8 – the pattern

there is an intimate desire in every single one of us to create. We need to understand that if we are going to be a priest over something in a king over something, to have a voice and bring government into it, we must understand how it was made.

We are limited concerning the process of creation because we are bound in the atmosphere the earth. Realm they Yahweh wants us to engage with is in his world. When we going to his world become outside of the confinements of the temple we live in and the restrictions here in the physical. We then see the truth of what is really there and the potential we have. Cannot be found in the side of the veil.

I’ve been going down a path we talking about the way on purpose for many years. Have been talking about it being rented and opened up. We need to go to the realm which is within the veil to get an understanding of how to create life. That life is not created the side of the veil. You and I are called to created their then bring it into this realm and manifested here because you are the voice of what is within the veil. The problem with us is that we get confined into this physical realm here. We look at ourselves in the mirror with our faults and failings and we think, I’m just a pathetic little human being – a human doing.

The pattern of atoms

Quantum physics has shown us just how amazing atoms are. If you were to take out the space between the nucleus of every Adam and the electrons buzzing around the outside of it, the earth would compacted down to about the size of a soccer ball – a very heavy soccer ball! That is why plant forms a blackhole when it collapses. All the space between the atoms gets crushed as it implodes and what you’re left with is a solid mass with huge gravity around the outside of it.

If we were to take out the space between the nucleus and the electrons inside of you, you would contain 99% empty space. Actually, all you might be is a hologram of a reality that is going to pass way. You are empty space because there is so little solid material. Great mass we have to take out that empty space gap. Only way to take out that gap is to go back to the very source of the origins of the framework that created the gap and we do have access to that source.

There is coming a day when we are going to be able to create things. These things will never have to be built because your desire will bring a framework to the testimony it opens up this realm so that the physical world will respond to that desire. So you and I will frame up something that was not there before.

It is your desire the brings a framework for Holt to materialize what faith believes is possible. You have got to have faith and hope, they are the rna of heaven.rna is the building block that sets every material thing in place to be able to hold it together in the framework. Without rna there is no framework for something that is physical. Withoutrna you would just be a blob floating around.rna is our revealed nature achieved.

DNA is the divine nature assimilated. So without divine nature assimilated and revealed nature achieved in you, he will not be able to realize substance out of nothing. This nothing is already here in the spirit world. It is just not visible. Everything we need for our physical well-being is in the atmosphere ready, but because we cannot see it, most of us do not believe it is there. Most of us are taught to only engage in look at the physical world. So most people do not engage the spirit world, and the kingdom world, which is everything present already inside of it. Many of us are living in chaos because we are only looking at the physical world.

What is hope? The Bible says… Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not see  – Hebrews 11:1. So faith is a tangible reality of things dreamed about that are yet and vision form. The capacity of desire is what creates vision form. When you desire something you look at it, you frame it up, you engage it, you empower it and then you will precipitate it around your life. Whatever you are hoping for in your life, and whatever you look at, that is what will frame your testimony of the future. That also includes the destructive things. If you are worried about the future then you are framing up chaos into it. Many of us are so worried about what is coming to the earth. That is because we have not seen in heaven what is coming to us from heaven. Do not worry about your future. If Yahweh can care for the stars, do you not think he can give you enough to to care for your day? You need to know Yahweh has got it well in hand. Yahweh’s pattern is scientific.

So let us return the atoms. If we have a tree in you set fire to it and it burns away so there is nothing left but dust, every single atom of the trees still exist. Those atoms have not gone anywhere; they are now just in a different pattern. That means if we found the pattern we could remake the tree, because the pattern sets the parameters of the boundary for the formation of matter out of atoms.

We need to understand that Yahweh is a scientist. When you understand how Yahweh made something, you can find the pattern and you can remake it. With the burn tree there is a pattern of something that actually still exist but it’s vibrational frequency is in a different pattern. It has now changed and all those atoms are just out there somewhere.

To reform the tree, what we need is the pattern of the voice that holds that tree together. That voice is only found in the father. It is not found because you wanted. So the only way to create light and to re-create matter out of nothing is to be in the father. In John 17:21, Jesus says, that they all may be one; as you, father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be one in us. This means that I’m in the father, in Jesus, because Jesus said he and the father are one. If I’m in the father, then I have an intrinsic  ability in my father, from my position in him, to be able to create matter. If we are to learn to create, our issue is to find how to make the jigsaw puzzle come back together. That is a problem because every atom has a mind of its own. That is until a sound is made that forms a frequency that attracts it to its original pattern.

