Preparation for destiny 11

God has a destiny for every person and he wants us to experience that destiny and outwork it. Our destiny is to rule to bring God’s kingdom to earth as it is in heaven. This is God’s plan and it has never changed. Adam messed it up, we mess it up, but Jesus came to return us to our original plan and destiny. Fill the earth, subdue it and rule .gen 1:28. We don’t rule over each other.

We bring the rule of God the will of God his kingdom there are synonymous of the same thing, from heaven to earth. This is gods intention for us.

We are to bring what is in heaven to earth, through our lives. it is the churches destiny to rule. Not earthly government, but in spiritual authority bringing gods kingdom to the earth.

 Isaiah 2:2 the mountain of the house of the Lord – talking about the church – will be raised up above all the other mountains, all the other authorities that are vying for power in this world, God’s kingdom is bigger than them all.

1 peter 2:9 we are a chosen race to rule, a royal priesthood. We have been chosen by god to fulfill his purpose.

The destiny to rule is through relationship with God based on love.  It is not power or political stuff. It is through relationship with god based on love. Love must be the motive for all rule and dominion. Bringing his kingdom is all about love.

This destiny flows through a strong spirit. Our spirit man needs to be strong and built up. Destiny can be blocked by a dominant soul.

We have to deal with the blockages in our soul that stops our spirit from bringing the kingdom through us. Our soul needs to be restored and refined, to restore divine order-spirit, soul body, not the other way around.

 The destiny that we all have is that God’s glory is to be manifested on earth and beyond the earth through sons of light.

One Corinthians 6:17 – the person who is united to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. It is God’s intention  that we have such an intimate relationship with him that we are one. No distinction between us. if you have seen my you have seen the father, you have seen jesus.

His will, his purpose, his kingdom is outwork through us because we become so in tune with him, that he lives through us. but it takes time to come into this intimacy, it is called the pathway of relationship. The Holy Spirit penetrates into us where we participate in an identical life.

There is a process in how we relate to God and how his Spirit flows through us.  The life of God flows out of heaven into our spirit activating all its senses. Our spirit senses certain attributes of God which fill it and flow through it.

Our spirit senses the fruit of the Spirit, and God’s love, joy and peace fill our spirit, expand our spirit and flow through it.

As the life of God flows into our spirit our spirit becomes very intuitive (knowing things instinctively, knowing things automatically, knowing things directly, without having to be fully understood with our mind) we intuitively know how to handle situations that use to baffle us.

As the life of God flows into our spirit, our spirit senses the holiness of God or the fear of God and our spirit is filled with it and it flows through it.

As the life of God flows into our spirit, our spirit senses feelings of deep respect and devotion to God and manifests reverence to God.

As the life of God flows into our spirit, our spirit senses what the Holy Spirit reveals to us. The revelation of God flows into our spirit. it is Spirit to spirit communication. The Holy Spirit discloses what mysteries to the human mind are. The information of God is revealed to our spirit in awe and wonder. It is a surprisingly good or valuable experience, the revealing of something previously hidden or secret to our mind.

As the life of God flows into our spirit, our spirit senses the thoughts of God producing trust and confidence in the nature of God. Faith from God is imparted to our spirit.

As the life of God flows into our spirit, our spirit becomes alive with hope; it has a sense of confident expectation.

As our spirit is filled with the life of God, our spirit senses the presence of God. And in our conscious awareness of God’s presence we communicate with God, we develop two way conversations with God. Our spirit communes with God in prayer. We ask God questions, and receive answers as our spirit senses what he is saying.

As our spirit senses the nature of God, it senses the majesty of God and worship flows through it unto God in a surrendering and joining and yielding to the Excellency of his lordship over it. we worship God in spirit and truth.

As the senses of our spirit become activated through the inflowing of God’s Spirit then that life has to flow from our spirit into our soul, so that all its senses become activated, and this is where we encounter blockages.

Our soul is our conscious awareness and there are things in our soul, that our soul is aware of that oppose the life of God.

Before we became Christians we were spirit soul and body but no God. We were separated from God and have no relationship with him. When we get born again God comes and dwells in us and lives in us so that we have a connection, he is no longer a higher power who is out there somewhere he is Jesus inside us empowering us to live and to change and be transformed.

