In the Eyes of a Faithful Lover

Cabin Voice ~ Ann Wangari 

“O my dove, in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the cliff, let me see your face, let me hear your voice; for sweet is your voice, and your countenance is lovely” Songs of songs 2:14

Will you find me still faithful to you?  the only Man who noticed me when I was covered in the stench of the world and gracefully redeemed me to yourself?.  

You allured me in the wilderness and placed me in the oasis of your grace where love was echoed over me.

There I found who I was.  There you gave me a new name and out of the desert I walked out betrothed to you.

Now that love was awakened and you took away my filthy garment and wrapped me with Yourself.  Will you find that my vow to not place another before you I have kept or will you find that, the moment I saw the glory you have placed on me, like a prostitute I ran away and traded the crowns for the praises and titles of men?

“Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her. Hosea 2:14

It was in your mercies  that you came running!

Looking for me in the brothels of vanity!

In the altars that I had traded myself, for pleasures that lasted for seconds…yet ruthlessly held pieces of my soul captive.

Yet, You saw me worthy to be redeemed!  

So you took my place and, with Your very life, You ransomed me for yourself. Carried me to Your Father’s house, and there You introduced me as Your pure bride.  
Now that I am Yours and You are mine, bind me to Yourself, bind me to Your truth. That my zeal for the secret place will never be motivated by the gifts that You lavishly grant.

For the purity of Your secret chambers I seek not to defile,  but let my fire be to Know  you intimately (Yada), to be known by you.  To be in union, to satisfy your longings that in beholding your Face I become as You are in all Your ways.

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