Section 2 – Reformation – chapter 8 – principles of Reformation

Second Corinthians 4:3 – but if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

Since entering the 20 first century, God showed me radical changes that will come upon the earth and upon the church. I remember that I was worshiping at a convention at the end of 1999, when I saw the heavens open and an enormous book descend, as large as the size of a city.

In its open pages, I sell thousands of men and women with authority. When they spoke, all submitted to them, because they were men of great renown. They were ministers of God. Their voices were eloquent, but they turned their backs on one another. Then I heard the voice of God that said, this is the book of life in which are written all my designs. At that moment, a gigantic page began to lift up, and it turned over in order to fall upon the previous page. The Lord spoke again, I am turning the page of history.

The church of the twentieth century has been left behind, and those who remain bound to its structures will be silence. Many of the influential voices that you have heard until now, you will no longer here. I’m raising up a new generation that will fear me, and  will speak what I give them to speak. It will not speak on its own, but I will tell it what to speak. It will be a generation that will love me and will honor me, because it will have more fear of me that of men.

As I listen to the Lord, the page was slowly falling. As a space between the previous pages in this one grew narrower, the voices were being silence. They shut it desperately in order to be heard, but no more sound came out of their throats. The page finished falling, and there was a brief silence. Then I saw on the new side of the page, a series of new, fresh people, full of the presence in the glory of God, and their voices began to make incredible sounds. I saw many young people, some middle-aged men and women, and very few old men.

God is coming with great power upon his people in order to shake everything that needs to be shaken, so that the impossible remains. And he will use the base and the despise the world in order to put the wise to shame. A clear difference will be seen between the people of the kingdom and the religious people of the church. And a wave of his irresistible power, of his love, of his knowledge and of his glory will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.

A glorious gospel will be preached

Second Corinthians 4:3 – but if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them their loss: in whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

I can hardly sleep, hearing the Holy Spirit groaning day after day for the church. He loves her soul. He regrets seeing her in the fire, as he saw her when she was conceived in the heart of the Trinity. Before the world was he already saw and rejoiced about all of the glorious plans that the father had for his beloved.

Proverbs 8:31 – rejoicing in the habitable part of the earth and my delights were with the sons of men.

Jesus came to preach a glorious gospel, a gospel that transforms and changes lives, a gospel that is the news of his great power and who is kingdom coming among us. Jesus spent 40 days after his resurrection, teaching his disciples the mysteries of the kingdom, giving them the keys in order to train a powerful church, a church were signs, wonders, and revelation would make the glory of God visible.

They do not have Bibles or books published by great Christian authors, but they had the Holy Spirit. They depended on him for everything. What occurred when they received the Holy Spirit was so impressive that the word says:

Acts 4:31 – and when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.

They did not need training courses are Sunday schools in order to go out and do the work of God. Now, I am not against this. But I want us to realize that they saw something. They were exposed to something that was so genuine, so true, so full power, that it converted them into instant ministers.

When we are full of the Holy Spirit, I glorious gospel comes out of our lips that transforms the soul. When I was converted in 1985, I saw the power of God in an extraordinary way in the psychiatric hospital where I was confined. I was full of the Holy Spirit. And, in the 15 days that followed my conversion, the psychiatric hospital was practically empty, as I was casting out demons and healing the sick. I simply believe. As it is written:

Mark 16:17 – and these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Today I do not see that this is the experience of thousands and thousands that attend our churches every day. Somehow the church of the twentieth century, that had many bull’s-eyes in moments of great revivals, healings, and wonders, also committed grave errors.

I want you to look at a reality together with me, because the desire of my heart is not to criticize anyone. What I want is to bring a little light, so that together we can make a diagnosis of what is good and of what is bad. This way, we will be able to help the church grow healthy and powerful, which is the desire of Jesus.

Today in the vast majority of churches, and in the lives of the people in particular, we find congregations in which all the work is done by perhaps 10% of the church, while the other 90% warm the pews. The church lives defeated, complaining about everything, talking bad about everybody. They are physically and emotionally sick, and a large number them have serious financial problems. They live a carnal life, without power. Sitting is not an important issue for them, but they do want all the blessings of God.

Every time powerful man or woman of God comes, they run to the alters to receive the anointing. But after receiving tons of anointing’s, they go on the same, and they don’t do anything with that which was imparted to them. The other 10% carry on as best they can, with a tremendous workload, both inside and outside of the church. They are exploited in a miserable way by the people, who are not concerned with even their most basic needs, but who demand everything from them. They live on her knees, crying to God to move the congregation forward and pay the bills. Meanwhile a large part only give God the minimum and rob him of their ties and offerings.

The pastors live, caring a burden that is killing them, without the people having the slightest pity for them. They are overwhelmed and abused by the hundreds and thousands of people that are only seeking their own well-being and answers for themselves. The burden and the responsibility become so strong that if a sheep changes churches, it becomes a motive for the division between some pastors.

Fear begins to invade decisions, because the stress level become so high. The love and liberty that should reign our exchange for attitudes and spirits of control.

