Chapter 4 – Christ, a kingdom of love

Ephesians 3:17 – so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

This is perhaps one of the most important segments of this book. And it is the essence of an intense cry of Reformation that is going forth from heaven throughout the whole earth.

John 1:1 – in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shinneth in darkness; and the darkness conquered it not.

As we see in this passage, light is the visible manifestation of the life of Jesus. This Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. Life itself left the father in order to live in the blood contained in the body of Jesus.

Light and life, circulated in that glorious blood. It is written:

Leviticus 17:11 – for the life of the flesh is in the blood

That is the same blood that would be shed due to his love for all of us. Light, life, and love are intimately bound together, and the one is nothing without the other, and the other without the one. There is no light outside of love, nor love outside of light, and these 2 are the same life of God manifesting itself.

The secret to shine is to love!

John 3:16 – for God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Love is the vital principle of light, and, as such, the origin of all revelation. The greater the understanding of love, the more light will come, and the more light, we will also have more revelation. John was the disciple of love. No one knew better the love of God than he did. And it was to him that the greatest revelation of the New Testament was given, revelation.

Paul was caught away to the third heaven, but due to the revelations, a messenger from Satan was given to him to buffet him. Nevertheless, it was not necessary to send John this type of affliction, because he knew love, and love is infinitely humble. Revelation is a product of love. Revelation is light. Everything that is revealed is revealed because light has illuminated.

Paul writes to the Colossians and says:

Colossians 2:2 – that their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, and of the father, and of Christ; in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Without love it is impossible to penetrate the sphere of light and of the deepest revelation that awaken the glorious mysteries of the divinity.

The reason why we just received revelation as with an eyedropper is because we live isolated under a structure of selfishness, of self protection, with barriers that isolate us from one another. This is darkness that covers our heart. He who is in darkness can only see his own needs.

The greatest force in the universe

God had begun to speak to me in a deep way, since the time that we had trained to climb Mount Everest. We were waging spiritual warfare on the highest mountain in Peru, the Huascaran, a peak of 7000 m high – or 22,965 feet. The devil, attempting to impede the order of God to take the high places of the earth, sent a sickness to my heart that made mountain climbing impossible, at least at these sites. But God had made me well-trained not to pay attention to what the devil says or does. I had a divine mission, designed and spoken by God, and nothing would stop me, even if I could feel death itself upon me.

The pain in my heart began to be extremely intense as we climb, so much so that I had to stop every 10 steps, until it let up a little, and then I could go another stretch. The time came when I had to grab onto a high rock because I literally felt that I was going to die. I can take even one more step. I’d asked my heart for a superhuman effort, and it was at the limit of its resistance.

The weight of an irrecoverably blotched mission filled my eyes with tears. Then I cried out to God, one more time, and I asked him, where is the power for victory? I’ve confessed every Scripture I know. I’ve pled the power of your blood and of your stripes, the power of your name and of your spirit. Please, speak to me!

At that precise moment, something extraordinary happened. A dense cloud of light began to descend from the heights of Huascaran. It was like a thick, gigantic veil of brilliant, transparent gold that began to cover everything. It continued coming down slowly, until it enveloped me completely.

Then, I heard a voice that came out from that radiance that spoke to me, and said, it is my love, daughter. It is my love. My love is the greatest force in the universe. For love, you will do things that you wouldn’t do for any other reason.

Then, that thick, splendid veil was filled with faces. There were millions of Peruvian faces. With a deep, sweet voice he said, look at how much I love them! Look at how much I love them! Suddenly, like an incredible injection of life, the power of love filled me completely. All of my being filled with vigor, as if those millions of hopeful faces and Jesus had become a part of me, and I would do anything for them.

The mountain still shown when I began to climb again. A new, great power was upon me. I knew that we would win the battle. This was one of the most glorious battles of my life and one in which a true Reformation began within my being.

This was only the beginning. God would continue an intense labor, working in my heart. During the year that the intense affliction of my life lasted, God taught me that love is of divine origin. Love is God. Love is: that he loved us first. Just as in the book of Proverbs – chapter 8, we see wisdom acting in the form of a person, likewise love is a person and wants to be treated as such. This person is Jesus, but it is the part of his being that is above all of his attributes and greatness.

It is in this part of himself that the fullness of God manifests itself. Paul says,

Colossians 2:9 – for in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.

What gives the fullness is not some great anointing of power, or the greatness of a ministry, or the size of a church. Only love gives fullness.

Love is of spiritual origin, since love is God. It is not something that comes from a deep emotion, nor is it something of our will, as I have heard so many say, love is a decision. Love is not a decision, which is solely a mechanism of the soul.