Where do physical healings come from? They come from you framing atoms out of a material substance that is not visible. No one can see atoms in your even though they are there. You cannot see them because they are not in a framework that our bodies are used to interacting with but your spirit man is. Your spirit man is used to interacting with the framework of heaven. Framework of heaven in a physical world is the atoms that are invisible to the naked eye.

Yahweh has given us the intrinsic ability to create matter and it is fun creating! That is why we get stuck on healings, and we get stuck on all this creating things because it is exciting to watch it happen. But if you’re just feeling sick and you are not engaging the testimony of the universe you’ve got a problem because you’re only believing what you see in front of you, not what you do not see out there. The whole of creation is waiting for us to get our act together.

Romans 8:22 – we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. And we believers also grown, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering. We, too, wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as his adopted children, including the new bodies he has promised us.

As part of who we are as sons of Yahweh, he has given us the intrinsic ability to create mass out of light and power. That is why we are called children of light – first Thessalonians 5:5, Ephesians 5:8. That is why we have got to walk in the light – first John 1:7. That is why we have to be in the light first John 1:7. When we understand the intrinsic value of light, then we can understand the power and light can form mass.

When the baby comes out of the womb, it is born out of creative light in full awareness of all the glory of Yahweh because it’s spirit man has not yet been shut down. That baby coming from the womb is born into darkness. The created light coming from the sun is darkness. We are: born in the darkness, the seed alike, to walk in the light, the become a reflection of light, the bear the image of light, and to become light.

The end must always equal the beginning. This is a scriptural law and one of the 12 laws of Zion. Where we have come from is what we’re going to look like. Are going to look exactly the same at the end as we were in the beginning if we engage in believe Yahweh for the truth of our testimony because we are being changed from glory to glory, even as by the spirit of Lord – second Corinthians 3:18. This is because you and I already hold all that inside of us. Your spirit man already has full awareness of all this; it is not new. Just because you have not heard it before does not mean you do not know it. You already have full knowledge of all of creation because you work in the father before you were in the earth. Before I formed you in the womb I knew you – Jeremiah 1:5. God chose us to be in a relationship with him even before he laid out plans for this world – Ephesians 1:4. Now you are on the earth coming back into the father, which is coming back into the full knowledge of what you already knew anyway. I will be there to greet you personally and welcome you home, where we will be together. You know where I am going and how to get there – John 14:3 – 4.

Einstein was Jewish. He found the formula E equals MC squared, from creation. When we transpose it we obtain M equals E/C squared which is the formula to create mass. In Jewish mystical tradition it is said to also be the formula for the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the aleph.

Hebrew meaning of Adam

when Yahweh made man he called them Adam, which is Hebrew for man. The word atom consists of 3 Hebrew letters: aleph, dalet,and mem.

There are many deeper revelatory interpretations of these letters. This is a simplified version.

aleph – came from a picture of an ox head. It means government – power and authority.

daket – was developed from a picture of a door and it means door.

mem – started off as a picture of waves of water or of river flowing. It means a river of supply.

Soul, the name Adam means: the head of a door flowing with life, the government of a door to the river of supply.

We are Adam

Yahweh wants us to come into the process of understanding that we are Adam. That means that we have the capacity and ability to be the governing way for the voice of Yahweh through the testimony of heaven. The name Adam enables you to be a door for all of that power and all that light to come as a never ending supply. It sets you to govern a river flowing out of your life into the world that is around you. It empowers you to terraform into change the sound and frequency of the earth until comes back into its original pattern.

Going a little bit deeper, did Yahweh make everything? Yes, all things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made – John 1:3.’s Yahweh and everything? Yes, one God and father of all, who is above all, and through all, and you in all – Ephesians 4:6. Are you in Yahweh? Yes, I am in the father, you are in me, and I am in you – John 14:20. So, if I am in Yahweh and Yahweh is in everything, then everything has a sound for my pattern to fit into that respond to it. If I am in Yahweh and Yahweh is in all of creation, and there is a testimony of Yahweh in everything that has been created, then everything in creation is designed to respond to the DNA of Adam. Therefore man’s job is to bring life into all of eternity. All creation is waiting for your revelation, waiting for Adam to show up – for the Gratian eagerly awaits the revelation of the sons of God – Romans 8:19. This means not just one little galaxy or one little solar system. St. really messed up our solar system and we are going to terraform it and bring it back to the way it was in the first place.

