10 – legislator and Oracle

I really want to honor the work that Melchizedek has done in working with the father to bring us to a point where we can begin to express the fullness of Yahweh.

4 faces of Yahweh and Melchizedek

Yahweh expresses himself through the 4 faces of a lion, an ox, an eagle in a man. I believe that sitting within each one of these 4 faces are also the expression of the 4 faces L Melchizedek; and we must learn how to functionally express these from within the framework of our union in him into the earth and then into all of creation. They are the king, the priest, the Oracle in the legislator.

Legislator and Oracle – earthly shadows

the king and priest our heavenly offices – the way we actually function out of in heaven, that empower a physically connected function of the Oracle and legislator. This is the operate the framework of the Oracle and legislator which provides the shadow in this realm that has the image of the heavenly offices, and provides a resting plate for the government of those heavenly offices the function from, so that what is in heaven can rest within creation. Remember, heaven will not sit and rest into anything that is not look like itself. Only what it recognizes as its own will it engage with.

In heaven we have the 2 faces of the King and the priest that we represent on earth. The function of these 2 in heaven is the form an ark which opens up a window; through them a reflection can be seen that rests on the earth. The priest and king are going to bear a reflection on the earth but all this will not come into full measure until it has the earthly offices of the Oracle and the legislator standing with it. As we shall see, the Oracle in the legislator are 2 strands of accord. This whole dynamic is very important for us because the earth needs to have a container to be able to retain what Yahweh is revealing to us within creation and you and I are the vessel of the expression of this.

Yeshua was confirmed and authorized at his Transfiguration

yes you did some amazing things, so you had better believe we are also going to be doing some amazing things. I think one of the weirdest things that Yeshua ever did in had happened to him was his Transfiguration. I do not know about you, but I want Transfiguration.

Yeshua went through his earthly life learning how to become a vessel for the impossible. At is water baptism, the father said, this is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased – Matthew 3:17. This is the father’s affirmation of his person. At his Transfiguration, the father said, this is my son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. This into him – Matthew 17:5. This is no longer just affirming his person as a son, we are now told to listen to him, which is saying something very different. It is a confirmation and an establishing of position and an authorization for action. We have no scriptural record of the father authorizing Yeshua’s position for action before he was transfigured.

As Yeshua was the firstborn of many – Colossians 1:15, you had better believe that Transfiguration is going to happen on the face of the earth to them that come to full maturity, because through him we are – filled with all the fullness of God – Ephesians 3:19. One of the biggest frustrations for me, is that many people have unwittingly made a covenant with death by completely limiting themselves and saying, only one day, when I die, YC heaven, or will I understand fullness of God. If you do this and makes death your Savior and rescue her, because you believe only death will produce the knowledge of Yahweh for you.

The Oracle

Proverbs 16:10 – the words of a king are like a message from God – Oracle, so his decisions should be fair – she should not betray Justice with his mouth.

Office of the Oracle under the order of Melchizedek has nothing to do with the ordination and the office of the prophet in the fivefold ministry. The realm of the ordination of the Melchizedek Oracle is about having the ability to legislate on earth the fullness of Yahweh in order to see the glory of heaven rest on the earth.

Yeshua said, the words I speak our spirit and our life – John 6:63. The word says, my word… Always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I wanted to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it – Isaiah 55:1. That sounds to me a bit more powerful than just prophesying over someone. The problem is we get carried away. We often do not realize that we are accountable for every single word that is come out of our mouth in prophecy. We are accountable for the discipleship of that word, watching over that word, brooding over the word and discipling people into the fullness of the word we have given them. Most of what we call prophecy is actually not. There is a difference between speaking a word of knowledge about someone to reveal the future for someone and being in Oracle. All of us can prophesy, but not all of us can say, every word I say brings forth fruit from the earth, as Yeshua talks about in John 15:2.

Numbers 22:38 – and BLM said to be a lack, look, I have come to you! Now, have I any power at all the see anything? The word of God puts in my mouth, that I must speak

numbers 24:2 – and BLM raised his eyes, and saw Israel encamped according to their tribe; and the spirit of God came upon him. Then he took up his Oracle and said: the utterance of bail him the sun a bore, the utterance of the man whose eyes are open, the utterance of him who hears the words of God, who sees the vision of the Almighty.

