7 – Kingship

Within the boundaries of the order of Melchizedek, one of the faces is a king. Yahweh calls us Kings and priests of our God so we need to understand kingship ( first Peter 2:9, Revelation 1:6).

A king is a judge, a provider and a protector. God gave Adam dominion over the earth to rule it and subdue it (Genesis 1:26, 28). That is the role of a king. Kingship means responsibility. When you are a king and sitting on your throne, your children cannot come up to you and say, daddy, daddy, and neither can the rest of the court. They have been taught about the reverence of the governmental seat that you are sitting on. There is power when you sit on that seat.

In the order of Melchizedek, Yahweh gives you a seat, or a throne, to sit on ( Ephesians 2:6). From the throne you can execute judgment into the earth ( 1 Corinthians 2:15, John 7:24). Judgment is not always to bring death. We think judgment means someone will die, but Yahweh’s judgment is often to bring a greater form of life. Even if there has to be some death, it is often to bring a greater form of life to pass.

A king has a vial of oil that will never run dry.

The seat of a king is governmental but it is also supposed to provide for those that are connected to it. In the order of Melchizedek, a king’s seat  has an inexhaustible supply to feed the poor, clothe the needy, and assist the widow. He has a vial of oil that will never run dry. It will feed the candlesticks of the needs of the nation. I have been talking to you about materializing matter. When you are in this full measure as a king, you will understand the pattern; you can create whatever is needed including gold. Gold is simply a chemical element with a specific density, atomic mass, number of protons, electrons and neutrons. Where do you think gold actually comes from? Was it formed on the earth or in heaven, and then released into the earth? The purest gold is seen in white quartz, because the purest gold is on the sea of crystal in heaven which used to flow into the earth because of the fountains of the deep. These were then sealed, so now they are white quartz which has seams of gold in them.

The King seat is very important for us. When you sit on the seat, you will be able to change everything ( Mark 9:23). There are some things Yahweh gives to a king that he does not give to anyone else.

A king’s scepter and a staff

Psalm 23:4 – yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me

Understanding the function of the rod and the staff explains what the King is supposed to do when he sits on the throne. The rod (scepter) is something that reaches before you to bring the government of Yahweh into everything it stands in front of you. It makes a way for government to move through. The staff, which is the shepherd’s crook, follows behind you, sometimes cleaning up the mess, which is part of the shepherding role as a king.

When the Bible talks about us walking through the valley of the shadow of death, it means that death is not going to have any power over us because there is an authority that sits in our life to execute justice against death. The shepherd’s rod is able to bring all those that follow him into that realm of government out of death.

The shepherd’s crook ( or staff )  was an amazing thing. It used to be made out of vines that were bent and then dried. It had a hoop or hooked on it, often with another very small hook on the end of that. The tiny hook was useful when a sheep was naughty, and wandered into confined places or got lost in the mountains. The shepherd would literally leg- shackle it. That little hook would go into the inside leg of the sheep and the shepherd would pull on it. The sheep’s leg would jam into the crook and then he could swing it over the cliff and onto the land. God has his shepherd’s crook out for us and he brings us back into order. The order of Melchizedek equips you with the ability to bring divine order into rebellion, to swing rebellion out of its condition and bring it into its rightful place which is in front of you. When a shepherd would swing the sheep around, he would face it. This means it comes under the rod. The rod brings divine order. The rod and the staff comfort us because they give us power in the day of darkness.

A king has power to bring creative light into black matter

Power is associated with the King’s seat of government. I do not just mean power to heal the sick. I mean power to move stars and mountains.

Mark 11:23 – I assure you and most solemnly say to you, whoever says to this mountain, be lifted up and thrown into the sea! And does not doubt in his heart ( in God’s unlimited power), but believes that what he says is going to take place, it’ll be done for him ( in accordance with God’s will).

It would cause a bit of a stir if you stood in one part of your nation and said, you, mountain, over there. The government would be very interested in that. That is the kind of power that comes with the order of Melchizedek when the Kings seat is sat upon in the right way with maturity as its foundation. It enables you to terraform everything around you by bringing divine order. Power comes from the kingdom world. It does not come from the earthly world.

We are supposed to engage with governmental process. But Yahweh wants to release understanding in us that with power comes great responsibility. As a king you will be called the pass judgments that may carry serious consequences. The King seat is not necessarily a nice seat. You have to take responsibility for everything you do. And when you change one thing, it affects many other things because everything is interconnected. There is something called the butterfly effect in quantum physics. A butterfly can do one thing over here and it can cause a tornado over there if the effect is right. This is quantum physics. Everything has a cause and effect.

When you sit on the seat of a king, then you have great power. You have power to form galaxies, power to re-form them, power to bring creative light back into black matter. The role of our kingship in Christ is to shine the light into darkness so everything in darkness can become light once again. The order of Melchizedek, through the kingship, is going to bring light into every single particle in space presently called black matter and dark energy.

