Preparing for destiny 12

Our destiny is to bring God’s rule into the earth. We are to rule over the planet to bring God’s will, to bring heaven to earth. We are to bring his kingdom from heaven to earth. We are to bring the fruit of the spirit into this world. We are to rule through love, everything in the kingdom is based on love. It is very important that we get hold of that.

Our destiny, if we are going to fulfill it, flows from a strong spirit. If we haven’t got a spirit that is alive to God then there is no destiny. We need our spirit to be enlarged and growing strong. The first step is to engage with salvation, then to receive the Holy Spirit. We need to be brought into an eternal relationship with God. As we grow our spirit, our connection and our relationship with God grows.

       If we want strong muscles we have to exercise, we have to use our muscles and exercise them so that they can grow stronger. Our spirit has to grow stronger through exercise; we have to use it so that it grows. We have to grow our spirit, but our destiny can be blocked by a dominant soul, our soul ruling and controlling our life. Our soul needs to be restored and refined to be put back in our original condition. Our spirit is to rule our soul and our soul is to rule our body and it is all to flow from an intimate relationship with God. When the kingdom is manifested in us that kingdom rule can flow out to minister to others so they may also come under the rule of God. Our destiny is that God’s glory, his manifest presence would come through us on the earth.

       The person who is united to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. We need to be one spirit with God so that what we are doing is united with God, one heart; one mind one spirit, so that he through us fulfills his will on the earth.

       We start out with a spirit that is inactive, the Bible calls it dead. There is no connection with God and there is no connection to the soul. So the spirit is there but it is in-active. Our soul, our personality, this is actually the thing that rules.

       And if our soul gets messed up our body starts to rule. This is why we get addictions and our body has need of things because our soul is hurt and in pain we yield to these desires of the body in what we do. We all start out like this which is a disadvantage. This is why we must be born again. That which is born of the Spirit is spirit. When our spirit becomes alive unto God then it is connected to his life.

       We learn about the world we live in through our body and that comes from the outside in. It comes through the senses of our body, the gateways of our body, the five senses site hearing taste touch and smell. We learn to engage with the reality around us, the world, through these senses or gateways of the body. The things around us, the world changes our soul. The world influences our soul and effectively equips it. Essentially who we are comes from everything on the outside of us which is obviously not God’s intention. When we encounter God for the first time and we ask God to come into our life his presence in the Holy Spirit come to dwell in us so that we become a habitation of God’s presence. This does not automatically mean just because God is in us that God is going to start coming through us. We have to surrender to him and allow him to move through us so that what is on the inside then starts to come out through our lives, through our soul and body to the world around us. So that the kingdom of God is manifested in our lives around us. But for this to take place we have to open up our spirit and ask God to come in. He stands at the door of our spirit and knocks we have to open the door this is a daily thing. He wants access to our spirit so that our spirit would be filled with him that our spirit would be filled with the eternal life of God flowing in it and then the flow of his life in our spirit can move us to action.

       So we have to open our spirit for God to come in and fill it and then the life of god can start flowing through it to touch our soul and transform and restore it back to the original condition that God purposed for it. Then our spirit and soul will be working together with our body to fulfill the purpose of God. This is a process it doesn’t happen in an instant it cannot happen just by laying hands on somebody, we have to practice. We have to train our soul and our spirit to connect with God and to flow in the Revelation that comes from the inside out.

       We had looked at the things in our spirit which when the Holy Spirit comes and activates them, Gates or spiritual senses become active in these things then God can use to touch our soul and then to touch the world around us. So that the nine gateways of our spirit can become active.

       What happens then because we are connected with God and he knows everything and is all-powerful and he is everywhere, everything from God we have access to. We have to access it through the relationship that we have with God in our spirit.