We have been live in one of the small solar system situated on a spiral arm of a small galaxy that only spans 100,000 ly across. There are some galaxies that span up to 6 million ly across. Do you think that in over 2 trillion galaxies spanning perhaps 93 billion ly across there are no other creatures?

The problem is that, through Adam, we are the ones that brought corruption and darkness into the universe. But through Christ, we are the ones that are going to bring in corruption and light back into the universe. So, if you do not want your galaxy, I will have it. You not want to sit on your throne in the middle of a dark hole, I will have it. The reason a blackhole exists is because there is no creative light radiating out of it, so everything that is created light is going into it to try and find creative light.

Numerical meaning of Adam

each letter in the Hebrew alphabet also represents a number. So Adam’s name actually adds up to 9.

In Ezekiel 28:13, Lucifer had 9 different stones all over him… Every precious stone was your covering, the Sardis, Topaz, and the diamond, the barrel, the dynamics, and the Jasper, the Sapphire, the Emerald, and the carbuncle… Yahweh covered him with stones.

9 is interesting because it contains 3 lots of 3. 3 represents government. The number 3 is significant in the word: father, son and Holy Spirit each have 3 skins or 3 aspects or layers of their natures:

Jesus the son, the way, the truth and life – John 14:6

Holy Spirit: righteousness, peace and joy – Romans 14:17

the father: judgment, justice and holiness – Isaiah 5:16

we have 3 physical layers of skin the earth has 3 major physical layers the sun’s atmosphere has 3 physical layers in it.

You: have a body, soul and spirit.

When you’re 3 our attitude 3 lots of 3 of father, son and Holy Spirit and makes 12:

the priest had 12 stones on his breastplate – Exodus 28:21.

There are 12 houses in heaven and 12 gates of the new Jerusalem – Revelation 21:13.

There are 12 tribes of Israel – Genesis 49:28.

12 is a picture of government because there must be a formation of the truth of our testimony. Government is established in Adam’s name both numerically and in the meaning of the Hebrew letters.

The pattern of the voice

Hebrews 11:3 says,… The worlds were framed by the word of God… So we need to understand the voice because when we you are in the voice, speaking from within the voice, you can frame matter.

When Yahweh speaks, he sends out:

a mathematical equation

the color

the frequency

the song

the fragrance

the scroll testimony

he releases everything at once.

In John 6:40, Yeshua says, and this is the will of him that sent me, that everyone who sees a son, and believes on him, may have everlasting life: and I’ll raise them up at the last day. Those that see me, – not just hear me, and believe in me will have everlasting life. The church is taught us how to hear, not how to see. You can find thousands of books on how to hear the voice of God. All you are hearing is a minuscule piece of the voice. If you really heard the voice, you would create what that voices said. We are very selective in what we are hearing because we mainly use it for direction. That is why people pray: they want to learn direction. So they pray, pray, pray, to hear the voice of God. Then they write it down. This is all good exercise because it helps you hear a little tiny piece of what heaven is saying. When Yahweh speaks, he speaks everything into creation! This provides the full potential for it to be fully manifested and fully revealed in its fullness in the physical environment in order to create matter out of energy and light.

Hebrew letters are a door into what Yahweh has spoken

one of the things I love about the Hebrew language is that it is mathematical. It is one of the only languages in the world that can be mapped mathematically and you can use it to create formula in science. That is why Elbert Einstein and those other early scientists who did fantastic revelatory things on the face of the earth were all Jewish. The understood the voice. Once you understand the pattern of the voice, you can understand science. The Hebrew language is a scientific and mathematical language. All of creation is woven into it. That is why each letter has a meaning in it. That meaning is for a specific reason. It speaks of something of its own. If each letter stood on its own it would actually speak of itself. The aleph, in a sense, speaks M equals E/C squared.

When Yahweh writes things down,(as in heaven when a scroll is given to you and the scroll is opened(, the letters are free to come off. They are not written like you and I write them. They are a record of the door of revelation. You need to go through this door to see the fullness of the breath and depth and height of what Yahweh has spoken.

Sometimes seeing something in the natural world can help you understand something of the spirit world.

Einstein’s equation: E equals MC squared

because he was Jewish, Einstein understood about creation and found his formula from creation. He tried to teach the world about creation and being able to create matter mass out of energy and light. Einstein’s equation parenthesis E equals MC squared parenthesis shows us how to produce mass. Mass is actually: M equals E/C squared where am is mass, E is energy, and C is the speed of light. So, energy divided by the speed of light squared produces mass parenthesis E/C squared equals and parenthesis.

