God is a God of designs

1 Chronicles 28:19 – all this is in writing, David said, because the hand of the Lord was upon me, and he gave me understanding in all the details of the plan.

God is a God of patterns, of order, of designs and wonderfully structured projects. Everything that he made functions in a mathematically perfect and extraordinary manner.

When I look at the universe, I am simply amazed at the exactness with which everything develops. He is most certainly in control of each day, of every night, and he knows every star by name. The cycles of the seasons arrive predictably in the months in which they should.

The entire echo system of our planet is perfectly cared for and directed by God. As he himself teaches us, the birds neither sow nor reap, and yet God feeds and protects them. he dresses each spring as if it was going to party and dresses  every winter in purity. Everything is beautiful and perfect in its time.

I spend whole nights in the jungle, where the hand of man was yet to corrupt anything, where in order to arrive, one must fly over miles and miles of what from the air would appear to be an extensive and impenetrable, green carpet. Inside there is a world of millions of different animal and plant species, that for thousands of years have been reproducing; some dying, others being born, and everything working together for hundreds and hundreds of years in perfect order. I am amazed observing his creation… Everything was made by him and for him. I rejoice in listening to it and in discerning the unspeakable wisdom of God that is present in each structure of the designs. Each created thing from its lowest molecular structure speaks of God and praises God.

Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God had showed it unto them.

Romans 1:19 – for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made

God doesn’t do anything by chance or for emotional reasons. He does everything according to his models, and God girds himself to the outlines of his designs.

Many times we have failed as a church, because we want God to submit and respond to the plans of man and the truth is that God only acts according to what he has designed.

In the dawn of the new millennium, God is revealing to us the structures that will bring the greatest manifestation of his glory. These structures will be without a doubt the foundation of his kingdom.

We are living in the most exciting times in the history of mankind. Generation after generation have wanted to see and to live the things that God has prepared for us. Things that eye has not seen and ear is not heard, and has not entered into the heart of man are the things that we are already experiencing. Certainly the glory of the latter house will be greater than the former.

First design: who we are

Understanding who we really are is the door to the great treasures that God has for us. It is the entrance to the most extraordinary knowledge of the love and power of God. In this small, but great key is established the difference between a victorious life, full of the splendor of God and a life of failure and of limited power.

In order to understand this fully, we must consider a fundamental truth, and this is that man is essentially spirit. Man does not have a spirit inside of him; man is spirit. Man is a spirit that lives in a body and communicates and perceives the exterior world through his soul

In the same way that the natural man can see, hear and perceive the material world, the spirit of man can see, hear and perceive the spiritual world.

When I understand that I am a spirit, I don’t have to exert a lot of effort in order to be spiritual, because that is what I am. If, on the contrary, I believe that I’m a being of flesh and bone that has a spirit, it will be much harder to believe that I can be spiritual. My mind will make endless conjectures, trying with an incredible force to be spiritual, and will only end up being frustrated. I must understand that it is impossible for a spirit not to be spiritual.

You, dear reader, are spirit, and for that reason you have everything you need in order to be spiritual.

Our spirit came from God. He knows us from before the foundation of the world, because we were in him and we came from him.

Before coming to Christ, our spirit is awake to the spiritual world of darkness but dead to God due to sin. When we come to him through a genuine conversion, by means of a sincere repentance and accepting the sacrifice of the cross, our spirit comes alive again for God.

Now, we are not only spirit, but the word of God tells us something that changes our whole concept of things: he who comes to Jesus is joined to the Lord – 1 Corinthians 6:17

Do you see, dear reader, what this means? Take a few minutes and allow these words to penetrate your being… You are one spirit with Jesus. This means that we are not two separate spirits, he, over there, far away in heaven and me, here, trying to be spiritual. One spirit means that he has bonded in such a way with my spirit that I no longer know where he begins and I end and he ends and I began.

When this revelation becomes the fruit of deep meditation in your life, everything begins to change inside and outside of you. Every born again man has united his spirit to God and for that reason is able to know God intimately and hear his voice.