The office of the Oracle completely exposes the footstool of the government of heaven. Yahweh will sit into it because the earth has borne the reflection of as it is in heaven. This heavenly reflection needs a footstool for kingship and priesthood to be fully revealed on the earth. This happens when the words of creation are spoken through the office of the Oracle. Yahweh is looking in us for the ability to materialize matter out of creative light.

In December 2012 I believe that an age included because many seer visionaries only saw into the future until then. The Bible reaches beyond that point but only in visionary form, it does not tell us literal details about everything that is going to happen.

Matthew 24:36 – no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen.

This is because Yahweh expects a voice to coal right history. Yahweh is looking for the revealing of something completely different to anything the human race has ever seen or will ever have the ability to perceive.

Mark 11:23 – someone says to this mountain, be taken up and thrown into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart but trust that what he says is happening, so shall it be for him.

Yahweh is looking for a mouthpiece that is going to materialize the substance of his will into being.

Luke 21:15 – will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict.

Everything for a Hebrew a circular because the beginning must meet the end. There is a point called the matrix which can be called the event horizon, where the beginning and the end come together. It is the opening doorway between the beginning and the end. When you live in this matrix of the beginning and the end you can see the end of a matter and see it’s beginning. With every choice you make you can see the fruit of it at the end. So, you make right choices because you can see the end of it. This is priesthood. This is the operation of the function of what Yahweh once on the face of the earth. He does not want someone to just have a ministry. So, on 20 December 2012, I believe that a completely new dispensational. Began in the history of mankind. Things are going to be occurring in this time that no one has ever seen happen. Yahweh is unlocking secrets of heaven and is looking for a mouthpiece, and Oracle, Wes seen the revelation of the glory of Yahweh and his learn about rulership as a priest and king in heaven.

Jeremiah 23:28 – the one who has my word should speak it with unshakable faith. For what is straw worth, when compared to grain? Does not my word burn like fire? Does it not shatter rock like a strong hammer?

He wants a mouthpiece that can begin to dictate to the earth what is going to happen. Yahweh is looking for you to take dominion over the earth in the office of the Oracle

Deuteronomy 28:13 – and the Lord shall make you the head, and not the tail; and you shall be above only, and you shall not be beneath; if that you hearken unto the commandments of the Lord your God.

Is one of the 4 faces of the legislative governmental order of Melchizedek. Means having the ability to terraform the face of the earth, to chains times and seasons that have been producing death such as drought or flooding, to set precedents, and to set the parameters and boundaries of all things will be, bringing life.

Second Chronicles 7:14 – if my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin, and I’ll heal their land.

As you can see, it goes a long way beyond prophesying. The father would come to me and say: son, watch your words, because of the office. I would ask, what you mean, because of the office? Do you mean profit, apostle, teacher, evangelist, pastor? What are you talking about? Then I began to uncover the truth about the order of Melchizedek in the maturity, or the responsibility necessary, knowing that what you say may happen. I hope you understand the issue of responsibility here.

Can you imagine having the ability to say to a mountain: hey you! Club in your and move over there! – Mark 11:23. I wonder what the Army would do if they came to get you and you levitated off the ground, ascended up into the clouds, disappeared, and then materialized again. What if they shot you and the bullets went right through you without harming you because you are a solid space of glory. I believe we are going to hear increased testimony of miracles like guns aimed at us falling to the floor and melting because the material substance of things around us changed at our word.

Both Elijah and Jeremiah knew about this reality. There shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word – first Kings 17:1. Personally I think the king would’ve laughed at him, in my language something like ha ha ha ha. Yeah, right made. Several years later the king was saying: go and find that guy – first Kings 18:1 – 17. Elijah was a forerunner of our reality that Yahweh wants to rest on the earth, with responsibility in a greater measure.

Can you imagine what would happen if we did things like this:

okay, father – we need a forest, and you materialize it.

Oh, we need a new mountain today.

Oh, right in the middle of Washington?… Okay. Done. I think you would have the media’s attention.

Transposing the equation E equals MC squared parenthesis am equals E/C squared parenthesis shows you how to produce mass parenthesis M parenthesis out of the speed of light parenthesis see parenthesis and energy parenthesis E parenthesis. Everything in this world came out of light, with great energy, which is the voice that framed it. This office of the Oracle is about bringing a completely different framework to contain something that is never been seen before. When I was taken into the year 2057, there were growing plants and building things without physical involvement, materializing matter out of the atomic structure of the universe. I want that. The article is about the voice, or the ability to understand the framework of what is needed to bring life.