Love is a person, who wants to exist through you, who wants to love through you, who wants to unite with you in your spirit, and flood with fullness your entire being. It is in the love of God where heaven and earth are mixed and United.

The world is made in 3 dimensions: length, width, and depth, and, within these 3 dimensions, everything that was created exists. But when the Bible speaks about the love of Jesus, 4 dimensions appear. Length, width, depth – the earth – and add height, which is heaven united with the earth in Christ Jesus.

This is the most powerful anointing that has already begun to descend upon the face of the planet, the anointing of his love. A foundational anointing will flow upon the true apostles and prophets of the last days. These men are the wise master builders, designed by God to restore the church it’s true foundation, the love of God, which is the chief cornerstone of the revelation of Christ.

The present-day church is founded on doctrines, doctrines of baptism, doctrines of dead works, doctrines of gifts, etc., etc. I’ve looked through manual after manual about discipleship, and of those that have come into my hands, which are many, I have yet to find one that teaches the believer to lay his foundation upon love.

Love is not an option; it is the highest, and the only commandment, the Jesus gave us. Because love is the life in his blood, which mixes together and flows throughout his body. Without love, the body cannot exist as such; it is only dried bones, scattered about and dead.

A trip inside the heart of God

I saw many glorious things during the time in which God afflicted my life, and one of them was during an ecstasy that lasted 7 days on the island of Patmos. The Lord took me there in order to teach me the depths of his love, in which he wants to bathe the earth in this next millennium.

It was September 1999 when I arrived at the small island on the Aegean Sea, where the beloved disciple had his greatest experience. From the time that I arrived, I knew that the heavens remained open, and the presence of God could be felt everywhere.

The island is practically virgin, and the forest in which John prayed is still intact. It was there where I set up camp in order to live one of the most life transforming visitations that Jesus has permitted me to experience.

From the beginning, the spirit of God caught me up in an ecstasy in which he literally brought me inside his heart. First, I had the strange sensation of being in front of the cross, as if I were in John’s very shoes. I saw Jesus hanging from the cross. All of his wounds made my own body ache. I saw his bruised, deformed face, and I wanted to throw myself upon him and clean, with kisses of love, the blood that ran down his cheeks. He looked into my eyes. His eyes were almost swollen shut and were glassy with the look of the death that was beginning to invade them. Even yet he looked at me and he filled me with his love.

From his eyes flowed silent words it said to me, thank you for being with me in my pain. Thank you for not leaving me alone. The father and the Spirit have distanced themselves because of the sin that is upon me. Your love gives me strength, beloved. Stay with me until the end. Yes! Yes! My heart shouted, or John’s heart. I don’t know, it was like being mixed together with him.

Suddenly, the body of the Lord began to tremble, and a deep, distressed cry left his lips. I felt that it pierced through me. My beloved, my beloved! Don’t go! Shot at my soul, as the cry of his death resonated within me, like a deafening bell. It had been printed upon my soul, and I could not stop hearing it.

The earth began to shake, and the heavens were darkened. There was confusion everywhere. Shouts were heard. I was paralyzed, like John. I was living everything that John felt. My eyes were fixed upon Jesus. I cannot believe that my beloved was there… Dead. The sound of the armor of the Roman army brought me back to my senses. With violence and without any mercy whatsoever, they approached the two hung thieves, and they broke their legs. But when they came to Jesus, since they saw that he was already dead, they stopped. One of the soldiers kept looking at me with disgust, and then he turned. With his spirit, he pierced the heart of my beloved.

There, right in front of me, I saw Jesus’s heart open, and blood and water came out of his side. I, John, am the one giving testimony this. While I looked at the wound in the side, the heart of Jesus changed into the heart of the father. Suddenly, I saw as if it were a door that opened in this great, vital organ, and the spirit took me inside.

Inside it was like a Tabernacle with walls of flesh. There was a courtyard, a holy place, and the holy of holies. I spent 4 whole days there. Each part of this impressive place was full of wounds and open lacerations. They were different and of differentiating gravity. These were the marks of pain that remain recorded in the heart of the father due to sin. Sin terraces inside the part in a very painful way. There inside, there were sins that affected the courtyard, others the holy place, and others, where I saw the most serious wounds, arrived at the holy of holies.

During the days that I spent there, the Lord spoke to me about each one of his wounds. I spent a lot of time in the holy of holies. There the pain was the most intense. I asked Holy Spirit what these wounds were. What kinds of sins were so horrible that they caused this depth of damage inside the father’s heart? He told me, these are the sins against love, and any of its forms; divisions, hatred among the brethren, slander, treason, criticisms, when they attack and destroy each other, when, full of jealousy, they persecute one another, when they annihilate the fallen, and they hate among themselves. These are the sins that wound the father the most, he added.