The natural man in us, which is the one that we see and hear with our physical senses, is the one that perceives the natural world, and the spiritual man, which is our spirit, is the one which tunes into the spiritual world.

As the human being matures in his relationship and in his knowledge of God, the spiritual world becomes much more easily perceived. With this I am not referring to a doctrinal knowledge about God, but a vital and continual encounter between the two spirits, gods and yours. We can spend hours reading the Bible, memorizing hundreds of verses, comparing and basing ourselves upon passages of Scripture into we understand a lot about what God is like. And, in spite of all of that effort, we can find ourselves with the fact that we have never had an experience that permits us to know him face-to-face, realizing that our spiritual ear is so weak, we practically do not hear the voice of God.

The truth is that we need to spend time with God in the quietness of spirit. We must learn to internalize ourselves in such a way that only the voice of the spirit is heard. We have to learn to quiet the intense noise of our thoughts, of our mental faculties so full of error, high-mindedness, unbelief, fleshliness, and doctrines of men.

I like to spend whole hours just feeling his presence. Sometimes, he allows me to see him openly. Other times we just talk. I’ve seen unspeakable things in the heavens. He has taken me to chambers of deep mysteries. The spiritual world is Christ revealing himself. In him we live, and move, and have our being.

This is the cornerstone of the church, the revelation of Christ in the heart of man, in all its facets and depth. Jesus asked his disciples:

Matthew 16:15 –  he saith unto them, but whom say you need that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, thou art the Christ, the son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, blessed art thou, Simon barjona: for flesh and blood has not revealed in a to the, but my father which is in heaven. And I say also into thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I’ll give unto the the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

What Jesus is saying, in other words, is the following: you are Peter. You are like an immovable rock, because of the revelation of Christ in you. Christ, revealed in you in full measure, is what gives you the authority in the heavens and on the earth to govern in the spiritual world and in the natural world. And with the authority that arises from this revelation, the kingdom of darkness will not be able to prevail against you.

Christ wants to reveal himself in our days, as he has never revealed himself to any other generation. God wants to raise up a supernatural church that knows him in the depth of His Spirit, a people whose power and authority are the fruit of an intimate and revealed knowledge of Christ in us, the hope of glory.

There is a prophetic mantle of revelation that is falling upon the church, called to be the spouse of the lamb. Revelation 19:10 says: the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

God is bringing a prophetic move without precedent, because he wants to reveal Christ in all of his fullness, so that in that revelation the heavens and the earth operate in one united realm by Christ Jesus.

Second design: the union of the heavens and the earth

Jesus has a glorious design for us and he shows it to us through the apostle Paul:

Ephesians 1:9 – he may known to us the mystery of his will, according to his kind intention which he purposed in him with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things upon the earth.

This means that God has planned not only to reveal the designs and structures of his celestial kingdom, but that heaven manifests in its fullness upon the earth, just like it was in the beginning in the Garden of Eden.

The Bible tells us what Eden was like before the creation of mankind when Lucifer still resided in the heavens.

Ezekiel 28:12 – thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. Thou has been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering

When God created man, he put him in the garden of Eden on the earth. But at that time, nothing separated God from man and nothing divided the heavens and the earth. Adam could see with his natural eyes his spiritual clothing, and could walk with God in the cool of the evening.

This will also be the level of revelation that the glorious church will experience in the last days.

The testimony of Christ, which is the spirit of prophecy, is one of the most important foundations for what God wants to do in our days – Revelation 19:10.

The testimony of Jesus Christ is eternal. Everything was created by him and for him. Everything in the heaven speaks about him and reveals him. From the invisible, which is him, came all matter that makes up the universe. Everything is sustained by his right hand.

The very essence of the prophetic is that Jesus be revealed, that the light of his glory open the eyes of our spirit and we experience him, feel him and see him just as he is manifest in the heavens. God is unfolding the heavens and a new and extraordinary way, for all those who want to stretch toward a higher and more sublime call, for all those who want to leave behind the old molds of a traditional church and enter into a new move of his spirit.

