5 – judge your house

Leviticus 4:13 – and if the whole congregation of Israel sins through ignorance, and the thing be hid from the eyes of the assembly, and they have done somewhat against any of the commandments of the Lord concerning things which should not be done, and are guilty… 16 – and the priest that is anointed shall bring some of the bullock’s blood to the tabernacle of meeting. 20 – so shall he do with this: and the priest shall make an atonement for them, and it shall be forgiven them.

In ancient Israel one of the things a high priest would do is to come in before the presence of Yahweh and take responsibility for the total sin of everyone in the nation. That was part of his role as the high priest.

So once a year that nation, in an instant, would be totally free from every single thing that had ever gone wrong, from any iniquity, transgression or sin that they had walked in throughout the year. It would all be totally and absolutely dealt with.

The high priest would make an exchange because that is the high priest role. Basically the high priest would stand before the Lord and say, here is the sin of Israel. I stand on behalf of them. This is my sin. This is what I have done.

Before mediation can happen there needs to be responsibility taken for sin. Unless there is ownership of sin, nothing can change. There can be no mediation if there is no ownership. This is one of the key things in unlocking the mediation of Christ as your high priest, as a mediator before the father of our confession.

Hebrews 3:1 – therefore, holy brother and, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the apostle and high priest of our profession, Christ Jesus.

Let us take a look at sin. Sin is not what you do. Sin is what you are. Sin is what you have been from the foundation, when you were formed in your mother’s womb. You had 22 pairs of autosomes and one chromosome from your father, 22 pairs of autosomes and one chromosome from your mother. These joined together like a ketubah, a marriage contract, to form you as a human being. Those 23 bits from each parent form a scroll of testimony that carries a record of every single thing that your family line has ever carried, all the way back to Adam.

And if you got reptilian or different seed mixed inside your family line, then it goes back even further.


Throughout the Bible, it is important for us to realize we need to take responsibility for our sin. If we do not take responsibility for sin, then there will be no accountability for it and no responsibility for it. There is then no mediation of anything.

So, sin is what we are. There is no classification for sin in the Hebrew culture. We classify it by saying something like: murder is really bad. But lust in the heart of a person is not so bad. We classify sin. It is Greek thinking that has classified sin as: terrible, just a bit bad and not so bad. Yeshua tried to address it when he was speaking to the Pharisees, bringing in the message of the kingdom saying

Matthew 5:27 – you’ve heard that it was said, you shall not commit adultery; but I say to you that everyone who ( so much as) looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Actually sin is all about a frequency. It is the generation of the trigger inside you that performs that stuff in the spirit world. You have become a platform, and then you bear the image of that thing. So, whatever goes on inside your heart vibrates and that vibration sets up a frequency, which sets a platform for that image to be born on the earth. When a spirit of murder sees its own image, it will step into that image.

People have said to me, the devil cannot read your brain. Really? Many of us have conversations with him all the time. Familiar spirits say things to you like, they really do not like you. No, they don’t. Man, they did not even say hello to me today! Yeah man, that is really bad! Yeah, they didn’t. That’s really bad.

Acts 19:16 – and the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?

Have you ever had those conversations inside yourself? If you say you have not, then you may be deceived. I have found that most Christians have between 5 and 7 familiar spirits in their mind that speak to them all the time in the first person. When your pastor comes and does not say hello to you but shakes the hand of the person sitting right next to you, you think, man, he didn’t even say hello to me. That makes me feel bad. I feel totally rejected. No I don’t. Yes I do. Back and forth it goes, as we have this schizophrenic thing going on inside of us.

Your thoughts are frequencies of energy and that energy displays a platform. The enemy sees the platform and goes right into it. I’ve been around too many Christians and seen demons cast out of too many of them not to know that demons can live in Christians and trigger conversations inside them. 98% of every deliverance session I have done has been on believers. That is because the light in them drives that stuff to the surface. It happens in pastors also. At a conference I went to, there were 3500 pastors, and 800 of them were manifesting all at the same time. These were senior leaders of churches of one or 2000 people. They were just broken. But there is a frequency that has a shadow and an image in it. And since there has been no record of that thing actually taken into the realm of heaven and judged, it still sits inside the Autosome in our DNA where the enemy can trigger it.

