Restoration of all things 14-Healing

We have the Holy Spirit of Truth in us and with us as our guide. We have Jesus, the way, truth and life, in us and with us to disciple us. We have our loving Father in us and with us to Father us into sonship. Agape love should be what we use to measure and test everything against.

The 4 streams of thought that are converging into one mighty river are: · Mystic sonship · Realized eschatology · Universal reconciliation · Energy frequency healing. We are going to cover Energy frequency healing in the next few sessions. Restoration includes personal wholeness Energy frequency healing is being restored in this transition period to help us be made whole Energy and thought expanded consciousness will use the revelation of frequency and quantum physics I have been on a long journey to discover the restoration of frequency and energy truth In 2010, in my first consistent heavenly encounters, I was given a quantum physics lesson and encouraged to pursue understanding frequency, resonance and harmony As I googled frequency, resonance and harmony I discovered very little Christian information and lots of new age type material I nurtured this desire in my heart and God directed and guided me on this journey of discovery Energy and frequency are related to many different healing modalities It is also related to consciousness and creativity As a son, we are to radiate the frequency of heaven in the earth We can use intention to choose and create reality God is unveiling truth with strategies to reclaim the use of energy healing and other frequency based technologies to facilitate change and transformation Alternative Christian Therapies reclaiming energy healing . Therapeutic uses of frequency: Aroma Touch, Raindrop therapy RTE releasing toxic emotions using essential oils Crystal infused energy oils Flower essences Light and crystal therapy Sound therapy using crystal bowls Communion frequency transformation Bio-energetic devices Rife machines, Trinfinity8, Spooky2 Mathematical Binary Substance Coding A Fractal Amplification Resonator Sacred Geometry Infusion Pure Solfeggio Sound Tones and Harmonic Crystal Tuning Rapid Quartz Crystal Rod Transmission Sound Healing, through various techniques and technologies, is the educated and conscious use of the energy of sound to reach identified goals and promote wellness in the human system – including mental, emotional and physical health Science has proven that sound vibrations have a strong impact upon substance. For example, the study of Cymatics has shown how sound creates geometric patterns in matter. Sound Healing is founded on the premise that all matter is vibrating at specific frequencies. Dr. Emoto states that sound affects the molecular structure of water. We are approximately 70% water; sound also affects consciousness, as our brains are approximately 80% water Many ancient civilizations and modern indigenous cultures have used sound to heal and access higher levels of consciousness for thousands of years. Research has now shown that each of us has a root or soul frequency that we vibrate at. This frequency is most apparent when we are centered and grounded in rest or living loved. The frequency also naturally emanates from us as an energy field when we are in a state of rest or peace. We radiate frequencies that affect reality at a quantum level We are the frequency to answer creation’s groaning. We need to be at rest, living in love, joy and peace, for rivers of living energy to flow from our innermost being “Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual” – Richard Conn Henry, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University One goal of using frequency and energy is to help people regain their identity by penetrating their limited and resistant mind-sets with truth Why don’t we use normal Christian methods of healing? Who says these are not normal from God’s perspective? Jesus used many different ways to heal people Some were instant miracles but some an ongoing therapeutic processes Jesus used words, energy fields, power, touch, spit, mud, directives, commands and rebukes to heal When we resonate or agree with truth, synchronization begins to take place at a subconscious level and we are entrained or drawn to that reality There is great power in agreement and changes can begin to take place; things reconnect, memories open up and realignment can occur Creation in its original form was harmonious and everything played its part in an amazing symphony of color, sound and frequency, all vibrating in unison With the Cherubim’s rebellion and the fall of man, aspects of creation became discordant, groaning and waiting for restoration There are many types of sound that can resonate intent – frequencies, pitches, beats, musical intervals, music and energy. There are many people using different frequencies within musical composition and sounds with intent for different purposes like healing, realignment harmony, unity, love, joy and peace The most common musical interval used to express love and healing is the musical third (the C=528Hz frequency is a musical third above A=444Hz) 713Hz is known as the resurrection frequency and is restorative – Del Hungerford has music in 713Hz SML music on Soundcloud. We are quite familiar with the natural music of love, which often has some sadness and melancholy about it because of mankind’s lostness and brokenness Music can connect us emotionally to the intent and memory: hence nostalgia The Blues, Blue grass, Jazz, Classical affects our mood and therefore our emotions Rock, pop, Dixieland, boogie-woogie, big band, swing, bebop, ‘straight-ahead,’ acid-jazz, fusion, and metaphysical and these can stir up many different emotions, such as sadness, happiness, and excitement. Music has the intention of the composer embedded within it to connect with our emotions So when you play back the music, the intention is carried by the sound to communicate to the listener. Our spirits can also connect with intentions and we can train our senses to discern We can also release our intentions through frequencies Paul imparted into physical material to minister to people at a distance Many other clinical studies (covered in Lynn McTaggart’s book, “The Intention Experiment”) have proven that our intention not only affects matter, it affects ourselves and others. Healing experiment even worked on people in the past Quantum physics actually explains