Restoration of all things 4

When our spirits resonate with truth we will discover that there are many wonders beyond those specifically mentioned in the Bible. We are walking with God on a relational journey to discover more about Him and ourselves and what our role is in restoration. We have the Holy Spirit of Truth in us and with us as our guide. We have Jesus, the way, truth and life, in us and with us to disciple us. We have our loving Father in us and with us to Father us into sonship. Agape love should be what we use to measure and test everything against. If you don’t resonate with anything on the journey, park it and continue to pursue the truth with God directly. There are many things that I don’t yet fully understand cognitively but that does not necessarily make them wrong. There have been many things that I was convinced were true that I now realize were merely man’s opinions and ideas.

The 4 streams of thought that are converging into one mighty river are: Mystic sonship, Realized eschatology, Universal reconciliation, Energy frequency healing. We are going to cover the other 3 streams in this message, as the mystic stream is the focus of our engaging God. We are looking at the Universal reconciliation or Christian universalism or Apokatastasis. The restoration of all creation, including everything that has been made. Does this include all heavenly and dimensional beings? Restoration of our creation mandate which I believe includes: Restoration of other dimensional beings and dimensions. Restoration of the fallen ones or fallen angels. Restoration of Elementals and sentient creation.

My son died to reconcile the whole cosmos to Me, so don’t think less than the whole that the cross accomplished. I engaged the tree of life and ate the fruit and realized that the nations associated with healing are not limited to this dimension; but life and freedom is for all nations and all families across all dimensions.

I sought Metatron for the key that would unlock the dimension and allow freedom to be demonstrated. Son, what you seek is the key to hearts and minds to free them from the bondage to corruption. Son, mankind is the key; as My children embrace sonship, the freedom that they receive will be the testimony for all dimensional races that are held in captivity.

It is the revealing of the sons that will unveil the hope of expectation that has been lost. All of the created order is looking, waiting; and longing for the hope of freedom and restoration. Son, you met the representatives of those who have glimpsed hope now that the trans-dimensional barriers are being crossed. There are others who need to be exposed to the light of hope so that expectation can rise in them also.

‘Lord, here am I, send me’ is my only response to what is a task that stretches me beyond again. I released the sound of hope from within as a message to make first contact. Let the desire of my heart resonate with the hope of the nations. I heard the cries of those in captivity as faint echoes but coming closer.

This was back in 2017 and it was not until 2019 that I was able to respond. I released the sound that calls for freedom from captivity that stirs hope of liberation.

Son, liberation will take revolution to rise up and throw off the oppression of generations. I went back through the portal of light. I engaged the races’ representatives once again:

“What can I do for you? What are your priorities?”

“Isolation and separation are our two priorities,” said the tall one. “Our major issues are inferiority that leads to competition and our issues are deception and living under an illusion. “We have all been put into bondage by the mistakes of those who listened to the lies and false expectations of the originator who took the place of the creator.

“We need the sons of God to be revealed to show us the freedom that is possible. “We need the support of the sons of God to establish resistance movements who will sow the leaven of truth into our societies. “We need ambassadors who will represent us to the councils and will have mandates to make official contact.”

“I will seek to align the 12 great houses and see ambassadors commissioned for the task and make a case to the 70 on your behalf.”

My responses were not reasoned but instinctive, flowing from non-cognitive encounters. I engaged the Council of the Fathers and sought a mandate for the establishing a law of reintegration and wholeness. The council responded by authorizing me to make, release and use the law trans-dimensionally.

I entered the Court of Kings and took my place at a bench where there were witnesses present representing a variety of people groups, races, and angelic orders.

I released the law of reintegration and wholeness. With the full authority of the Prince of Peace, this law can address all who are broken, fractured, separated or dissociated; on the basis of the reconciliation accomplished by the Father in Jesus for the whole cosmos. I released the law of reintegration and wholeness.

2 Cor 5:18-19 Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation.

You are authorized by the ministry and calling of reconciliation by God who is Father, Son and Spirit in perfect union. You are authorized to administer reconciliation by releasing the sound of deep calling to deep to reach and touch the most fragmented and fractured parts of creation.

You are authorized to speak the words of reconciliation with a force able to penetrate every prison or hiding place. You are authorized to release a frequency of love to engage the deepest traumas with the hope of the very essence of peace.