Why do you think people who are involved in major church movements get involved in sin? Because the enemy says, I’m looking for a trigger in the autosome. Where has that thing been traded all the way down the family line? We demons own this piece here, so we will trigger it there. And so it triggers, and people behave in that way on the face of the earth. It is sin and it needs to be judged.

So you have got to judge your house. You must judge this house here first –(yourself). The high priest would come into the realm of the presence of Yahweh. I understand he would do various things and then he would take the scroll of the word of God and raising it above his head he would say, this has now become my covering. I stand under the covering of the dispensation of the Torah as a huppah. This is the realm that he had access to because he was a high priest for the children of Israel. So he stood as the mediator and to stand as the mediator he came under that covering.

The only covering I want in the new covenant is the covering of the word of God on my head – yeshua is my covering. I stand in the dispensation of the grace of my Messiah. Unless you experience the covering of his huppah, his Word, you will look for an earthly covering. And then whatever is going on in the earthly covering sits over you, and you trade into what it is doing.

The high priest would take responsibility: I have sinned. This is my sin. This is my problem. These are my issues. I take full responsibility for it under this covering. Without  this covering there is no life. The only way they could have life was to be under the covering of the word. The high priest would say, judge me, oh Yahweh, according to the measure of your grace in the judgment of sin over me. Mediate the breaking of the condition of my people, of your people, away from the condition of sin that sits in them. Then he would say, everywhere there has been iniquity, judge me, oh Yahweh.

Nehemiah 1:6 – let your ear now be attentive, and your eyes open, that you may hear the prayer of your servant, which I pray before you now, day and night, for the children of Israel your servants, and confess the sins of the children of Israel, which we have sinned against you: both I and my father’s house have sinned.


Iniquity is a bent towards something. It means you are a doer of your own thing. Yeshua said, many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? And in your name have cast out demons? And in your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity –(one of those your own thing).

Matthew 7:22 – many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? And in your name have cast out demons? And in your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess under them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.

Do not do something just because it looks spiritual. Even if you have had 90,000 visions or 400 encounters with Yahweh, my real question is, are you administrating that on the earth? If not, it is just a spiritual experience. Has it brought you to maturity? If it is not, it is a worthless spiritual experience. Just because you have had visions and have knowledge does not mean to say you are mature. Maturity is about responsibility in heaven. If you do not have responsibility in heaven, you are immature.

It is not even about being given a title like apostle. I do not know whether you have noticed, but everyone who was a pastor in the 1960’s suddenly became a teacher in the 19 seventies, then a prophet in the 19 eighties and then apostle in the 19 nineties. Within the title apostle is a mountain of influence and authority over that group. whoever is on top of the mountain is Who’s Who in the zoo! We all want to know Who’s Who in the zoo, so we all look in that zoo and wonder, Who’s Who? That is what really happens.

In Africa they really struggle with me because I do not have a title before or after my name. I am not apostle Ian. I’m not prophet Ian. I am not teacher ian. I am not pastor Ian. I’m not even ordained. But people say to me, we need to have a title for you. And I say to them, then call me son. The only reason that there is an apostle, a profit, a teacher, and evangelist and a pastor is to bring the body to maturity. Then when the body reaches maturity, this fivefold office is done away with.

Ephesians 4:11 – so Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.


Transgression is where you have knowingly, willingly, through an act of your choice, broken the law. Sinning is what you do when you break the law. There is a difference between sin and sinning. Sinning is the action that is associated with the bents inside you where you have broken the law and we need to take responsibility for those.

I believe we fully have Jesus as the mediator of our confession, or the high priest of our confession by coming under the government of the huppah of his covering, which means surrender to Lordship. There is a difference between fire insurance (salvation) and the Lordship of Christ (assurance). You only have insurance if you have him as Savior. But it is assurance of sonship if you have him as Lord. I want him as Lord so I bring myself under the covering of his Lordship: the domain of his huppah that sits over me.

