9 Make a Ketubah

To make a Ketubah we need to understand God’s promises and purpose. The new covenant becomes the basis of our Ketubah. Ketubah needs to be made in light of our destiny scroll that was formed in God’s heart and agreed with our spirit in eternity.

Psa139:16 Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them. Psa139:17 How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them!

The more we engage God in intimacy the more of the vast sum of His thoughts about us get revealed. We find our true identity and progressive revelation of our blueprint scroll for our lives. We can also produce our Ketubah from that context.

Ketubah is about our expectations of our relationship revealed by God in light of our destiny and purpose within that relationship. In relationship we seek first His kingdom in righteousness, which means out of our first love for Him, and then all God’s promises become available to us. We are in Him and in His name.

Gen 1:28 God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule. This mandate forms the basis of our expectations. We are blessed by God so we can expect Him to empower us to succeed and prosper to the highest level.

The Ketubah becomes the basis of our covenant exchange or trading. We trust Him by surrendering to our destiny and He provides, protects, empowers us and blesses us to prosper and succeed to the highest level.

What do we put in our Ketubah? Everything that will bring the fulfilment of our eternal destiny based on God’s character and nature -love. The expectation of the availability of all the resources necessary to enable us to fulfil God’s purpose. It then becomes the foundational truth and reality from which we live. We can frame our lives in accordance with it.

Our Ketubah will enable us to rule in life and not be subject to the circumstances around us. So, it is really important to spend time engaging with God about our Ketubah. Begin to formulate it so you can be joined to Him in new covenant marriage relationship.

Ketubah is based on our surrendering to our destiny and the revelation God gives us, of all His blessings and promises that enable us to succeed and prosper. It is not our personal wish list developed in independence.

Psa139:16 Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them. 17 How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them!

My personal Ketubah expectations. To have everything that I need to fulfil my destiny, dreams and visions. Written between me and God 2011/12. I will share some of the 48 points there are also 20 direct dreams and visions of things I have seen myself doing that are just one line.

To have my full scroll of destiny fulfilled. To live in full health and wholeness body, soul and spirit. To live in and from rest –knowing God in the fullness of His names. To be able fulfil my 20 dreams. To be transfigured into a fully metamorphosed son of light.

To be a manifested son of God on the earth. To rule as a lord of lords in the kingdom of God. To rule as a king of kings in the kingdom of heaven. To live in a fulfilled marriage body, soul spirit. To have my children & grandchildren follow their destinies in God.

To fulfil Your desires for me. To access the timeline. To reside over the courts of the heavenly realms. To have my full faculties restored as intended before the fall of the first creation. To ascend the 9 fire stones to full sonship. To operate the trading floors of the heavenly realms.

To have my DNA restored to its full 12 strands. To access all the rooms in the mountain of God needed to fulfil my destiny. To rule the thrones of my 7 personal mountains. To call forth destiny in many sons and daughters.

To raise up people to take their position as lords, kings and sons. To help raise up a Joshua generation and equip the Jesus generation. To be part of an apostolic resource center. To know & be fully tutored by the 7 spirits of God.

To tend & cultivate my heart’s garden. To fully access the 4 chambers of my heart and live in true intimacy. To see the person of God face to face beyond the dark veil. To fully function with the angelic realm. To relate and interact with my personal angels and the church angels.

To fully engage with the heavenly host. To walk in cooperation and relationship with the men in white linen. To radiate the manifest presence of Him who is and was and is to come. To live as a speaking creative spirit calling things forth using creative thoughts and speech.

To be joined to the Lord and become one spirit with Him. To be a son of God, Brother of Jesus and a Friend of the Holy Spirit. To do the greater works of Jesus. To create galaxies like Jesus & bring light to the universe.

My expectation is that if I seek first His kingdom in righteousness (love being the motive of my heart) He will provide, protect, empower and direct my life. My Ketubah enables me to frame my life from my blueprint and every daily mandate I receive.

Your Ketubah will enable you to frame your life and not be subject to the circumstances around you. So, spend some time engaging with God about your Ketubah or reviewing it. Write it out so you can engage God under the huppah of His presence and become joined to Him in new covenant marriage.

The Ketubah triggered my dark cloud process. I burnt it and surrendered it so that my soul and spirit could be separated and then reintegrated.

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