What is energy? Energy is power! It is the ultimate power trip because it is inexhaustible and totally replenish a bowl. Energy does not contain or confine itself to the medium of created things. It is in the uncreated world. It is also in the invisible realm with in the created world. There are atoms here in the created world that you cannot see because they are invisible to the naked eye, but they are still here; we just pass straight through them.

And so, to understand the spirit world of Yahweh, we need to try and figure out what E equals MC squared really means. If science discovered E equals MC squared, then Yahweh must have spoken equals MC squared into existence because science only engages what is already been created.

aleph at the very beginning

let us look at the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet because this is believed to be instrumental and how creation was made. As we said, M equals E/C squared can be seen in a spiritual sense as the formula for the aleph. We need to understand the foundation of something comes from a right beginning. That is why the Lamb of God was slain before the foundation of the world. Revelation 13:8; first Peter 1:19 – 20. It began all the way back there. It began in light and in eternity. This became a pinpoint that open up like a balloon that expanded into our universe with the voice creating matter. The voice moves many times faster than the speed of light, some of said, actually 10,000 times faster than the speed of light, because it is the speed of thought. The speed of thought traveling between the neurons in your brain moves many times faster than the speed of light.

When you look at the letter Aleph as a Hebrew character, it has actually got 3 Hebrew symbols or letters within it. When you break it down it has a vav and two yods. The letter Aleph

 can also be seen as a picture of Yahweh speaking. It is the foundation of government. At the very beginning, Yahweh spoke; and at the very beginning, he created. The Hebrew letter Aleph

is at the very beginning, it is the beginning of everything. Aleph

is the governmental voice of Yahweh that frames the universe. So, materializing matter is just actually Aleph

. It is the presiding governmental voice of Yahweh that frames the complete universe. The letter a in English means absolutely nothing because it is not connected to anything. But the letter Aleph

means a whole lot more.

The letter mem look similar to a diagram of the firmament with waters above and beneath. Interestingly, to a Hebrew this means: what and is. You have the upper water parenthesis the what parenthesis and the lower water(the is parenthesis.

Genesis 1:7 says,… God separated the waters… So he put an expanse above which carried his voice and he put an expanse below which is where the creativity of Yahweh was to be expressed through man to create heaven on earth. The what is all that is out there that we do not see. The is is all that we do see. So if we engage in live in the what then, out of the what, we can conform that is to the what. I know this takes a bit of wrapping your head around but I want to pick up this thing here with the Aleph

and to talk more about this upper and the lower to help us understand our position. We are in the earth, which is the under or the lower, but our position is in the upper because that is really where we are seated in Christ.

Ephesians 2:4 – but God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in sins, has made us alive together with Christ, by grace you are saved; and has raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. We are in the upper

we read in Genesis, in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was chaos and waste, darkness was on the surface of the deep, and the ruach elohim was hovering over the surface of the water. The father brooded – or hovered – over the face of the deep, the upper was brooding over the lower, to bring the Lord into conformity with the image of the upper. Holy Spirit was brooding over it. The word brood means to vibrate. The Holy Spirit was vibrating over the Lord, and bringing it into the same harmony is the upper, so that the lower could bear the same image as the upper. In churches we say to God, Jesus, come down, and he does not come down. Holy Spirit, fill the room, and he does not fill the room. This is because we have not been in the upper and understood the essence of who we are in the upper, to empower the Lord to take on the image of the upper. Only when the Lord takes on the image of the upper with the upper respond to the Lord. Until the lower looks like the upper, the upper cannot acknowledge the Lord as its own.

One of the key issues regarding us as believers is that we have seen ourselves in the lower. We do not see ourselves in the upper. That is because we are told we are unworthy to go there. We say: only one day when we die we will see it all. Only one day when we die will we be sinless. Only one day when we die will we ever be able to overcome our enemy. Only one day when we die… You know the scenario.

Yet we want all that which is in the upper down here in the Lord. But we cannot bring it down here because we have not spent the time in the upper to take on the sound of the testimony of that voices framework there, to bring that down here so that the witness on the earth will be as it is in heaven. The Bible does not say, in heaven as it is on earth. No, it says, your kingdom come. Your will be done in earth, as it is in heaven – Matthew 6:10. There is a big struggle in churches today refraining from teaching people how to going to the upper. People are taught how to hear the voice of God instead of seeing the person of Yahweh by leaders who do not want you to be in the upper, nor do they want to go there themselves. They know that the moment you get into a higher place than they are, they lose their power over your life.