       There are lots of different teachings on the seven spirits of God they say well it’s seven attributes of God, some say it’s seven personalities of the spirit and both of these are true. But we can meet the seven spirits of God as individual creatures that stand before the throne of God and they are there to tutor us and explain who God is so that we understand. So they bring the fear of God which is that awesome awestruckness of God. He is a consuming fire and he is in us. They bring the spirit of the Lord, they bring us the heart of God what he is doing it is really important that we know that these things flow from the inside out. We do not get this information from the outside. We cannot get the spirit of knowledge from earthly knowledge that we pick up in the world around us. Earthly knowledge is good for when it comes to our eternal destiny we need spiritual knowledge. We need spiritual counsel we need to Holy Spirit in the father and the son giving us their counsel. Spiritual wisdom, spiritual understanding and the spirit of might, the strength to outwork it. All of this flows from the inside out we have to engage with God who then gives us access to the whole wealth of knowledge. God knows everything and if you let us have it in one go our minds would be fried, our brains would be completely frazzled so he gives it to us as we need it. So he releases knowledge, wisdom and understanding according to our destiny. We don’t need to know anything really other than that which we do need to know to fulfill our destiny. This is what we really need to know and God releases that as we trust him. Each of us has a kingdom sphere of influence we have authority to rule around our lives, home, workplace Street church it could be a particular ministry we have authority in that circle of influence to bring the kingdom. And to change the atmosphere.

       We can go into a room and if there is a heavy atmosphere we can come in with a lightness a buoyancy in our spirit and we bring God’s atmosphere into that room and change it. This will only happen if we believe it, And where operating in an atmosphere of the goodness of God.

       If we are heavy and miserable and we walked into a room we will add just a bit more misery to the room. We need to add some truth and blessing in light to the room. So wherever we go we need to be carrying the presence of God caring his grace, mercy power the anointing to change things to heal the sick to bring freedom to people in captivity to preach the good news of the kingdom to change the atmosphere. Whether it’s in our family or a workplace we need to bring in the will of God. As it is in heaven on earth which is what the kingdom of God is.

       How do we deal with the soul? If our spirit is alive and we are surrendering our spirit to God, in the middle is our soul which gets in the way. We need to bring our soul into cooperation with our spirit.

       The main function of the soul is self-awareness. If we walk in his spirit we will no not never yield to the lusts of the flesh so we need to be filled with the spirit so that we are in tune with him so he can lead us and as we move through that deleting we are walking in the spirit. Now our flesh does not want to be led by the spirit. The flesh sets its desire against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh send these are in position to one another.

       When our spirit becomes alive to God we can no longer just do what we want, we have to do what God wants or else there is tremendous conflict. The flesh wants to do what it wants so there is this conflict. When we sin we feel bad when we are not a Christian we can do whatever we like and will not feel bad. Once we come into a relationship with God, God wants us to do the best in that best will bless other people. We need to bring the love of God into the world and transform it. Even in our life when we start to do the things that God wants our flesh gets in the way. So we have to learn how to deal with this. How does the flesh get in the way?

       Through nature, we have inherited things from our parents. Some of those things may be good but a whole lot of it is no good. We start off with a history of things that come from past generations. Some say I have a family of worriers, they are all worriers but where did it come from? Some of it is because that has been passed on through generations, some of it is taught, so is nurture which is an environmental programming of our lives. The things we have been brought up with, how we live programs us. It programs us in what we believe how we react it programs us through the environment that we are in. Also through trauma. Negative things happen to us and can affect us negatively and can usually affect us through our lives. Maybe some people are put up for adoption when they are little or as babies they feel rejected that rejection can carry on through the rest of their life because it’s programmed other traumatic experiences, even simple things while was locked in the closet in the dark when I was a little kid, now I’m scared of the dark that condition was programmed into him those those traumas  literally form nero pathways to those memories and those memories trigger our behaviors. We have to deal with these traumas.

       Our soul is used to drawing from the outside in and as our soul does this it blocks the flow of the spirit from the inside out. We need to dethrone the soul.

        We have to surrender control of our lives to God so that the soul is not in the way.

       All of us were built by God to need acceptance and love. Every one of us is designed to need love it is a motivation force of the soul. Security, safety, approval, significance, affirmation, identity, purpose, affection, value and worth.