It is the birth of an apostolic and prophetic Reformation that will take the church to its maximum potential of power, of triumph, and of revealed knowledge of God, a church that will, literally, be seated in celestial places with Christ. This will not be a theological position, as we have seen up until now, where people proclaim this position of power, but the reality has been a church with limited ability to produce any supernatural manifestation of God.

The apostolic and prophetic Reformation is a substantial change that God is making in his church. It is the revelation of Christ as prophet and apostle, bringing the fulfillment of every word he has spoken, bringing the manifestation of the heavens upon the earth. It is the strength of his glorious government over all of creation through his body, which is the church.

God is choosing in this new Reformation those who will govern with him now and forever, and he is already positioning them in a different dimension of spiritual understanding and of communion with him. Many, around the world, are being caught up to the third heaven into an experience (in the body or outside of the body I do not know) to the third heaven, where God has been training them in an exceptional manner. (In later chapters I will go deeper into this.) I already know hundreds who have been there.

God is revealing the spiritual world of darkness in a way we have never before imagined.

Ephesians 1:9 – having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: that in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth.

The prayer of millions of believers, to whom is being given the understanding of the celestial designs, is causing the designs and the government of God to descend upon the earth.

The believers on earth are releasing power so that the heavens are made to descend. From the heavens God is raising believers and bringing the earth towards himself. Between the two realms, the second heaven will be smashed.

The kingdom of darkness the suffering earthquake after earthquake and beneath the earth is also being shaken!

Third design: the understanding of the spiritual world

God reveals to the prophet Daniel the age in which we are living today.

And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, everyone that shall be found written in the book. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

Daniel 12:1 – and they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firm and it: and they that turned many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.

These wise men do not refer to those having the message of salvation, but those that understand the designs, the times and the work that God is doing in our days. There are people, who make a difference in the kingdom of darkness, because they shine. They are sons of God who understand spiritual government because they teach righteousness – which, as we shall see later, is one of the cornerstones of the foundation of the throne and of the kingdom of God.

Michael, who is the chief of the armies of God, has risen in order to fight in the air the battle that will loose the greatest harvest of all times of “everyone that shall be found written in the book”. These are the ones who are called to be saved according to the designs of God for their lives, but who are not yet saved because they need to be set free. In this action led by Michael, we see an indisputable move of spiritual warfare and a number of they that be wise who have the illumination and the capacity in the spirit to understand what is happening in the spiritual realm.

Through this passage, the first thing that God wants us to understand is that we move simultaneously into dimensions that are both linked together – the natural world and the spiritual world. The stronger of the two, is the spiritual world as it is an eternal reality. It is this spiritual world that affects, transforms, modifies, rules and structures the natural world. What occurs in the spiritual world is going to determine the history of the natural world.

If we want to change the world that surrounds us, transform our communities, affect the thoughts and idiosyncrasies of a nation, it is essential to produce these changes first of all in the spiritual dimension.

The spiritual world is basically and essentially made up of two kingdoms: the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness. It is the kingdom of darkness that rules as a spiritual government over practically the whole earth.

Ecclesiastes 5:8 – if thou seeth the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a Providence, Marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth; and there be higher than they.

Here you can see clearly how a structure of hierarchies of oppression affects the natural world.

God allow the apostle Paul to understand the spiritual world, to look into it and to reveal it to us in his epistles. I believe, and this is only my opinion, that when he was caught up to the third heaven, he saw the designs of God, and he was permitted to see from above all of the organizational structure of the kingdom of darkness. I believe this because of the way in which he tries to communicate to the Ephesians about the different levels of the demonic powers in the heavenly regions.

He talks about principalities, of powers, and of rulers of darkness, of hosts of wickedness, and these are not synonymous with the word demons, but are a clearly understood structure of the kingdom of darkness. In the epistle to the Colossians, he adds another two hierarchies that are over the ones previously mentioned, which are thrones and dominions. Paul talks to us about these things due to their obvious importance in understanding the spiritual world.

One thing that is undeniably true; the more we know about the spiritual world, the easier it will be for us to apply the principles of the kingdom of light, which will drive out the kingdom of darkness. The purpose of these lines, therefore, is to help you to understand the plans and designs of God, as well as the designs of the devil, in order to take the church to the total victory that Christ won for her on the cross of Calvary.