The high priest would then say, I have sinned: judge me oh Yahweh according to your covering. Nehemiah 1:6 – 11, 9:27, Psalm 26:2, Psalm 43:1.

The Bible says, judge my house, thus says the Lord of hosts; if you walk in my ways, and if you keep my charge, then you shall also judge my house, and shall also keep my courts, and I’ll give you places to walk among these that stand here – Zechariah 3:7, which is different from the instruction, do not judge and criticize and condemn others unfairly with an attitude of self righteous superiority – Matthew 7:1.

The best way to judge is to be judged first. So he would say: judge me, oh Yahweh, according to the measure of the covering that I am now under. And judge everything that is outside of this covering with the same measure that you judge me with through the covering of Yeshua.

Have you heard of a flaming sword? The Bible describes cherubim and a flaming sword in the way of the tree of life, not in front of the tree of life.

Genesis 3:24 – he placed at the east of the garden of Eden cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way of the tree of life.

The way is a pathway that leads to eternal life. Unless you bear the name you will never get on that pathway and you will never bear a name in heaven. Yahweh has already given us a new name so we have got to bear that name which is our entry into the realm of heaven. If you do not have your new name, you have no entry.

The Bible says, and the Angels who kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation – Jude 1:6. Their first estate is the name of the covering of their entry into heaven. At the Tower of Babel they said, come let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves – Genesis 11:4. They said that because that name is their entry back into the realm of eternity. They wanted to live in their sin nature for eternity. God did not think so!

The high priest would stand and say, judge me, oh Yahweh, and then judge everything on the outside of this covering. And in that exact instant, the whole of the Israelite nation was free from every form of sin, iniquity and transgression. And grace was given for a whole year until the high priest would come in and do it again.

Hebrews 9:6 – the priests always went into the first part of the tabernacle, performing the services. But into the second part the high priest went alone once a year, not without blood, which he offered for himself and for the people’s sins committed in ignorance.

The Bible says we have something better than the Old Testament. He is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises – Hebrews 8:6. You can go into Yahweh’s presence anytime you like. You do not even have to get prepared to go in there. When you go in there Yeshua says, oh, I remember you. All that I have belongs to you, therefore you are totally righteous. Whatever you have been struggling with, the moment you enter the world of the father, in the domain of his government, you are made totally righteous, because that is the only way you can stand there. Righteousness is a gift.

Romans 5:17 – 4 if by one man’s offense death reigned by one; much more they who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.

You cannot stand down here and say, give me the gift of righteousness. You have to go where it is. When you go where it is you receive it instantaneously. Every record of whatever you have been involved with and done is totally removed from you in heaven. It is done. But then we have to take responsibility for this thing left on the earth, which is your body.

As it is in heaven, so it is on the earth – Matthew 6:10. So if I want as it is in heaven then I have to engage the heavenly realm and go where he is, to actually get righteousness. When I receive it, the Bible describes, the blessedness of the man, to whom God imputes righteousness without works – Romans 4:6. The word imputes means to put in, or to be reckoned or attributed to a person.

Yeshua puts righteousness into you when you go there. So the reality of our stepping in as a priest of the Lord is that, when I step in there, I become totally and absolutely righteous.

In Zachariah 3, Joshua the high priest comes before the Lord, and Satan stands beside him to resist him. Then God instructs his filthy garments to be removed.

Zachariah 3:1 – they showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to accuse him… Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and stood before the angel. And he answered and spoke on to those that stood before him, saying, take away the filthy garments from him. And a damn he said, behold, I have caused your iniquity the pass from you, and I will clothe you with rich apparel.

This means: no more sin, no more transgression, no more iniquity, and no more record of wrongdoing. Excuse me devil, what are you doing here? Ah, you have come for judgment, flaming sword treatment – Genesis 3:24, to make you glow like glass. It will bend you and twist you until you are just a little mangled mess.