A king’s wealth comes from the treasury room of heaven

Wealth also comes with being a king. People claim, I’m going to be like Joseph, but they have no idea about how the world’s financial systems operate. The wealth that is coming is not coming from the work of your hands. It will come out of the treasury room of heaven. There is a lot of gold in that treasury room and Melchizedek is in charge of it all. I can witness to the role of Melchizedek as the chief Chancellor of the treasury room of heaven. He handles all the riches of heaven. You need to know that, if you take the role and function within that priesthoods likeness, that treasury room is going to be open to you. This means you will be able to bring into the Earth’s atmosphere gold and provision out of that realm because provision and government are within the seat of a king. You will be able to materialize matter. You need some food? Here is food.

These are the things you have to start getting your brain around. You can walk into a desert and breathe out to form trees all around you. When you need water, you can speak to the earth and the earth will respond, open up and suddenly manifest a supply of water in front of you.

Exodus 17:5 – and the Lord said unto Moses, go on before the people, and take with you the elders of Israel; and your rod, with which you smote the river, take in your hand, and go. BeHold, I will stand before you there upon the rock in horeb; and you shall strike the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel.

This is our role as kings, bringing provision back into the world. This is power. This is what power is for. This is why the order of Melchizedek is going to surpass the kingdom age because the apostolic cannot do that. Its power is inside the church, not in creation. Great wealth is going to be generated because of who you are and what you can materialize.

Government will sit on your shoulders

The government is going to sit upon your shoulders. The Bible says that the government shall sit upon Jesus’ shoulders.

Isaiah 9:6 – for unto us a child is born, under us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called wonderful, counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting father, the Prince of peace.

If you are made like him, you need to believe that you are going to be displayed like him and that you are supposed to carry the same responsibility

John 14:12 – whoever believes in me will be able to do what I’ve done, and they will do even greater things, because I will return to be with the father.

This is about government. As I’ve said before, if you were to say to your elected government in the land, today, it is going to rain continually. Except at my word, it will not stop raining ( first Kings 17:1). They would laugh at first. But not, if 2 years later, it was still raining, and they had floods all over the nation with every river breaking its banks. If the seas started to encroach on the land because the level of the water had come up, they would come looking for you because they would know they were not in charge anymore. True government is going to be formed on the shoulders of the sons a Yahweh within the order of Melchizedek. These are the things that I dream about.

We bring  legislative paperwork from the Sanhedrin of heaven

Yahweh is going to give to the king the ability to legislate from heaven to the earth. You need to study the word legislate. It means to make laws and decrees, pass laws and be able to pass legislation. Kingship is all about power because it is the roar of the lion

Hosea 11:10 – he’ll roar like a lion, and when he roars, his children will scurry in from the west.

When the order of Melchizedek operates out of the face of kingship, it is going operate out of the mouth of the lion. It will roar and the earth will either scream in terror, or it will come to the light of your shining (Isaiah 60:3). We are going to shine. We really are going to shine. When we legislate out of heaven, you will find that the government of Yahweh will back your words.

And so, when we legislate things, we are going to be able to bring effective change that will be permanent. It will be written in heaven and earthly governments will not be able to change it because they will not have the power to do so. We will be able to change the course of water. We will be able to change the growth patterns of grass. We will be able to change the appearance of animals – Mark 11:23.

Do you realize that they knew about a type of gene technology called selective breeding in the Old Testament? Jacob took a stick and put it in the paddock, and all the sheep became streaked, speckled and spotted.

Genesis 30:37 –39 and Jacob took rods of green poplar and of the almond and chestnut tree and peeled white strakes in them and made the white appear which was in the rods. And he set the rods which he had peeled before the flocks in the gutters in the watering troughs when the flocks came to drink,that they should conceive when they came to drink. and the flocks conceived before the rods, and brought forth flocks striped, speckled, and spotted.

You need to understand what that stick was. It was the government of Yahweh because Jacob knew about being in heaven. He brought heaven to bear on earth to change the genomes of the sheep in the womb of their mother. Then, suddenly, Laban decided he wanted all of them. So Jacob set in place another stick and all the sheep became another color ( Genesis 31:8). It is in the Bible, gene technology out of heaven. That is power, legislative power.

The king and priest together form an arc

Yahweh is releasing both the king and priest (Revelation 1:6). The role of the Melchizedek priest is to be the burden bearer of the human race.  The Priest corresponds to the ox face of Yahweh. I have a teaching called the 4 faces of God (see realms of the kingdom volume to trading in heavens). The ox (priest) is the burden bearer that carries the weight of responsibility. The King is about the lion of Yahweh that is going to roar. Everything will know that there is something else in government. Something other than what we have presently assigned in that nation. When the lion speaks, or when we speak from heaven, it is going to thunder on your earth. This is going to change everything.

The Oracle and legislator on the earth

The king and priest are a heavenly involvement that forms an arc for the reflection on the earth to take on the expression of it. This is so that it can be revealed in the your through the legislator (Yahweh’s man face) and the Oracle. So when we take the legislative power of a king (lion), with papers, it will come through the mouth of the Oracle –(Yahweh’s Eagle). It will be spoken: this will happen today! And it will happen. Because of our seat in heaven, we will speak and it will come to pass. And in that day, you will say to that mountain, you! Move here! (Matthew 21:21; Mark 11:23) and it will move. It does not have a choice.