Spiritual cities

God reveals the spiritual world to us through his Word, through types, symbols, parables, and analogies, together with historical events and through clear descriptions of his kingdom revealed to the prophets, and undeniable visitations by celestial messengers. 

One teaching that we have learned in that God has revealed to Dr. Morris’s cerullo is that all truth is parallel. Based on this, we can observe how societies throughout the centuries have built cities in order to establish themselves. Cities are seats of government. It is in the major cities of a nation where the social organizations are found that determine the history and the development of each country. It is in the cities, where the main religious temples, as well as the financial institutions that sustain the population, are established. For this reason, when we talk about government and structure, the concept of city is one of the most important concepts that we can study.

The book of Revelation reveals to us this type of structure of darkness:

Revelation 17:18 – and the woman which thou sawdust is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

For many reasons, we can know that this does not refer to a specific city in the face of the earth, but rather to a structure of demonic government, symbolized by the image of a city.

The word says that this structure of darkness is reigning at the present time, since it does not refer to something that is going to become manifest in the future. This woman is also called Babylon the great. We know that the Babylonian principles of confusion, as its name suggests (Babel means confusion), operate in every nation through false religions, philosophies or dictators that separate man from God. It has been this way since the times of the Tower of Babel until our days.

Then a formation or spiritual structure exists in the celestial regions from which the different demonic governments on the face of the earth depend. There not only exist a city of darkness that governs the nations, but also a celestial city and a divine structure, which are the ones that God wants to establish upon the earth. And it is this divine structure or design that we want to discuss as we go along in his book.

Ezekiel, who saw the glory of God and who was immersed innumerable times in the designs of God, was transported in the spirit in order to see this grand structure in the heavens. In the visions of God brought he me into the land of Israel, and set me up on a very high mountain, by which was as the frame of a city on the south…

Ezekiel 40:2 – and the man said unto me, son of man, behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears, and set thine heart upon all that I show the; for to the intent that I might show them unto thee art thou brought hither: declare all that thou seest to the house of Israel.

God tells them to see, to listen to and to set his heart upon the vision. And this is an essential key for the great depths of the kingdom of the heavens to be revealed to us.

The prophet Daniel, to whom God open the spiritual world so he could see one of the most extraordinary angelic battles, said:

Daniel 9:21 – yea, while speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, who might seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused the fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation. And he informed me and talked with me, and said, oh Daniel, I am now come forth to give the skill and understanding. At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth, and I’m come to show the; for thou art greatly beloved: therefore understand the matter, and consider the vision.

The great prophetic move that God released upon Daniel for the liberation of Israel was loosed upon a man who regretted, understanding the structure and designs that would bring the people back to God and would release them from captivity. He prayed, and begged, and confessed the sin of his people. He did not stop until he had literally shaken the structures of the government in the second heaven.

His prayer activated Gabriel, and the understanding to mobilize the heavens was given to him. I can tell you, dear reader, without any fear of being mistaken, that that same Gabriel is being mobilized by God to bring the revelation and the understanding that will establish, according to the designs of God, the great celestial city in the government of God upon the earth. God is sending his army of angels upon every nation, so that, together with the church, they can carry out his designs.

Hebrews 1:14 – are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth the minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

The angel that spoke with Ezekiel and the great revelation of the celestial city said to him:

Ezekiel 43:11 – and if they be ashamed of all that they have done, show them the design of the house

A glorious move of prayer, of crying out and a sincere thirst to seek God has been loosed upon the whole earth. Revelation is coming up on the face of the earth as never before, and a powerful awakening of the prophetic and apostolic anointing are descending from on high.

Fourth design: the kingdom of God is in our midst to govern the earth

When we talk about kingdoms, kingdoms of light as well as of darkness, we are referring to systems of government. A kingdom exists with the purpose of ruling through a structure of power, of thought, of behavior, of laws, of the economy, etc., and it submits under its regime all of its subjects.

