The world of scoffers and unbelievers are totally unaware of what God has prepared of judgment. The unbeliever is willingly ignorant of the judgments that can fall on the earth at any moment. It is also true that most believers are unaware of the things that God has provided for them. Stimulating and provoking.

II Peter 3:1–15

This victory siege already has meant much more to me than the first siege because it has been a liberation within my own spirit.

Many times the Lord has great blessings for us, but we do not know how to position ourselves and focus on His provision.

The bow is bent and the focus is to be upon what God is going to bring forth.

We are watching God turn the whole flow of this siege into a focus on what is to happen.

The bow is bent and now the aiming and the focus and the triggering off of things in the earth will follow very rapidly from this siege.

The Spirit of the Lord is filling us more and more and the power is there.

This is the thing that is disturbing me very deeply: We may be the ones that pull the trigger on the first things that are aimed in judgment upon the earth.

There’s a great fullness of the Holy Spirit that is coming to many of the hearts here now. Once it starts it will go on and on. Even to the end of the age, God will be bringing judgment on those Satan is using who go after the way of Cain.

All you have to do, without it being a personal thing to you, is become an absolute dedicated channel to God.

We are to move into judgment. We are getting ready to move into grace.

This is a turning point today. Every day has been crucial, but this is the day.

We will continue to have an open door as long as God has no rivals that even approach our love and dedication to Him.

We can reach into the total relationship to the Lord.


As Joel’s army attacks the enemy they are careful to not wound their brother. We refuse to be vulnerable to Satan’s attack through the various members of the Body of Christ but we also refuse to put up walls to our brother.

Everything in this siege of victory is emphasizing all of the components of victory.

The bow is bent. God is ready to bring vengeance upon the earth.

The victory has manifested itself in two areas: Faith that is a shield from the fiery darts of the enemy, but also a faith that grows and ministers within the Body and makes us strong to possess the high places set before us.

“Warfare within the ranks must end.”

Our warfare must be totally against principalities and powers. Where our brothers or sisters are concerned we beat our swords into plowshares and our spears into pruning hooks. Where the enemy is concerned we do the reverse.

There is now a coming forth of a new oneness, a new relationship.

We are learning to speak the truth in love and we’re finding that it is not only a healthy thing, but we are finding that a lot of the infections, contamination, and deceit the enemy has brought in our relationship is being healed.

The balm of Gilead is being applied to the army of the Lord because in their hearts they will not break ranks or thrust one another through.


In His book of remembrance are recorded all of those who speak of His name. The day is coming which He will make a difference between those who serve Him and those who serve Him not. The righteous will be His possession but of the wicked there will remain nothing but ashes under foot.

Mal. 3:6-7, 16–18; 1:6; 4:1–5.

The principles of the Kingdom are being emphasized to such a point that we are just breaking into a whole new dimension. We have preached about it, but it is really happening to us.

There’s a change coming and the blessing of the Lord is falling upon people and they are being lifted into something they have not had before.

We are working, and at the same time it seems like God is sustaining us. We are able to press in more than ever before to the blessing.

Almost anything that God is doing right now could go right on through the Feast of Tabernacles. It could be that something will happen that never will end.

We are getting answers to problems that we have wrestled with for years trying to find solutions for them. Suddenly they are beginning to break loose.

The bow is bent and the focus is on judgment.

It does not seem to be a time of preaching sermons so much as it is bringing a revelation out of the Word that hits us with an impact and tells us—this that you hear today is going to be fulfilled shortly.

You don’t know what a day will bring forth. You do not know what breakthroughs could come; you do not know what reversals could come.

We have been brought into a place where civilization could be right on the brink of destruction. We are also brought to a place where it is right on the brink of unbelievable technical breakthroughs.

I am not in favor of trying to save up for long periods of time. I’m in favor of us looking to the Lord for a way of life that the Lord is going to be our protection in that day.

The purpose of this siege is not experiences. It is not to get answers in things; it is not to get changes of circumstances. It is something greater: It is that we’re going to stand in this day with a relationship with the Lord.

I urge you: The one preparation is walk with God. Walk with Him with all of your heart. Be sure that you love Him, that nothing rivals Him in your heart and in your affections. What is God after? He is looking for people that love Him.


Col. 3:1–4; 8–11; 12–17

Intimidation comes because of hypocrisy. We are trying to maintain an image of what we think is expected of us or we’re trying to maintain an image of what we think a leader should be.

We become intimidated because we are afraid that we are known but we do not want to be known.

God is working toward that unity where we do not lie to one another.

I think that one of the most significant days of the siege started this morning.

We bring nothing into sonship.

That Word that has been coming to you has been only doing one thing—it has been exposing everything that is inside of you. Away with that hypocrisy. You don’t have to be anything to anybody except to the Lord.

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