When we look at the process of changing something, we go into the what, and then out of the what that is is formed. The formatter we have got to be in the what. We’ve got to position ourselves in that realm of the father where his voice is continually creating so we see what the voice is doing. Then we stand down here and we become the voice. Because we have seen what the voices doing, we become the voice, and we create material matter out of the what into the is. That is why Matthew 6:10 says, on earth as it is in heaven. But you cannot do it on earth unless you are in heaven.

The pattern that Yahweh is spoken has never stop forming. It continues doing what it did in the very beginning and it is never stop. We have an expanding universe.

To learn what is going on in the beginning

our job is to learn what is happening. But we have got to go into the what to find out what is going on at the beginning because the end of the universe is still the beginning of something new. For example, if we have a balloon expanding, each part of the balloon is still the beginning.

For us to change what is we have to go to the beginning. It is only at the beginning that you will get the purity and essence of the creative wind of the voice of Yahweh. Then we bring that voice back into our day to re-create and reform what is here. I have been to the edge and I’ve seen it. I’ve experienced it and I have grown a galaxy. The father is inviting us to do these things so we can understand what we are really supposed to be doing. Took me 4 and a half hours a thought speed to get to the edge of the universe and it is wonderful. I’m not saying I’m any better than anyone else. I’m just saying, take a chance – you can go there. It is the most wonderful thing.

We have to understand the pattern to materialize matter

when we understand the pattern we can materialize anything into the atmosphere but, to understand the pattern, we have got to know the voice. To know the voice we need to be where the voice is and, to be where the voice is, we have got to go to where the voice is in stand in that voice, to watch what the voice does, so when you stand down here you can do what the voices doing

John 14:12 – where believes in me will do the same things that I do. Those who believe will do even greater things than these, because I’m going to the father.

Whenever we find patterns that are important. With the structure of matter things work in fours. We have atoms, molecules, particles, and then we have matter. The formatter you need to have the pattern of the particles. Form particles you have got to actually have the substance of molecules and know how they fit together. They have the substance of the molecules, you need to have an idea of the atoms.

And there are so many atoms to form one pattern. The possibility has too many zeros Stephen be able to write it down. The formula that would reach from here to be on the sun with a not every half inch. Think about finding just one molecule in the pattern of how to make a tree. Positioning that molecule in the jigsaw puzzle to form a tree would also have-nots all the way to the sun. That is just one molecule, one tiny piece of the jigsaw puzzle.

However, if you actually have that pattern, you can fit them all together like a jigsaw puzzle. If you were to collapse all the spaces between them, then all you have left is the actual substance, the material matter that is in the center of a particle. That is why the word says the worlds were framed, and then Yahweh breathe into them in created life… The worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear – Hebrews 11:3. He created life by increasing the space between the atoms.

One of the amazing examples of a pattern is how the cells of the body copy themselves. It starts with 22 autosomes and one sex chromosome from the father, plus 22 autosomes and one sex chromosome from the mother. When they come together they form this little DNA thing. Suddenly it divides into 2, then 4, 8, 16… It starts to multiply export intentionally but it is all following a specific pattern.

Do you realize that if you found one pattern you could re-create all of creation? The only place you find that pattern is at the beginning.

I’m sorry that this is so scientific, but to understand how the order of Melchizedek works, you need to understand this.

Kings have huge responsibility: their words create

we really have to get to grips with this. To understand you are a king is to understand that there is a responsibility. As a king, you have judicial rights to create matter, to perform the works that Yahweh did, to bear his image and the earth in the fullness, so that all of what is known in creation can know your face.

To understand the responsibility is to understand what your words will create. We are going to be held to account for every idle word because your words will create

Matthew 12:36 – every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

When we come into a position of government whatever we say will come to pass. As we stand in that place is a king, a priest, and Oracle and a legislator, moving in for faces, our words will create. I’m talking about responsibility. I want to help you to understand that when you only have wisdom and understanding as Lucifer did in Ezekiel 28:4, but without the knowledge of Yahweh, you will create chaos.