You are authorized to cross all barriers and boundaries that divide and separate; to reconcile, reintegrate and restore all divisions, dichotomies and fragmented parts back into peace and wholeness. You are authorized to issue the challenge of love’s essence that will call to attention the spirits of all who are lost and perishing in the captivity of trauma’s prisons.

You are authorized to shine the light of love into the deepest, darkest recesses of fractured souls to reveal love’s essential message of wholeness.

You are authorized to call for the gathering angels to carry this message of reconciliation, integration and wholeness across all barriers, partitions, boundaries and trans-dimensional matrixes.

You are authorized to use every method, including sound, light, fragrance, frequency, words, music, touch, emotion, and tears, that carry the original intent of God’s eternal desire for I am oneness.

You are authorized to be repairers of the breaches, rebuilders of the ruins, restorers of broken dwellings, re-layers of damaged foundations.

Jurisdiction: the cosmos.


The restoration of creation through the reconciled and restored spirits, souls and bodies of the sons of God, who by rising and shining the glory of their liberation and freedom from the corruption of fragmentation will bring a new age of peace.

I took my scroll with the quest to engage other races to Wisdom’s heights and I engaged her pillars for a revealing of wisdom and understanding of how to tell them the story and create the narrative that will unveil the restoration and freedom that is available in Jesus the Messiah to all cosmic dimensions.

I call for the spirit of the Lord to help advise me also how to preach Isa 61 freedom and good news to the captives and prisoners of dimensional space.

You have engaged with the watchers of those races, so communicate what you develop in your heart and the desire of the loving God that you will have.

Cultivate the mandate within your heart as it is still something of a reluctant acceptance of the quest.

Once you have desire, the narrative will follow; and the strategy will be birthed out of desire not duty.

I took my scroll to my garden, and I created a special place for the 3-dimensional races. I planted my scroll and watered it; I commanded growth and fruitfulness. I ate the fruit, to feel the isolation and poison of enslavement and captivity; and opened my heart to them.

Son, duty or desire is the choice facing men caught in the legalistic traps of religion and lost relationship. Duty is the mantra of those who are seeking relationship through performance, who have been deceived by the DIY tree pathway of self-effort.

Son, whole races and people groups are held in deception’s captivity. I have been calling you to seek My heart of love for all, that crosses all barriers and boundaries of space time.

Son, there is truly no place that My love cannot reach if you are prepared to be a willing expression of love’s light to those in the darkness of captivity and deception.

Son, you will need to be a forerunner and raise others up to be ambassadors of love to other races and dimensions.

Son, are you willing to risk it all, to go beyond, beyond with My heart’s message and desire for reconciliation and restoration?

Yes, Father, impart your heart to me so that I can feel the intensity of your desire.

Son, the folded dimensions of space time need to be unfurled. The flat, dimensional plains of captive existence need to be restored to full geometrical beauty and the limitations and restrictions removed.

I call for new narratives to be created to tell the restoration story, to connect to all dimensions and all forms of communication and language.

I call the scribes and story tellers to come forth in the heavenly realms and I release their creative capacity and passion.

I call for the alignment of the circle of the deep for the captive dimensions; for the precepts, statutes and laws of the dimensions to be revealed and agreed in order for the ordinances of heaven’s windows to the dimensions to be opened.

I call for the pulling back of the dimensional curtains to reveal the new vista for the sons of God to see and arise to engage.

Son, let Me show you something. Come walk with Me. Here in the mantles house, there are many new mantles being prepared for this generation. So, that My children can become men and women after My own heart, who will serve My purposes in this their generation and inspire the next generation who must rise up to walk together.

See the new roles and responsibilities that are being prepared to align with destiny and your redemptive gift.

There was much activity in the House of Scrolls, many angelic beings working on rows and rows of mantles with many different colors and sizes and materials.

Son, will you try on this new mantle? You don’t need to take off the old; this is in addition to your eternal mantle.

I was drawn to a red and orange mantle of a matt, non-reflective material. The angel fitted it over my shoulders and immediately the spirit of wisdom and knowledge and the spirit of the Lord came around me. They spoke mysteries of the precepts of God that lead to His statutes and laws. They revealed another dimension to the nature of God and a new understanding of dimensional travel.

Son, now do you see more of the beyond, beyond that I have been revealing to you?

Yes, Father, I see that reconciliation goes beyond this dimension, this time and this space continuum.

