09 seperation

How can we be prepared for sonship? Preparation with help from tutors. Preparation through entering rest. Preparation through soul transformation at different levels. Intimacy with the Father is the best as you can’t be a son without a father .The Father is calling His children to arise as sons and take our places where we are seated in the heavenly reams. In relationship the Father gives us: identity, position and authority; a mandate so we can be fruitful, multiply, fill, subdue and rule. To fulfil our sonship mandate we need to be at rest, therefore not striving by our own DIY self-effort according to the wrong path. We need to see all walls, barriers and partitions come down, penetrated by the God of love who casts out all fear.

 This process of deepening intimacy in a face to face relationship results in a continuing process of transformation. Having our spirit and soul tethered together wrongly limits our ability as sons to live in the dual realms of heaven and earth simultaneously. The separating or untethering of our spirit from our soul is a key moment in our maturing in sonship. We then become reintegrated and quantum entangled. Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. 3 levels of transformation through many different engagements:[Symbol] Soul transformation [Symbol] Gateway cleansing [Symbol] Motive cleansing [Symbol] Separation and reintegration [Symbol] Dual realms living [Symbol] Mind deconstruction [Symbol] Consciousness expansion [Symbol] Multidimensional living.

 We need to engage Jesus in our spirit through the first love gate relationally .Take the yoke of Jesus upon us, learn from Him and be discipled in sonship. Jesus as the Way, Truth and Life can lead us to each gateway of our soul. Jesus as perfect love and the Prince of Peace will cleanse the gateways of our soul from fear. It is worth revisiting this regularly. This is a process so take your time to engage one gateway at a time. You can do one gateway a day or a week to be thorough. In this exercise I will go through all the soul gateways but be free to stay focused on the first gateway.

  Close your eyes and picture that door that Jesus is knocking By faith and desire reach out to the handle and open the first love door. Welcome Jesus’ presence into your spirit. He will embrace you in love, so choose to take His yoke of discipleship. Start to think and meditate on your soul gates.Ask Jesus to direct you to your soul’s conscience gate. Stand and look at the gate .Perfect love is going to cast out fear, guilt, shame and condemnation .The Prince of Peace is bringing wholeness to your conscience .Jesus is going to walk you to your imagination gate. Perfect love is going cast out fear and cleanse negative images. The Prince of Peace is bringing wholeness, cleansing the blockages in your imagination and purify it. Jesus is going to walk you to your reason gate. Perfect love is going cast out fear. Jesus the Truth is going to challenge wrong mind-sets, belief systems, doctrines and theology. The Prince of Peace is bringing wholeness to cleanse and enable truth to flow .Jesus is going to walk you to your mind gate. Perfect love is going cast out all fear from your conscious mind. Jesus the Truth is going to challenge any lies that you are believing. The Prince of Peace is bringing wholeness to cleanse and enable truth to flow. Perfect love is going cast out fear from your unconscious mind .Perfect love is going cast out fear from your subconscious mind. Jesus the Truth is going to challenge any lies that have programmed you that are lodged in your memories. The Prince of Peace is bringing wholeness to cleanse and enable truth to flow. Jesus is going to walk you to your emotions gate. Perfect love is going heal the hurts, pains and rejection .The Prince of Peace is bringing healing and wholeness to your emotions.

 Jesus as the life is going meet your unmet needs for love and acceptance.Jesus is going to walk you to your will gate. Perfect love is going to cast out fear. The Truth is going to challenge and cast out doubt and unbelief. The Prince of Peace is bringing healing and wholeness to your will. Jesus is going to walk you to your choice gate. Perfect love is going to cast out fear. The Prince of Peace is going to ask you to worship Him and surrender your free will choices to choose to do only what you see the Father doing.

 Opening and cleansing our soul gates creates the opportunity for our spirit to overshadow our soul and body and be the interface with the world around us as it was in the beginning. Also heaven can now flow through us into the world around us as we become opened flowing gateways.

 Step one opens and cleanses our gateways. There is deeper level of preparation needed which deals with the thoughts, motives and intentions of our heart. We must rule, govern and legislate from the motivation of love. Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God (Jesus) is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Heb 4:12 (The Mirror Bible) The message God spoke to us in Christ, is the most life giving and dynamic influence in us, cutting like a surgeon’s scalpel, sharper than a soldier’s sword, piercing to the deepest core of human conscience, to the dividing of soul and spirit; ending the dominance of the sense realm and its neutralizing effect upon the human spirit.