The Bible says that Yahweh brought the animals before Adam for him to name them – Genesis 2:20. He did that because Adam was his voice in the territory over which Yahweh had given him responsibility. Yahweh did not bring a complete animal to Adam to name. I believe Yahweh only brought the divine life spark of that animal before Adam. When Adam spoke its name, that brought a framework into being for completing its physical appearance. This is because the name is its mandate, its structure, its formation, its obligation, and its outworking. Can you imagine creating a new animal? What would the evolutionist do about that? That is why evolution is only a theory.

The mouthpiece of the Oracle is about understanding the interest take framework of the responsibility that Yahweh has given to a son the name something and frame it. This involves being able to create the atmosphere and the realm for its substance to materialize in this world.

A galaxy is simply a point together of atoms through the observance of photons of light that are already out there into a framework of visible substance. There is full of atoms. You cannot see them yet you believe they are there. Quantum physics tells us that the physical material I can see and touch is largely empty space at the atomic level. The word that we are supposed to speak has a creative ability, just as… The faith of Abraham. He is the father of us all – as it is written, I have made you a father of many nations. He is our father in the side of God in whom he trusted, gives life to the dead and calls into existence that which does not exist – Romans 4:16 – 17. Yahweh gives us this through our responsibility as priests as we gaze into the fullness of the revelation around his glory and look into what he wants. That is why Yehoshua said, the son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the father do – John 5:19. He did not say what he hears the father say. The key is seeing not hearing.

We really need to come to grips with this whole issue of the framework of creation. In involves the ability to materialize matter through observance of light and speaking it into reality, to engage, to bring what Yahweh has need of inside this realm. We need to be able to walk up to a tree and change it as Joshua did Jesus answered, tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will be able to do what I did to this tree and even more. You’ll be able to say to this mountain, goal, fall – be lifted up and thrown – into the sea. And if you have faith, it will happen – Matthew 21:21. Then the Lord said, if you have faith like a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, be uprooted and planted in the sea, and it would obey you – Luke 17:6. For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now – Romans 8:22. The trees and eat and look a lot different to trees on the earth. Everything here is dying. Everything you can see that holds a color, but reflects everything else, is actually dying. This framework Yahweh wants us to understand carries the responsibility of creation. It is bringing forth the essence of the life of who the father is. He wants us to bring the true yes shod – the flame of life or the spark of Yahweh – of the way that he originally made it to be in Eden. This is called terraforming.

The legislator

Psalm 98:8 – let the rivers applied and the mountains join in joyful song in the presence of the eternal because he is coming to judge the earth. He is coming, and his judgment will be what is right for the world and just all the people.

The legislator is the governmental force behind any decree that establishes it as though it is already done. This means when you speak, Yahweh answers instantaneously.

First Kings 18:36 – now it was at the time of offering up the evening sacrifice that Elijah the prophet came near and said, at a night, God of Abraham, Isa and Israel let it be known today that you are God and Israel, that I am your servant, and that I’ve done all these things that your word. Answer me, at a night, answer me, so that these people may know that you, Ed Anaya, our God, and that you have turned their heart back again. Then the fire of at a knife fell and consumed the burnt offering – in the wood, the stones in the dust – and looked up the water that was in the trench.

Elijah answered Capt., if I’m a man of God, the fire come down from heaven and consume you and your 50 men. And fire fell from heaven and consume the captain and his men – second Kings 1:10.

When Elijah called fire down in second Kings 1:10 he had already seen it happen in first Kings 18:31 – 38. He was another forerunner the new some of this because he lived in that world. Think how much assurance Elijah must’ve had on in second Kings 1:10 to call the fire down. You would be freaked out unless you were fully assured that what the father had shown you was going to happen. It some of the church is like a headless chicken today, running around trying to figure out what Yahweh is saying instead of seeing what Yahweh is doing.

The legislator functions on the earth alongside the Oracle. Together these for me to stranded cord. They are the earthly manifestation of 2 of the 4 faces of Melchizedek: King and priest in heaven, legislator and Oracle on the earth. The order of Melchizedek, through the office of legislative government, brings in of life the substance, or to life-giving force so that the word can be framed around the outside of it. In other words, the legislator materializes heaven substance on earth.

