that does not necessarily make them wrong. There have been many things that I was convinced were true that I now realize were merely man’s opinions and ideas.

Bob Jones’ prophecy concerning 2020-2029: “The 2020’s will reveal the Rest of God. To where the body will come into a place of resting in God, where God will rest in us. And in this rest, the enemy will not be able to do warfare because we are resting in God and He is resting in us… “He will accomplish the things He means to do in a people that is at rest. “He has always wanted a people that will come into His rest. There never has been one but rest is on the way.” We can be that people who rest in grace, free from law-based mentality.

Christians are generally all universalists on these key topics: Creation: “God created all things” and “the destiny of all His children is to be in community and to be filled with Him…” The ‘question of universalism’ is whether or not God will manage to bring all creation to the goal for which he intended it.

The Fall: “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). But will God allow sin to thwart his purpose? Does Christ undo all the damage caused by it, or does He only undo some of it? Is the victory of the cross limited and partial? Or total and universal?

Redemption: Christ “represents all humans in His humanity” and “became human so he could heal us through his death and resurrection” Jesus died for all people in order to save all people. Will the cross save all those for whom Christ died, or will his death and resurrection have been in vain for some people?

Rom 6:10 For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all…

2 Cor 5:14 For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died; 15 and He died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf.

2 Cor 5:19 namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them. God was in Jesus, not separated from Him, on the cross and in death Reconciliation was God’s work in Christ and sin does not separate anyone from God’s perspective.

1 Peter 3:18 For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God

1 Cor 15:22 For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive. The all is the same in both groups: the same all who died in Adam are now the same all made alive in Christ.

Acts 3:21 whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from ancient time.

Luke 21:22 because these are days of vengeance, so that all things which are written will be fulfilled. The period of the restoration of all things began fully when the ‘all things written’ were fulfilled in the generation Jesus prophesied; when the Old Covenant became obsolete, faded away and ended, and the New Covenant fully began to be in force.

The same period marked the removing of the kingdom from Israel and the giving of the kingdom to the saints The same period marked the establishing of the kingdom of God on earth to begin the period, ending with it filling the earth.

Restoration is primarily about restoring God’s love relationship with His children. Restoring our innocence – our righteousness, identity. Restoring our mind and thinking. Restoring our position as sons. Restoring our function as sons. Restoring our role as stewards of creation. Restoring the all things of creation. Restoring our resonant frequency as sons. Restoring our connection with creation in harmony as revealed mature sons.

Son, the four streams of truth relating to the restoration of all things will need to be expanded upon and unified into what will become the foundational governmental understanding for restoration.

Realized Eschatology, Christian Universalism, Heavenly Governmental Sonship and Energy, Frequency, and Healing are the four legs to the chair. But if you take one away the chair cannot function as intended. These 4 streams are flowing from different directions towards the same unified goal. I call you to legislate for this to continue and for the forerunners in each stream to begin to resonate together.

Son, strategically target geographical areas with legions of heavenly messengers, who will explode love bombs and hurl lightning bolts to open the hearts and minds of those who will become the evangelists of the new.

Son, target the 4 streams converging towards a unified position in the restoration of all things with the truth of love that will penetrate the veils of deception. I call for love bombs to explode over the lives of those who are forerunners in each of the 4 converging streams … Set the record straight in the 4 converging streams by highlighting both the truth that position brings and the errors they fall into.

Present the strengths and weaknesses and show how they need each other to be a unified whole and coherent position. Each one without the other three fails and collapses; they need to be a four legged stool, not one, two or three as they are not stable.

Legislate for the light of love to shine within each position of convergence to unveil the instability of one without the other three. The mystics need a consistent eschatology and a universal love reality, or they will fail to capture the hearts and minds.

The eschatologists need the universal perspective to do justice to the implications of the New Covenant but will fail without mystical love encounters.