        All those things God wants us to have but if we are not in a relationship with God we have to get them from somewhere because we are driven to be loved and accepted. So we get it from the world around us. The world around us is not a perfect place so we end up getting damaged by the things that we are driven to try to find.

       God wants to meet all those needs in a relationship with him. He wants to give us love and acceptance. He wants to give us security and safety and approval and significance. Affirmation of our identity and purpose he wants us to know that we are loved given affection that we have value and worth to him it is really important that we get this from him because it is pure and it will bless us.

       When we try to get it from the world some of it could be good but a lot of it actually damages us. There are lots of questions that people want to know, who am I, where did I come from why am I here what is my purpose? God wants us to know those things in our relationship with him outside of that we will struggle.

       At the beginning we are soul, a heart with natural needs we have a body of flesh and we have a spirit which is separated and dead from God. Our soul needs those things so it looks to the world for acceptance and love and security in all those things. Where in relationships, through work through money, power material things, all sorts of things that will give those sort of things. How do I feel secure? – Well I have lots of money. We know that doesn’t work. Because the suicide rate is just as high among rich people as poor people. People’s needs cannot be met just primarily from the things that are around them. Because that causes damage. Because when we look for love in a relationship and that person rejects us we end up feeling rejected and hurt and damaged in that causes problems hurt pain rejection and security fear disappointment guilt shame can all result from looking to the world to meet the needs of the soul. When we get born again in our spirit is resurrected and brought back to life we are literally then connected to a fountain of living water we are connected to a stream of life because God comes to live inside us he gives us the source of abundant life. And therefore we find our purpose and security and significance acceptance love in him. In him he starts to meet our needs and therefore then we don’t actually we don’t need the things around us as much.

       But it is a process it is not like all of the sudden we have our all our needs met in God and we don’t need the world. The world is still around speaking to us I can meet your needs. The world is still around drawing us through our needs so there is a transformation that has to take place.

       What the soul has been used to getting from the world has to be transferred to get them from the spirit. So that there is a flow of the spirit in us. Which is giving us the things that we need therefore we need to then cut off the things we got from the world. Him. And then we can receive healing from rejection and fear in all those things.

       As we then start to draw from the inside then God can start to manifest his glory in his presence through us to the world around us. This is how it works.

       It is a process it does not automatically happen we have to deal with the things in the soul to allow the soul to draw from the spirit. Once the soul finds the true source of life it won’t want anything else. But while we keep trying to give the soul two things it is confused.

       The soul is the conscience reason imagination subconscious mind heart emotions will. What are these things? How does the soul work?

       When the soul is connected to the spirit the soul is supposed to get Revelation and direction from God through our spirit. So our conscience then become something to protect us and to direct us it is that peace that we get on the inside that says yes and that check we get in our spirit to say no. So our conscience directs us. Our conscience is very easy to damage by sin. Sin hardens the conscience and we can do things that if we keep doing them and doing them our conscience no longer thinks them as wrong. We start off with a little sin and then we do it again and again and then after while we don’t even think it’s in. Because there is a process in which the conscience gets hardened and dulled .

       Our reason center is not about us trying to figure it out in our mind, our head. That doesn’t work Jesus said to his disciples you are reasoning in your heart. They were trying operate in their own sense of reason. Reason is where we can translate and interpret the thought of God which dance in her mind. The thoughts of God that speak to us we can interpret them.

       Imagination is a really key area of our soul where we start to see visions and pictures and dreams and God starts to project things. Our imagination is a screen where he can project, so that we can project things we can use our imagination the picture the word and meditation and to grow our spirit in our soul through the act of meditating on the word of God and the things that God shows us.

       The word for spirit is breath, or wind. God breaths his life into us.

       Our subconscious mind is where things are stored this is where all the memories are stored it’s in our heart it is like with a computer you have a hard drive world the programs are and then you have random access memory which is your conscious mind where the programs are loaded and operate. And it is exactly the same with our lives there are all sorts of things stored in our subconscious mind, in our heart which get triggered and come into our conscious mind and cause us to behave certain ways. They trigger behaviors.

