Angelic realm 1

How can we be prepared for sonship? What types of preparation do we need? Who provides that preparation? Where does that preparation take place?

Gal 4:1 Now I say, as long as the heir is a child, he does not differ at all from a slave although he is owner of everything, 2 but he is under tutors and trustees (governors) until the date set by the father.

Heirs require overseeing, tutoring, training and equipping in sonship. Intimacy with the Father is the best preparation for sonship as you can’t be a son without a father. Our Father reveals our true identity in face to face encounters but He has also assigned others to help us with our position and functions as sons. We also get discipleship from Jesus, our brother and coheir. We get help from the Spirit of truth, our parakletos, helper and comforter. There is also tutoring and training from the 7 Spirits of God, Wisdom, cloud of witnesses, angelic realm.

The Joshua Generation are forerunners of a heavenly royal priesthood according to the order of Melchizedek. Also, on earth we are oracles and legislators aligning heaven and earth as gateways of heaven. There is angelic interaction to help and train us. 

Heb 12:22 But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels, 23 to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the Judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, 24 and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant.

2 Cor 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

The seen is the physical realm around us which we see by default with our natural eyes, but we also need to see with our spiritual senses. The unseen spiritual realm is also around us which we need to see with our spiritual eyes. There may be angelic or spiritual beings of various kinds around us. There are unseen heavenly realms and eternal realms to fix our eyes on. Angelic spiritual beings occupy all realms.

Heb 11:3 By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.

The angelic realm was involved and can give us insight into the creation that needs restoration.

Job 38:4 “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? 7 When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? God created the spiritual realms, angels and our spirits before the physical realms. Wisdom was also involved.

Prov 8:22 “The Lord possessed me at the beginning of His way, Before His works of old. 23 From everlasting I was established, From the beginning, from the earliest times of the earth. 24 When there were no depths I was brought forth, When there were no springs abounding with water.” 

Prov 8:25 “Before the mountains were settled, before the hills I was brought forth; 26 While He had not yet made the earth and the fields, nor the first dust of the world. 27 When He established the heavens, I was there, when He inscribed a circle on the face of the deep.” 28 “When He made firm the skies above, when the springs of the deep became fixed, 29 When He set for the sea its boundary so that the water would not transgress His command, when He marked out the foundations of the earth; 30 Then I was beside Him, as a master workman; and I was daily His delight, rejoicing always before Him.”

283 angel references: 107 in Old Testament, 176 in New Testament.

The term “angel” is derived from the Greek word angelos, which means “messenger” and the Hebrew equivalent, malak, which also means “messenger.”

Another term ‘Elohim’ – the strong one – is a name of God that can also be translated ‘angels’ 1000+ references include names etc. 

Heb 1:7 and of the angels He says, “Who makes His angels winds, And His ministers a flame of fire.” 

Heb 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?

Specific angelic assignments occur at times that are significant to the fulfilment of our destiny. Signposting us through dreams, visions and specific encounters both on earth and in the heavenlies. Wisdom and Prudence were significant for me on my journey.

Prov 8:12 “I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, and I find knowledge and discretion… 14 Counsel is mine and sound wisdom; I am understanding, power is mine.”

Wisdom cooperates with the 7 spirits and other angelic beings like Prudence. We see Benches of 3 and 7 operating within the angelic realms.

Prov 8:15 “By me kings reign, and rulers decree justice. 16 By me princes rule, and nobles, all who judge rightly.” 

Kings who reign. Rulers who decree justice. Princes who rule. Nobles who judge rightly.

Prudence sought me out and engaged with me because the Father sent her on assignment to help me navigate the heavenly realms and discover the various places and court rooms that were key to my maturing governmentally.

Where an angel appears, the task is to convey the message or do the will of the God who sent them. Since the focus of the text is on the message, the messenger is rarely described in detail. Most don’t appear with wings when they manifest on earth. Some appear in human form.

Heb 13:2 Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.

Spiritual material in energy form can manifest as physical matter through changing its frequency and wavelength. Another set of angelic terms are used to describe God’s heavenly entourage. Terms such as “sons of God”, “holy ones” and “heavenly host” seem to focus on angels as celestial or heavenly beings connected to the throne and worship. The heavenly host worship God, attend His throne, comprise God’s army or operate in His courts. These terms are used typically in contexts emphasizing the grandeur, power, and/or acts of God and His kingdom.

There is a transition from worship in God’s presence around the heavenly throne to the outworking of His heart linked to the earthly appearance of the angelic as messengers. We can engage the throne and the courts of heaven where the focus shifts from the presence of God’s glory to the manifestation of His kingdom purpose.

4 living creatures, representing the 4 faces of God in government. 

The cherubim cover the arc where the mercy seat or the foundation stone of creation has a perpetual testimony of the blood of Jesus. The cherubim’s’ identity is a mystery with many hypotheses, but they may have been Lucifer and Melchizedek. Whoever they were, they were connected to the sacrifice before the foundation of the world and to the releasing of revelation light into creation in relation to our sonship.

Eph 1:4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we exist holy and blameless before Him In love. 

Eph 1:4 He associated us in Christ before the fall of the world! Jesus is God’s mind made up about us! He always knew in his love that he would present us again in face to face innocence.

The kingdom of God represents the eternal heart of God for the inclusion of all God’s children in a face-to-face relationship of innocence with Him. The administration of the kingdom is outworked through the councils and assemblies of heaven. The various angelic beings function as Chancellors and Scribes etc. to help prepare us in our roles. They also act as caretakers of our mountain thrones and are responsible for the administration of the kingdom around our lives Aligning us with God’s precepts.

The Mountain of God is the house of God, and everything that pertains to the government of the realm of heaven is operated by the angelic there. The Mountain of God is the place out of which all the judicial systems of Heaven operate. Everything that happens around the throne is then administered through the chancellors of God inside the Mountain of God.

Government of the kingdom in the councils and courts is administered by the angelic until we mature to have charge of the courts.

There are many categories of angelic beings, some mentioned in the Bible and some that are not Guardian angels, archangels, seraphim, cherubim, living creatures, 7 spirits of God, dominions, virtues, powers, authorities, principalities or rulers Many other names in relation to their tasks, guardians, heavenly, watchers, hunters, gatherers, winds of change, transformation, sound of many waters, refiner’s fire etc.

Key to helping us daily are our guardian angels around us in this realm and our heavenly angel associated with our mountain throne.

Close your physical eyes; relax. Fix your mind and thoughts on the unseen realms. See your spirit flowing through your gateways releasing a wave into the room. Open the eyes of your heart – engage your imagination screen. Now sense your guardian angels behind you. Let your spirit describe them and ask them their names.

Steps like Jacob’s ladder leading up to heaven. There is a door standing open in heaven. Hear the invitation to come up here. Walk up those steps to the door. Now step through the veil into the kingdom realm. Jesus is standing in the doorway. Present yourself to Jesus your High Priest as a living sacrifice. Let Him take you by the hand and lead you to your mountain throne.

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