Warfare as many of us have been taught is: I bind you in the name of Jesus. Well, instead of that, just go and actually allow Yahweh to do what he wants to do. But when we do not go there, we do our own warring on the earth, because we have been told we have to do that. We are often taught to turn into darkness and focus on the enemy, but whatever you turn into becomes your supply. So the more you turn into darkness the greater the supply of darkness around your life, because you are drawing into that kingdom all the time. We do it because we have been told we have to.

Our role is to come into the world of our father, and open up that world so the kingdom of God can move. It becomes important for Yahweh to engage us in those arenas because the facilitation of all that is important around our lives. We have got to go where he is so we can engage the truth of it here on the earth. Then we need to move in the presence of the Lord to open up that realm for us. But we have got to go there. That is why we are called priests of God.

In the New Testament we are called priests and kings – Revelation 5:10. But, before you can rule as a king, you have got to walk as a priest so your job is to go there and get clean by allowing judgment to come, under the dispensation of grace and Christ.

Revelation 1:5 – from Jesus the Messiah the witness, the faithful one of the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To the one who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and is made us a kingdom, priests for his God and father, the glory and power forever.

In fact, you have got to ask for it because, remember, when you are here – in heaven – there is no record of this – what is on the earth. In timelessness there is no record of time and what is held in time – zero record. So there is nothing the enemy can accuse you of there (in heaven).

But I want to have my body changed by what I do there (in heaven). So if the record of sin is in my body, and my spirit man lives in my body, and I want my spirit man to live on the outside of my body, the only way to get my spirit man on the outside is to deal with the body so that the body can become hosted by your spirit once again; instead of your body hosting your spirit.

Jesus knew all of this. He was in the temple when the high priest asked him – are you the son of God?

Again the high priest asked him, and said to him, are you the christ, the son of the blessed? And Jesus said, I am – Mark 14:61 – 2.

When Yeshua spoke I am, he spoke the 70 names of Yahweh, which are the first syllable of every name from Adam all the way through to Yeshua. It is a story of the whole of salvation, in name, frequency and vibration.

The priest got really mad with him because he used the name of Yahweh, which is only supposed to be spoken in the holy of holies, out into the marketplace. Who is not simply I am. The Jews will not write the full name of Yahweh down. No rabbi will tell you the name of Yahweh. You have got to go on your own journey. I spent 4 years finding it out. So, Jesus spoke the name of Yahweh in the marketplace and the priests tore their cloaks. They picked up stones to stone Yeshua and he hid himself in the Temple – John 8:59. Greek thinking is like this: I run away and a hide behind a pillar so they cannot see me. But the answer is found in the next verse which says he passed right through them and they do not see him.

John 8:59 – then they took up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and when out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.

So, what Temple did he hide himself in? I believe it was the Temple of his spirit man because his spirit was able to host his body and hide it from this world. This transitions him into another dimensional world that is right next to us that we have access to all the time. That is where you get totally clean and voluntarily bring yourself under judgment to judge yourself before the Lord. When you do that judgment, the record is then removed from the earth. This means there are no more triggers for the enemy to use people on the platform of the earth to form his own shadow to cause mischief.

But we have not learnt what it is to go in yet, because we are told: only one day, when we die, are we going to go there. Someday, in the ethereal world; and the kingdom world is way out there. One day, when you die, it is all going to be made open and you will understand everything. Well actually, you will not understand everything when you die. You will only understand what you participated in here. That is going to be the measure of your maturity there. That is where your starting point is going to be. Then you have still got to be brought to maturity.

First Corinthians 2:6 – we speak wisdom among them that are mature: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor the princes of this world, that come to nothing: but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory.

Your inheritance is going to be based on what you have done here. Have you fulfilled the scroll of your testimony or have you been busy doing your own thing that just look good because people would recognize it as being spiritual? That is why Paul says: I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness – 2 Timothy 4:7 – 8. Up there is laid up a crown because I have run my race, I have fulfilled my call. He is talking about his scroll of testimony that came out of heaven with him. The scroll that he agreed with in the ysod of Yahweh, before he was on the earth when he was in the realm of eternity with his father. He is saying he had a purpose to come to earth to fulfill because he wanted a higher inheritance than he had before. So he came down to the earth and fulfilled that scroll.