When Yeshua was transfigured, something really important when on. The Bible says that Iasi went up the mountain and something amazing happened when he was transfigured: 2 people stood beside him. One was Moses and the other was Elijah

Matthew 17:1 – and after 6 days Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, and brought them up into a high mountain apart, and was transfigured before them: in his face did shine as a son, and his clothing was white as the light. And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elijah talking with him.

Let us call Moses the legislator and Elijah the Oracle. The Bible says a 3 Ford cold is not easily broken – Ecclesiastes 4:2. The process that Yeshua went through here is important for  Because of your function as a priest and king, those other 2 offices of legislator and Oracle stand beside you making the other 2 offices of the Melchizedek order.

Interestingly, we presently have a to stranded cord of DNA, yet always strand of DNA is 3 court it. I do teachings on this, see realms of the kingdom volume 1, the DNA of God chapter in my MP3 teaching on this subject. And the reason ours is supposed to be also 3 court it is because there is an agreement: as it is in heaven. In heaven there is a bench of 3: father, son and Holy Spirit. Those 3 are witnessing with those 3 on the earth in order to establish the realm down here, so that this realm can come into the fullness of that where it came from in the first place – first John 5:7 – 8. End time theology talks about the 2 men, or witnesses, that could not be killed walking around in Jerusalem. The doctrine we have made around this biblical revelation lacks understanding about what stands in the middle of those 2 witnesses preventing them from being killed.

Revelation 11:3 – and I’ll give power to my 2 witnesses, and they will prophesy 1260 days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the 2 olive trees and the 2 lampstands standing before the God of the earth. And if anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies.

This issue of transfiguration is the key to the order of Melchizedek manifesting fully on the earth. Transfiguration is the fullness a Yahweh’s revelation of the 4 faces of the order of Melchizedek being fully revealed in a person. It occurs within the framework of the voice of the Oracle, and the ability to bring into being, which has the legislators governmental force behind it. That is why the Bible says, 1000 shall fall at your side, and 10,000 at your right hand; but it shall not come near you – Psalm 91:7. The name of the Lord is a strong power: the righteous runs into it, and is safe – Proverbs 18:10. Only those who have glorified light can pass through glorified light. Darkness – referring to the point of corruption – cannot enter that. Now if our gospel remains veiled, it is only veiled from those who are lost and dying, because the evil god of this age is blinded the minds of unbelievers. As a result of the light of the good news, the rating glory of the anointed – who is the very image of God – cannot shine down on them – second Corinthians 4:3 – 4. That is also why the Bible says that those who are born of God sin not. We know that those who are God’s children – are born of/begun of God – threefold it – do not continue to sin the son of God – the one born of/begun by God: Jesus – keeps them safe – protects them, and evil one – the devil – cannot touch – harm – them – first John 5:18.

When the prophetic voice of the Oracle in the government of the legislator are brought into order within us, it completes who we are in Yahweh. This then releases the truth of who Yahweh is in heaven and also releases your testimony about your position within and with the father. That is how the world is going to know what you are a godlike and one, a look-alike, because they are going to see it on you and in you.

Can you imagine how they will respond: oh, no, it is them! What are they going to change today?

Let’s get radical… We need some land in the middle of the Pacific. Let’s make our own living space shall we? I wonder how that will go down.

A number of movies are prophesying to the church today that there is another world that we can function out of that can create physical mass in this world in creation. The church seems to have left it behind. Yahweh wants to release the fullness of his image into creation. When that gets fully released, it is not going to be the way people told you it is going to be because, as it is written, eye is not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him – first Corinthians 2:9. This means you do not know, nor can any doctrine or experience can tell you from the past what it is going to be like.

In one of the encounters I have had, I have seen him – referring to the teaching on the dark cloud, see realms of the kingdom volume 1. His skin is like a mat of diamonds all woven together with all the colors of the rainbow moving underneath, having an iridescent blue shining through, moving with fire, with his face morphing, going: line – ox – Eagle – man. I can remember saying, how come no one told me that this is what you and I are going to look like.