       Then we have  our emotions in our will. All of those things have been trained from the outside in and we have to retrain them from the inside out.

       So that we start to receive everything we get from a flow of the spirit, flow of his life, from a relationship with God on the inside of us when we open up our spirit to allow God in.

       Ultimately it comes down to this – will we choose to do the will of God or choose to do our own thing. God is given each of us free will to choose and we have to make this choice every day. What would Jesus do.. We have a choice to ask what would Jesus do? Every day and to be guided and directed by the Holy Spirit to do what Jesus would do.

       We have a source of Revelation, counsel, knowledge and wisdom in us that we can ask what would Jesus do in any situation and get an answer. The through our conscience and through pictures or through just the words of God that come to us we then have to choose. Are we can to do what Jesus is in a do or are we going to do our own thing? And we have that right to choose. So this soul and spirit we have to deal with. How do we deal with it?

       The soul acting apart from God is in independence, this is what humanism is. Humanism is, I can do things myself. I do not need a relationship with God. Adam and Eve when they started out had no self-awareness apart from God apart from their relationship with God. It was just God and then that’s how it was. When they send same template them with you don’t need God. Because you can be like God you can do things without God that is where the first sin and humanism came in.

We have to deal with self. We have to die to self which means self-centeredness and selfishness. In all those selves are negative things even self-respect and self-esteem and self-worth self image if they are coming from self they are not good. Because they are coming from what we get from the soul outside of god rather than from God.

       We want God esteem, we want to know how God views us our image comes from God not the world around us. Therefore we are free from fear of what people would think because actually we are getting our security from God.

        Everything flows from God we don’t need to self – deny, we need to deny myself. Self-denial is different from denying self. We have to deny ourselves the right to rule and allow God to rule and then God starts to bring that in. Me myself and I have to die

       Self-denial is not the same as denying self the right to rule. Self is the problem.

       Self will try to deny self. Self makes a decision well I’m not going to do this and I’m not going to do that. Self tries to do all these things through the power of the will .the will is part of the soul, part of the self. self makes a decision I will not do this and then self fails.

       We have to take up our cross and deny ourselves this means we deny the soul the right to rule our lives we acknowledge God in what we do it through the spirit we are led to the nice the self we deny the self. If self when something to eat we look to the Lord to see if it’s okay we allow God to govern everything.

       We have to die to self so that God can bring life in our spirit and he can manifest his will around us to the world.

       What blocks and closes soul Gates? Basically sin, unforgiveness, rebellion, independence, self-centeredness, strongholds, mindsets, beliefs, lies, lies that we believe can block our soul Gates, negativity, negative emotions, fear, doubt, unbelief, daemonic spirits, familiar spirits, generational spirits operate to block the flow of the life of God coming through us. Deception, confusion, control, all those things can be operating and we have to deal with them.

       Sin stops our conscience from operating. So we have to deal with the sin.

       Our imagination. If we have all a lot of junk in our memories that we have seen it is can be hard for God to project good things we have to deal with the images.

       Our mind – if we have words that have been spoken over us that we have believed it is really hard to believe the truth that God says. If as a child we were told that we were useless, worthless, rubbish, you will never make anything good of yourself, your no good and we have been told that often and often end up believing it even if we do it subconsciously. And then God comes along and says hey I got a destiny for you, I want you to succeed in life, you are going to succeed have prosperity and God’s blessing it is really hard to receive it. Because the truth hits against the stronghold, the line and stops it operating. All these things operate in our mind.

       Our emotions – if there has been rejection or disappointments or unforgiveness in our emotions it blocks the flow that can come from God through our soul.

        Unmet needs affects our soul’s desires and motives. Unmet needs are the things we needed for security and safety and acceptance. if we didn’t get them in our lives from our parents or from relationships in the world we are left empty with a need which is not met which we have to find met in some way. So this motivates and drives us. Unhealed hurts – if we have hurts from the past which are unhealed, affect our desires and our motives.