We can all know God intimately and personally through what Jesus did on the cross in dying for us. He opened up a relationship with God that we can have. God wants to then in us work through us to the world around us, which is what the kingdom is all about.

The body enables us to relate to the world around us, our soul enables us to relate to our self, we have self-consciousness. And our spirit enables us to relate to God. And if our spirit is dead we cannot relate to God. So when we accept Jesus into our life he rebirths our spirit our spirit becomes born again so that our spirit can engage and relate to God personally, in a personal relationship one-to-one, not impersonally.

We all start out messed up, divided and separated and dead. Everyone who is born into the world starts out that way. God wants to restore us, in the beginning Adam was spirit soul and body in perfect harmony and joined with God. This meant he had no self awareness independent of God.

Sin is independence from God so that we become aware of the world around us independently and we look to the world to meet our needs and this is when we get messed up.

We are a dwelling of God’s presence, God lives in us that means we are connected to heaven through God who lives in us. Heaven is not a place somewhere, it is a spiritual dimension, it is all around us that we can be connected to through God who is in us.

Therefore we can have a flow of abundant life, flowing like a river from heaven, that spiritual realm into our lives, to enable us to experience God.

Everything that we seek to get from the outside God can give us much more effectively from the inside.

The New Testament says three or four things that God is, God is love. So if we need to experience love the best thing is to experience it on the inside rather than the love we get from the world on the outside which always ends up hurting us.

 God is light; if we need revelation an understanding and knowledge then we can get that from the inside from God, not just from the outside.

 God is spirit, God is a consuming fire, these are the things that God is and they can be on the inside of us. So the River flows from heaven through God through our spirit and soul and body to the world around us to bring God’s rule and God’s kingdom and his will through us.

God’s will in heaven, the kingdom rule, operate in us and through us and around us. It is the flow of God’s life and power through us so that we change the world. We can be a world changer. Even if for only changing our own world we are changing something, which is eternally important.

 Ephesians 1:3 blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. We are in Christ and are blessed with every spiritual blessing. But they are spiritual blessings. Spiritual blessings are not much good unless we can manifest them as physical blessings.

There are promises which will be unfulfilled unless we can see them manifested. God wants to bless us, which means he wants to empower us and equip us to succeed in life. He has blessed us with things to equip us but we have to have access to the heavenly realms in order to get them. Because God is in us those heavenly spiritual blessings can flow through us and around us.

Eph 2:6 And has raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ. We have access to those heavenly places to engage with the things of God, the eternal things of God and manifest them in the here and now. So there is a flow of Revelation that comes from heaven into our lives through God’s presence.

Rather than trying to build up our intellect from the outside and get worldly knowledge which is good to have but is not going to have any eternal value. We get Revelation knowledge from God. All the resources that we need to live our lives are available from a flow of God’s resources, authority light glory his presence and power they all flow from the unseen spiritual realm the heavenly dimension into this physical realm through the Gateway of our lives. Our lives become a Gateway to manifest God’s presence in this world in which we live. So it is important that we allow him to do this in our lives. We do not want a lock him up.

John 4:14 – the water that I will give him shall become a spring of water welling up flowing bubbling continually within him unto or into or from or for eternal life. We have the presence of eternal life in us and it is described as like a fountain, like water flowing. John 7:38 – he who believes in me who cleaves to and trust in me and relies upon me as the Scripture has said from his innermost being shall flow continuously springs and rivers of living water.. So everything flows from the inside out with God. Everything from the world flows from the outside in. And this is a big change.

If we need to change, we need to change from the inside out, not trying to change from the outside in. This is why we need God’s presence and this is why we need to allow the relationship with God to change and transform us.

We can try and change from the outside in through our willpower, maybe through our emotions or even through our knowledge but actually all that will do is to create an environment where we get worn out. Because in our own strength we cannot manage it, we need the flow of God’s life.

Colossians 1:16 – for by him all things were created, both in the heavens and on the earth, the invisible and visible, thrones dominions rulers authorities all things, all things have been created through him and for him. Everything we see and everything we do not see has been created by God. He is before all things that means he is before literally in terms of time, so in the heavenly realms time is ahead of us. But also in terms of a place of authority. Jesus is greater in authority than anything else. And in him all things hold together.

