
Gen 1:1 In the beginning God…  Perfect relationship Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Love, joy and peace perfectly expressed. Transformed my experience, understanding and outworking of love.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God.  John 1:1 To go back to the very beginning is to find the Word already present there; face to face with God. The Word is I am; God’s eloquence echoes and concludes in him. The Word equals God.

Acts 3:19 Therefore repent and return, so that the sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; 20 and that He may send Jesus, the Christ appointed for you, Times of refreshing as is all renewal and restoration comes from the presence of the Lord.

Refreshing anápsyksis–properly, breathe easily (again); hence, refreshing; ” ‘cooling,’ or ‘reviving with fresh air’ “ A recovery of breath, a refreshing.

Gen 2:7 Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being .John 20:22 He breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”

Restored relationship, identity and conditions for face to face refreshing from the presence of the lord. Restored walking relationship with the Father’s presence that is refreshing. Restoration of what was in the beginning on earth but there is more that we are to be restored to.

Fix your thoughts on seeing the Father face to face. Let those thoughts form in your imagination. Step through the doorway in your spirit and ask the Father to breathe His breath into you.

Receive the living words of His breath, breathe His life deeply. Hear some of the vast sum of His thoughts let them restore you to His original desire for you.

I would encourage everyone to meditate on your own parental and fatherhood journey. Perhaps take some time to reflect and write your life story relating to fatherhood and sonship. I believe it may uncover areas that the Father wants to meet you in.

I want to share my personal journey with you of how my relationship with God as Father was restored.  My earthly father came from a broken home so from a very early age he did not have a father as a role model.  He probably felt rejected and abandoned and probably made judgments that later came upon him.

From my experience of the generational issues and familiar spirits that I have had to deal with he had needs and emotional pain.  He started with a disadvantage and so I started life with a disadvantage emotionally and spiritually.

My father was not able to effectively show me love. That was not his fault having had no role model himself. That did not stop it affecting me negatively. He did not mean it to be that way, but it was, and it damaged me.

He never told me he loved me. He never really communicated much at all. I can’t remember having a real conversation or any physical affection.  He never came to watch my school activities or sports or showed any interest in me as a person.

I was not abused physically or verbally but I was deprived emotionally which had equally serious effects.  I was deprived of a father’s love and of his emotional presence, so I sought out the comfort of other relationships.

Those substitute relationship caused me much pain and damage themselves. I was selfishly seeking to meet my needs through others which hurt them and me. No one or nothing can be the substitute for the Father’s love.

Over the years, God met with me in various encounters which He used to heal my heart.  The first time, 1989 I was in a small group of people worshipping when God spoke to me and said ‘I am your Father’.

I struggled with the concept, as so many of us do because of our own fathers, but He broke through that barrier by putting His arms around me.  I felt His arms, and I felt His presence, and it enabled me to begin to talk to Him and to communicate with him as Father.

The root issue was my father wounds, but the surface issues were my rejection. I started to receive help to deal with my emotional damage. 2 main issues came up the surface of my broken heart. Rejection and betrayal.

A lot of hidden emotions came to the surface that I had buried most were negative to begin with. I felt attacked and vulnerable as my defenses came down I became defensive and angry. My emotions began to open up and that led to the deeper issue of not being fathered being uncovered.

God started to break in. I then began the process of forgiving and releasing my dad for all that I was owed. I struggled to connect emotionally and was doing it by choice and will. Then I had picture of a picture that changed everything.

I was able to forgive and release my dad for the sham of the relationship. I was even able to tell him that I forgave him and told him that I loved him and hugged him. He froze and could not respond but I was on a journey to freedom and restoration.

1994 in a meeting my emotions broke open. 1996 I had my first encounter in heaven with the Father. My relationship with God as Father continued to develop over the years. I felt healed and restored to the degree that I knew.

Our previous hurts and past experience can cause us to protect ourselves that will prevent us from fully entering into what God has for us.  There may be many things that highlight or reveal these issues operating in us. You may find being open difficult, you may be prickly to keep people at arm’s length. You may reject people first.

June 2010, I went to a conference, and God spoke to me about giving Him my full attention. Worship opened my heart to a new dimension of intimacy and desire. Love was unveiled at another level and that changed my heart’s desires. August 2010 -40 day fast.

Now I thought I had dealt with all my wounds, but I was in heaven talking to Jesus and He said to me, ‘You have not met the Father’ and I knew inside that it was true.  I had not met the Father in heaven only Jesus and Holy Spirit.

It is because you have a father wound”. I started to argue. I’ve forgiven everybody, I have forgiven my dad, I have had ministry, and I have met with the Father before.

Jesus said, ‘You have a father wound’. He showed me my heart and it had a big scar all over it.  He asked, ‘Will you let the Father heal it?’ YES. So, for about 45 minutes the Father came to me. He just said the same words over and over again: “I love you… I love you… I love you… I love you…”

Each word of love He spoke healed my heart. I looked down and the scar was gone.  I have continued to have many wonderful times of intimacy with the Father.  It’s what He wants with every one of His children.

 All my experiences of healing had brought me back to zero from -100. I began to see that because of my woundedness I had wounded my children. I had to be forgiven and healed from that also. Now I needed to be fathered because I had never been fathered.

I used to think of intimacy as the warm fuzzy feelings that others expressed when they described their experiences with God. I was comparing myself with others. One day the Father spoke to me and asked how do you feel my love?

What do you mean?  When do you feel the most loved?  When we spend time with each other when you talk to me when You share things with me. Languages of love, physical affection, quality time, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service.

2016 in Phoenix I was doing an activation of engaging the Father’s love. I found myself in heaven in the Court of the Upright and my earthly father came to me and told me how proud he was of me. We hugged and expressed our love.

I have a daily conversational walking relationship with the Father. This can be when I open my first love gate in my spirit or within the garden of my heart in the green pastures. This can be in any of the heavenly realms, throne of grace, Father’s garden etc.

By virtue of being adopted back into God’s family, we have all been given:  A new name –son, no longer a slave. A new legal standing/status –righteous accepted no longer alienated or condemned in our own thinking. A new family-relationship with access to God’s presence within and in heaven. A new image, the image of Christ-sons.

The enemy wants to rob us. He can stop our sonship if he can stop our Father relationship. We can’t be revealed as sons if we don’t have a Father. God wants us to know Him as our heavenly Father. Will you let God father you today?

We may need to forgive and release our own parents, fathers. We may need to go through a process of restoration. Today we can meet God as our Father. We all have an opportunity of coming closer to Him.

You may carry guilt and shame about your own children. You can come to the Father and let Him remove your guilt and shame. Whatever you are carrying you can hand it over to Him today. 1Peter 5:7 casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.

God is willing and able and desires to meet all our needs in relationship. Who I am, Where do I come from, Why I am Here, What is my purpose. These are the deepest questions of our soul longing for reconnection with our eternal experience.

Son it is important that my children know the difference between knowing about me and being fathered by Me. Restoring relationship is only the beginning. Being fathered is a much deeper relationship. My desire is to share My heart, My thoughts and to show My children My ways not just My works.

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