Then God showed me the impressive holiness of love. God is love. And his love shines with dazzling brilliance, because it is holy. This holiness emanates from his own heart and is, in itself, the holy of holies. It was an extremely reverential glory that was before me, while his love surrounded and consumed me, like an intensely powerful fire that filled me in a gigantic wave of life, of grace, and of mercy. It was impressively pure, holy, and infinitely holy. It was the heart of God.

As a truth that was impressed upon my spirit, the Lord spoke to me about the holy of holies of his own heart. This is the place of complete, full fellowship, of the deepest intimacy between God and man. It is where the fullness designed to fill our heart finds its highest manifestation. It is there that our heart finds total and perfect union with God.

The word became alive within me.

Ephesians 3:17 – rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breath, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, that she may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Then I heard a voice that came forth from the midst of the glorious holiness, and it said to me, my love is holy, and there is no possibility of holiness outside of my love.

Holiness has nothing to do with religious conduct. It is a matter of love, of founding ourselves on God, of giving our lives for others, as he gave his life for us. Holiness is to love from the glorious sacrifice of the cross, where the total negation of self is found, so that love, which gives everything on behalf of others, can express itself. The more that we stir ourselves into that glorious essence between our spirit and his spirit, the more I cease being me in order to change into us, loving him through loving others, the more I am drawn near to his holiness.

After that, he showed me the Temple of love in a marriage. This is the spiritual place were two souls bond together with God. It is the marital bed where holiness and pure love are bound together. What happens there is intimately tied to the heart of God and is infinitely powerful. Then he showed me the terrible abomination of adultery and of sexual perversion. He who perverts the marriage bed, touches the holy of holies. He or she is touching the holiness of God in the very area of his heart. It is as if he or she were to allow pigs into the holiest place of God. Sins against love, and any of its forms, touch the most delicate and sensitive area of the heart of the father.

Love is not an option. Outside of love there is only thick darkness. And it is terribly painful how we wound God.

First John 2:9 – he didn’t say if he is in the light, and he does his brother, is in darkness even until now. He that loveth his brother abided the in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him. But he that hate is his brother is in darkness, and walk a thin darkness, and no if not whither he goeth, because that darkness has blinded his eyes.

This is the greatest tragedy that I’ve seen in the churches around the world, that the people do not know how to love, or how to give to others selflessly in love.

First John 2:3 – and hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. He did say is, I know him, and keep it not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whosoever keep his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected

And this is the word that Jesus gave us to keep:

John 13:34 – a new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another; as I’ve loved you, that G also love one another. By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love to another.

Could a lost world needing love, a world that shouts in its loneliness and in its horrible emptiness, really see us as disciples of Christ, when there is so much selfishness, so much division and so much judging, and criticism within our ranks? Will we perhaps have the courage to see the truth and to cry out for understanding of the highest concept on the universe: the love of God, that is much greater and deeper than we can imagine?

The spirit of God is choking inside the body

When my sister, Mercedes, became filled with brain tumors, during all of the shaking that beat upon us, the Lord spoke to me in a tremendous way. For more than a year, she found herself connected to tubes all over her body. They were practically keeping her alive artificially. The only parts of her that were working were her spirit, her mind, and one hand.

One day, when I went to see her, she was rolled up into a ball. She had turned into nothing. She signaled me to bring her a piece of paper and a pen in order to write something. Her eyes were full of tears. With a lot of effort she traced a few words that said, it is so hard to live in a body that does not know how to die. I can see how her spirit was choking inside of her paralyzed body. It was so difficult to contain my cry, since this had to do with the closest person to me, identical twin. Mercedes and I came from the same cell and divided into 2. And the love that we feel one for another is a love that is known only by those of us who are identical twins.

The pain I felt upon seeing her like that was killing me, but that day it was worst when I arrived home, and I got into the presence of God. I began to hear the Holy Spirit, crying inconsolably. I asked him, startled, what is the matter, Holy Spirit? Why are you crying?

He answered me, the condition of your sister is a sign. This is how the body of Christ is living: artificially! Many have the name that they are alive, but they are already dead. Others want to survive, but without me. And they have little time left, and I am choking in a disjointed, sick body. I cried a long time, crying out to God for his body and asking the Holy Spirit’s forgiveness.