The universalists need an eschatology that supports their position and they need the positions of heavenly government to be able to legislate for the restoration of all things. The energy frequency healers need a context for these concepts to operate within, else they will drift towards a non-personal force rather than towards a loving personal Father. Restoration is the context for the revelation of frequency and quantum physics. Son, I will give you revelation through encounters, but you will also need to understand all four positions to be able to unify the whole. Each stream will need to let go of their theology and doctrinal positions so their sacred cows can be slain. Encounters with Me are the only way they have to embrace the reality they need to converge together and become the unstoppable force for restoration that they are intended to be. The four streams can become an unstoppable mighty river of grace. Son, the four streams of restoration that are flowing towards each other can become a river that fills the earth. Son, the restoration of energy healing in all forms is another stream that you have been associated with. Just as the river of life flowed out of Eden to become four streams of life that watered the ,so too will these four streams be restored back to one river of life, united and abundant. A mighty flood of grace revealing My love is beginning to flow Son, I am has been at work within all four communities independently to restore each without the knowledge of each other; but in this Joshua Generation, these communities will begin to flow together. The increase in the flow of momentum will increase as grace, greater grace, grace upon grace and manifold grace is poured out upon each community. Great favor will come with grace and the light of truth that each stream has will illuminate more of My children. My grace will be released to cause each community to arise and shine love’s light with ever-increasing intensity, so that the truth they carry will explode even into the religious institutions of men. The light of revelation, empowered by My grace, is going to penetrate even the hardest hearts within each of the communities against the other.

This is a journey that all are on, even if they do not yet know it. The mystics will begin to see the logic and truth of realized eschatology and energy healing and expanded consciousness. The Universalists will begin to see the obvious connections to eschatology and eventually the other streams. The realized eschatologists will begin to see the rather obvious connection to universalism and eventually the mystic and energy streams. The energy and consciousness streams will find it easier to see the connection with the mystic community and universalism and eventually will recognize the need for a unified whole within an eschatological framework.

I went into the garden of the Father, onto the golden mountain, and I was given 4 golden keys by Metatron. Each key was for unlocking one of the 4 streams flowing towards restoration. Son, use the key as your mandate to open each of the streams to the other streams; so that the 4 streams can become one unified river, that will flow from heaven to water all of the earth. This river can then begin to flow from the earth, to water the whole of creation; when My sons are in unison, having one heart and one mind, with one focused purpose: the restoration of all things.

Son, the key symbolizes your authorization to bridge the streams by unifying the revelation of each stream into a logical, unified understanding that encompasses each field. You will need to legislate for the removal of doctrinal strongholds and the deconstruction of theological pillars that limit and restrict their ability to embrace the other streams.

Son, focus your attention and target specific significant people within each stream who I will show you. Son, it is only love that can break down the walls of division and separation that keep the streams apart. All streams originally had one source, which was the river of life; so all the streams flowed from My throne and the tree of life But following the path of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil has created independence.

Each stream, although containing truth, still operates in a DIY system that blinkers people from each other because they have all been leaning to their own understanding. Deconstruction will begin to change this situation.

Son, it is time for these independent streams to flow from My throne once again, so that there can be an exponential increase when the streams come together as one, with a unified and not independent purpose. Son, the mystic stream must be the one to take the lead; as only face to face intimacy can reveal the truth to all streams. Son, you have embraced the revelation of all streams, but you need deeper levels of truth to be a connection that unifies.

Son, come to the Court of the Fathers and present your case for restoration. I stood before the 24 elders representing the Father’s heart and presented the case for the restoration of ALL THINGS. On the basis of the precepts of God who is love and on the basis of the sonship mandate to free creation from its bondage to corruption, I ask for a mandate to be given to the Joshua Generation for the restoration of all created beings and all created things. I call for the end of all controversy by releasing a clear mandate to take responsibility for all created beings and all created things. I call for love and forgiveness to be released to all created beings that will break through the deception that they are in bondage to. I call for the alignment of the circle of the deep in relation to the restoration of all created beings. I call for an unveiling of the truth that all created beings can be restored as a precept to reveal the statutes and laws to open the window for the ordinances of God to be put into motion. I call for new mantles of restoration to be released that carry the Father’s heart and oracles. I call for new weapons for restoration to be released to engage all created beings. I call for the evangelical mindsets that limit the scope of restoration to only mankind to be deconstructed. I call for scrolls with mandates and blueprints for the restoration of all created beings to be released. I call for limited and restricted thinking to be challenged by testimonies from all of the nations concerning the restoration of all created beings. I call for the culture to be changed in the affairs of the nations to make it acceptable to see all created beings restored. I call for angelic messengers to take the call for the restoration of all things into the visions and dreams of all those who are standing in opposition. I call for the Fathers to release the oracles of the Father’s heart to all who are restricted by religious beliefs that limit restoration. I ask the Council to consider my case and give me a scroll with authorization to expand the message of restoration. The Council of the Fathers came to agreement and gave me a scroll with this authorization. The authority to expand the message of restoration beyond its present limitations and restrictions to engage all streams I began to legislate Legislation for restoration; convergence of the 4 streams into one river. I call into the 4 streams and call for to them to converge into one, unified, whole river.