You will have authority over substance – John 2:1 – 11. Under this order, Yahweh is going to give us authority over physical matter and natural laws on the face of this earth… In the fourth watch of the night Jesus went on to them, walking on the sea – Matthew 14:25. It is his desire that we change the framework of creation back to as it was at the beginning. That is when Yahweh first thought about creation before the worlds were formed. The first creation command was let there be light – Genesis 1:3. I believe Yahweh is bringing into focus, in the body of Christ worldwide today, the awareness that there is far more going on and available to us than we have been told about. There is also far more power and far more responsibility within the stewardship of creation because we have to look after what we fix.

People go to the top of a mountain and declare: shun day, bun day. Terry the devil down. But they leave on Monday soul, if you come back on Tuesday, it is back there again. You are responsible to take care of what you free. It is called caretaking. Yahweh made Adam a caretaker for all of creation, and God bless them, and God said to them, be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the file the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth – Genesis 1:28. We think this is just some lowly occupation. No, Yahweh’s desire is not just for all the earth, it is for all creation. Yahweh’s desire was that the earth would be populated with people that could rule in all of creation. Then the kingdom and the dominion and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the people of the saints – believers – of the most high; his kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all the dominions will serve and obey him – Daniel 7:27.

Some people are so worried about the earth and what is coming. If you look at the earth, you are going to get what is coming to it, if you look into heaven then you will get what is coming from and. You must live within the supply of what you look into not just from it by just pulling on it as we’ve been taught. The word tells us what is going to happen anyway there shall be famines, and pestilence, and earthquakes – Matthew 24:7. The Bible says it is going to happen. And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars – Matthew 24:6. If your focus is on this then this will be your reward.

Bible also says: there is a rock: the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and… It broke in pieces the – statue made of – iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold – Daniel 2:45. And to that kingdom there will be no end. And he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there shall be no – Luke 1:33. And of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no – Isaiah 9:7. I would rather have the Scripture as my supply than the other. Yahweh is going to do it. So get your eyes focused in the right place and you will get that because you will get what you focus on.

I once got in an argument with Yahweh. I do not know if you have ever done that. The reason I do is because there are examples in the Bible where men argued with Yahweh and Yahweh changed his mind, – Exodus 32:11 – 14. I do this not out of assumption but out of relationship. So, one day I was standing with some of the chancellors in heaven and the presence of the Lord was there. I sometimes ask question because I want to know about sometimes I get the most horrendous answer.

I said, Lord, when are you actually going to come in your full manifestation in your sons?

And he said, son, all I need is one.

In are applied, what are you talking about: all you need is one?

He repeated: all I need is one.

I said, one what?

He said, I need one to come into agreement?

Amazed I asked, no. Wait a minute. Let me get this right. Are you saying you just need one person to come into agreement for your full revelation of Sun ship to be fully revealed on the earth and that one person?


I said, but you asked for a body.

And he said to me, that is not what you asked me.

I said. But it is a body of people that needs to carry this, not just one!

He said, that is not what you asked me.

I said, but, Lord. But, but, but, but… You know how it kind of degenerates.

Until he says, but all I need is one to come into agreement. The issue is my grace has rested on the body because there has always been one.

So I started an argument for 6 months.

Lord, you said you have got a body of people that are going to be glorified.

Yes, on you is one.

No! You have got a body of people they need to be glorified?

Yes, all I need is one.


6 months! I gave up in the end because he is true. What he says is totally true.

Later on, I was engaging with Melchizedek and allowing him to teach me. Melchizedek is very wise and stewarding the hidden mysteries and he said to me, the 4 faces must shine first, son. Finally, I understood what he meant because Yahweh is looking for the full revelation of himself in us before he is going to come. And until that happens, his grace is sufficient to take us through to where we need to be.

When you shine on the earth when Moses and Elijah, – who are the other 2 cords, you also open up an arc to reveal a window in heaven. Therefore, over this function of the 2 Stranded Court of the Oracle and the legislator, there is always an open heaven. That means there is no hindrance to seeing the glory of Yahweh, or what Yahweh is doing. This means we are instantly looking at his glory on a continual basis all the time.

The the reflection of legislator and Oracle on earth must bear the full image of King and priest in heaven. The only reason it is going to have a reflection down here is because you have spent the time cultivating it there, because it must be on earth as it is in heaven – Matthew 6:10, not in heaven as it is on earth.