Yes, I see the restoration of beyond what I could ever have imagined or thought without this mantle. I saw time streams and history itself having no limits and being no limitation on Your desire for restoration. I saw that the scope of reconciliation and restoration is beyond, beyond; but this mantle envisions and empowers me to see and feel the cries of creation dimensionally and from my generational timelines.

I also felt and sensed that the Ambassadors of the races I had previously encountered are but the beginning of dimensional restoration.

Yes, son, there is always more; so prepare your heart for change and engage the eternal flame once again.

The flame that is to be found beyond; it was a representation of the process of the dark cloud experience but it is also a dimensional place. So once again I walked beyond the throne of grace to the doorways to beyond. There, at the matrix of dimensional space, at the event horizon, I was drawn to a portal with a seemingly even smaller slit, revolving at a faster speed. I hesitated again, contemplating how to enter; but ‘there is no spoon’.

Desire and willingness increased so that my fears could decrease. This is no physical barrier or entrance; this represents my conscious mind’s unwillingness to go beyond. I have created the appearance of this access point out of my own understanding. My vision of the portals was a projection of my soul’s fear.

Son, now that you have this realization, there is no barrier that can resist your entrance other than what your mind creates through fear.

Son, you decide, you choose, now that you are free. The revolving slit slowly transformed into an energy field that was transparent but slightly diffracted, as are all the other doorways. I was now aware of many doors in that place that I could not previously see; not linear, but like a curved maze, like a spiral. Suddenly the possibilities were endless; and I waited, weighed up the cost, and pondered the potential adventures ahead.

My sons are ambassadors; they have been given the word and ministry of reconciliation that came not just from the work of the cross which would limit it to mankind. Reconciliation was upon the foundation stone of all creation, because the living word, My son, was slain for all He would create and speak into being. All things were created by Him and for Him; therefore, what occurred before the foundation or fall has the power to touch all creation, seen and unseen, in all dimensions, as reconciliation was established within the very fabric of creation itself. The offering of the creator for the created exists within the fabric of creation itself; and is the life force, the energy, that is the grace frequency vibrating as strings within the smallest particles and largest structures. Grace is integral within the foundation stone from which all creation emanated.

So, the message of the redeeming, reconciling, restoring, resurrecting creator who is abundantly overflowing with life is available to all races and beings across all dimensions within all of creation.

No other races or beings carry or have the possibility of carrying the fullness of our DNA as the sons of God. As none were made in the full image and likeness of their creator as coheirs and co-creators in sonship.

Many were created with aspects of our likeness and many were created with aspects of our image but none other than man were spirit, soul and body.

No other races have the capacity to be our dwelling place or have the capacity to dwell within us; but all have the capacity to be restored to relationship and know love.

Son, you have been given the mandate to be the ambassador to those races who have made contact. There will be more once the testimony of freedom is released. I still had no idea what this would entail Son, what I did not tell you is that you are the freedom, the light of love, and it is the expression of your glorious identity as a son that will be the frequency that restores hope and sets that part of creation free from its bondage.

You have met on neutral ground; now enter the dimensional portals and radiate love’s light, which will release the truth of true sonship to those whose hearts are longing for the revealing of the sons of God.

Romans 8:19-21 For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God.

Creation is all that has come out of the unseen realm of the Father’s heart 2937 ktísis – properly, creation (creature) which is founded from nothing (this is also the sense of this term from Homer on); creation out of nothing (Lat ex nihilo).

Son, I will be calling many to engage with other dimensions and other dimensional races within their roles as My sons.

My sons are responsible for creation and all that I have created, within what is known and unknown. I am unveiling truth and revelation to those who are maturing; and this includes the ability to access My consuming fire to rescue those there and to engage in the restoration of those who have fallen.

The fallen ones include those of what you call the angelic realm but there are also many other fallen dimensions.

I had three encounters over a period of time in 2018 where I engaged each of those dimensions as an ambassador of hope. I went through the portal to beyond, beyond to the smaller-statured people and I immediately felt the bondage to servitude and segregation that existed in this dimension. Slavery, apartheid, caste system, the ruling classes, subjugation: all the worst things that we have done were still fully operational, oppressing the masses in the most foul, heinous ways. I could not be seen, cloaked; but then I saw a central obelisk, their version of the tower of Babel, connecting the ruling masses to a hive mind. This could be turned to connect the worker classes so I ascended in light and connected with the system, reversing the polarity of the circuit.