I call for the theologians of each stream to have supernatural encounters with the Father. I call for those who are passionate about their stream to have love encounters with the Father. I call for lightning bolts of heavenly revelation to penetrate the veils of deception that restrict them from seeing the other streams. I call for the blinkers to be removed from their eyes so that they can see beyond their own stream. I decree the convergence of the streams towards full restoration. I decree open hearts and open minds through engagements with the living word of God, Jesus Himself. I decree the days of reliance on the Bible as the only source of authority to be over; and the days of hearing Jesus’ voice to begin. I call for the light to shine to reveal the oracles of the Father’s heart to all the streams I call for the passion felt towards each individual stream be felt for the one river of full restoration. I call for grace and greater grace to manifest over those who are the evangelists of each stream for them to be empowered with the boldness to embrace the river. I call for the courage of grace to equip them to embrace the deconstruction and renewal of their minds, to enable them to let go of the religious beliefs that keep them insulated from the 3 other streams. I decree that one stream will become two and two will become three and three will become four and all will become one mighty river of the convergence of the eternal heart of God for full and complete restoration.

Son, use this legislation to target and reach those in each stream that I will give you My heart for. Be consistent and diligent, until My love overwhelms each argument and removes every obstacle to convergence.

Son, the great convergence is gaining momentum; so keep legislating until it reaches critical mass. My love will be too powerful to resist; and My grace, too lavish to ignore; and I will not relent until I have them all restored. I have called you and mandated you to be the ambassador of restoration. This mandate authorizes you to go beyond the jurisdiction of the Joshua Generation to engage all of My children and all I have created with the oracles of My heart across all dimensions of space time.

Son, release the sound and light that carries the frequency of My heart for restoration, as My oracles to all dimensions of the created order. Son, the frequency of sonship will be resonating with My passionate love for all of creation’s freedom from corruption and the deception of its lost identity.

I stood on the foundation stone of all creation and released the frequency that carries the oracles of the Father’s heart into all dimensions As I resonated with the Father’s heart, my heart began to vibrate with the energy that was released. Son, stand within My heart in the eternal now. Can you feel what I feel for all that I have created? You have had revelation of the oracles of Our heart, and you have experienced how others have felt, having experienced Our love. Now I desire that you know for yourself how We feel as parents to creation itself. It was like being in a furnace of intense heat: the emotions were overwhelming, like waves of passion, burning desire, intense joy, deep compassion and overwhelming love. Wave after wave of those deep emotions, without any break, rolled over me, imparting the reality of love. There was an intensity of emotion that I had never felt before; that held in perfect balance the transcendence and the imminence. I knew that there was total, complete peace and therefore perfect rest within the eternal now, knowing the end from the beginning; and yet also the intense pain and deep sadness of living in the immanent moment with all of creation. Going through the intense agony of feeling everyone’s and everything’s thoughts and feelings, moment by moment; as all things exist within God, who is Father, Son and Spirit, and God, as the I am, is present within the fabric of all things. Now I know why the restoration of all things is at the center of a loving God’s desire, intention and motivation. Now I know how the oracles of God’s heart are inextricably entangled and can never be separated from the restoration of all things. He is love and love is restoration in action. Son, now do you know I am that I am, and why I will not relent until all of creation is fully and completely restored to the state of pure innocence found only within the Perichoresis, the circle of the dance? Son, deep is calling you to come deeper. Come back to the fire stones for the encounter you need for the next season of grace and greater grace.

There at the fire stones I was surrounded by Father, Son and Spirit and we walked onto the first step. Love for creation, the agony and the ecstasy that cannot be separated, the transcendence and the immanence. I ascended each of the steps in turn, feeling the depth of the emotions felt by God for restoration. I felt all that it was possible for me to feel of what God feels, as ‘I am’. Their character and very essence as love, Joy, and yet deep sadness; peace, and yet turmoil; patience and yet concern; kindness and goodness. The contrast with the imminent longing and groaning pain of creation held in the bondage of corruption. The agony and the ecstasy, the quantum paradox of transcendence and immanence within I am that I am as love.

Steps like Jacob’s ladder leading up to heaven. Hear the invitation to come up here. Shift the focus of your mind. Walk up those steps to the door. Now step through the veil into the kingdom realm. Jesus is standing in the doorway Present yourself to Jesus, your High Priest, as a living sacrifice. Let Him take you by the hand. Ask Him to take you into the eternal now. Ask Him to take you to the fire stones. Ask Him to reveal restoration and the oracles of the Father’s heart. Jesus, please take each person and show them what they need to receive the mandate for restoration. Go wherever He takes you.

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