       Unresolved issues – things we don’t understand, things we don’t understand – why did they happen? This can affect our trust and create doubt. Now the key is not to bury it or suppress it or covered up but to deal with it. We have to deal with those things that have blocked and affected our soul and not just hope they will go away. Because they never will unless we deal with them. How do we deal with them?

       An example of how we deal with the things of the conscience is – sin, rebellion, dulls the conscience, this creates weaknesses or patterns of sin which become normal acceptable behaviors to us.

       When God starts to show us those are wrong what do we do? Do we argue? Or do we own it, confess it, repent of it, renounce it!

        This is what we need to do; there is no point in us arguing with God. He knows anyway, there is no point trying to hide anything from God. He sees it all anyway but he is waiting for us to reveal it to him. To say yes I actually do act that way, yes that was sin the way I treated that person or the way I thought or the way I spoke. It was sinful and it created a dullness in our conscience therefore we need to confess that. Yes that is sin.

       Naturally we don’t like to omit we are wrong. But this is a good thing to practice, to put no confidence in self, the humble ourselves, and be quick to omit when we are wrong. To practice to admit we are wrong even if we are not wrong because there is always some part that self had to play in the situation. We do not want to have any self-righteousness, because it doesn’t work, it is like filthy rags. We need God’s righteousness which comes from him and not ourselves. He gives his righteousness as a free gift in close us in new robes of righteousness.

       We have to own things and deal with them. Then we apply the blood of Jesus to that. The blood of Jesus frees us up from all the sin of our past, forgives it cleanses it and gives us a brand-new start and wipes the slate clean. We need to receive forgiveness and cleansing.

        If we feel dirty and feel that we are not forgiven, if we feel that way we will act that way. if we feel that were not forgiven we will act unforgiven. if we feel that we are not clean we will act like were not clean. The enemy always wants us to feel guilt and shame and condemnation. So even though we have sinned, God wants us to know we are forgiven and we are cleansed and we have a completely new start. Once we receive that there is no guilt, shame, or condemnation associated with our past. What the enemy always tries to make us feel guilty and condemned and ashamed of our past. The blood of Jesus has covered that up when we apply it, but we have to apply it and receive his forgiveness and know his cleansing. So he makes us righteous rather than us trying to make ourselves righteous.

       We open up our spirit gates by tuning into the lord. Our will is directly related to our spirit, our spirit is willing so through our faith gate we choose to believe that revelation will begin to flow, so we can be led by the Lord.

       We open up the reverence gate which will direct our conscience to do only the things that please God and nothing that will bring dishonor or displease him. This starts to activate because our conscience becomes clean and active again. And suddenly we see the world in a different way, we don’t want to do certain things anymore because we know they will displease God and they will hurt us. So we don’t need to do them.

       So then our spirit and soul begin to work together. All the senses of our spirit, once the spirit of god is flowing through us will flow through to our soul and start to cleanse and change it. And it will restore it into wholeness. It will change our conscience, our imagination and reason all those things, but it’s flowing from the inside out.

We cannot change ourselves from the outside in. self-help doesn’t work we have all tried to change and tried to be different and by our strength of will we have a New Year’s resolutions of how different we are going to be and how we are not can eat this anymore do this anymore and it doesn’t last very long. And then we actually forget about our resolutions. We cannot change ourselves from the outside in, but only by allowing God to access the things in our life from the inside out where we change and are transformed.

       How do we open these Gates?

       Step one – Jesus is knocking and the door handle is on our side and we have to open it. If we never had an intimite relationship with God we can picture this as Jesus now knocking on the door of our heart and saying let me. You have the right to open the door or we have the right to keep the door shut.

       As Christians Jesus is in our spirit already but is still knocking and saying let me in, I want a relationship with you, I want to flow through you, we have the right to open the door to keep it shut.

       We need open the door of our spirit every day and say Lord come in and fill me and flow through me. We have to give God first place, a first love, a first priority. We have to do this every day we have to open the gate of first love. Often this is the most damaged gate we have because of our experiences of love in this world.