I sent out the frequency of hope, the message of love’s light within sonship, to go forth, stirring the memory of more ancient paths. Freedom from bondage radiated from love’s light and they were touched by sonship: not to create a rebellion, but a non-violent love revolution.

The mindsets of oppression and suppression began to be thrown off as love’s light infiltrated the society like leaven. The DIY code from earth is connected to creation itself perverting and polluting creation with the true essence of antichrist. The mind of Christ had been released to bring true a metanoia to this dimension.

Son, it is time to understand more about the fallen dimensions that seek redemption from the choices their ancestors made. News of freedom will spread, as the light of sonship shines brightly and the sound frequency of liberty produces hope to all who are looking for the sons of God to come.

The stories of the shining ones are embedded as truth within the history and mythology of all dimensions and seekers of truth are finding them. The frequency of hope is beginning to resonate across the dimensions.

I engaged the portals to beyond, beyond and entered the dimension of the second humanoid race, but it was empty devoid of light and love. The dimension seemed sterile, devoid of emotion; and I observed a loveless people who were enslaved without hope. They had no life in their eyes because love has been eradicated as an emotion and there was no word within their vocabulary. Their culture and society is technologically advanced but there is no joy, no expressions of art; all is purely functional. There is no nature, no signs of other lifeforms; the sky is dark and overcast, permanently grey. All power is drawn from within and the energy is being drained.

I met the representative, and he led me to a meeting of others. All seemed lifeless, devoid of emotion. The absence of love was tangible; empty, hollow eyes stared at me. I felt so sad, drawn into the emptiness but then started to feel compassion: it rose up in me and made me angry at the loss of love. I started to pulsate, and light began to energize; and like an electromagnetic pulse, love’s light went forth like a love bomb. The energy of love’s light radiated the room with love; emotions were felt for the first time and life began to spark. I saw faces that began to show a flicker of emotional responses as love’s light dispelled the darkness of their soul and hope was felt.

I now talked of love and the creator and the foundation stone of love’s sacrifice. Sacrifice is impossible without love; and now my words had meaning as the truth of love shone. I unveiled love’s truth and nature with stories which were myths with no connection, without feelings. The revolution had begun; the seeds of emotion were sown, and hope sprang forth as love’s light was released. Faces no longer dead, eyes no longer lifeless, because the power of love had been released – and my part is done. I expressed a smile and there was a flicker of response that showed me love had returned and the infection of the leaven of love had begun to spread.

I returned through the portal where the Father was waiting for me with a broad smile and a loving embrace. I felt the pleasure of His heart and I was filled with energy, having been drained by the experience.

I went beyond, beyond again through the portal into a dimension that was deeply divided and functioned by serfdom. There is rural living for the masses but extreme opulence and high technology for the few. There was the connection to the tower that I felt and sensed but could not see. I felt the worst of all divisive systems were in place: caste system, slavery, racism, serfdom, segregation, apartheid – all the worst that the DIY tree path has created were all mirrored here. There was no religion here, but there was the worst of all political systems of control that maintained the power of the few over the many through laws that oppress institutionally. The educational system was designed to segregate through the lack of knowledge; keeping the classes divided and all creativity suppressed. No one is allowed to think beyond the limits of their education which was to purely function according to class. They all had bowed heads fixed on the ground and never looked up: that is the law and was punishable by death. No one of the lower classes was allowed to speak, as no language was taught or allowed. Work training was the only education allowed. The oppression of the many by the few; and even within the many, there were deep racial and cultural divides. Oppression clothed the air like a thick, heavy blanket of despair, choking out all hope. I found a small gathering of representatives from each of the groups, including the ambassador that I had met before.

Sonship and love’s light is breaking through to the different dimensions of creation poisoned by the DIY tree. They are now being infiltrated by the first glimpse of hope. The frequencies of hope are coming through as the sons of God arise with restored identity and position.

I began to speak; but not so much with words – the communication was heart to heart. I shared oneness, integration, wholeness, peace; and I began to radiate the multi-colored, multifaceted, manifold nature of creation, affirming uniqueness and diversity as the expression of an infinite loving God.

The very connection between dimensions of the poisoned tree can be used for good, if the sons of God arise and take their places within the Tree of life.

I saw the shackles begin to break and suppression’s heavy weight lift; they all begin to look up for the first time to a new vista, a new horizon and a new hope. The seeds had been sown and my job done. Now hope will spread and the many will be united to throw off the shackles of the few. They now saw each other for the first time and celebrated their diversity and began to form a common language of honor, respect and love that will unite them heart to heart.