Little by little, through terrible operations, the tumors were removed. As she was being surrounded with love and fervent prayer, by intercessors that gave themselves to conquer death itself, she began to recover feeling in her mobility.

Then the spirit spoke to me again and said, this is how it will be in this third millennium. I have design operations in which I will remove the religious, fleshly tumors that have my body paralyzed. Some tumors will come out with the simple manifestation of my spirit of truth, that will bring repentance to my servants. These are the tumors that come out easily because they are not lodged in the flesh. But there are other tumors that I will remove through surgery, which are so rooted to the flesh that I cannot remove them without taking the flesh with them. The tumors I’m talking about are deceiving spirits of division, of pride, and religious spirits that have gotten into my body, and the flesh are the ministers who have fallen victim of them.

Jesus is loneliness

God created man from the depths of his heart and from the very foundation of love. Everyman is a spirit that came from God. We came from him, but not from any part of him. God, being completely in himself, and in the fullness of the love that flowed within the very Trinity, he decided to pull from himself a part of his own heart and to create from their mankind.

God would never again be complete in himself in the area of love. He had created a being made from himself. His heart was now in the hands of a beloved being that could fill with the joy of an undescribable love, or could also destroy it with pain and scorn.

We were made in the image and likeness of God, and are heart was formed in the design of his own heart. God created man with a heart that needed his creator in order to feel complete. But he put another empty place inside of man. It is not good for man to be alone. He created a wonderful incomplete feeling inside of man that can only be filled at the level of the soul with someone that empties their soul inside of him, each one becoming complete with the other, his beloved.

This is but the reflection of what God did with himself. He also determined for his own heart, that wonderful incomplete feeling, that only finds its fullness when his love, the church, empties herself into him in order to bind her heart with his as one spirit.

John 17:21 – father, I asked that they would be one in us, as you are in me and I knew.

The foundation of the universe and of all creation is love. Everything was created due to this glorious decision in the heart of God. God determined to love us, and this means he made himself need this love, your love and my love. Could God need something? Only someone who does not understand love would say no. Doesn’t the Shunammite woman in the song of Solomon say:

Song of Solomon 5:8 – I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if you find my beloved, that you tell him, that I am sick of love.

and her beloved only cries out because she is coming to him. Make me hear your voice, he cries out, with a heart thirsty for her love. To love is to understand, from our innermost being, the terrible loneliness of individualism. To love has to do with understanding what it is to be one. Ceasing to be, centered on myself and that I live only for me, in order to bind myself into a true us.

Among the glorious things that God allowed me to experience during the time of my tribulation, was one night in which Jesus revealed himself in an unusual way. I was falling asleep as I was worshiping in my bed, when I heard his voice say to me, come! At that moment, my spirit found itself in the same place to which we had descended sometime before, that dark place with the neon sign that said, direction loneliness. But the place was lighter now, though always shadowy. It appeared to be an enormous, empty warehouse. It was about 165 to 295 feet in length. The walls were gray, and bare, except for the sign of direction loneliness that was hung high on one of the walls. The difference is that now it looked very small.

In the back of the room, almost out of sight, there was a chair with the figure of someone seated in it. I approach with care. I didn’t know where I was, and the place was not at all appealing. As I got closer, I realized that the one seated there, with his head lowered and pensive, was Jesus. He was extremely sad. I was afraid to interrupt his silence. I just watched him, until he raised his face and looked at me. I will never forget that look; the pain that was in it pierced my heart.

Then I dared to speak, and I asked him, why are you here? Why are you so sad? What is this place? Where are we? He took a few seconds before answering, and then he said, this is the place of my loneliness, the place where my beloved never comes.

It broke my heart upon realizing the terrible selfishness that still abounds in us. I didn’t know what to do. I only said, no, Jesus, never again. At least I will come. I want to love you in all of your ways, even in the ones where the pain is unbearable. If you want to know love, he said, there are paths of deep pain that you will have to walk at my side, but you will see the fruit of your affliction, and you will be satisfied.

Within the depths of God’s heart

Unity and love are life. The life of God, manifested in its true way, necessarily seeks to unite and to love. He loves to the end, until he bleeds to death in the greatest pain, as in the case when one that he loves, chooses eternal separation from him.

This is the greatest pain in the heart of God, the deep hollow of emptiness and rending, of knowing that he will never again be with those that choose, by their works, hell. Love cannot stop loving. And, eternally, he will continue loving and mourning them. When God permits you to live in your own heart what he feels, when you can touch for just a second the open wounds of his heart, all of your being breaks, due to this acute, insufferable pain. There is no imagination that can conceive it, or words to describe it. It is too terrible. And when you truly understand this, you will do anything, even putting your life on the line, so no one is lost.