 In this way a person’s spirit is freed to become the ruling influence again in the thoughts and intentions of their heart. The scrutiny of this word detects every possible disease, discerning the body’s deepest secrets where joint and bone-marrow meet. (The moment we cease from our own efforts to justify ourselves, by yielding to the integrity of the message that announces the success of the Cross, God’s word is triggered into action. What God spoke to us in sonship (the incarnation), radiates his image and likeness in our redeemed innocence [Heb 1:1-3]. This word powerfully penetrates and impacts our whole being; body, soul and spirit.) 2 Cor 3:18 … are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. This is a process of change so we can display glory, our sonship, the manifest presence of God on earth as it is in heaven through us. We can choose to embrace, pursue the process of change and maturity or stay babies, toddlers or infants.

 Be proactive: desire, seek and pursue Psa 139:23 Search me thoroughly, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; 24 And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way. Examine, try, reveal and transform.

 Judge the thoughts and intentions of our hearts which are our motives. Where did our motives come from? Programming through personal experiences and environmental lacks. Our past decisions that form behavioural patterns within our hearts. Generational epigenetic memories attached to our DNA. The record of previous generational bloodline decisions that are stored. epigenetically Programming through generational patterns of iniquity: the biased bents of behaviours. Tree of the knowledge of good and evil Pathway and source of all independence. Roots sourced from satan’s trading – I will ascend, I will be like God. Motives of the heart lead to actions Trading exchanges based on the desires of our hearts as the result of the sin, our lost identity. First negative trade – took place before time as we know it. First negative trade on earth: Adam & Eve – this establishes time limitations. There are legitimate heart desires inbuilt by God that if met by following the pathway of earthly, natural or demonic wisdom are negative trading. Trading includes all relationships formed to meet our own needs for love etc. Following any pathways of the knowledge of good and evil. Negative trading uses counterfeit methods to give us: acceptance, affirmation, approval, significance, security, provision, purpose and destiny Happiness – Joy Satisfaction – Fulfilment Leisure – Peace and rest Cause – Destiny restoration. Trading Floors are the platforms that are substitutes for God’s provision. Offer a perverted altar to sacrifice on. Trades come with deadly strings attached that can become generational patterns epigenetically Familiar spirits – activate and operate through trading patterns. We trade when we take the pathway of the knowledge of good and evil. Options for the shortcuts to gratification can be success, money, position, influence or power. These offer us identity from our performance, work or ministry. Devil’s temptation of Jesus example Tyre – money, materialism Athaliah – kingly seed position Jezebel – Manipulation, control, domination, witchcraft Cain – murder Delilah – seduction Leviathan – gossip, lies, deception Apollyon – opposes the gospel.

 Be proactive not reactive. Present yourself for examination. Examine yourself regularly. Be ruthlessly honest about your past .Remember God loves you. Own your past trading and motives. Acknowledge your trading motives. Seek revelation about family trading .Father I thank you that You have made a way for me to access your heavenly presence. By faith I step in through the veil of Jesus through the way of the cross I present myself to you, Jesus my high priest, in surrender as a living sacrifice. I submit to your authority as the living word in my life. I step through the veil of truth into the Holy Place. I stand in the light of your truth .I ask you to search me. Reveal my blind self to me, show me the hidden motives of my heart. I stand in the light of your truth. Show me the pathways of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that I have followed. Show me where I have accepted deceptions as truth. Reveal where I have followed earthly, natural or demonic wisdom to meet my own needs. Show me where I have traded by taking the shortcut to gratification through relationships, success, money, position, influence or power. Show me where I received my identity from performance, work, ministry. Show me where I have formed relationships to meet my own needs for love, acceptance, affirmation and approval. Show me where I have sought to meet my own needs through humanism and rationalism, following the pathway of self identity.

 I submit and surrender my life to follow the pathway of the tree of life as my source. I commit myself to a lifestyle of truth and intimacy. I renounce all negative trading to meet my own needs. I renounce where I have followed the pathway of good and evil as my way of life. I renounce the patterns of lost identity in my heart. I renounce all my defence, coping and survival mechanisms. Father, give me revelation of my true identity as a son of God, that my heart can be secure. Renew my mind to the mind of Christ. Meet my unmet needs in yourself. Heal my unhealed hurts. Restore my soul to original condition.

  Father I receive your unconditional love, acceptance, affirmation, approval from the source of the tree of life. I stand transparent, naked and unafraid before you. I hear you say “I see you and I love you”. I receive your value, esteem and worth that affirms my sonship. I choose to follow the pathway that leads to my source, the tree of life – Jesus I choose to walk in the ways of your kingdom. Manifest your glory through me on earth as it is in heaven, so I will fulfil my eternal destiny.