Sonship is infiltrating creation with the sound, frequency and light of jubilee; the cry of freedom is beginning to resonate beyond to the dimensions groaning under the DIY tree oppression.

Son, all that I am is yours; come to Me and be at rest as a son; and encourage all of My children to be the same, by letting go of their slavery and orphan identity and mentality. Live loved: free to know, free to see, free to be, free to do, free to go; and so, fulfil your destiny as a son and heir of creation.

Son, let Me introduce you to some more of those who are beginning to encounter the frequency of sonship’s hope.

I entered through the first portal into the dimensional anteroom and there are 6 more ambassadors of their races. The Hadjurans, Durassians, Jordassians, Rakthurians, Silothians and the Lorathians; all different in size, stature and appearance but vaguely humanoid.

They all made representation for visitations to facilitate their races’ freedom from the corruption of rebellion. They are calling on the sons of God to be revealed and the light of truth to shine to free their civilizations from bondage.

I offered the hand of friendship and we all embraced, and I extended My spirit around them so they could feel the love, joy and peace of rest.

I authorized them to carry the testimony of hope and share love’s light to their dimension and I called for the light of love to shine in them and through them.

I released the sound frequency of their race to resonate with the sons of God mature enough to represent true sonship dimensionally.

I call for the sons of God to radiate love’s light dimensionally as the order of Melchizedek for the restoration of those who are in bondage to corruption.

2019: It is time for the shift to take place in 2020, just be ready to go with the flow of the streams: do not resist where it takes you.

Son, you will be surprised, however prepared you try to be, as I am about to take you beyond once again.

Son, go to the portal again and you will begin to see where this is going in the area of dimensional restoration.

I went through into the anteroom and there were 6 non-humanoid beings. 2 energy beings of light but no discernible form, 2 beings of gelatinous form and 2 beings of mechanical form.

I introduced myself and I felt their introduction rather than heard it, but I knew their purpose. I felt their anguish, desperation and urgency; but also, feelings of inadequacy and stigmatization for bring different and not at all like sons.

I asked what I could do, but immediately felt the need to accept them. So. I overshadowed them with my spirit in a type of embrace. I felt more intensely their situations and their desire to be included and released their frequency into the spiritual realms to attract sons to their cause.

I called for their freedom to have hope of restoration as I empathized. Empathetic communications passed between us and between them as they now realized they were not alone.

I called for a confederation to be formed, like a support network. I then felt the isolation they had felt because of their differences, so I celebrated and expressed the intense joy of the oracles of the Father’s heart in diversity.

I felt them deeply moved, so I released the deep compassion of Father’s heart for their inclusion and integration. The hopelessness they felt was slowly being replaced by the inclusive love that I released.

I then sensed the root of the issue was the rejection of their races by the humanoids and the fact that they had not joined the great rebellion against the creator but they had no connection with the sons of God.

I invited them to become ambassadors of reconciliation and restoration to the non-humanoid dimensions. They communicated that they were honored but needed verification from others.

I thanked them and withdrew but felt the pain of disconnection from the empathetic dimensions.

Son, there is more, but well done!

Your instincts were fatherly and well received; you are maturing in your role. I created you for this role with distinct characteristics; don’t let anyone try to change you.

Rest is the key to restoration and revelation. Start to focus on your breathing, slowing it down, and start thinking of the name of God YHVH. Breathe in deeply and exhale slowly- Yod Breathe in- Hei and breathe out Vav. Repeat: in Hei, out Yod, in Hei, and out Vav… Invite love, joy and peace to flow in you, fill your spirit and soul, and flow through you to create an atmosphere of rest around you. You are in a safe place. Start to think of an open heaven and set your desire upon it. Steps like Jacob’s ladder leading up to heaven. Hear the invitation to come up here. Shift the focus of your mind. Walk up those steps to the door. Now step through the veil into the kingdom realm. Jesus is standing in the doorway. Present yourself to Jesus, your High Priest, as a living sacrifice. Let Him take you by the hand. Ask Him to reveal restoration and the oracles of the Father’s heart. Ask Him to take you into the eternal now. Ask Him to take you to the fire stones. Jesus, please take each person and show them what they need to receive the mandate for restoration. Go wherever He takes you!

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