This realm that we live in, this physical realm is held together from the spiritual realm which is higher in power and authority so that is why we are here. Spiritual or heavenly realm authority and power is higher and rules over the physical realm. This is where we get miracles.

Spiritual laws or principles supersede natural laws and principles and this is where miracles come from. But we have to be able to access them and bring them into this dimension.

Healing overrules sickness and disease. Freedom overrules captivity and bondage. Jesus is our example of heaven ruling on earth through his life. So everything we see Jesus doing is an example of the will of the father demonstrated through him. He changed and transformed things. So healing is a speeding up of that natural realm. miracles is the spiritual realm overruling and changing natural laws. Jesus walked on water, so the spiritual realm overcame the natural law of physics, because it is higher. The spiritual realm even has authority over death. Jesus could do all sorts of supernatural things, and we need access to that so that we can do the same things. To demonstrate the same authority, because we have access to that spiritual realm and we can manifest that here on earth.

We have our physical senses, site, smelling, hearing, taste, touch. Everything we have learned about these things has come from the outside in. We have learned how to see how to hear how to spell how to taste and touch by experience of the world around us. We have learned things. Everything flowed from the outside in, in those ways and relates to the physical senses.

We interpret the world through electrical impulses in our brain. How do we see people, there is an image on the back of our retina that sees people upside down but our brain interprets it and shows us that the person is there.

Our spatial awareness we have learned, when we were a little baby we learned how far 6 inches was though our physical sight or 12 inches was from where our mother was we could see, and we learned to see a little bit further until we learned how to engage with the world around us.

And when we were children we had all sorts of mishaps and things because we were learning.

We hear because we interpret waves of pressure as an electrical signals in our brains. This is how we hear we learned how to do that.

We learn smell by interpreting chemical particles in the air. All of this stuff we have learned from the outside in.

Taste we learned because we tasted things and then we learn to what they were.

We learn to touch things that were hot and then we learned how not to touch them again. We have learned all these experiences and those memories are stored because we then reuse them. We understand all those things because we have learned to engage with the physical world around us. And we have trained our senses to understand.

Now the soul also has senses that have been trained from the outside in, by nature, nurture and trauma.

Our spirit has to be trained from the inside out. We cannot train our spirit from the outside in. We have to train our spirit from our relationship with God who is inside us and then that then can change our soul and our body because it is a higher power that we are relating to.

How does this work? God wants to manifest himself through all our spiritual senses to transform the senses of our soul and then transform the things in our body.

 So we have to relearn spiritually when we become born again. When we are born again we become like a little baby spiritually and we have to learn how to train our spiritual senses just like we did naturally.

So we do that through the word of God we do that through encountering the Holy Spirit. It is a personal relationship that God wants to engage us with through our spiritual senses in our lives. So spiritual senses only come through our relationship with God we cannot get them trained anywhere else.

God is all-knowing, all-powerful and all present he is everywhere. And he is connected to us so this gives us access to every bit of knowledge to every bit of power and everywhere there is we can engage with. We can do this when we are in relationship with God and that spiritual dimension. There is a spontaneous flow of Revelation knowledge that flows from God. God is always speaking, he is always wanting to show us something because he is all knowing and all seeing. We can have inside information to enable us to bring God’s rule into the world around us. Because we can have information from the future, this is what prophecy is. Because that spiritual dimension is before him, God can speak to us and tell us what is going to happen. The Holy Spirit will disclose to us what is to come. If we want heads up information about our day, what is going to happen every single day of our life then we have to get in touch with God in the morning and ask him, because he wants to show us. We don’t want to be dependent upon our natural eyes and what we have learned from experience. God wants to give us an advantage.

The thoughts of God can dance in our minds. Albert Einstein said that when he discovered the theory of relativity. He didn’t do it by studying, he was laying down in a meadow and he said the thoughts of God danced in his mind. And he had a revelation. This is how God can speak.

 The feelings of God can move our emotions from the inside out rather than our emotions being moved from the outside in, which mostly get us into trouble.

The impressions that God gives can motivate us and stimulate us to act. Visions and pictures form in our imagination from the inside out. Flowing from God’s heart, his voice, his mind wanting to give us Revelation of him and who and what we are called to do every day.