how this works. It is all based on the main law of resonance “A strong resonant frequency will overcome and entrain a weaker frequency into the same vibration as the stronger.” Entrainment is to pull or draw along after itself In essence, entrainment refers to a natural phenomenon in which one entity resonates synchronously with another in response to its dominant frequency of vibration. Brainwave entrainment, the practice of entraining one’s brainwaves to a desired frequency. Entrainment (biomusicology) the synchronization of organisms to an external rhythm. Entrainment (chronobiology), the alignment of a circadian system’s period and phase to the period and phase of an external rhythm. Even an intention is vibration. Some intentions are very pure, like sending love to someone. Some are more complex frequency combinations Since intention is simply a frequency, the strength and quality of the intention will contribute to its effectiveness. If you hold an intention of healing love for someone in need, it will be exponentially more powerful when you hold it without distraction. If you can hold the intention for an extended period of time with a heavenly focus – the “as it is in heaven” – then manifestations will occur on earth as agreed in heaven E=mc2: energy = mass times the speed of light squared The equation says that energy and mass (matter) are interchangeable; they are different forms of the same thing. Under the right conditions, energy can become mass, and vice versa. Jesus changed the molecular structure of water into wine by choosing that reality and molecules responded to the frequency of His intention. Jesus controlled the vibrational frequency of water, changing it from liquid to solid Jesus controlled the frequency of the cells of His body and became non-local and invisible; and He walked through people by quantum tunnelling Jesus trans-relocated a boat full of disciples across a lake by choosing that reality We can learn through the power of our conscious thoughts and words to create and choose a better reality for ourselves When connected spiritually to a higher power or reality and a higher dimension, our consciousness can change our reality for the better Sound energy affects matter. Every geometrical shape corresponds to a sound mathematically. In fact, many believe that the information embedded in a sound is the information that actually creates the shape of everything in nature. In nature we find patterns, designs and structures from the smallest unseen particles, to things seen by human eyes, to the greater cosmos. These inevitably follow geometrical patterns, which reveal to us the nature of each form and its vibrational resonances. Through connecting to frequency we can tune in to creation and reconnect to our relationship with the whole of the created order Connecting to the sacred geometric foundation of everything We connect to creation as sons of God to answer its groan The images are often called sacred geometry because they are part of the actual structure of the entire universe. God is the designer and creator The flower of life has every single component of reality imbedded in this one image which is connected to the tree of life, Metatron’s cube, Merkabah. The Golden Spiral is based on the Golden Mean ratio. This ratio is found throughout all life. Phi = 1.618….. Also, when a person is transmitting love, the heart actually creates a sound that is made up of golden mean harmonics. Health is the state of coming into balance and harmony with our identity and destiny as sons as thought forms are energy, the intention with which one approaches healing work is of utmost importance. Intention is a clearly formed thought that is released intentionally We need our minds renewed and our consciousness expanded Frequencies have a mental, emotional and physical impact on us Our consciousness can be expanded through mindfulness using sound, light, energy, vibration and frequency The power of words and intentions can be focused to help us choose and create reality. Quantum physicists discovered that physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each one radiating its own unique energy signature. Therefore, if we really want to observe ourselves and find out what we are, we are really beings of energy and vibration, radiating our own unique energy signature. This is fact and is what quantum physics has shown us time and time again. Many scientists have already taken the leap, and have already questioned the meaning and implications of what we’ve discovered with quantum physics. One of these potential revelations is that “the observer creates the reality.” A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the OBSERVER CREATES THE REALITY. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the UNIVERSE IS “MENTAL CONSTRUCTION”. What does it mean that our physical material reality isn’t really physical at all? It could mean a number of things, and concepts such as this cannot be explored if scientists remain within the boundaries of the only perceived world existing, the world we see. As Nikola Tesla supposedly said: “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a nonmechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine.” Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. One great example that illustrates the role of consciousness within the physical material world (which we know not to be so physical) is the double slit experiment. Photons seem to know if they are being observed A double-slit optical system was used to test the possible role of consciousness in the collapse of the quantum wave-function The study found that factors associated with consciousness are connected Factors such as meditation, experience, electro-cortical markers of focused attention and psychological factors such as openness and absorption, significantly correlated in predicted ways with perturbations in the double-slit interference pattern The significance of this information is for us to wake up, and realize that we are all energy, radiating our own unique energy signature. Feelings, thoughts and emotions play a vital role; quantum physics helps us see the significance of how we all feel. If all of us are in a peaceful, loving state inside, it will no doubt impact the external world around us and influence how others feel as well. Studies have shown that positive emotions and operating from a place of peace within oneself can