 My Ketubah triggered the process of my engaging the dark cloud of His presence. This dark cloud was blown in like a cold wind from the north by Winds of Change, who is one of the 4 orders of angels assigned to help transition the Joshua generation out of the wilderness. The dark cloud was my separation process. The dark cloud covering was where the essence of self had to be yielded, surrendered. Surrender of self-rule and self being the controlling principle of life took place. I discovered that I needed no self-validation. My soul and spirit were daily engaging heaven together. It was a visionary cognitive experience I was stepping in through the veil and stepping back out. I was visiting but not inhabiting and living in dual realms. My redemptive gift is prophet/teacher: this is how God wired me to be self aware and to engage the physical world. I am wired to know how things work and function, to be able to teach and explain to others. This gave me my identity and security. I was using my soul to engage heaven to know and see what the Father was doing. My soul would not allow my spirit to engage on its own. The core essence of who I was redemptiveIy was being used to create its own identity and bring me security in independence from my spirit. Me, myself and I had to surrender so soul and spirit became separated so that I could become reintegrated: oneness of spirit and soul, and joined and one with God.

 Redemptive gifts are the way God has wired us to connect with the world around us. God will look to free you from the need for the soul to gain identity by works and bring you into rest. The essence of who you are redemptiveIy will be tested. Prophet, Servant, Teacher, Exhorter, Giver, Ruler, Mercy. Ask yourself the question: how would I feel about myself if I was unable to be prophet etc.? How would you think God would feel about you if you were not serving Him by fulfilling your destiny? Who would you be if you were not operating in your redemptive gift? How would you feel? Bringing me to this point of honesty with God and myself was the purpose of this part of my journey. Rest from dead works and religiosity, to learn to just be and live loved. God was searching and showing me my heart. God was testing my heart motives. God was refining, purifying my heart. The pure in heart will see God. He wanted me to meet Him face to face, but I had to go through the fire of transformation. If none of my dreams were realized, If none of the prophecies ever came to pass, If my destiny was never fulfilled, Would I still love God?

Those were the questions I had to face .Would I still trust God? Would I still have love, joy and peace and live in rest? Would I still be able to rejoice and give thanks? Would God still be a good God? After my soul was separated and untethered my answer was yes. God loves us and wants to restore us to original condition. He wants to give us the fullness of His blessing. He wants us to find our heavenly identity and position as sons He wants to release us into the fullness of authority as sons.

We are going to invite Jesus, the living word of God, the Truth, into place within us between soul and spirit. We are going to ask Jesus the Truth to reveal any umbilical cords from soul to spirit. We are going to ask Jesus as the living word like a sword to divide our soul and spirit .We are going to invite Jesus, the living word, to untether our spirit from the soul and being earthbound. We are going to be able to fly like the butterfly, soar like the eagle and live beyond the veil continually. We are going to invite Jesus, the Prince of Peace, to make us whole by reintegrating our soul and spirit. By reconnecting our spirit and soul gates correctly .By quantum entangling us to live in dual realms. Embrace the transformation process, so you can become whole. The more we become transformed into the image of God as His children, the more authority and power will be released because we will be recognised as the sons of God.

Our soul has wanted to be recognised for what we do .The soul has looked to provide for its own needs; we then look for affirmation, affection, approval from people for what we do, instead of just being who we are. This separation and reintegration also enables us to become joined to the Lord in marriage.

 Next time we will engage in a wedding ceremony so I encourage you to make your wedding vows to Jesus in preparation. What vows and commitments would you like to make to Him? Jesus we invite you as the living word of God, like a sword, to walk through our spirit gate of worship where we surrender to you. Jesus we invite you as the living word of God to engage the illegitimate soul ties to our spirit. I choose to surrender my soul’s rights to you. I choose to surrender any path I have followed from the DIY tree. I choose to surrender all works of the soul to validate itself. I choose to surrender my redemptive gift to you and I declare I will not use it for selfvalidation. I ask that you untether me from being earthbound. Consciously surrender all ties, connections from your soul to your spirit and ask Him to sever and separate and untether your spirit from your soul. I ask that you, the living word of God, sever any umbilical cord or ties in my soul that have fed off my spirit, that gives my soul power to live independently. I ask you to untether and separate me from any ungodly tie connected to my redemptive gift. I ask you, as the Prince of Peace, to reintegrate my soul and spirit from the inside out I ask that you would reconnect and quantum entangle my soul and spirit so that my spirit will be continually connected, that heaven can flow through me. I ask you to reintegrate me and make me whole and reconnect my spirit to my soul correctly.

Connecting my Fear of God gate and reverence gate to my conscience.

 My Hope gate to my imagination.

 My Prayer gate to my mind.

  Revelation gate to my reason.

Intuition gate to my emotions.

Faith gate to my will.

 Worship gate to my choice.

 Let heaven flow through me as rivers of living water. I ask you to quantum entangle my soul and spirit. Let heaven flow through my being. Engage heaven and stay there, dwell there with your spirit. Only shift your consciousness back to the earthly realm; Choose to dwell seated in the heavenly realms.

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