       We need our spirit Gates open, we need to meditate in faith and take a look at the Revelation gate. we need to focus and meditate on Revelation, what is it? What is it to hear God’s voice and see pictures? To have a flow of Revelation in our spirit what is it like?

       And in our relationship of intimacy with God those things start to develop. Surrendering our spirit to God gives him access to those Gates. Praying in tongues is an absolutely vital key. We need to see ourselves standing in the doorway and opening it. As we are praying in tongues we are welcoming God to flow through our spirit into our soul. But we need to consciously do this and after a while we will that the gate is open. The only way they’ll get blocked again is if we start sinning, and blocking them.

        Praying in this way is like the scaffolding you put up to build a house. Once the house is built we don’t really need the scaffolding anymore. When we start opening up these Gates in our spirit and in our soul in may take us an hour. But as we practice in only take five minutes. Because we know exactly what we are doing, it has become a part of us and those Gates are open and we are just asking God to flow through them. We are not trying to open them up anymore, because they already opened.

        But when we start out it may take us quite a while to open them all. Because they have been blocked by the things in our past and everything else. So we go back through our lives and we deal with each area and each part of our soul, we repent, we renounce, we forget-let go, we release we do all the things we need to do so that they are open. And once they are open they can flow.

       Father, I choose to open the gate of Revelation in my spirit, I open it and yield it to your glory, to your presence. I receive and release the power of God through this gate that I might begin to receive Revelation of your kingdom so that it will change my soul into the image of the son of God who abides in me.

       We need to write some crafted prayers of our own and find something that works for us. We have to pray and persist, until we start to see a change and we start to see Revelation flowing. When we start to get pictures all the time or words of knowledge or words of wisdom, and the gifts of the Spirit operating, we know the gate is starting to open.

       Once our mind and our imagination are cleansed we will start to see things more clearly. Once the reason center is free from all the stuff that has cluttered it up we will start to hear the voice of God more clearly.

       As the gates start to open up to the flow of the spirit we need to keep practicing this which requires diligence and persistence until we are overflowing, we do not want a little trickle but a mighty flood of the lord, so that we can advance the kingdom of heaven in the earth.

       The soul draws life from our spirit, and the soul draws from the world, the soul seeks to control. So we have to break the ties and connections that the soul has to the spirit. We have to break independence by surrendering control of our life to God.

       Opening the Gates of our soul – we act in faith and we start speaking to our soul and yielding control to the direction of our spirit. We need to do this every day we tell our soul where it is going to get its resources from. We tell our soul you are not getting resources from the outside world you are going to draw from the inside.

       Just like David in the Psalms he said oh my soul, bless the Lord and forget not all his benefits. He was telling his soul to remember the things that God had done, we need to tell our soul what to do. We have to take authority in the spirit and take control.

       We take the sword of the spirit, the word of God and break the control that the soul has had over us. God is not going to do it for us, we have to do it. We can declare to our soul every day, soul you are not going to motivate me today you are not in control; you cannot block the door, the flow of the spirit of the Lord. We speak to our soul because we have words of life and authority and power in our vocal cords. We need to act on this word.

       Example prayer for our conscience Gateway – this is a prayer to open it. Today I bring my conscience into submission to my spirit I released the life of God to flow from my spirit through the Gateway of reverence and the fear of God to a consciousness of God’s righteous and truth. Where my soul has been seared by sin I take the sword of the spirit and I open it up by cleaving it open to allow the flow of God through. All this is very pictorial so we can imagine in our soul ourselves doing it. We can see ourselves doing that, opening up the gate. If we struggle with our imagination or what our Gates are then we can go find a natural door and open it. We open it naturally and practice opening it and stepping through it, stepping in and out of it as a picture that enables the things in the spirit to operate.

       We need to take possession of that Gateway and place Christ at the center of. We have to yield the soul gateways to the dictates of our spirit, by allowing the life and the glory of God to flow through them to direct our body every day. Then our body will start doing the things God wants it to do, Rather than the things that self dictates it to do.