Ezekiel 28:4 – with your wisdom and with your understanding you have gotten yourself riches, and have gotten gold and silver into your treasuries: by your great wisdom in by your trade have you increased your riches, and your heart is lifted up because of your riches.

Yeshua opened up the pattern so we could go back to the beginning

and so, we need the knowledge which is at the very beginning because knowledge sets the pattern. So we need to go back to the beginning. The priest job was to go back to the beginning. The high priest would go in with the blood of oxen and she. Jesus did the same thing with his own blood.

Hebrews 9:11 – when the anointed one arrived as high priest of the things that are to come, he entered through a greater and more perfect sanctuary that was not part of the earthly creation are made by human hands. He entered once for all time into the most holy place – entering, not with the blood of goats or calves or some other prescribed animal, but offering his own blood and thus obtaining redemption for us for all time.

We do not have to use the blood of oxen and she. We can go through into that pattern by the blood of Jesus. Jesus opened up the pattern so we could go back to the beginning because he is the beginning and the end. I am L5 and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and last – Revelation 22:13. So we can go back to the very beginning. For a Hebrew, everything is circular because the beginning must equal the end. For just as the days in the work, so will the coming of the Son of Man – Matthew 24:37.

The reason that this circular motion exist is because when you come back to the very beginning, you see the end of everything is well. When you see the end of everything it is totally complete. This means you can engage something completely new and re-create the very beginning – in your day. You look at a point on a circle, the beginning and the end are right there beside each other. The pass can be one second that side yesterday, or one second past the second that is just gone past a second ago. All the past is contained in the second away from you, and all the future is a second in front of you.

Our job is to reach the end of the beginning of the matter, so that we can understand the fullness of the pattern of what we need to do to grade the beginning of the matter. If there is chaos and destruction when I am at the end of something, then I need to create something at the beginning that will reform it in a totally different fashion.

The pattern of his voice in us terraform’s

I put this in princely keep rereading it. Your powerful enough to throw it all of the window if you choose to. I’m teaching this so that we can get to the point where Yahweh can begin to trust us with the pattern of his voice. Once you have the pattern of the voice, you will create matter in every single circumstance of your life.

I have been into the year 2057 and, by the way, the earth is still here. It looks different. There is a lot that is different and we function a little bit differently than we do now. But we will create. We will never have to build because all this that I’m teaching here is fully understood by the sons. We will bring Eden back into the earth again and re-culture the earth in its original pattern because we will have access back into the way of the tree of life. The tree of life is the realm of eternity where Eden is. This is called terraforming. This means a new earth and a new heaven – Revelation 21:1. The old heaven and old earth will pass away – Revelation 6:14, which means it is not going to be destroyed. This just going to become something completely new because the sense of pass away here it means to be reborn.

Yahweh is rotating around a new, far better dispensation

this pattern becomes very important – the circular motion of the way Hebrew people think is crucial for us. Several years ago, the Lord gave me a vision about what I was to do. He said something quite specific to me and I said, yes, Lord of the do that. Then he showed me the big picture and where certain land was situated. I said with excitement, I am in. But I am not going to build in debt. You must provide or I am not going to build. It is as simple as that. And needs to be to the glory of Yahweh, debt-free, because I’m not going to be enslaved to anything. So I began to pray over this thing. I have talked a little about it elsewhere.

Well, that land was for sale for nearly 4 years. It did not sell. I went around it. Praying, and I drove stakes in the ground said, Lord you told me this belongs to me, because he had shown me.

3 years and 9 months later, the land sold. The person who owns it now will not sell it. So I could either say, I did not hear right. Therefore the last 4 years of my life have been a waste of time, or else Yahweh is doing something different.

If I think circular, it means Yahweh’s coming around to the beginning again. The next time around, it is going to be greater than it could’ve been the first time around. The letter glory is going to be greater than the former glory – AEI 2:9. So, the Lord had shown me a former glory. That is come around to completion and the time line has now passed. Now Yahweh is rotating around a whole new dispensation and it is far better than it was before.

But I could have rejected it and said:aw! I do not hear the Lord. I’m just a waste of time. And I am a silly nucleus of a Christian trying to live my life as a Christian on the face of the earth. No! Forget that. Yahweh’s dream does not change, just gets better. That is why the father’s dream about what we would do has never change, it is just got better and bigger. We need to engage some of these things so that Yahweh can bring to pass what he wants on the face of the earth.

Adams contain the voice of Yahweh

let’s return to the subject of patterns in the voice to lay a better understanding for what the order of Melchizedek involves.

