
Our focus needs to be upon becoming, and not just doing. To be a Christian is to be a possessor of the nature of Christ, and the ability of the Holy Spirit. We want to manifest Christ in character, in demonstration, and in ministry. When we become a Christian, God breathes Himself into our very being; our spirit becomes one with Him.

Once God has revealed all the qualities of what a right spirit is (the spirit of Christ) then we need to press on to perfection. The key to coming into the manifestation of a son of God is in the setting of our will. Once we understand the fruit of the Spirit, the nature of Jesus Christ, what it means to possess the nature of Christ, then we set our will to do the will of God concerning the living works.

In order to walk in the greater works, we need to come into a oneness with God in nature, all the works of God reveal the nature of God. The reason that things are able to possess our heart, or fasten themselves to our soul is because our will is not set. In the setting of our will, we come into a violence of spirit; we bring every thought into the obedience of Christ.

As we come into the sanctification of the soul, we possess of the mind of Christ, our mind is renewed and when our mind is renewed we cannot have a thought that is not a Christ thought. Our mind needs to be saved, when God is able to live in our mind, then we are transformed, then we begin to be driven of the Lord! We are a walking tornado; an avalanche in motion .This is what it really means to be led by the Spirit. It is irreversible dedication that enforces the will of God upon the earth.

2 tim 1: 7For God hath not given (imparted) us the spirit of fear; but of power (a spirit of strength, achieving power), and of love (to see the need and meet it), and of a sound mind (from sophron, lit., “saving the mind, to discipline or correct, train to think and act soberly, discretely, and in moderation. The word means self discipline, sobriety, sound mind, and sound judgment).It is the mind under the spirits control)

Believers often wonder why after they receive the Lord, why they are troubled by evil spirits, and evil desires and tempted in many ways, they wonder why they get sick. Some believers even have diseases and physical handicaps.

Our being has three departments; we not only have to surrender our spirit to him but also our mind and body. Evil spirits can live in our mind and body. When our soul is tied to something an evil spirit is involved, if our body has any type of disease and evil spirit is involved. The God, who lives in our spirit, desires to move into our soul and body.

The human mind is the soul-life and it will remain earthly and fleshly until we seek the Lord for a new mind, this transformation of the mind is similar to the change that occurred in our spirit when Jesus revealed himself to us. Many people in the past called this a second work of Grace, but it is actually a third work of grace. The doctrine of entire sanctification. The church at large believes in the salvation of the spirit, but never even heard of the salvation of the soul. This is the salvation of the mind from the power of sin. In order for this to happen the body has to be offered a living sacrifice. We have to dedicate ourselves to live every moment of our life for the glory of God-this is called dedication- when the Spirit of God accepts our sacrifice the fire of God will come out of heaven and consume it-this is the baptism of fire that purifies the offering. This is the salvation of the soul where Jesus is revealed in us.

There are three major feasts in the bible 1-passover-this is the salvation of our spirit 2-pentecost- this is receiving the Holy Spirit where we become aware of His presence, and we receive the gift of tongues which opens the door to operate in the gifts of the Spirit. 3- tabernacles- this is where we not only receive the spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit but also the Spirit of the Father. This is where God is able to live in our spirit, soul, and body- we are dead to the self-life. These are three climactic experiences. Every experience of God can be expanded upon. But there comes a time in our life when we reach a maturity in our life, where we will never turn back- we enter into an eternal security, this is where we have been tested, tried and proven faithful-to be raptured (receive glorified body) we have to enter into this sanctification, this salvation of the soul, where we have revenged disobedience in ourselves.

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