Classical Theology

This teaching summarizes classical systematic theology and the corresponding reformed theology. Awakening Impact Ministries teaches Father-Son theology, with the cornerstone being God’s original intention was to have sons and daughters. Where-as Classical/Reformed theology is firmly rooted in Greek philosophy, Father-Son theology is Hebrew-based and biblical. As we go through this teaching, we will find that many foundation stones of Classical theology are not biblically based.

As a result of the charismatic movement in the 1960s and 1970s, many people from mainstream denominational churches experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Therefore some churches that move in the power of the Holy Spirit still hold to classical or reformed theology and have ‘added on’ the Holy Spirit’s power. This mixture brings a confusing collection of beliefs that may contradict each other.

Classical Theology is the root of Reformed Theology. Classical Theology divides into Catholicism, Calvinism and Lutheran Theology. 
Church of England followed the Calvinist Reformed Theology, which started the Presbyterian movement in the early 1700s. The Anglican church maintained a middle road between Catholicism and Reformed Theology, believing in the Theology of the 4th century Apostle’s Creed and the earlier Nicene Creed.

Classical Theology Cornerstone: 
God is Timeless

This teaching of Plato is the cornerstone teaching of all Classical/Reformed systematic theology. The early church fathers did not believe in this philosophy until Augustine (354-430CE) and Anselm (1033-1109CE). Greek mythology thought that the gods lived outside of time. Yet, careful examination of scripture reveals nothing supporting this Platonic and Augustine philosophical hypothesis. I have listed Augustine’s other heresies below, such as teaching Mary was sinless until his death.

God is eternal, but nothing in the Bible says whether He lives outside of time. He can live outside of time, but there are ample biblical references to Him living both within time and within the creation so far has revealed.

There are times when Lord God (Yahweh Elohim), the Spirit of God and the Pre-incarnate Jesus were inside of time. There are even days and hours in the presence of God. Of course, the Trinity MUST live inside of time as He inhabits millions of believers who are inside of time. In the ‘The Nature of God’ series, we teach that God is eternal, not timeless.

Classical Theology Foundation: God is Immutable

Immutability means not being capable of; or susceptible to change.

In Classical and Reformed Theology, if God is outside of time, He must be unaffected by everything inside of time. Because He is outside of time, He is aware of all past, present, and future information. God knows all things and has already made up His mind. He knows what we will do before we do it. Therefore, He cannot change His mind or will because He already knows what will happen.

Error #2: Because God lives outside of time; He must be unchanging

However, this is a hypothetical philosophical argument based again on Plato’s teaching. The idea is because God is perfect, He cannot change. There are instances where God changes His mind, as we learned in the first study on the nature of God.

Therefore God is immutable in nature and character but mutable in decisions.


Reformed Theology Foundation: God is Impassable

Impassability means God is never acted upon. Therefore He is unable to experience suffering or changes in emotions. Plato, Aristotle and Augustine’s thinking was that God lived outside of time and His character never changed; it followed that God could not experience suffering nor change His emotions.

Error #3: God cannot suffer or feel emotions

Plato and Aristotle broke away from Greek mythology, believing that, unlike the Greek gods, God could not experience pain or express emotions. Augustine developed this theology, and both the Catholic church and Reformists generally hold that Jesus suffered pain and experienced emotions because these were expressions of Him being the Son of Man. However, God does not experience emotions or experience suffering. Yet Jesus is the express image of God:

who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person.

Hebrews 1:3

And, Jesus said that if we want to see the character of God, then we only have to look at Jesus as an example of the Father.

Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?

John 14:9

Therefore when Jesus expressed emotions, He was describing the Father’s emotions.

Impassability, like Immutability, does not stand up to scriptural scrutiny. We found that God is relational, enjoying the company of His creation. He cannot be impassable and enjoy relationships with His creation as mutually exclusive.

When God was so angry with Israel that He decided to destroy them all, He was not just using anthropomorphism as suggested by reformed theologians.