The apostolic was supposed to function like the Melchizedek legislator

The apostolic is a really interesting governmental mantle. The apostolic was not supposed to be a mountain of personal power. Men have frequently made it a mountain. Many people want to become apostles because that is the head of the food chain. Those who used to be teachers became prophets and those who are prophets became apostles. In Christ, you can function in all five anyway, so I do not really know why anyone would choose only one. That is really a bit of a waste of time when all five are effectively available to you in Christ, even though your motivation might primarily be out of only one.

The apostolic was supposed to carry a blueprint of heaven. Everybody was supposed to be engaged with the blueprint, not engaged with the person or a mountain. Everyone in the church was supposed to be given a role or function. They were supposed to be empowered to become a reflection of heaven under the apostolic government. But the apostolic has often been built into a ministry in which you pay to belong to a network and they become your covering. These are just my thoughts regarding what we have and are trading with. I do not mind people having partners to co-labor with them as long as they do not actually come under them. They co-labor with you, for the sake of the blueprint, to fulfill the mandate of Yahweh on the earth. Yeshua has the final blueprint and we all need to be walking in that blueprint.

The function of the legislator is to find the blueprint of Yahweh, to lay it out and then empower people to come into that blueprint. The Oracle’s function is to teach about the blueprint, to speak about the mystery of the blueprint and then to help mature sons to come into the fullness of the measure of Christ, the stature of Yahweh, within the blueprint. That is what the true apostolic should have been doing but maybe has not always done that. There are a few people on the earth who have been walking in some of this. So often those of a previous age who had the power will fight against change especially if they have become irrelevant and the power base is gone. In the order of Melchizedek, the legislator and the Oracle are the earthly manifestation. They are the practical grinding out into the earth of two heavenly offices of King and priest. So, when you are in heaven on earth, you can bring heaven into the shadow of what is formed on the earth as the king and priest. Then heaven will manifest itself through the legislator and Oracle. These are the 4 faces of the order of Melchizedek that we are going to walk in, in full measure, in the days to come.

Our 4 faces will manifest the glory of heaven into all creation

We will be increasingly known as a priest and king, a legislator and an Oracle of the mouthpiece of Yahweh. Through us, these 4 faces will manifest the glory of heaven in fullness on the earth and into our solar system, into our galaxy and into the universe. Remember, it must always start in Jerusalem ( the earth). The glory of the Lord must start in the house. Then it will flow from the house into everything else that is around it. It will flow into our solar system, into the twelve houses in heaven, into our galaxy and then into the rest of the galaxies. It will fill the universe with the light and the glory of the countenance of Yahweh shining from the earth once again. The earth is the centerpiece of the father’s plans.

Governmental power will again come from the center of the earth

NASA sent a spaceship out into space and, after many years, they turned and took a camera shot with the earth in the middle. You can see this on Google. The full photograph took something like 4 years to get back because it was so dense with pixels. When they assembled it, they found an astonishing thing. There was a beam of light coming from top to bottom. In the center of that beam of light was only one planet, the earth. No other star or planet was in the shaft of light that ran through the center of the picture. Yet it had millions of stars around it. The earth is this little blue dot sitting right in the center of it.

Everything out there is looking at you, saying, get your act together. You need to know that Yahweh wants you to come into the fullness of sonship and walk into the age of Melchizedek, so that we can experience what it means to be at the center of it again. It is from the center that government is going to flow outward because you have power in the middle, not on the outside. That is why we have power in the middle, not on the outside. So, from within us, it is going to come in the same way as it is from the center of the earth. The power is going to come from the center of the earth again when we understand the seat of the government that sits in the middle of the earth. And, from that, we can bring divine order into everything again.

Yahweh has got a plan and he is not out of time. He is very happy with the process because he looked to this day as have many men and women. They have looked to this day and of said, we want a part. And we have a part of it today.


Hallelujah. Glory.

Father, we want to thank you for the testimony of the son of God that made away. He was the firstborn, who would receive judgment so that we could be the second born, to receive grace to enable us to walk in the grace of the measure of the firstborn.

Father, I ask for great grace to be assigned to men and women who do not understand what we have talked about. I ask that over this next year, you would begin to engage them and to release truth to bring understanding about who they really are.

I ask, father, that you would bring revelation into our lives about who we really are and that you would make it really plain and easy for us to see and understand.

Lord, we want to attest today that you are Lord.

Yeshua, we declare that you are Lord to the glory of Yahweh the father. We declare that your name and in your name, every knee will bow, every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the father.

Lord, today we want to confess that you are Lord. We say, Yeshua, you are Lord.

Lord, today we want to make a fresh commitment to your presence, to pursue you with passion, fire, and glory. Lord, we ask that this bench of 3 would begin to rule over our lives to bring us into the fullness of the sons of God so that we would be revealed on earth, in our day, in the measure of Melchizedek.

In the name of yeshua hamashiach, anokhi, elohim yhvh. Shalom.

Amokhi meaning I am;math 22;32 mk 12;26 acts 7:32 referring to exodus 3:6

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