This is the last and the most fervent prayer of Jesus. It is a cry from the depths of his being, because he understands the pain of separation. Jesus was with the father when both loved and rejoiced in the splendor of wonderful love between themselves and the first couple. Jesus was with the father when the devil and sin removed, suddenly, and by the roots, the one that they had made, their beloved.

I can hear in my spirit, and I can almost not continue writing, the singular shout of pain that was heard throughout the universe, when the heart of God was pierced by the mortal knife wound of sin. From one instant to another, the one who was the apple of his eye, his delight, his fullness of joy, the one into which he emptied himself and she and him, suddenly had been violently pulled from his arms. I can perceive the deep silence in the heavens. Her voice will no longer be heard in the garden. His voice will no longer find Echo in a heart in love and thirsty for his love. In a part of himself, God was alone.

His beloved had surrendered to death. Day and night for centuries, the devil would butcher her, humiliate her. He would take pleasure in taking her to the most extreme reaches of the cruelest and unmerciful pain, and, all this, before the very eyes of her beloved.

The Angels witnessed in silence, time and again the shivers of pain that shook the universe. When the wind blew in the nights quite, Hosea the profit heard him cry from heaven.

Hosea 11:1 – when Israel was a child, I loved him and out of Egypt I called my son. But the more called Israel, the further they went from me. They sacrifice to the baals and they burned incense to images. It was I who taught Ephraim to walk, taking them by the arm; but they did not realize it was I who healed them.

Hosea 11:8 – how can I give you up, Ephraim? How can I hand you over, Israel?… My heart is changed within me; all my compassion is aroused.

It was from this same wound that Jesus would leave in order to come to look for the one that have been lost to him, and return her to the father. This is love: that he that loved us first, gave his only begotten son… In order to be returned to eternal life. A little piece of God, that is our spirit, continues existing in every man. A little piece of God in every human being is the seal of love that, and the depths of his being, cries out to be able to find again that love from which you came.

John saw his beloved’s heart being pierced before his own eyes. He saw the wound opened with the spirit. Jesus had told them, he who has seen me, has seen the father. Every lash on the body of Jesus, every jeer, every blow, every torn and flogged part of his flesh, was indelibly marked in the heart of the father. The father is in me and I am in the father, and this was truth in every cell of Jesus. This is being one.

In the middle of the darkness that covered the earth, they lowered the body of Jesus. I can see John, together with Joseph of Arimathaea, feel together with them when the nails were taken from his hands and his feet. John touched his still warm wounds. He held his lifeless body in his arms. Only he and 5 others, just 6 people, were permitted to touch his wounds and clean them with oil and perfume.

When I was on the isle of Patmos, and the Lord submerged me for 4 whole days inside the heart of the father, I saw a close relationship between pain and the fountain from which life flows. During one of those days, the spirit took me to a different place. It appeared like the interior of the heart, but it was not the beautiful heart of the father. There were deep and very painful wounds, but they were different. Diverse thick, dark liquid oozed out of the wounds. Other liquids were yellow or green, and each one smelled worse than the other. It was a horrible disease.

I asked the spirit where it was, and he said to me, in your own heart. What you are seeing and smelling is the older of bitterness, the stench of resentment, and the decay of the grudge. Look at that other one, he said. And I saw a wound that oozed black pus. That is self pity and victimization. I remain silent. I could only cry in repentance.

Then he carried me inside the heart of the father again. The pain was unbearable. There were millions of wounds, full of innumerable cuts, of sin upon sin, that it never healed. On top of a wound there was another one, and many more there could not close. There were the slaps in the face of the opinions of men, rising up insolently against him. The wounds were there of those that show contempt for holy things they don’t understand. They kicked love, they pulled his beard, they disfigured his face, they scanned him with the blows of the whip. Upon his open wounds they put the weight of the cross, they pierced him with nails, they made fun of him miserably, they vented their wrath upon him.

And we have done this with other human beings, or loved wealth and to whom “love” loved. Sin is not a light thing with which we can continue to live, as if nothing were happening. Our sins continue piercing and cutting the heart of the father.

My body cramped up upon seeing such suffering. I felt terribly grieved by the part of my life that contributed to wounding him and that, many times, not wanting to, I continue to do it. It was a horribly painful place, but there was, at the same time, and inexplicable peace.

From every wound a fragrant, and very beautiful aroma came forth. There was no bitterness, or grudge, or upon us, or anything worldly. Everything was clean, clear, and transparent. I spend entire hours simply loving him in that place, and still I continue doing it in my intimate times with him. Loving him with all of my heart, in that same place where our attitudes and high-mindedness have rejected him, cause some of his wounds to close. Love heals wounds.