 We can learn how to tune in to hear God’s voice from the inside. We have to re-train our senses to do it. So we can learn to see from the inside. so that we can get information on what’s going around us from the inside, from God and we can see in the realm of the kingdom. sometimes we can do with an open eye, sometimes we shut our eyes but we can see what’s going on in the room spiritually.

Now we can see Angels in the spiritual dimension because it’s flowing from a revelation from God. We need to learn how to hear from the inside, God speaks in a still small voice. In our heart he speaks to us. he gives us peace which gives us a sense of umpiring for our life. His peace can say do this don’t do that. We have to learn how to listen to that voice which is on the inside that is there to guide us and direct us and bring us into that place of peace.

We can learn how to feel from the inside being moved by the compassion in the heart of God. Because we are starting to feel his heart beat and understand his heart. We can be guided from the inside.

 we can smell from the inside. There are fragrances that are in the room at times from the presence of the angelic but not everybody can smell them. Why? Because people spiritual senses smell those spiritual smells and fragrances. It is not their natural senses. It feels like were smelling them naturally. But two people can be next to each other and one might not be able to smell it and the other can because they are learning how to smell with spiritual senses. Because they indicate something that God is doing.

 we can learn how to touch from the inside. This means we can have the power of God that when we touch something our hands vibrate literally or heat comes that is from a flow of the power of God that is from the inside out. So we learn how to engage the world with a different power and a different authority. We have to learn how to do this.

God is in us and he wants to flow through us. We have all the spiritual senses that we need to activate, we need to allow God to activate them.

The fear of God – which is being awestruck with that all-knowing all seeing all-powerful God inside us. When our fear gate is open it will motivate us.

 We need open up our reverence gate – the honor and respect that motivates us and causes us not to do anything that would displease God, anything that would harm our relationship with God or bring disrepute to him, so this will guide our conscience in making good decisions. Do this, don’t do that.

We need our prayer gate open that constant two-way communication. It is a two-way constant flow of God speaking to us and of us hearing his voice and our speaking to him and him hearing us. It’s having a relationship with the Lord where we communicate with him.

We need our hope gate open, having dreams and visions and seeing opportunities that God inspires from the inside out.

We need our faith gate open, coming into agreement with God with those things that we see so that we have power to do them.

We need our Revelation gate open, being inspired having light counsel and wisdom. We can get all sorts of stuff from natural intellect but it will never be greater than the Revelation that we can get from the mind of Christ. And from God who is in us. An all-knowing God who gives us the heads up on any situation at any time when we are connected with him.

We need our into intuition gate open and flowing, those gut instinct feelings that come from the inside that are there to guide us and protect us, those feelings will save our life, When we act in response to them.

We also have a heavenly connection, the heavenly gate where we can be conscience of heavenly things. God wants to come from the inside of us, and out around us, so that we just don’t have these things on the inside but it enables us to live in authority and power.

Now some of these things are because of our gifts and callings, some people who may be a prophet anointing with prophetic leadings,  there Revelation gate is more used because God occupies and flows through that.

The hope gate, they get visions and see things. So dependent upon who we are and what our call is and our destiny is, some of those senses may be more active than others, Because that is just who we are.

Spiritual gifts flow through the intuition gate, words of knowledge words of wisdom distinguishing of spirits we know through our intuition; we know things because God is showing us things.

Healing and miracles they come through that faith gate where we are moved to act when we know God wants to bring healing or deliverance or something like that.

We all need reverence, fear of God and prayer open all the time. We need to be inspired to be directed in our lives.

 The question is will we be worshipers? Because the main thing concerning our spiritual Gates is will we surrender our lives to God and do what God wants rather than what we want. This will determine success or failure.

We try and do things in our own strength and in our own understanding and generally it will fail. When we start to do things under God’s direction the results are up to him, we just need to be obedient. Step out in faith.

John 14:10 –do you not believe that I’m in the father and that the father is in me – relationship – the words that I say to you I do not speak of my own initiative, but the father abiding in me does his works.

 So when we have God in us we need to become a channel and a conduit for God to do his work through us. We don’t have to try and do it ourselves. we allow him to use us to do his will.