        We can clean these gateways with the blood of Jesus and make sure they are open and cleansed. Particularly with our imagination we can cleanse it using the blood of Jesus to do it.

        We repent of allowing any demonic access to the gateways of our soul. We acknowledge our sin and take responsibility for it and using the blood of Jesus to cleanse it and redeem. We have to get rid of demons that have operated in our soul gates. As the gateways begin to open we need to expect some warfare. Our soul does not want to give up control ,the enemy won’t give up we have to exert the kingdom. it says in Matthew the violent take the kingdom by force. We have to exert kingdom authority over ourselves to bring the soul into line. The Soul has been used to doing its own thing. We have to take back possession and dispossess anything that is there particularly demonic blockages. We have to dispossess those things. So Gates are usually influenced by demonic spirits, familiar spirits, and the old nature. We have to crucified every day we have to reckon dead.

       Today in Jesus name I take authority over the spiritual force or condition that is resistant to the flow of God. I break your power over the Gateways in my life in Jesus name and place Jesus as Lord over this Gateway, Which keeps it open.

       When we start doing these things it is very important that we practice thanksgiving. Father I thank you that my conscience Gateway is full of your glory. Even if it’s not full the glory yet we call things that be not as if they were we start calling things as we want them. This is how it works. We have been given authority to create things by our words. We can create these things through words so that our spirit gateways and our soul gateways open up.

       Father I thank you that my conscience receives a release in a flow of godliness and holiness through it in Jesus name. This is a type of thing that we can persistently do until the life flow of the spirit continually flows through these Gates.

       How do we keep these Gates open? Well we have to make sure we keep short accounts of confessing our sin and we repent as soon as our conscience picks up on it. And eventually our conscience will be so sharp that we don’t even get into the sin in the first place. We need to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and the convictions in the sense things in the warning in the into Wishon that start to flow from the inside out. Suddenly will start being guided but what is on the inside of us not the outside. The longer have to do all these pros and cons lists. We can get direction from the spirit. This is what we do, we can’t work out what to do because we have no guidance from the source of all life who is in us. When we start getting that direction then we go on gut instincts we go on our intuition which comes from a flow of the spirit that is connected up with our destiny. So that we can line our destiny up with God on the inside. We spend as much time as possible praying in tongues. We pray in tongues on the outside verbally and we pray in tongues inside in our head so that as we are reading the word of God we are building our spirit to keep it flowing. It is a flow of the spirit.

Father I choose to deny myself and surrender control my life to you I give you my conscience I repent renounce everything that is damaged my conscience I ask you to purify and restore my conscience direct and protect me through conscience and reverence and fear of God.

We want the glory of God manifested around us to bring healing to the world to bring deliverance to the world to bring good news to the world to bring freedom to the world. This is God’s desire that we manifest the kingdom to the world around us so that the world can truly see who God is that he is love and his grace and mercy through us. The way we behave the way we act because we are there to demonstrate we are God’s body in the earth God doesn’t have another one he uses us we are Jesus with skin on people. And if they see us and don’t like it then we need to change. Because people need to see the love of God in us to see the spirit of God in us so that when we lay hands on the sick and neighbor cover the sea the power of God’s grace because he loves people wants the he healed because he flows through us this is everything that God wants to do. He’d all this is practice. Solid food is for the mature because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil. Spirit soul basically we practice and keep persevering until there is a continual flow every day. We need open up our spirit to the Lord to come in and fill us with his presence. So the life of God will flow through our spirit into our soul into our body and out to the world. We close our eyes and allowed the picture of the door to speak to us there is something beyond the store picture it is the consuming fire of God see it it is the love of God and holiness of God combined to wants to come in the ones to come in and claim sons purify love us. Behind the doors the light of God we need the picture the light flooding in illumination so that we can see our sin. We open the door we picture the door we open the door we let the glory in. We let the King of glory to come in as we turn into the Lord he starts to speak to us he will start to give us Revelation of who he is so meditation upon this door in opening it meditation on what’s beyond the door opening them letting it seeing it come in helps us to understand what happens spiritually.

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