This is what John did at Golgotha, and what he continued to do for the rest of his life. John understood what it was to be one with him in everything. John understood the power of loving Jesus and every human being. When you love in this way, the heavens open.

God reveals himself to those who truly love him. He is seeking worshipers in spirit and in truth. Jesus is not seeking people who speak in tongues, whose lives are trivial and without commitment. To worship him is to love him with all of our heart, with all of our strength, and with all of our being; and healing his wounds by loving one another.

While I was in that ecstasy inside the heart of God, something wonderful happened. I’d given myself in a deep love, asking him to use my life to heal his wounds, that he would take me to the world in order to restore his love upon the face of the earth. Suddenly, it was as if a door open, or more like a crack or an enormous cardiac valve. From there shown a brilliant and blinding light, and, from the midst of the brilliance, the voice of the father was heard that said, this is the source of my love.

Then a vision within the vision appeared, as if there were a translucent movie inside the heart of God. I saw 2 men fighting. One of them was inflamed with rage, and he railed against the other one. At that moment, an invisible hand scratched one of the walls of God’s heart, and made a painful wound. The angry man was thrown out, separated from God at a dizzying speed. I only watched and remain silent.

Suddenly, from inside of that wound that had been made, a powerful stream of shining light began to flow. It came from the source of love; and, like an enormous court of light, reached the man who had sin through wrath, and he began to bring him again towards himself. Then the father spoke again from the brilliance, and said, I cannot stand to be separated from those I love. This is my mercy, that is part of my great love, that when you distance yourself from me, I pour myself into you, and are to bring you back to me.

Look, he said, and fill the earth and my love, and make disciples of my love. These are my true disciples, those that manifest my love among men, loving one another. They’re going to humiliate you many times, and they are going to reject you due to this love. But be humble, and seek them again, as I also seek all of you without rest. My love is infinitely humble.

Song of Solomon 8:6 – placed me like a seal over your heart, like a seal over your arm; for love is as strong as death, it’s jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love; Rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned.

Jesus asked the father, and this was his last prayer: that they all may be one; as thou, father, are in me, and I and the, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that thou has set me. John 17:21

The spouse of Christ

The Bible closes its pages with Jesus making the greatest love call to his church, the invitation to enter into a marriage relationship with him. He has revealed himself through the ages as Savior, as healer, as provider, as Liberator, and so on, and so many ways. But his greatest manifestation is as groom.

The true meaning of following Jesus is to become his spouse. He calls blessed those that are invited to his wedding table. What is worthy to notice in Revelation chapter 19 the well-known passage on the wedding of the lamb is that there is no description of a ceremony nor we see a bride and a bridegroom. There is only a dinner table and a lot of guests.

The truth is that when we join with Jesus to become one spirit with him, we are entering into a covenant and marital unity with him. In this unity our marriage with him grows from day to day. It is like what happens in an earthly matrimony. First a couple sign the papers and then day by day they joined together their thoughts, their dreams, their characters, goals etc. until they become one heart.

Unfortunately there are couples that never melt into one another, because each of them are pulling in different directions. They are not aware of the marvelous power there is in yielding into the other and being nourished from the other, until they really become one flesh. Notice that in the last chapter of the book of Revelation the spirit and the spouse are calling the lost world to come to Jesus, the living water. The call to become his spouse is now, as we are alive on earth. Jesus wants to be one with his beloved so the world will know he was sent by the father.

Revelation 22:17 – and the spirit and the spouse say, come. And let him that hearetth say, come. And let him that is thirsty come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

The sad thing is that many never enter into this awesome union with Christ, because they think the wedding of the lamb is a future event that will happen in heaven. When we get married on earth we become one flesh, when we get married to Jesus we become one spirit.

That is why we don’t see a wedding ceremony in Revelation chapter 19, but a supper. This is the communion table in which we partake of his flesh and his blood. As we partake of these elements the fusion takes place between his spirit and ours. – To go into a deeper understanding on this subject I recommend reading my book, eat of my flesh and drink of my blood.

In the body of Christ, there are different levels of relationship with the Lord. One level is that of a son. Sons seek God as father. They want to sit in his affectionate presence, to feel his loving caresses, but above all, sons are interested in their inheritance. Those having this level of relationship, stroll through the world, feeling like the sons of the great King. They seek favors of their father; they know they are his chosen people and royal priesthood. When a message is preached about the inheritance of the saints, or about possessing the earth, sons overflow with joy because they are sons and, as such, heirs.