On earth every government is recognized by the inhabitants of their countries, and the people submit themselves to their respective kings or presidents.

The kingdom of the heavens is about to manifest itself in a surprising manner. The design of God is to govern, and Jesus is choosing those who will govern with him, in this time and forever. The mission of the different ministries of Jesus Christ is to establish the kingdom of God upon the face of the planet, and for this to occur, we need understand how the kingdom works.

Our battle then, is how to eradicate (destroy) the government of the devil and how to establish the government of God. It is then a war, not between isolated beings, each one fighting for his little piece of ground, as if we were all desert nomads; but it is a fierce battle in the spiritual world that will drive out one government in order to establish another.

Until now, we as individuals have gotten use to some of the principles of the kingdom of God being established in our own lives and in some members of our communities. Nevertheless, the will of God for our times was much further than that. The heart of God wants to govern our entire nations and over the whole earth. God is not satisfied with a small remnant of apparently faithful people, who in the background are fighting and criticizing one another.

God wants to reign over every nation. His final design is that the heavens and the earth be united in Christ Jesus. He is King in the heavens and he wants to be the effective and true king over all the earth, through his people.

Is in our daily prayer, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, your kingdom come?

We can bring the kingdom of heaven upon us without understanding what kingdom and government are. When I refer to spiritual government, I am not referring to the governmental order of the local church, nor to a system of hierarchy that controls the people of God; but to something higher, to the sublime (complete) government of the heavens over the nations of the earth and over every created thing. Jesus gave us through his victory on the cross all power against the kingdom of darkness:

Luke 10:19 – behold,I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power the enemy;: and nothing show by any means hurt you.

Authority has to do with principles of the kingdom of God. The vast majority of Christians do not have the least bit of authority, because they live in an independent, unstructured and errant (wandering from the path) manner. And I’m not only talking about Christians who are church members, but to entire churches that are similar to small tribes, disconnected from any union with the kingdom. The sad thing is, Satan and his people understand spiritual principles with much more clarity than the average Christian does. Satan knows that every spiritual law originates in God, and what he does is to take these principles, pervert them and make them work. And in this way, he surpasses us in many ways.

I am reminded of a story of diverse people who live dispersed, like the nomadic groups of the deserts of Africa and Arabia. They didn’t have power or authority until a man, with kingdom vision, united them under the great Empire, known today as the Islamic nations. Mohammed, their leader, prophet as they call him, understood that in order to govern and to establish the violent and cruel principles of Islam, he had to unite the dispersed tribes. Today, the fight to liberate millions of Muslims from slavery is a fierce battle against a strongly organized government in the second heaven.

What God wants us to understand is that the authority that he gave us is not just to liberate those possessed with demons and to heal the sick, but it has to do with governing with Christ Jesus. In the natural realm, the strength of a country resides in the unity and the solidarity of its inhabitants, and their commitment and national consciousness.

It resides in the confidence they have in those who govern them and in the conviction to give their lives for the ideals of their country. It depends upon the power of their armies in the strength of their international bonds. It rests in the economic stability and the financial aspirations of its inhabitants. And all this makes the nation grow and prosper. But, above everything else, it depends on who their God is.

Psalm 33:12 – Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he had chosen for his own inheritance.

We see the same pattern in the designs of God for our times. Let’s consider Israel. During the whole time of the dispersion of the Jews, God’s people in the flesh were an isolated people, gathered in small communities. They were the people united by the principles of God and by their blood bonds, but they were not a nation. They had no power upon the earth, or opinion, or rights. They were a people without a government, and any nation who want to persecute them, kill them, humiliate them, and robbed them, simply did it.

The time came and God gathered them from the confines of the earth. It didn’t matter if they were legalistic or Orthodox or simple in their faith. Forgotten, strangers, and foreigners among the nations, God begin to visit them. Their hearts began to move towards just one direction: to be an established nation, a nation recognized by the earth and inhabiting the land that God at one time had given them!

