Restoration of all things 2

We should now be able to engage the heavenly realms without always needing to ask the specific question of ‘where is that in the Bible?’ There are many things alluded to but not specifically mentioned in the Bible. When our spirits resonate with truth we will discover that there are many wonders beyond those specifically mentioned in the Bible. We are walking with God on a relational journey to discover more about Him and ourselves and what our role is in restoration. God will guide us, through experiential encounters with Him, to discover the truth of these things. We don’t need to fear being deceived as long as we are not blindly following man’s DIY doctrines but are checking everything out with God ourselves. We have the Holy Spirit of Truth in us and with us as our guide. We have Jesus, the way, truth and life, in us and with us to disciple us. We have our loving Father in us and with us to Father us into sonship. Agape love should be what we use to measure and test everything against. If you don’t resonate with anything on the journey park it and continue to pursue the truth with God directly. There are many things that I don’t yet fully understand cognitively but that does not necessarily make them wrong. There have been many things that I was convinced were true that I now realize were merely man’s opinions and ideas The river of life flowing from heaven became 4 streams to water the earth. There are 4 streams flowing towards each other today to become one stream of restoration. Restoration of all creation – including everything that has been made Does this include all heavenly and dimensional beings?

The 4 streams of thought that are converging into one mighty river are: Mystic Sonship, Realized Eschatology, Universal Reconciliation, Energy, Frequency, Healing. We are going to cover the other 3 streams in this series. The mystic stream has been our focus. What does the restoration of all things mean in regard to the other 3 streams? What topics can we cover that will help us in understanding the 3 streams: Realized Eschatology, Energy frequency healing etc. Universal reconciliation and inclusion. Restoration of the sonship frequency. Restoration of the counterfeit ‘new age’ back to ancient age truth. Restoration of energy healing. Restoration of frequency healing. Restoration of energy gateways. Restoration of meditation, mindfulness and wellbeing. The realized eschatology stream will include sessions on: This generation “Second Coming” Poisonous fruit of Brethrenism. One new man in Christ. The inevitable link between eschatology and universalism. Universal reconciliation / restoration / salvation. Restoration of governmental sonship. Restored access to the heavenly realms. Restored ministry of reconciliation to those in the consuming fire of God’s love after physical death. Restoration of our creation mandate. Restoration of other dimensional beings and dimensions. Restoration of the fallen ones or fallen angels. Restoration of Elementals and sentient creation. Let’s start with the hottest topic Universal restoration.

What are fallen angels and demons? Can fallen angels be restored? Can demons be restored? Can other dimensional beings be restored? Is creation sentient, and how can it be restored? Original of fallen angels. Origin of demons. Origin of unclean spirits. These terms are not synonymous. Do they have or did they have bodies? Are they souls or spirits? These are questions that are causing great controversy.

Fallen ones are angels who were deceived into following the covering cherub in rebellion. There are other dimensional beings who also were deceived to rebel from their estate. I do believe they can be restored to God’s original purpose for them. There are a number of theories of the origin and identity of what we call demons. The 4 most popular theories are: Fallen angels. Ghosts. spirits of people trapped here. Disembodied spirits of a pre-Adamic race. Inhuman. Nephilim souls/spirits.

I believe there is a difference between demons and unclean spirits. Unclean spirits or Lingering Human Souls/spirits are the spirits of those who have not yet left this realm, usually because of trauma. They can be helped to cross over into salvation if they respond to the gospel. There are ministries who are operating in that kind of deliverance. Arthur Burk has whole teaching courses on the subject. There are ministries in the UK who have testimonies of redeeming LHS as they are trapped children.

Disembodied Spirits of a Pre-Adamic Race. A popular theory is that the demons are disembodied spirits of some race that existed before Adam – spirit-beings that are separate from fallen angels. It is argued that demons existed at another place and time in bodily form but are now disembodied spirits looking for bodies to possess.

The offspring of Angels and earthly women. There is the view that holds that the demons resulted from the relationship between angels and earthly women, perhaps through genetic manipulation. This is taken from the Genesis 6 account. The demons did not exist before this point. This view takes Genesis 6 as referring to the unlawful interaction between fallen angels and human women. Their offspring were the Nephilim, whom some believe to be half-human, half-angelic. There are various theories, some about DNA or seed manipulation.

One answer to that question is found in ancient Jewish texts like the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible. Demons are the disembodied souls of dead Nephilim giants who perished at the time of the flood. This explanation for the origin of demons has secure links in the biblical text; they just aren’t obvious to most people.

To an ancient reader, someone who lived during the time of the Bible, this explanation would have been quite clear. Enoch calls the giants “bastard spirits” – a phrase used of demons in several Dead Sea Scrolls. A non-biblical psalm found among the Dead Sea Scrolls calls demons “offspring of man and the seed of the holy ones”, a clear reference to the disembodied souls of the divine-human offspring from Genesis 6:1-4.

A New Testament, excerpt from 1 Enoch notes that the Watchers whose transgression led to the origin of demons were to be bound “for 70 generations underneath the rocks of the ground.” Peter and the author of 1 Enoch were on the same wavelength – they both understood the original context for Genesis 6:1-4. This belief is found in 2 Peter 2:4-5, where Peter, speaking about the days of Noah says, “God did not spare angels when they sinned, casting them into Tartarus, committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment.” In Gen 6 God decides to remove those non-humans as “every inclination of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil continually.” They had souls but no spirits and those dispossessed souls cannot return to God but roam the earth and are known as demons. There are those that say that we can reproduce demons and angels from within, either temporarily or permanently. They say we can make them, but they cannot be restored.

I believe that what we call demons are the dispossessed souls of those who had no eternal spirits They were formed by the interaction of man and angels. Demons were not God’s original intention and therefore cannot be restored, in my opinion. I have not heard anyone – or God – talk to me about the redemption of fallen angels, but only their restoration; nor redeeming or restoring demons.

Do beings exist that God did not intend or create? I don’t believe God intended or created demons, so I do not believe they can be restored. Only those that God created and intended can be restored. I do not believe demons can be restored as they have no eternal spirit and were not created by God. They are spiritual entities seeking a human host to outwork their personalities through.

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