Vulnerable – Real Believers

Vulnerable is to be exposed to the possibility of being harmed either physically or emotionally.

Our all-powerful God is vulnerable. He gave His creation the power to choose, to create and destroy. He even gave us the power to reject Him. This all existent God became vulnerable in the garden to play and commune with Adam. Adam messed up and his decision to hide himself, hurt the Father. But rather than withdraw, God chose to be even More vulnerable. He chose to redeem, to be birthed through a virgin as a fragile baby. He chose to go yet lower. He was vulnerable as a man, betrayed, beaten rejected and crucified naked. His blood was given in covenant for His Bride. Adding to that He chose to share of the very Life Breath of His Spirit with us.

The courageous King of Kings set the precedent in vulnerability and gives us permission to also be vulnerable; both before Him and each other. Ever noticed how there is a added depth to relationships that have transparency. This is true family and this depth is how the Body should be, vulnerable and united in Love.

Vulnerability opens the door, welcoming the oil of unity with believers. It is upon this unity that His Glory tabernacles. United in His power made perfect in our weaknesses.

Vulnerability freely offers differences of opinions and shortcomings on the altar of sacrifice, quickly consumed in His fire, smelted together, covered and restored by His love.

United in transparency, these are the Real Believers. They are Real people. Established in their identity in heaven, free to be who they are called to be on the earth. Freed from the religious circus of man’s expectations. No longer jumping through the repetitive hoops of empty works and dancing to the beat of aloof and unattainable pseudo spirituality.

No. The Real Believers are often a motley crew at that sometimes with life resumes to make your toes curl. Yet vulnerability breeds trust. These Believers are Steadfast, they have fallen before and now know how to stand. They are already dead, martyred with Him on the cross of trials and testing but fully resurrected in union. Fearless and victorious. Vulnerably powerful. Bearing the image of their Father.

One in Spirit we are all transparent. Lets be Real Believers. 

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