What Yahweh is releasing into the world today goes far beyond anything our imagination can ever perceive. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no – Isaiah 9:7. It is going to be amazing being able to materialize substance out of the web of atoms that form dark matter – which all used to be creative light. But then we will have a responsibility. Whatever you make and create, you are responsible for. That is why Adam was the one who frame the animals with life within their name when he spoke to her name because he was to have responsibility over them.

You and I are going to see weird things in the near future. Unusual things are going to start to happen more and more. Yahweh is unseating demonic stuff because there are sons that are now saying, father, we are framing what needs to happen. And you frame it in the heavens first. Then Yahweh positions you to execute justice from the Sanhedrin of heaven and you come from there with papers to destroy the works of the devil, for this purpose a son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil – first John 3:8. The framing of the legislator is to destroy the works of the devil. When the Bible says, you shall be my witnesses – acts 1:9, it is talking about you having the full testimony of heaven sitting on you. As you speak, you reveal heavens nature in the earth that is around you. That is how you become a witness. In Christ you and I have absolute creativity and the ability to terraform, reform, and create.

Trans relocation

often walk around the earth. I’m talking about trains relocating. I’ve been doing it for years now, since the early nineties. As part of my witness, I really love it when I can walk in a physical fire and pull somebody out and they do not get burned. I come home with ash on my hands and T-shirts sometimes, it is all good. I love it when I can go into the water, into a car in which someone is drowning, pull them out, bring them to the surface, then go to help the next one in another nation. I really love it when during an earthquake and someone is about to get hit with a steel beam, and you stand there, stop it, and then hold it so they can get out. I love it when you can go into a prison where someone is being tortured and heal them completely and Yeshua’s power. This is only the beginning.

I really want to honor the work that Melchizedek has done in working with the father to bring us to a point where we can begin to express the fullness of Yahweh.

You had better believe weird things are starting to happen. Yahweh is releasing this on the face of the earth and he has given us a responsibility to engage, go in and go deeper in the places you have never been before. Do not worry about anything that is around you. Keep your eyes fixed on the right place in the supply of your source – Yeshua and give your walk in Yahweh a framework to be released around your life. And then Yahweh will do it for your life.


thank you, father.

Father, today I stand in my position.

Father, today I bless the readers in the name of Yeshua.

Father, I asked that the spark of life, their full framework of the full knowledge of the testimony a Yahweh within them, would begin to build to such a point, father, that the candle will burn all the outer coverings.

Father, I asked that the light a Yahweh would begin to flow into their very essence, into their bones, into their DNA.

Father, I asked that you would begin to open up and understanding with wisdom for them. Father, that as they dwelt with wisdom and participate in punctuality with her provision, father, that you would begin to orchestrate change deep in the hearts of these men and women.

Father, I asked for unusual signs and wonders to become part of their normal life. I asked for the weird. I asked for the unusual, the supernatural occurrences, father, that we have thought about, and dreamed about and of not thought we would ever see, father, that those unusual occurrences would begin to become part of their daily life.

Father, I asked for your glory, and your love in your face to be turned towards them. As they walk towards your faces, that you would make them flawless – Genesis 17:1.

Father, I asked that your presence would drive them into the wilderness – Hosea 2:14 – that we might be able to come out of that place leaning on her beloved – song of songs 8:5.

Father, I bless them. I call them into their inheritance, father, that the inheritance and knows no bounds, pressed down, shaken out mine over it would be come there portion – Luke 6:38.

Father, I think you for the angelic realm and asked that you would unlock it for them. Empower them, father, to become more and more aware of your desire towards them to do them with understanding so they are able to walk in the some of these things, father.

Yeshua, thank you that you’re doing this because you are the firstborn of many and you are forever a priest after the order of Melchizedek. And if you follow that order and become part of it Lord, then we would walk into that order and become part of bringing order, father, in the name of Yeshua.

Father, I asked for a father’s blessing over these men and women, the truth of relationship with your presence, a love affair, father, would start with your glory, and with your priesthood. Lord, that you would make yourself real, not just to have a thought, but make yourself real and tangibly known to them, father, in the name of Yeshua.

Jesus, thank you. Holy Spirit, thank you. Thank you, Holy Spirit. You’re just amazing. You are so wonderful. Thank you that you are a person and we can have you with us.

Lord, we want to host your presence. Lord, in the name of Yeshua. Hallelujah.

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