God the Immovable Mover

Because God is impassable and lives outside of time and creation

Further Errors by Augustine of Hippo

As one of the church fathers, Augustine is one of the most prolific writers early church writers. Preachers refer to him with great reverence. Although it is good to honor theologians, there are dangers in honor. Because he was such a prolific writer and his first writing, “Confessions”, was so popular, being famous means that followers accepted incorrect theology.

Of Augustine’s admission, he knew hardly any Greek (the New Testament) and no Hebrew (The Old Testament). His writings were more than 300 years later than the writings of the New Testament, yet he is considered a church father for the sake of tradition.

Some will say that he changed his mind in later years. Although he did change some of his doctrines, each of those listed below he held onto until his death.


Augustine theorised that sin passes from generation to generation. The Bible teaches that sin entered the world, not man.


He believed that the sexual act between husband and wife was sinful. For this reason, having lived an early life of indulgence in sexual sin, he made a vow of celibacy and poverty, incorrectly believing that celibacy was the pinnacle of religious service.

The act of sexual union is only immoral if it is outside of marriage, as God defines marriage as being between a man and a woman. Although the idea that sex is holy, may make some uncomfortable, scripture compares oneness in marriage to our being one in Christ:

“For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.


Augustine believed that Mary never sinned and was worthy of worship. Thankfully, he did not teach that Mary was the mother of God.


There is no evidence that Augustine was baptised in the Holy Spirit or spoke in tongues. I could not find any evidence he ever taught about it in his writings. Most likely, this was because of his Cessationist View.


Augustine taught miracles could happen in the present day, but not the miracles of Jesus. These miracles, like raising the dead, stop with the apostles (Cessationist view), are in direct opposition to Jesus’ teachings:

Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will also do; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

John 14:14-16

In other words, he believed people could only do minor miracles. This wrong theology may explain his suffering from infirmities and disease in his later years.


He taught that God had predestined people to go to hell and suffer there for eternity. Predestination, as Augustine interpreted, is directly opposed to the excellent nature of God, which is good.

Augustin assumes that many are actually born into the kingdom of grace only to perish again;

Augustine, Saint. The Complete Works of St. Augustine: Cross-linked to the Bible and with in-line footnotes (p. 50). Kindle Edition


He taught that Infant baptism was God’s way and that whoever died before infant baptism would spend eternity in hell.


As we have seen, God lives in the creation and in time, contrary to what Augustine taught.


Augustine believed it was acceptable to physically persecute those who disagreed with his doctrine. Therefore, He actively encouraged physical abuse. Sadly, Luther also urged the persecution of Anabaptists for believing in baptism by complete immersion. Thousands were burned at stake, beheaded or drowned. Eventually, Martin Luther changed his heart and stated:

It is not right, and I am deeply troubled that these poor people have been put to death so cruelly.  Let everyone believe what he will. If he is wrong, he will have punishment enough in the fires of hell. Unless they are seditious, one should contest such people with God’s Word and the scriptures. You will accomplish nothing by executions.”Martin Luther


Sadly, Augustine died struck by his need for repentance and sickness because of his erroneous beliefs. He did not believe in the Christus Victor teaching of the church fathers that could have set him free of the shame he felt. Augustine did not realise that Jesus did not only set him free of his sins but also his guilt. In his book “Confessions”, he often quotes Psalms of penitence, never fully grasping the freedom found in Jesus Christ. On his death bed, he is full of repentance, never fully coming to the rest of faith that Jesus forgave his sins and the shame is taken away.


“Augustin often erred; he cannot be trusted. Though he was good and holy, yet he, as well as other fathers, was wanting in the true faith.”

Augustine, Saint. The Complete Works of St. Augustine: Cross-linked to the Bible and with in-line footnotes (p. 1732). Kindle Edition.

In these words, I would agree. Sadly, Luther did not correct some of the other errors we have seen in this study.

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