Many times when I entered the praying the presence of God and he opens his heart to me, I can hear the deafening shots of the pastors and ministers of God, who simply cannot take it anymore. This is one of the most glamorous noises inside of the heart of God. The cry of the desperate, exhausted servants, who have no one to talk to, with whom they can pour out their soul, while the devil roars in their years in order to eat them alive. They must maintain the appearance of joy and wholeness, but inside there bleeding to death. The rigid structure of the intolerant church, without mercy, inhumane, holds them prisoners. They want to leave, but they don’t know how.

I want you to know, beloved servant who is reading these lines, the God hears you, and you are not alone and that God is about to do something radical in order to help you. He loves you infinitely, and he knows what you have been going through. He is cried with you every time you have cried, every time they have persecuted and crucified you unjustly. And your reward in heaven is great.

I remember one time when pastor Rafe L Jim as preached at a convention that we held for leaders in Mexico City. There were about 1200 pastors in the auditorium of the hotel. Suddenly, the spirit took him and, with a contrite heart, he said, God is showing me that this is more than one pastor here that has said, if God doesn’t do something, this very week, I’m going to kill myself. There was a deadly silence in the room. Then he made an altar call in order to pray for them. If you can imagine my surprise to see that more than 400 pastors ran to answer the call. The cry of those pastors literally sent one soul in the spasms.

On another occasion, as I worshiped the Lord, God showed me in visions the Lord Jesus, galloping on a white horse. His face was furious, as I had never seen it before. Before him was an enormous iron building, full of people grown. Then he stopped before it, and he took out an iron rod. And with only one movement of great force, he struck the metallic structure, and it unexpectedly fell to the ground. At that moment, he turned and looked at me and, with a great voice, he said, tell my people that I am coming with an iron rod against the structure of religious rigidity that subjugate’s my church; and tell them, he who does not leave from there, will feel my iron rod, and tell them that they do not yet know what my iron rod is like.

Something is very wrong, and it is all about to kill the spiritual life of very valuable people. Where did we go wrong? Where did we begin to take a wrong turn? Why don’t we see that powerful church that we preach about so much?

Pastors, leaders, church, it is necessary that we stop and bring a radical change. Millions of people categorically can no longer continue living in a religious structure, and a structure of masks and without power.

What I see is that we have brought the people a deluded gospel, a gospel without commitment, a cheap gospel. We have preached Christ as if he were the latest cookie on sale, that is your best option on the market, a gospel made of rules established by good men and by men with a burden for loss, but which has unfortunately a minute basic things. In the vast majority of cases, repentance is never even preached to unbelievers. People are brought to the churches without ever having experienced a burden for their sins, without having ever even considered the state of their soul.

If salvation is by grace through faith, it also has a door. And at door is narrow, and the entrance is to confess our sins and nail our life with Christ on the cross of Calvary. This is the design of God in the tabernacle of Moses, where at its entrance the altar of sacrifice is found. This is also God’s model through Christ. He himself said:

Luke 13:5 – except the repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

In the famous for laws to preach the gospel that are taught today, one law is omitted that says it is necessary that you repent and give your life to Jesus. The consequence of having calls to salvation without sincere repentance and without a commitment by the new believer gives birth to churches full sin and a lack of commitment.

A person who surrenders his life to Christ in the consciousness of a deep commitment, and being aware of his loss state, will receive salvation with deep gratitude and, as such, his walk will be one of surrender to God and faithfulness. This is not a personal opinion. This is a approvable reality throughout the world.

Jesus did not give his disciples a little evangelistic sermon for them to learn by memory and then that they would take the message of salvation that they. He didn’t tell them the handout tracks either. Obviously there were no printing presses. But what I want to emphasize is that he did not give them the twentieth century evangelistic easy way.

Jesus sat down with them. He imparted to them the spirit. He taught them how to cast out demons. He assisted them in discerning where sicknesses came from. He demonstrated the power, and he gave of grace freely so that they would, in turn, do the same. He spoke to them about the kingdom of heaven and the glorious possibilities that entering therein implied.

When he sent them, he said, preach, saying, the kingdom of heaven has drawn near to you. And then he instructed them to demonstrate what the kingdom is. We get excited when we see hundreds of people in a stadium answer the call of salvation, and then we are surprised when not even 2% of them join a church. The problem is that there is something wrong in the way in which we invite people to come to Jesus.

Peter, full of the Holy Spirit, on the day of Pentecost, preached and 3000 people were converted. He did not preach a pleasing little sermon that would not offend anyone. After demonstrating the power, he concluded saying:

Acts 2:36 – therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God has made that same Jesus, whom ye can have crucified, both Lord and Christ. Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and set on the Peter and to the rest of the apostles, men and brethren, what shall we do? Then Peter said unto them, repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the holy spirit. For the promises under you, and to your children, and to all that are far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

Believe me, since those of us who have understood the glorious gospel are experiencing it, thousands are coming to the feet of Christ and are entering the kingdom of God. One data Lord asked me a question, and he told me: asked this question to my people. What is the difference between inviting Jesus to be the Lord of your kingdom, and you entering the kingdom of God?

The vast majority of Christians invite Jesus to be Lord of their kingdoms, but have never entered into his kingdom. And, what is worse, and many of them, he is not even their Lord; he is their servant. The relationship they have with him is not one of honoring the Lord, but one of give me! Help me! Provide for me! Heal me! Open the door! Close the door! Etc.

My prayer is: reform, oh God, the preaching of the gospel, so millions will know you and truly enter your kingdom!

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