When it is finished, that book is going to speak of itself. It will bear witness in heaven as to what you have done. The book of your works is going to be opened up in that day and your reward is going to be according to your works – Revelation 20:12. Your reward will not be according to anything you decide to do but according to how much of your testimony scroll you birthed onto the earth, and that relates to the role that you played in heaven before you were in the earth.

Ephesians 2:10 – for we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.

I do a further teaching on this called where do I come from. You’ve got to understand where you have come from to understand where you are going back to. Hebrew people think in a circular way: 1 plus 2 plus 3 equals 6 equals plus 3 plus 2 plus 1. The end must always equal the beginning.

The high priest would judge himself. So we need to ask the sword of God, the flaming sword of Yahweh which is in the way of the tree of life, to come and judge us according to the testimony of the 2 cherubim – Genesis 3:24. Why are there 2 cherubim? Well, we presently have a 2 stranded cord of DNA. Without the sword of the light of Yahweh’s judgment, that DNA will never be able to enter into the fullness of the knowledge of Yahweh. So judgment becomes important. You have got to judge your own house.

I’ve taught practical sessions elsewhere about how to step in by faith. In the atmosphere of the kingdom, the realm of Yahweh is accessible, and it is actually right there. This is our close it is: yeshua is praying for a blind man. He takes his spit and puts it on the ground, mixes it, puts it on the man’s eyes and his eyes open

Mark 8:24 – and he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking. Once more Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.

When the man saw men as trees, Yeshua was saying, oh, sorry, wrong realm, you should see into this one. The realm of heaven is as close to you as the air that you breathe. What he was seeing when he saw man as tall as trees walking was the sons of Yahweh from the first creation. There are 2 creations: the first creation when Yahweh made sons and the second creation when he made Adam. Further teaching on these subjects can be downloaded from my website.

By faith, we need to be able to step through into the world of the father, into the realm of his kingdom, into the realm of his presence, which is as close to us as the air that we breathe. By faith, I can step through that veil which Yeshua tore open, and I can stand there. The moment I enter that world, it is recorded that I have become absolutely and totally righteous before the presence of Yahweh. Because, if there is any record over me, Yahweh declares, that cannot come here, get it off him, and put a new garment on him. In fact, put a crown upon his head, and then, actually, put a ring on his finger. Zachariah 3:4 – 5 and then you and I can stand before him.

Practice by placing a Bible on your head and saying, by faith, Lord, I stand under the government of your word. I stand under the Lordship of Christ as my covering, because you are the high priest of my confession. Jesus, I ask that you would take your word like a sword, that flaming sword that stands in the way of the tree of life and I ask that you would judge me according to the dispensation of grace, (which is why the throne of grace is there). And according to the dispensation of grace, judge me according to the confession of my sin.

Here, at this point, I would say: this is what I have done….–.–.… I ask you to remove that from my life. Judge it according to your testimony which is righteousness in Christ Jesus. Remove it from my life. (See also – courtroom of God in the realms of kingdom volume 1).

Now, Lord, as you have judged me, I ask you to judge everything that was connected to that part of my life with the same sword that I have asked you to go through my life with.

Standing under the Lordship of Christ provides covering. Everything outside of it gets burned up to a crisp, burned to ash – first Corinthians 3:15. Demonic things have a right of access to the record that is connected to your life on the earth. So when you stand in heaven and you bring that record, as a spirit being, into heaven and you ask Yahweh to judge it, the ( demonic ) record on earth begins to get burnt to a crisp in that area and the devil cries, oh no! They are finally doing what Yahweh wants them to do, and we have kept it hidden from them for so long. They have never done this before. Now we are going to get beaten not because this flaming sword is coming after us!

