Diamonds in paper bags

Priceless treasures

Found in humble packages

He hides in places we least expect

His preconceived kindness

Gives us the opportunity to welcome Him

To love our neighbour is to wash His feet

Have a giggle and a bite to eat

That extra minute to find spare change

Or just to smile at Him on the train

Some days He hides in a smelly overcoat

You could move away or say hello

At times He even wears a suit,

Carries a briefcase and a worried frown.

You could push in front, or let Him sit down

Hey! That lady; who got the parking space

Do you see Him? .. in her face?

Those teenagers on the streets, so late at night

Do you see Him, in their swagger? Would you be their light?

Its easy to overlook these priceless treasures

as they are hidden in a humble package

Like a diamond in a paper bag.

Gold found in dust

The experiential mystery

God with (in) us

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