Greater is the flow in you than the power against you

In order to walk in the spirit, the life of God has to flow into it, so that our spirit is communing with God. When our spirit is communing with God, it is receiving revelation of the mind of God and his will for our lives. When our spirit is communing with God, it is receiving the inflowing of his divine nature, his love, joy and peace are flowing into it.

The life of God has to flow into our spirit, through our soul and body anointing all the words that we speak; this creates a kingdom atmosphere around us.

The life of God flows out of heaven into the revelation gate in our spirit, illuminating the mind gate in our soul and out of the mouth gate in our body out into the atmosphere around us.

The life of God has to flow out of us like a mighty river pushing all darkness around us away. When the enemy tries to come in, like a flood the Lord raises up a standard.

When the life of God is flowing into us in this way, it keeps our spirit, open and clear and free from any weights or oppression. When we have no weight on our spirit it stays free.

This is why the word of God commands us to rejoice always, so that nothing gets to our spirit to cause us to yield to the soul-flesh.

This is why worship is so important. We need to worship the lord corporately and also in our own private devotional time. When we assemble together as a body of believers and the worship leaders are really anointed, so that we are worshiping the Lord in song and dance and lifting our hands, we become aware of the presence of the Lord and our spirit is totally free.

The life of God is flowing into our spirit, and out through our soul and being expressed through our body, and we are full of the Spirit and the presence of God is released in the atmosphere around us.

When the life of God is flowing through us mightily, the power of God is flowing through us. The anointing is like a snow plow, pushing back any darkness and creating a wall of immunity around us.

If negative thinking is coming into our mind, we have to start worshiping the Lord, singing unto the Lord, until the praise coming out of us is greater than the oppression coming against us.

Greater is he who is in us, than he who is in the world. God works from the inside out. He works through our spirit, out into our soul and body. He does not work from the outside in.

When our spirit is first made alive to God, and not fully developed, God will minister to us though mature believers, spiritual mothers and fathers. We are learning to open up our spirit and drink of the ministry of the Holy Spirit through them, so that what we receive becomes a fountain of life within us, so that we can learn how draw from it ourselves.

 As the anointing of the Holy Spirit is developed in us, we begin to learn how to develop intimacy with the Holy Spirit so that He can lead us, and we learn how to walk with God, and then disciple other newborn believers.

So God basically works from the inside out, where we learn how to tune into His Spirit, where the life of God begins to flow into us, with our soul in submission to the life flowing into our spirit and through our soul we channel the will of God through our body. Our body becomes the vehicle to express the will of God upon the earth.

God works from the inside out, the enemy words from the outside in. The enemy brings things from the outside to pressure or burden our spirit within us. From the outside he tries to pressure us, through other people and the circumstance of life to get to our emotions. He comes against our soul and our body to try and get to our spirit.

The enemy brings all the weights he can bring, stirs up all the troubles he can, and puts pressure upon our spirit. These heavy weights press upon our spirit so the life of God cannot flow into our soul. Our spirit becomes surrounded by the troubling of our soul and we lose our testimony. There is no longer the sound of victory in our spirit. We are under attack. And because our spirit is no longer communing with the Lord we might not even be aware of it.

Our spirit has sunk into the soul, and is all bound up in the soul. We are depressed and discouraged; our mind is filled with all kinds of negative thoughts, and we may even wish we were never born. We are defeated because we have lost the victory in our spirit, and now it has no outlet for its release.

The life of God has to flow into our spirit and out through our soul. We rejoice in spirit and magnify the lord with our soul. Our spirit is active, and any contrary thoughts in our soul are rejected. Through the power of God in our spirit we set our mind on heavenly things. We learn how to walk in the spirit, and the desires of the flesh are rendered powerless, and we give no place or opportunity to the enemy in our lives.

Until we learn how to walk with God, we are going to be up and down, in and out. Sometimes our spirit will break into freedom and victory, other times our soul will predominate, being filled with the cares of this life and become like a thick cloud covering the light of our spirit.

This can be seen in our countenance. When our spirit sinks down into the soul our face becomes darkened from within, and when the spirit rises to the place of control, the face is full of light.

Our soul needs to become a lamp stand to hold the light that flows through our spirit into it.  We want God to indwell our soul, so that it is filled with the light of God.

When love and joy is flowing through us, our spirit has gained ascendancy-then everything looks different because the dark shadows over our soul have disappeared in the light of God.

In order for us to keep our spirit in victory the life of God needs to be continually flowing through it with no blockage from our soul. Our spirit always needs to be outgoing.

When we find ourselves responding in the flesh, it is because the pressure coming against us is greater than the life of God flowing out of us.

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