We need to understand how atoms form together. They are frame with the voice of Yahweh in them. That forms a pattern of every single created thing. We must frame ourselves in Yahweh: God, hey, Bob, hey. Then we can stand at the very beginning of the point of time and begin to create matter around us. We can begin to change the sound of the frequency of everything around us. We can reform it into its original Constitution, the way it should have been before the fall. We are then going to terraform it because we will have a pattern.

With power comes responsibility there is a huge responsibility that comes with knowing the pattern. You’re going to be responsible for everything you create. That is why Yeshua is called the firstborn of many – Colossians 1:15, and that is why he was slain at the very beginning – Revelation 13:8. When you begin to create something, you are going to have to be prepared to die for it because with power comes responsibility. It is not just a one-way, worship/glory trip. It is hard work because you have got to brood over it. The same way, Adam was given dominion over the whole earth – Genesis 1:26, to brood over it. Adam ruled from the center of the earth, because to make something small enough to be able to income passive, you have to go to the center.

It is amazing how there seems to be on this massive, big scale, and we think that it is huge. Actually it is really, really small when you go to the center. It is not very big at all. That is how one man could have dominion over the whole earth… And God sent under them, be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the file the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth – Genesis 1:28. You must rule from the middle. That is how we are going to have dominion over a complete galaxy, because we will rule from the center.

The voice will re-create life

the pattern of the voice of Yahweh is important for us. The voice is not just the spoken thing, like words coming out of my mouth. It is a formula to completely re-create life in a person’s experience. Has a fragrance, it has song – a sound. It is white in color. It has a mathematical equation in the scroll of testimony. It has everything in it – it has a pattern.

So, for you and me to stand in the pattern, we have to go to the beginning. Our job is priestess to go in, into his world, and from within the boundaries of that world we need to allow him to take us to the very beginning where we can see the end of our life. That is how Moses could write about creation without seeing it. It is how we could write about his own death in the third person before happen, because he went to the end. Because when he saw himself again, the end was only is beginning.

This life is just temporal. The end of your life is just the beginning. So if you die, then that is just the beginning. If you do not die, you are already past the beginning. Are you getting this? We have to be a priest so we are able to stand at this point here – a single point on a circular timeline – and function from this role in what Yahweh has given us – to create things. As Jesus is the high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek – Hebrews 7:17, then we have to understand who Melchizedek is. We have got to get to grips with the functionality of this new priesthood that Yahweh is raising on the face of the earth.

Does not have anything to do with church, because in December 2012, the apostolic order gave way to the new dispensation Yahweh is revealing.

Ephesians 4:11 – and he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 2 we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

Through the Melchizedek order Yahweh is releasing the perfect

Yahweh is releasing that which is perfect into the earth to raise son so that they will have precedence in heaven. This is actually the function of the order of Melchizedek. It will bring sons to maturity and perfection so that they actually have dominion over all the earth, not just in our little church.

I know that Yahweh is doing something that is so different to everything that is ever been seen before. Is going to take a while for our brain Stephen try and catch up with this order of Melchizedek because the Melchizedek order has circular thinking. Does not think mountain, it thinks blueprint because, like Yahweh, it also moves with 4 faces: King, priest, legislator and Oracle. Will be looking at these roles in more detail later in the book.

Yahweh says that his word will come and he will bring forth fruit: some thirtyfold, some 60 fold, and some 100 fold. But he that received seed in the good ground is he that hears the word, and understands it; who also bears fruit, and brings forth, some hundred fold, some 60, some 30 – Matthew 13:23. Actually, that should read 90 – if you were to follow the pattern: 30, 60, and 90. So, within the hundred, there is a hidden 10% to will only ever attain to the order of Melchizedek, because there is a price. There is a price behind this: means you no longer live but Christ lives in you. You will no longer live in the confinements of the earth but you will live within the boundaries of heaven.

If we were to draw for concrete circles, the large outer area would represent thirtyfold. This is the outer court. The next layer in represents another thirtyfold and this is the inner court. The next 30% layer in represents only place, and within this, the very small circle in the center represents 10% which is holy of holies and on to perfection.

I personally want to be in that feast. But do you realize that you have to walk through these other outer layers to come there?