An anointing of unity, of faith and of government fell upon millions of Jews, and in 1948 the decree was signed: Israel was now a nation. The designs of God were fulfilled upon the earth. The same thing is happening with the church of Jesus Christ, the spiritual Israel. The design of God is not for there to be a bunch of small churches or isolated and dispersed  denominations in the middle of nations that are governed by demonic principles, and just like Israel, are humiliated, persecuted and killed. The design of God is a spiritual nation that governs over all of the kingdoms of the earth.

1 Peter 2:9 – but ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nations, a particular people

And it also says about his governing people, symbolized by Mount Zion:

Isaiah 2:2 – and it shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow into it.

Mountains are symbols of government, of establish kingdoms, and they are set on high in order to rule everything that is below them.

Hebrews 11:8 – by faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whether he went. By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise: for he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.

God wants us to no longer be people beaten-down and subjugated by the pharaohs of our days. He wants us to become the city full of the power of God that entered into possess the land in the times of Joshua. He wants us to be the nation that the devil and all of our enemies fear, because the glory of the Lord of hosts is seen upon us.

Isaiah 60:1 – arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon the. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon the, and his glory shall be seen upon thee and the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.

His glory will be visible and the church, the nation of God will govern over all the kingdoms of the earth. Ever since I came to the feet of Jesus Christ, I have known that it is the church of our Lord that has the power over every kind of evil, and over any type of organization of darkness. Through the ministry of warfare, I have confronted several of perhaps the strongest powers of the devil upon the earth. And, on various occasions, God is allowed me to come face-to-face with Satan.

I’ve seen innumerable victories over the Empire of evil in almost every one of its forms, not only in my ministry, but also in other powerful ministries of warfare and liberation upon the earth. That is why I know, from experience, that there is no power greater in the universe than that of Jesus Christ and the power he grants to his servants.

Nevertheless, although God is in control over the whole earth, and nothing happens without his will, we see that the principles of God are not the governing entity over the nations. As it says in the book of Hebrews:

Hebrews 2:8 – thou has put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him.

It also says:

Hebrews 10:12 – but this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God; from henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.

When he says that he is waiting until “they are made,” this clearly means that someone else will do it, and that someone is the church. Returning to what pulses through my veins, which is that the authority of Jesus is above all other authority, something happened to me that changed my whole perspective in seeing things.

God began to awaken in me a vision that made me shake with horror. I saw the crushing strength of the kingdom of darkness, whose armies were organized, it’s generals coordinated, and its support fronts distributed throughout the whole earth. All of them fought for the same cause. There principalities and governors were united and perfectly structured, in order to carry out Satan’s plan is in the highest political, economic, and religious spheres upon the face of the planet.

Impressive hierarchies of darkness were positioned under the guise of secret societies. They not only govern in the visible realms of earthly governments, but their diabolical plans were protected through underground powers that were undetectable on the surface and therefore almost indestructible. There were supply lines that strengthened it from all parts of the world. Millions of demons went forth throughout the world inciting people to sin and to shed blood. This caused the walls of their fortresses to become stronger and insurmountable.

The kingdom of darkness had under its control the riches of the powerful of the earth. I saw their armies obey when they were sent to destroy churches and to finish off the ministries of God. The ones most attacked were the ones that were alone. I saw the demons entering the churches, and there was practically no opposition when spirits were sent in of pride and self-sufficiency, of gossip and division, of sex and greed and of power.

I saw the church as little lights dispersed in the nations, wanting to fight against the organized and terribly hideous government.

While my heart felt remorse with the vision, God confronted my soul and said to me, “don’t let your heart faint at the vision, because the time has come in which I will manifest in order to govern the earth. The heavens and the earth are one in me in this dispensation. I’m choosing those who will govern at my side”. While he talked with me, like a lightning bolt the Scripture came to my spirit that says:

Revelation 17:14 – these shall make war with the lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.

The question that inevitably arises is how to do it? How is the kingdom of darkness structured? How can we bring the conflict to light in order to win? What are the glorious revelations of the kingdom of God that will give us the total victory?

God is opening the book of our times. And the entrance to possessing the kingdom of God is before us. The purpose of these pages is the revelation that God gave me of the things that are about to happen, so that Christ will govern through his church upon the earth.

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