When I was in a particular nation, i talked in a church on the subject, about the judgment. When this truth landed, riots opened up because the demonic stuff that was going on. I Felt responsible for what happened there. It went on for 2 days. So I went into the church and I said, okay, I’m going to teach you about judgment because I want us to take responsibility for the sin. We are going to judge it today. I’m going to teach you how to judge something in a nation.

So we took all those present into the court. The whole church when in, about 180 people. We took that thing into court and said: I have sinned. This is my sin. According to this testimony judge me Lord. Now, Lord, any demon that is connected to this we ask you to judge them. Within an hour all the riots had finished.

We have administrative roles in heaven on the earth. But you have got to be in heaven to facilitate that role on the earth. You have a role to play. That role is not difficult, but you have got to judge yourself and take responsibility for sin.

I have been on a journey, walking through the autosomes of my DNA, dealing with every record and I found stuff in my DNA from previous overshadowings. Let me tell you, when you deal with your issues, things change. That is because the record down here, which is called your human body, begins to vibrate at a different frequency because it is now bearing a different shadow of as it is in heaven.

There will come a point where our bodies are going to take on the resurrection glory of that realm and that will be opened up for us down here. When that opens up, you and I are going to have a body that shines like Yeshua’s did when he was transfigured. We all think that one day, when we die, we are going to go into heaven, and God is going to say, this is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased – Matthew 3:17. But when the father spoke to Jesus like that, he was alive and living on the earth. Do you think it cannot happen to us if it happened to Christ? When he showed us the way and how to do it? Yeshua made a way for the fullness of Yahweh to be revealed in us in Christ Jesus. Everything can be revealed in us through the nature of what he has presented to us. Everything Yeshua ever did was recorded for us, to show us the way. As Jesus is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6), you’ve got to be cloaked or skinned with the 3 skins of the father: judgment, justice and holiness ( Isaiah 5:16); the 3 skins of the Holy Spirit: righteousness, joy and peace ( Romans 14:17); and the 3 skins a Yeshua: the way the truth and the life ( John 14:6). This all links into the building of a frequency platform for the testimony of heaven to rest and manifest on the earth.

I believe in practice, so we must practice judging ourselves under the dispensation of grace in Christ Jesus. You’ve got to judge the house of the Lord as we see in Zechariah 3:7. You will judge your house, this house here (yourself), because this house is going to bear the record of the testimony of heaven. It has to, in order for us to terraform and change the earth back into what it was before sin. If we are to make the whole earth like a well watered garden (Isaiah 35, 58:11), then we need to change this (ourselves), because then this will be able to judge that.

I want you to see the responsibility here. The whole of creation, every dimensional world, the whole of our universe, every single thing that is organic, every single thing that is spiritual in that whole arena is looking at you on the earth. It is all saying, get your act together. Our galaxy has hundreds of billions of stars in it all looking at you saying, get your act together! Our little solar system is saying, get your act together! The whole of our universe is saying, get your act together! Every other dimensional world outside of our universe is saying, get your act together! We need you to take your place so that we have admission to a kingly government once again, so that there is no more darkness. We do not like being in darkness! We would be very naïve to think that in a possible 2 trillion galaxies (found to date); there are no other beings made that understand this truth. But we are the only ones that hold the potential record to rule (Genesis 1:26, 28). That is why everything wants our DNA. The earth is the center of the father’s creation.

Our father is saying to us, do not worry about sister Rub and brother sandpaper next to you. Do not worry about what they think about you in the church. Chase me, and do what I’m asking you to do. When you do what I’ve asked you to do and you have been conformed to my image, then all of creation will saying,aahh! At long last! (Romans 8:19). So this is how it starts, this little thing of stepping in. It is so simple, it is not hard.

There are 7 different arenas or domains of our father: there is the kingdom of the earth, the kingdom of God, the kingdom of heaven, heaven, heaven of heavens, perfection and eternity. In the kingdom of the earth, which is the lowest arena and domain of our father, we have access to his world and the domain of his presence in the kingdom of the earth. So when we step through the veil we are stepping into the realm of his presence in the kingdom of the earth. We do not have to go all the way up there yet. Maturity will get you there. You’ve got to start with this first.