 John 16:7 – I will send a helper the Holy Spirit to you and when he comes he’ll convict the world concerning sin righteousness and judgment. When the Holy Spirit is in us occupying and flowing through us things change around us. God wants to change things through us.

This is  how it worked with Jesus and this is how God wants it to work with us. Luke 17:21 – nor will people say look here it is, but behold the kingdom of God is within you. In your hearts and among you surrounding you.

 Because we have a connection with God he wants to manifest his kingdom, operate his kingdom around our lives. This is what happened when Jesus did it Luke 6:19 – all the people were trying to touch him for power was coming from him and healing them all. Because God was inside him power  manifested through him, people could touch him and be healed.

We want people to be able to touch our clothes and be healed because God’s presence is around us. We want people to feel the presence of God around us because he’s manifesting himself. Luke 8:47 Jesus said someone did touch me because I became aware that virtue flowed out of me. What happened for Jesus can be the same for us.

The kingdom is not like a place like Great Britain or the United Kingdom it is more about the supreme sovereign rule and reign of the King. We manifest the rule of God around us this is what the kingdom is about.

We have the authority and power to bring  the kingdom, that rule around us.

We are channels and gateways for the kingdom to operate on earth. So each of us has a kingdom sphere of influence every person who has a relationship with God has an influence and and authority to rule around them. For some people This could be a wide or small sphere.

We have the power to change things around us, in our home. We can bring godly influence into our home because we have a sphere of operation there. When we go into our workplace we change the atmosphere. But we will not less we believe it and we are flowing in the life of God. Because it is God who changes the atmosphere around us in power. We have authority to bring God’s kingdom influence. So when we walk into a place we change it. Because we have power and authority to change it. when we walk into a place, If the place is miserable where we work we come in with joy and peace and change it.

We start bringing heaven into our workplace. Into our home into everywhere that we are. We have authority in our circle of influence or our circumstances. We are not to be under the circumstances we should be above the circumstances we are the head and not the tail. We change our circumstances by bringing God’s kingdom rule from the inside of us around us. So if there is someone sick we change the circumstances by bringing healing. If we are broke we can bring blessings, there are ways to do it that we need to learn, but we have to know we have the authority in the power first. We can change the atmosphere in a situation simply because we know we carry the kingdom of heaven within us and we can see that kingdom come through us. This is a description how Job 22:21 – yield now and be at peace with him – a relationship with him- thereby good will come to you. We need to expect good to come to us because we are in relationship with God. Please receive instruction from his mouth – we need to hear him speaking to us so that we can establish his words in our heart. It is all about listening from the inside out and this is what happens verse 28 you will also decree a thing and it will be established for you and light will shine on your ways. So when we have surrender to the authority of God’s kingdom in us we can speak with authority and change things around us, and transformed things according to heaven being manifested through our lives. So we need to use the keys of the kingdom to do this. Matthew 6:19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven. We have to bind it in heaven first before it can be bound on earth. it needs to be loosed in heaven first. so we bind things to the will of God and the truth and we loose things from restrictions and chains of the enemy. We have to do it from that heavenly place to manifest it through our lives. In heaven first .so to do that we need to be flowing from the inside out. We need God’s kingdom flowing through us we need his kingdom manifesting through us we need to know who we are as a son of God and we have a right to bring God’s rule, His power and his authority around us. So whenever we walk in a place we need to go with confidence with boldness and with authority knowing that we will changes and it will not change us. But we need to believe that we have to have faith in that. We need to know it and it needs to be operating an active. God’s presence active and operating through us.

If we don’t know Jesus, we might know a higher power but if we don’t have a personal intimate relationship with Jesus so that we can change our life that means we can change our circumstances we can breakthrough from the things that have been holding us in bondage we can breakthrough from the inside out once we come to know the Lord. We open up the Gates of our life to this kingdom rule.

God i thank you for your presence in my life I open the gate of first love and invite you into my spirit I invite you to activate my spiritual senses and flow through me. Jesus I surrender control my life to you, to your Lordship, you are Lord of my spirit transform me into the image of Jesus from the inside out, renew my mind, heal my emotions, restore my conscience cleanse my imagination train my senses to hear your voice know your heart see your vision be directed by your peace manifest your kingdom rule through me to the world around me .our destiny is to be a world changer. – The end

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