The peak of dedication in the life of Abraham was his refusal to accept even a shoe latchet from the King of Sodom after he recovered Lot and the inhabitants of the Jordan Valley. He wanted everything he was and everything he had to be by the hand of the Lord.

Gen. 14:17–15:7; Heb. 11

Whenever God finds a man or woman that believes Him, He doesn’t care what weaknesses they have had because their very faith is going to overcome those weaknesses ultimately.

We are coming into a very definite spiritual position where we will not even take circumstances changing as an answer.

Our dedication is that we would rather be poor if we cannot appropriate God’s fullness.

We’ve put ourselves in a place and God has helped us that there’ll be no resolution of the battle but by His strength.

When you turn away from seeking after the blessing that comes from the Lord only, then you begin to look for a lot of other things. And no matter how much you get, it is never enough.

Satan cannot defeat us by a storm that looks like it’s disastrous, nor can he defeat us by a reward that is tempting. We’ll take the Lord’s victory.

The principle is, “I won’t take a shoelace unless God bonds my feet with it; my comfort cometh from the Lord.”

We’re in the victory siege, and we are sustained moment by moment by a Word that is coming from the Lord.

We’re determined not to accept a pseudo-deliverance or a pseudo-blessing. It is going to be real; it is going to be God.

When we trust God we’ve got enough. We have everything.


“God wants to see our faith that totally accepts all His provision of victory and totally rejects our exclusion from it…Esau fades away as a threat and challenge to Jacob because God has finally become to Jacob what He should be.”

Gen. 25:27–34; Rom. 9:13; Heb. 12:15–17.

We’re too passive. We don’t evaluate what God sets before us like we should.

Is this victory siege for you? It will be for you if you want it. It is pretty much up to you what you want to get out of it.

The promise is ours but sometimes we have to fight for it, wrestle with God Himself to get it.

Victory doesn’t come because we prevail upon God and say, “Now we have it.” Victory comes because we wrestle with God until we’re totally submissive to Him.

God wants to see our faith that absolutely accepts all of His provision of victory and will totally reject our exclusion from it.

Victory is the absolute, total acceptance of God’s provision of total victory, and our absolute refusal to believe that we’re excluded from it.

When the Lord in His provision of victory is everything to us, the nephilim will slide into the pit of insignificance.

The whole truth of this victory siege is; it’s not the little things that God does, it’s the level that He’s bringing us up into in all of this.

Do you realize that sometimes you have devils so big that they threaten you only because you don’t magnify the Lord and let the Lord be what He’s supposed to be to you.

You’re not fighting the nephilim really. You’re fighting yourself, to let God be great, to let God be the source of victory.

Let us stop fighting the things that are coming against us and let us struggle to be to God what He wants us to be.

Piece by piece, point by point, line upon line God is telling you—you have the victory. Get it, take it, appropriate it.

It is not enough to have the promises of the Father, it is not enough to be born into it. You still must seize it by faith.

God’s still waiting for the people that seem to be the disinherited, the maimed, the halt and the blind—the outcasts—to come in and possess the promises.

We’re in a siege of victory and I don’t think we should write that short in any way. This is a turning point and from now on things will begin to move very much differently than they have.

We are going to take our place in the Word and be dedicated to that Word.

Unless you are related to the Word there is no relationship that is right either.

We are going to hit a level where we are going to think the freedom, think victory, feel victory, walk in victory.

If the desolation had not occurred we would have been locked into a rut of religion with its own unique terminology, with its own unique ways.

In the devastation God has brought us down to nothing where the only thing to live for is the Word of God. The only thing to live for is to be able to see people drawn to the Lord, drawn to the Living Word.

The other siege finally culminated in the stench and decay of desolation everywhere. Now out of that the Kingdom will come forth. We’re ready for the victory siege. We have smelled this carcass long enough.

Prophets do not go to school at eight o’clock and go home at four o’clock. Prophets are prophets twenty-four hours a day.

You did not come here to only be good students. You came here to become prophets and prophetesses of the Lord.

Your progress as a child of God is what we are concerned about and we are going to see that this takes place.

You are going to do more than go out to learn, to look at battlefields, to go through museums, to see the way everything was put together in the past. You are going to create the future.

You are going to go to be such a blessing that when you leave that church, that church is on a new level.

You are going to do more than learn how to work, how to take care of things, take care of yourself, discipline yourself—you are going to begin to tune in to hear the voice of the Lord.

You are here to receive everything that you can but you are going to give too.

The people who work in the Word are the ones that have the greatest vision and accomplish the most in God.

In the Word you absorb more when you know that you have to be able to accurately portray that to somebody else.

It is not the education that makes the teacher really; it is the burden.

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