lead to a very different experience for the person emitting those emotions and for those around them. At our subatomic level, does the vibrational frequency change the manifestation of physical reality? If so, in what way? We know that when an atom changes its state, it absorbs or emits electromagnetic frequencies, which are responsible for changing its state. Do different states of emotion, perception and feelings result in different electromagnetic frequencies? Yes! This has been proven; but how do we use these facts in our roles as sons of God? God is spirit, God is love and God is light; and God is a consuming fire God is pure, creative light that is beyond the speed of created light Love is the very essence of God’s nature and is one of the highest frequencies that exists; and we are God’s sons, made in His image to be loved and to express love We are spirit; light frequency beings, living a human being experience to converge time and eternity, heaven and earth Our soul and spirit are composed of light, which is electromagnetic energy that exists but cannot be seen with our natural eyes Creation was spoken into existence with sound – electromagnetic energy – and continues to exists through the power of God’s voice God’s grace is the strings of vibrating energy within the fabric of everything. Everything is connected and powered by zero point energy from another spiritual, quantum or nonlocal dimension Science has shown that everything is energy. You, me and everything else has its own vibrational frequency. Most people don´t know this, however the so called “new age” have discovered truths that Christianity has rejected and abandoned but really they are just ‘ancient age’ rediscovered A new “truth frame” is emerging: an expanded consciousness, revealing that we are vibrational beings living in a universe of frequency and vibration As sons, we can use the knowledge of frequency to be fruitful, subdue and rule to fulfil our destiny Heb 11:3 By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. There are dimensional realities that exist that are non-local and invisible to our natural eyes Col 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by Him all things were created… all things have been created through Him and for Him. 17 He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. How? Heb 1:3 And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power. Energy, vibrating at a frequency, holds creation together from a spiritual or quantum realm which is connected to us – some of you is there now There are many dimensions that exist that we cannot see; but that fact is the mathematical foundation of string theory, “the theory of everything” We are spirit beings with the capacity to engage those spiritual dimensions This room is filled with electromagnetic energy, vibrating at frequency that you cannot see naturally e.g. radio waves, TV waves, angelic beings, portals We can tune in to those waves with the right technology to hear and see. We can tune in our minds There are higher frequency spirit beings (angels) that are in this room; we cannot see them with our physical eyes but we can tune the eyes of our heart and spirit to sense them and see them We are designed to be able to engage and connect spiritually We can learn how to use frequency in everyday life for health and wholeness. Living in high frequency rest, living loved, living in gratitude and in joy, living in peace and forgiveness Our minds emit frequency that can be raised to influence creation Legislation for Rest I stand in the rest of I am, within the name of YHVH, as a son of the order of Melchizedek, administrating as a royal priest out of the righteousness of God in Christ. I call forth the oracles of God’s heart towards all things, in rest, for rest; through the function of the Ox, carrying the burden of the weight of glory; as a legislator of rest into the creation. I stand in the “is” of heaven’s kingdom government to represent the 4 faces of God as a son and coheir to call for the all things of creation to come into rest. I call for rest in the affairs of the nations I call for rest between all the families of the earth I call for rest between the dimensions I call for the rest of heaven to manifest on earth I call for rest between soul and spirit within the heart of man I call for rest to be the frequency that generates the hope that ‘there must be more than this’ within the religious wilderness of works. I call for the hope of rest to be the pillar of fire that leads the Joshua Generation out of the darkness of the wilderness into the light of the Promised Land beyond the veil I call for the hope of rest to end the futility of living in the DIY system of evil that creates the hardships, toil and heavy labour of self-effort I call for the children of God to exodus out of the DIY wilderness systems of the old Moses generation order into the rest of the love, joy and peace within I am I call for rest, from rest; for all things to experience the precepts of God’s heart of love that works all things for the good of those He loves I call for creation to enter the rest of the creator so it will be set free from its bondage to corruption into the glorious freedom of our sonship rest Let the resonance of the call to enter rest reverberate throughout the all things of creation into every dimension of time and space. Rest is the key to restoration and revelation Start to focus on your breathing, slowing it down; and start thinking of the name of God, YHVH Breathe in deeply and exhale slowly: Yod Breathe in: Hei, and out: Vav Repeat: in Hei, out Yod, in Hei, and out Vav… Invite love, joy and peace to flow in you and through you to create an atmosphere of rest around you. You are in a safe place Start to think of an open heaven and set your desire upon it Steps like Jacob’s ladder leading up to heaven Hear the invitation to come up here Shift focus of our mind Walk up those steps to the door Now step through the veil into the kingdom realm Jesus is standing in the doorway Present yourself to Jesus, your High Priest, as a living sacrifice Let Him take you by the hand Ask Him to reveal restoration and the oracles of the Father’s heart Ask Him to take you into the eternal now Ask Him to take you to the fire stones Jesus, please take each person and show them what they need to receive the mandate for restoration Go wherever He takes you.

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