Another level is the one of servant. Servants are humble, accommodating, faithful, and, in their heart, look forward to the day when they are to be given their rewards. They dream about the crown of righteousness, about the crown of life, about hearing one day the father saying, well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I’ll make you ruler over many things. They like to have positions where they can influence many people. Many of them look forward to being found worthy of the fame that God grants. And even though these levels of relationship are wonderful, there is a level that is higher, and this is the one of the bride of the lamb.

The apostles of Jesus followed him for different reason; some, because they were awestruck by the miracles; others, because they were seeking positions within the kingdom. Who will you leave in charge when you leave? – Them. But only one, John, filed him as his beloved disciple. The one who is his bride is not seeking inheritance, or rewards, or position, or fame; she wants him. She is deeply in love with him, and will do whatever is necessary for her beloved. She will go wherever he goes.

The one who is his bride, is united to the Spirit, and together they have a cry that does not leave them day or night. The only thing she wants is to be with him, to look into his eyes, and to lose her cell for entire hours in the freshness and the intensity of his gaze. Her shot in her cry is a continual, come! She gets up in the morning and cannot begin the day without feeling him by her side. Her first thoughts are of him and no one else but him. Her heart burst with love songs for her beloved.

She is barely awake and is already bathed in his glorious presence. Her lips are full of his name: Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! There so much fullness in this name that she cannot stop pronouncing it. It is ointment poured upon her entire being. It is the air that she breeze. It is the only drink that satisfies her.

Hearing his name, hearing it resolved within her, while he showers her with well-being, and woos her with the kisses of his mouth, is her supreme delight. His kisses are the breath of life that unite there to spirits. It is when words are insufficient, and the only thing they desire is to bond, one with another.

This is his cry:

John 17:21 – that they all may be one; as thou, father, Arden me, and I in the

And her cry is:

Song of Solomon 1:2 – that him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine. Draw me, we will run after the: the king has brought me into his chambers

When he kisses her, her heart seems to burst with unspeakable joy; and her kiss floods the heavens with a delicious aroma. On one occasion, while I was worshiping and I felt those kisses of his mouth, the Lord took me in spirit to heaven. There, I saw Jesus seated on his throne and, around him, the most magnificent celestial worship. There were myriad of Angels, harmonizing beautiful songs, others flew around, making twirls and Pirouettes in a dance full of harmony and perfection, while the glory radiated above the throne, making reflections of light that left one speechless.

I found myself close to the throne, at a distance in which I could easily see the face of Jesus. He was pleased with the worship, but his eyes denoted the satisfaction. His presence was very reverential; it cannot be interrupted by any circumstances. Therefore, I remain in silence, observing everything in detail. Upon seeing his face, I felt very discouraged when I thought that if that worship did not satisfy him, what hope did I have, that my little songs could please him? Suddenly something happen. The face of Jesus began to change and to become filled with a glorious light. He leaned over, barely remaining seated on the edge of the throne, as if something extremely important was about to occur. Then he raised both arms and signaled for all the angels to be silent. Instantly they were quiet. I hardly dare to even breathe.

Everything remain as static, and a most solemn order. The Angels that danced had moved to the sides, and before the throne, was a tiled floor of the deepest blue. From in the middle of the floor, a ribbon of smoke began to flow, that rolls until touching the face of Jesus. He began to smell, and the entire place was filled with and exquisite fragrance. While he enjoyed this strange perfume, his face filled with joy and radiated more intensely.

It was at that moment that he turned and looked towards where I was. His gaze found mine, and I felt that it pierced through me with a wonderful love. Then he said, this is what fills my heart with fullness, the true and sincere worship of my beloved. I returned from the vision, with a deep feeling of gratitude, the think that we, being nothing in comparison with what he is, fill him with the light with our love and with our worship.

In the churches and in the conventions where God has taken me, I observe the people many times, when the time comes to worship. Sadly, the vast majority only sing in order to fill the moment, but their minds and our hearts are not with him. But among them, there is a remnant, whose voice goes through the ceiling and arrives to the very heavens. It is the bride of the lamb that is seeking that kiss, that union of substances in the depth of the spirit, that is where one touches and drinks of life.

He was first, come. She is always thirsty for him. The day that she does not see him face-to-face, – because the beloved is permitted to see his face – or for some reason his voice was not heard, that day, she feels incomplete. The vital essence of her being has been absent and she goes out to seek him with fervor. She will stop at nothing. She will expose herself to danger if it is necessary, she will run day and night. She will shake the heavens with her cry. She will not quit. She has tasted the water of marital love, and she can no longer live without it.

