Living Scars

His Living Scars are victory lasers

Revealing light that we may function in freedom. Complete, as sons.

No matter how broken we may have been in the past or present. Let us not run from heartache.

For He seeks us out in the wounds of our soul

Dare to trust Him with your pain; that it be exposed in the safe concealment of His love.

We are renewed in the endless Life blood of His perfect sacrifice. 

That the only scars we carry … are those that host light.

Truth ascends like a sunrise in our hearts.  Granting us increased capacity to display more light in those areas.  Light that brings healing and hope to many

The wonder of divine restoration brings glory to Him as we are displayed as living testimonies.

A life installation on the earth.  Overcomers! 

Perhaps you have never been broken of spirit?

Then that in itself is cause to weep.. for you have not known the true beauty of His restoration.

Let this trigger a desperation to truly know the depth of His longing for you.  To share in His pain and

His joy!

Lord, Break us wide open that we would know Your compassion and be Moved by Your Heart. Sharing in Your Compassion for broken generations.  

Indeed Lord,  grant us compassion to patiently nurture all You have created.

To actively administrate from within Your Living Scars – to landscape Creation in glory

As His Bride we have an invitation to be clothed in Light.  Without blemish – spotless!

Absorbed, abiding, in the living scars of our Beloved that we may Shine in His Gaze.  

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