The mighty ones

before the fullness of this is manifested, something will begin to form on the face of the earth. These will be called the mighty ones. The mighty ones will begin to show the way for the order of Melchizedek to have a seat of government. They will begin to make known, like John the Baptist did, the ways of the Lord. The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare you the way the Lord – Matthew 3:3. And if their function has been found worthy, then they will be rewarded with the 4 faces of Melchizedek as well. There are children that are being born today that are going to be seeing and experiencing this. And we are going to think who are they? When they are only 6, 7 or 8 years old.

The old will fight the new

it is amazing because the apostolic order is going to fight against the order of Melchizedek. It still wants the power because it has built a mountain to itself. Not everyone is like that but, predominantly on the face of the earth, this is the way the structure is: you come in and serve me under my covering. Instead of: you come into the covering of the Holy Spirit and serve him and together we labor to build the pattern of heaven on the earth.

Yahweh is beginning to move differently in the face of the earth today. He is doing something that has never been seen before.

Living on the event horizon

the reason the Bible is sketchy about the future is because you and I are supposed to live on the event horizon of the ending and the beginning. Every day of our life we are to walk with Yahweh, creating and forming the pattern in the earth. Then, all of creation can begin to see that there is a new pattern being formed. That is why all of creation is groaning for our revealing as a son – Romans 8:19, 22. But we have said: oh, look, it is a fully fledged apostle! Sun ship has nothing to do with apostleship. The office of apostle is a function in a position on earth to bring the earthly house from chaos into order and has no position in heaven only sons do.

Patterns are so important for us. Knowing the face of the voice is vital for us. Concerning the whole process of what Yahweh wants to do on the earth, we have never ever been this way before. The earth has never seen the fullness of what it is going to be like in this day. I’ve not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered in the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him – first Corinthians 2:9. Those that have gone before us have seen it because they are already in it.

Regularly, now, we have watchmen, the men in white linen, coming in saying to us, prepare yourself he is coming. That is why they are showing up in meetings. They sometimes come to visit and have a look because we talk about them. They come because they understand the pattern. The moment they hear their name, it is a pattern of heaven manifesting on earth. And when you frame it, you give them a gate of entry because there is a pattern. Yahweh is going to do things that are really weird and unusual but it is going to be so exciting and so amazing!

A new circular dispensational., Living out of the future

we are entering into a complete, new circular dispensational.. We are living on the event horizon, or the rosin bridge of life. From here you can see pastor day into that which is in the future and then you can reach in there and bring it into your day. You can live out of the future because you have already seen the termination of it. That is why David could kill Goliath. That is why David could go and do the things he did, because he had seen into the future. How can someone kill you, even if you are only 13 years of age, when you know you are the king of Israel?

When you know your future, your present cannot harm you. That is why Paul knew that nothing could harm him and he had go to Jerusalem.

Paul writes: 5 times from the Jewish leaders I received 40 lashes minus 1. 3 times I was beaten with rods. I was stone. 3 times I suffered shipwreck – second Corinthians 11:24 – 25. But he says,… In all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us – Romans 8:37. Why, because he had seen his in. Who can kill you when you know your and? But then, who can kill you when you know you’re beginning? We are coming into a new world, a new realm at the beginning.


father, thank you that we are energy over the speed of light squared – E/C squared.

Thank you that you have given us the capacity to create life in the walk in your mysteries.

Father, today, we open our heart and we ask you to do what is necessary to bring us to maturity, to be in expression of a government, of a door of a never ending river of supply to all of creation.

Father, we want to walk in the fullness of that supply, to be on earth as we are in heaven.

We want to be in heaven and have that full expression of heaven in us, through us, around us, from us, and to us, of heaven and the earth.

Thank you for your grace, father, that you lead us.

Thank you Lord, that you change us so that the veil of our body would be rent, that our DNA would be torn and reveal the truth of the nature that is really hidden inside us.

Thank you Lord, for your mercy.

Today, father, we want to shift.

Lord, we want to shift into your world, into your kingdom.

Father, as we stand here today, we asked that revelation govern us, engage us and bring us into the reality of who we are in the upper.

Father, we receive all that we need out of your world today.

Father, we receive it today from your presence, because, Lord, this can only be found in your presence.

As we stand in your present, Yeshua, we position ourselves in the name of the father. Father, we ask that you would begin open up the world of the in gel, the world of the men in white linen. We asked that the whole mystical realm with your kingdom, father, would begin to open up to us as your sons.

Father, we receive the full provision of all that we need from your kingdom world to precipitate this world into our world.

Thank you, Lord, for your grace. In the name of Yeshua, Shia, amen.

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