Song of Solomon 5:6 – I open for my lover, but my lover had left; he was gone. My heart had gone out to him when he spoke. I look for him but did not find him. I called him but he did not answer. The watchmen found me as they made their rounds in the city. They beat me, they bruised me; they took away my cloak, those watchmen of the walls! Oh daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you – if you find my lover, what will you tell him? Tell him that I am faint with love.

It is to the bride that the intimate secrets of the groom are revealed. It is to her that he opens his heart to give her parts of himself that he does not share it with servants or with sons, but only with her. There is a love that comes from God, that is not the love of the father, or of the friend, or of the teacher. It is a passionate love. It is a love that is liquid fire that runs through your veins. It is a love that lights up the spirit and enfolds you in a brace that transports you to places in him that are reserved only for the bride.

This love seeks total possession. It is not satisfied with fragments of love; it wants it all. It will do whatever is necessary to tear down every obstacle that gets between he and his beloved. As a turbulent river that no one can stop, he levels and knocks down, without mercy, everything that separates him from his greatest love. This kind of love, inevitably destructive, shatters the ego, loves mortal enemy. It will arise as a furious line against strongholds of fear, with which men protect their own heart, in order to love with reservations.

First John 4:18 – he that Ferris is not made perfect in love

This kind of love does not allow a halfway commitment, or hearts that are cautious of giving themselves. It will break arrogance and self-sufficiency into fragments. It will demand your all, in order to pour it self into you. It will trample over common sense many times, putting the shame phariseism and religious mindsets.

This type of love does not respect formalisms, or structures of men. It is like Jesus as he was seen setting people free and healing them on the Sabbath, without worrying about the protocol the law, because the essence of all laws love. And love comes before rules. It is the greatest of all God’s attributes. It is higher than justice and and wisdom, and then the law itself.

The marital love of God is like a consuming fire that will take you to places that terrify you, where the limited soul of man fills with fear upon seeing the point to which the love of God is capable of giving itself. And it is then that he ask you the question, will you follow me wherever I go? Do you really love me in such a way, that you want to become one with everything that I am, and in the deepest levels of my love?

This is how I love, says the Lord. Every day I put my open heart, without reservations, in the hands of every human being. And every single day, they tear to pieces. And the following day, I do not give them less of me, but I put it all again, expose, without caution, without limit, in order for it to be destroyed again. And while they knife it day after day, in the heavens resounds my voice, father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing!

Rational man is afraid of love, because loving costs everything, because love and pain are intrinsically connected. The true bride and lamb will follow him wherever he goes. She doesn’t ask questions; she simply falls. She trusts holy in him, and even though he takes her to death itself, she continues trusting in him. She knows him intimately, deeply. And death for her is her final victory, that which will unite her intimately and forever with her beloved.

On one occasion in which the Lord was preparing my heart for the great trials that were approaching my life, he brought a dream that shook me to the most sensitive fibers of my heart. I saw myself floating in outer space. Our planet a beard small in the distance. Then I saw an enormous silver pistol, with a short but very powerful barrel. At that moment, silver bullets began to go out from it, one after another, slowly approaching the earth.

As in a close-up of a camera, my spirit penetrated the atmosphere, and to I could see in detail the people within a city. The gigantic bullets began to arrive, and everyone was running in every direction through the streets well they shouted again and again, no, we don’t want it! The bullets then fell to earth and disintegrated.

Then I saw among the crazed multitude, some who had remained quiet, and, smiling, they extended their hands and waited for the bullets to fall upon them. When the bullets penetrated their bodies, the silver changed into light, and they were invaded by the indescribable splendor of God. Little by little, they began to transfigure until the only thing that was seen was the image of Jesus.

When I woke from the dream, I asked the Lord, what are these bullets? It is my love, he answered me. Your love? And why do you identify it with bullets? I asked.

Because this kind of love is a love that kills. To know the depths of my love is also to know the deepest dimensions of pain and to understand the price, and what it means and what it costs to truly love. Many want nothing more than my blessings, but they do not know me, though they know about me. To know me means to penetrate, to understand, and to make yourself one with everything that I am.

I am choosing from among my people those who will be my bride. They are those who have been crucified to the world and all of its desires in order to follow me. And I’m going to transfigure myself into them, and my glory will be seen in them, because I honor those who honor me. And the world will know those who know me and have seen me, and who just talk about what they’ve heard, but they are more afraid of man then of me.

Revelation 22:17 – and the spirit and the bride say, come. And let him that here at say, come. And let him that is a thirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

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