Practice court session

I would like you to take something that you can put over your head such as the Bible, your cell phone, a little bit of paper or anything. It is just a symbol because I believe in body- participation. That means body, soul, and spirit are all in agreement with what we are doing.

Yeshua tore that veil to give me entry into his kingdom. Close your eyes and practice taking a small step forwards, then take a small step backwards.

In front of you is a veil that separates you from the realm of his presence. Yeshua tore that open. So, father, today by faith, in the name of Yeshua, we step through that torn veil (take a small step forward).

Lord, we step through the torn veil into the realm of your presence. Father, I want to thank you that as I stand here today, you remove from my life every stained  record ever held in my DNA as I stand before you as a person.

Lord, you give me a garment of righteousness that I receive by faith because it is a gift from my father to me, to empower me to be able to stand become a priest of God in this realm of your kingdom.

Father, today I bring myself under the covering ( put something on your head), the covering of the testimony of Christ as my high priest, the firstborn son of many. I stand under his covering today, freely and willingly.

(Now, in your mind take an area of your life that you have struggled with and come into agreement with the following prayer).

Father, today I bring you this part of my life that I have been wrestling with. I have been married and connected to it. I have allowed it expression in my body as a sound in my DNA. I’ve allowed it to be triggered by the enemy and used as a place of sacrifice and offering to his world and his kingdom. Father, I bring this area of my life into the light before you. Today, Jesus, I think you that you are the high priest of my confession. I confess this today as sin, iniquity and transgression that have separated me from the reality of (in heaven on earth).

Father, today I ask that you would take your flaming sword, that sword that stands in the way of the tree of life and under the covering of your Lordship, and I ask you to judge the record in my physical body and judge the record in my soul where sin has held me bound to the testimony of this behavior. Lord, as you judge me, I open my heart for judgment today.

Now, Lord, I ask you to judge anything that is on the outside of this covering and everything that was connected to that part of my life. I ask you to judge it today according to the dispensation of your judgment over me. Father, today, judge this stain and blemish in the record of my DNA that is been triggered by the enemy. Judge it on the earth as it is being judged in heaven today. Lord, remove the record of it.

Father, today by faith, I asked that in the scribal counsel and the court of the scribes you would give me a divorce paper from this condition and this behavioral pattern in my life. I willingly ascribe and declare that I am divorced from this condition and its power over my life. In every place I’ve yielded to it, today I separate myself from it. I divorce myself from it according to the testimony of this written document in the courts of heaven. I willingly received the divorce papers today.

Now Lord, by faith, I marry the presence of Christ in this area that the testimony of the light of Yeshua would so shine in this record in my body on earth that it would destroy every work of the enemy connected to this part of my life.

Father, by faith, I thank you for this garment that you have given me for the cleansing, purity and holiness that I’ve received in heaven here today.

Lord, by faith, i step back into my body, into the world of the earth, bringing with me the testimony of this judgment into my body. Lord, I administrate it into the record of my DNA, into the record of my life, and the book of my life.

I Ask you to administrate that justice and judgment into my body today as a witness so that it is on earth as it is in heaven, in Yeshua’s mighty name. Hallelujah, Lord! Amen.

When I do this, I feel so good, but here is the issue: you’ve got to practice. Practice makes perfect. Once you know the way you can become perfect in the way and then you become perfect as he is perfect. As Jesus said, be you therefore perfect, even as your father who is in heaven is perfect – Matthew 5:48. The reason Paul could say that he was perfect, was because he knew about some of this.

We need to practice every day. I practice this all the time. I’ve walked this thing out for many years. Now  it takes me less than 30 seconds to do it. When I find myself responding to something that is inordinate, I just go in, open up, stand there, judge it, get divorce papers and then I stepped back onto the earth. It is done on earth as it is in heaven.

But I bring it out of heaven to the earth. You cannot stand down here asking God to do it. You’ve got to go where he is, because the only realm where you can get changed is the heavenly realm. You cannot change this world without being changed there first.

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