First Love

1 John 4:19 we love because he first loved us.

God is love. We can only love when encountering His first love for us.

Before the foundation of the world the lamb was slain. His love has never ever diminished even He foreknew the fall of men. Not that we chose Him but He chose us to be His own.

Our first love may become lukewarm in the midst of brokenness, rejection, betrayal…but on the road to Calvary, Jesus gave all that He was in all-consuming love for mankind even to the extremes of all these and to the point of death.
Our hearts would be ignited by His irresistible flame of love and He becomes our first love

Several years ago I had a dream encounter of Jesus’s first love for me. It restored my first love and sparked off the unstoppable love walk with God.

In the dream a royal King escorted me and my father to the magnificent royal palace in another dimension. He gave us extravagant amount of gold and jewelries as bridal price because His son, the royal prince fell in love with me. I was so surprised and thought how come He could fall in love with me without meeting me beforehand. I looked to Him, the one who fell in love with me, was pure, noble, lovely, peaceful and innocent. He looked like a Jew. And His desire was towards me.

When we were back to where we live, I pondered whether I should leave literally everything and marry Him living in another dimension. Family and friends, people all around me shared with me all their opinions and viewpoints. Confused and puzzled, I left the crowds and went down by a stair to the street and wanted to have a quiet walk by myself. Awestruck, the one fell in love with me was waiting for me on the street. He knew where I was and met me right there. His countenance was radiating with love and peace. When I saw Him, all confusion and problems disappeared, I was melted in love and total peace in this timeless moment.

I woke up and I was undone. I saw the Lord and His desire was towards me. Who am I that He is mindful of me? Awestruck in His great love, all I can say is, yes I do Lord. You are my first love.

We are corporately the body of Christ as the bride of Christ.

He first loved us and chose us as His own. He paid the bridal price with His precious blood. He gave it all for us because we were His first love.

You are His first love; will He be your first love in all your life?

Will you turn all your desires towards the one who fell in love with you before the foundation of the world? 

May you encounter His first love for you and experience His love beyond wildest dreams. 

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